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18685322 No.18685322 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on booktok (tiktok book community and recommendations)?

>> No.18685331

This post is sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party.

>> No.18685332

they definitely read more than I do, so who am I to judge?

>> No.18685334

There are no literate people on jewtube and chinktok

>> No.18685335

They read shite tho, man.

>> No.18685337
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no opinion because i've had no exposure to it

>> No.18685340

does it count if the books are YA and no substance?

>> No.18685348

They are pretentious twats. Pay them no more attention.

>> No.18685358

i literally watched that video today OP. are you me? anyway it's all femoid literature.

>> No.18685381

Are there any lit with heavy female audience that are actually good?

>> No.18685384

no thoughts
I'm not some insecure boomer retard nonce who obsesses over younger generations doing their own thing

>> No.18685390

i haven't read enough to give an honest answer. part of me considers "new adult" shlock like taylor jenkins reid or emily henry entertaining in a guilty pleasure way. if I get the itch for chick lit it won't be for serious melodramatic stuff. rom-com is enough. I just want fun fluffy stories about people in their 20s really, but all the authors and readers of this stuff are women so that's what I'm stuck with. men these days don't read or something. where's a modern bukowski? otherwise i'm stuck with the offspring of sex and the city.

>> No.18685440

these, the people on booktok were tricked by librarians and there parents into thinking ALL reading is good

>> No.18685464

>into thinking ALL reading is good
It is when you just need to show that you read so people think you are smart and sensitive. Books like everything else are just an accessory and a collector's hobby for consumer fetishists. I'd wager that the majority of people today, especially since women now are the majority of book buyers, think more about adjusting the books on the bookshelf than actually reading.

>> No.18685467


*official soundtrack*

>> No.18685493

can`t you see, you belong to me

>> No.18685501

i'll be watching you

>> No.18685506

It is probably ok if you grow out of it. The main problem is getting stuck in whatever. It is ok to read some of those once in a while, but getting sutck on those probably isn`t

>> No.18685512

they don't read, it's all for show
when they do grow out of it they just move to another fandom-collection hobby

>> No.18685513

this, one of my friends bought like 20 books at once and immediately color coordinated her shelf and took pics for insta

>> No.18685518

People need to understand that reading books doesn't make you smart or an intellectual. Reading and writing and understanding text is a good skill, but reading YA above the age of 16 is not gonna do that, people read texts, news everyday.

A good movie or album is probably more insightful than a random book.

>> No.18685523

But that is the kind of thing that puts your imagination to work, anon.

>> No.18685525

How many of them did she read...? Also don't tell me she got a random book of each color.

>> No.18685526

>People need to understand that reading books doesn't make you smart or an intellectual.
Yes but truth doesn't matter, welcome to 2021, see>>18685513
everything is a some sort of identity fashion statement now and being fashion it is entirely about surface level impressions. It's difficult to accept that we live like this now but that's how shallow people have become.

>> No.18685532

they're shit

but id bottom for this guy

>> No.18685542

no clue i doubt it was very many, and i dont know if it was random but her bookshelf was nearly empty before hand, which meant she had to plan and seek out books of specific colors

>> No.18685552

probably picked from a bunch of "best books" list
this is why listicles exist, you can just skim them and consoom

>> No.18685568

OP quick question do you genuinely enjoy this guy?

>> No.18685591

nvm OP i watched another vid of his i like him now even if hes gay

>> No.18685597

Tbh I just searched booktok and picked that image, I never watched his videos.

>> No.18685632

what vid did you watch?

>> No.18685649
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Tried to expose myself to it and its all women or gay guys reading the same boring YA's generally.

The read alot and what I have seen is mostly the popular new books that are supposedly good. However, I got my Klara and the Sun recommendation from a friend who watched a video from him so I'm going to assume this man doesn't know what a good book is.

>> No.18685650

he bought a bunch of those decorative books you can get on etsy for shelf dressing and then read all of them and reviewed them, pretty simple vid and I don think we would be friends IRL but the vid was comfy and entertaining

>> No.18685653

ooh, sounds interesting

>> No.18685655

also lots of fanfic readers, which I dont have a problem withcategorically, but 99% of fanfiction is trash

>> No.18685660

watched that one too and it seems alright but I can definitely see how his and other book-tuber/tokers/grammers are for a demographic that is slightly out of the demographic that goes on /lit/

>> No.18685662

please find a very high place and jump, keep arms flush with body and try to hit the ground with your head

>> No.18685667

I like these book tubers
I don't particularly care for the books they usually recommend, but honestly, I like anyone who tries to remove the barrier between a generation and reading, seems like elitists always want to make reading seem like an intimidating thing to preserve their only way to feel superior

>> No.18685669
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I agree with this but all they read is boring shit anon so how can i get my literature fix from anywhere but /lit/

>> No.18685672

yeah thats why I said we wouldnt be friends IRL but I can see myself throwing on a vid if Im bored
Ok anon im not sure about this but I trust you, Im sure you have my best interests at heart

>> No.18685678

>I like anyone who tries to remove the barrier between a generation and reading
This is like saying that people reviewing porn movies are positive for cinema and are paving the road to people watching Bergman or Kurosawa.

>> No.18685679

the way I see it is once the younger generations build up enough confidence in their literary abilities they'll eventually come to places like /lit/, or at least read books that are usually discussed here
but without these people who help them cross over that first hurdle, a lot of young kids never even bother because they're just intimidated, and have this weird preconception that books are just textbooks or non-fiction

>> No.18685690

there is no barrier in film because it is a passive medium, no effort is required to watch a moving picture

>> No.18685725

I agree... but looking at reddit and twitter there are still 30 year olds that only read YA.

>> No.18685730

I'm not entirely surprised by that, I mean you see people in their 30s gushing over marvel movies too
the reality is that no matter which generation, only a small subset of people truly pursue knowledge of this kind, most are perfectly happy using these mediums as simply distractions for their carefree life.

>> No.18685737

There's no effort required in pretending you have read the trendy YA you're talking selfies with either
You are seriously overestimating how much effort people put into reading this shit, most people today don't even consume media, they just get a second hand summary from YouTubers, they don't care about their personal relationship with the content, they just want to get to the big REACTION moments so they can post on social media and belong to this week's #trending wave

>> No.18685760

I'm a high school teacher and I've noticed kids reading the exact books in the thumbnail. I asked if they've read the Iliad and they said no, even though the song of achilles is based off it (I haven't read it, I spoke with a chick who had read it a few years ago because we somehow got to talking about the Iliad. Never fucked her so it was a pretty pointless interaction overall).

My girlfriend also follows booktok. My thoughts are it's cringe, but I'm very thankful it's cringe and all the books on there are shitty YA. Gatekeeper mentality is justified sometimes.

I used to think this, but I've met real people who struggle to understand basic stuff like no country for old men or inception. I guess it's equivalent to being able to read words without understanding what they mean. Reading can be passive but it's not enjoyable as a passive activity; movies generally can be 'enjoyable' as a passive activity, especially if there are lots of cool explosions and gun shooty scenes.

>> No.18685761

Do burgers really lmfaooooooooooooo

>> No.18685764

>movies generally can be 'enjoyable' as a passive activity, especially if there are lots of cool explosions and gun shooty scenes.
I think this is also why young people are so partial to audio books, because it takes no effort from them to be enjoyed, even if they lose interest, the audio book simply pushes the progress further for them.

>> No.18685795

Pretty sure it's because they can play videogames while they're running in the background.
You only have to get a vague understanding of what is going on so it makes sense that it's enough. You are also going to posture about having read to other zoomers whose approach on reading is similarly fractured, nobody will ever question that you have not read the book

>> No.18685796

They are equivalent of zommer's thousands of facebook groups in my country. They don't care about the topics, they just want to own a group with big number

>> No.18685802

are there any cons for audio books? I can listen to a podcast in the background but when I listen to an audiobook I remember nothing, I prefer reading.

>> No.18685805

why are normies scared of trying things older than 20 years. it's not just with books, but films and maybe even vidya as well.

>> No.18685806

these people shouldnt be allowed to read theyll get stupid ideas in their little heads but luckily they stick to whatever garbage that guy is hocking so i wont fret

>> No.18685814
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>You only have to get a vague understanding of what is going on so it makes sense that it's enough. You are also going to posture about having read to other zoomers whose approach on reading is similarly fractured, nobody will ever question that you have not read the book
I just don't understand this mindset, though. Someone is posturing that they've read a book. Why? If you read you read because you enjoy the written word itself. If someone wants a general gist, which is what you'll retain if you're "listening" to audiobooks as background noise, you might as well just read a Wiki article.

>> No.18685816

>are there any cons for audio books?
If you're multitasking, yes: you're multitasking.

>> No.18685823

People are free to read all the shit they want. I just wish they understand what they're reading for what it is in comparison to actual quality.

>> No.18685826

>If you read you read because you enjoy the written word itself.
This is an old-fashioned way of thinking. You just don't do things for your own enjoyment today. You don't go to museums to see the art. You go to museums to post on social media that you have gone to a #museum and you like #culture because you're #intelligent. Filter literally every activity through this utilitarian lens and you'll figure out why things like reaction videos exist. Zoomers actually do not watch movies: they watch reaction videos to the big salient moments. They don't care about the experience of watching the movie, that's not the point. What they need is to collect the basic information so they are "in" and they can show that they're up to date. They can laugh at the memes now if they didn't get them before, etc. Even buying a product is an utilitarian act per se: past the dopamine rush of the purchase, there's the second rush of telling others that you've bought the thing. The packaging doesn't say something about the product, it says something about YOU, it's your script. That's the same for dust jackets and everything else.
I'd wager that the amount of people who still buy things with the old-fashioned mindset is maybe 30% and that percentage is shrinking.

>> No.18685901

Even if they don't read it, they can absorb the hottakes from Twitter, Goodreads, Booktube, Reddit and /lit/ which will have them passing in 90% of discussions.

>> No.18685907

Has a booktuber ever read gravity's rainbow

>> No.18686155
File: 35 KB, 641x530, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're spot on anon, those stupid normalf-
>and /lit/

>> No.18686490

This cannot be the state of things.

>> No.18686528

but it do, anon. it do.

>> No.18686652

pls dont recommend wiki article, I have a friend who asks to borrow my books and then just gives up and reads the wiki article

>> No.18686660

/ourguy/ waldun has

>> No.18686791

There is no reason why reading should be a glorified activity. If you're going to read garbage you might as well just watch netflix, you're getting about as much substance out of the experience.

>> No.18686797

I generally dislike people showcasing themselves when doing an activity; or not even doing an activity, but showcasing they bought something -- even worse.

>> No.18686831

people who read garbage are worse than netflix watchers because they get a superiority complex about it

>> No.18686837

But every time I express this Idea in real life, people just get immediately angry. If I say that "all tv is good" people (rightly so) think this is insane. "How can keep up with the Kardashians do you any good?" But reading is inherently positive, huh? And I'm the snob here?

>> No.18686864


>> No.18686894

If the majority of people who read Harry Potter were now into Moby Dick or Crime and Punishment I'd agree with you. They haven't, though. Harry Potter and all YA is an end in its own (and the few people who "went one step beyond" might have had done that anyway, with or without YA). This belief of yours sounds very nice, but it's delusional.

>> No.18686902

I kneel

>> No.18686906
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>> No.18686977

insanely dumb take. Reading words is not that active. Do you really think that projecting the description of a room in your head is more mentally demanding than interpreting a movie from Bergman or what not? Have you ever seen a good movie, btw?

>I think this is also why young people are so partial to audio books
so literally reading words is what makes books complex? I see...

>are there any cons for audio books?
for me, it's information retention. But this is way more due to the fact that I can stay 2h reading a book but not 2h listening to a book without getting distracted or doing something else. Besides, If I lose focus while reading, it "automatically stops", while a audiobook still plays.

>actually do not watch movies: they watch reaction videos to the big salient moments. They don't care about the experience of watching the movie, that's not the point. What they need is to collect the basic information so they are "in" and they can show that they're up to date.
this. I and some old high-school friends have a thing that once in a few months we meet up and watch some bad movies, RLM style. It's a fun activity to do with drunken friends. But I've noticed that for the past 3 or 4 years, most of my normie friends suddenly became aware of those movies — but only through reviews. Even my young sister sent me a review of Fateful Findings once — and from the review it was obvious that even the reviewer hadn't actually seen the movie (or, if he watched, he wasn't paying any attention).
I took this as an example because it's the exactly same fenomenon for good literature or any other thing. The quality is irrelevant. The thing itself is irrelevant. The reception os all that matters.

>> No.18687025


You guys should watch Emmie. She's a booktuber with all the cuteness and appealing aesthetics but she actually reads good stuff too.



>> No.18687039

I already watch her

>> No.18687050


>> No.18687088

Does exercising count as multitasking? Because i get bored when i hold a book not saying i still dont read physical books but i enjoy audio books more when i work out.

>> No.18687095


>> No.18687109

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.18687112

i get a little jittery while reading sometimes, so i just take the book and walk around the house while reading. helps, and makes me feel like some sort of important person too

>> No.18687123

I don't think you can really make any meaningful point on literature in less than 60 seconds, maybe it gets zoomer to read more, I doubt so

>> No.18687247

oh, no... you don't know.......
well, better saying goodbye to Emmie before some degenerate from this website starts posting long comments on all her videos about what he would like to do to her pussy...

>> No.18687303

>She's a booktuber with all the cuteness and appealing aesthetics
See this ties into what I said before, the meta-product is the product now

>> No.18687354

Duuuude... the author's name is in all-lowercase... Whoah....

>> No.18687408

duuuuude.... the cover has a spoiler ... makes you think

>> No.18687420

How long do you think it took me to read your point on literature?