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18684638 No.18684638 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically want to write a new type of literature that's tailored for zoomer minds' goldfish attention span. Any suggestions what could it be?

>> No.18684658

They don’t want to read for enjoyment

>> No.18684660

The lonely zoomer gets a lot of vaginal juice just because he exists.
Everything is given to him.

>> No.18684661

YouTube Poop VR visual novels

>> No.18684666

'tiktok dances and how systemic racism is whites fault"
there you have their attention

>> No.18684667

Literally manga/VNs you retard
FUCK the new captcha btw

>> No.18684669

Memes aside, zoomers can read just fine. Go on AO3 or FFN and see the 500,000+ word Harry Potter fanfics. Attention span is not an issue here.

>> No.18684679

Light novels in the west are the future of adhdkino

>> No.18684682

this but it's a series of tweets. one per page

>> No.18684684

thx satan

>> No.18684687

So what is?

>> No.18684688

>Light novels
Define them. With examples

>> No.18684691

Novelty and relevance. Lots of mental issues means they require lots of comfort media

>> No.18684704

wrong approach
the content doesn't change, it's the medium that shifts

people used to read pulp fiction, and then they started listening to radio shows, then watching tv shows, then online videos, then now they use mobile apps

if your goal is to reach zoomers, changing your content isn't going to do much, you need to go to the medium they're currently using.

>> No.18684706

Pretty much. There's a reason fanfic stuff, young adult fiction, and nostalgia for children's lit is so popular amongst zoomers (I say this as a zoomer myself). I think that in a world marred by constant change, lurching from one crisis to next, we end up sort of clinging onto stable things. "Cultural ossification is a virtue" is something I unironically believe, and I think many of my peers agree.

>> No.18684716

So are you saying zoomer won't read literature no matter how short attention span tailored that is?

>> No.18684722

people who will read will read
the point is zoomers only want zoomer tailored content, what medium they choose to consume that content in varies from person to person

>> No.18684723

You're reading it bud.

>> No.18684727

>cultural ossification is a virtue
I understand what you mean but I don't see how it could be a virtue. That would effectively mean marvel movies forever and ever and ever. A million taylor swift and nicki minaj albums. Rupi Kaur's in every language and at the front of every bookstore. Terrifying

>> No.18684730

>people who will read will read
Not really. Most young people don't read 'heavy' literature

>> No.18684732

young readers*

>> No.18684734

anon, what you said literally doesn't contradict what I said

>> No.18684739

I think he's saying that there's a niche following for every medium that doesn't really change, but if the goal is to chase "what the kids like these days," you've actually got to chase it, not try and make them follow you.

>> No.18684757

Those are anomalies. The average zoomer can't read more than one page without going brain-dead.

>> No.18684761

people call me pretentious for reading.
I feel very out of place sometimes.

>> No.18684764

Fuck these people. They're literally probably retarded

>> No.18684767

As a follow up, they would find it easier to put a text on an audiobook and paying half attention to it while juggling 3 different tasks at once to satisfy their crave for stimulation

>> No.18684770

>Those are anomalies. The average zoomer can't read more than one page without going brain-dead.
I literally bought viyda games to try encourage my cousin to read and he wont.
tips please? money for drugs is not helping him want to read

>> No.18684771

audiobooks are just modern radioshows
I don't get the hate for it

>> No.18684776

are you acting like a retarded boomer freaking about the medium rather than the content being consumed?

>> No.18684779

Yeah i dont get it. Ive been reading since i was a child so its just something I enjoy.
I guess reading paper books is going way out of style these days.

>> No.18684784
File: 44 KB, 330x495, 330px-Rupi_Kaur_by_Baljit_Singh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late buddy. You've been scooped.

>> No.18684785

the US is raised to be retarded
Fahrenheit 451 is literally a required read in US, a boomer freaking out over how people would stop reading books because of the television
completely missing the fucking point, acting as if books itself is a superior medium, completely ignoring all the cheaply printed fictions with no deep meaning, printed solely to entertain, and suddenly they're freaking out that people are entertaining themselves with these new and rising mediums the same way people used to do with books

>> No.18684791

Tweet format has already done this. Zoomers don't want to read a book.

>> No.18684795

fiction separated into microchapters

>> No.18684796

I get what you're saying, more times than not I see anons here glorify the act of reading over the what they're actually reading and it just confuses me

>> No.18684798

She has covered poetry, not fiction. What's the fiction equivalent of Kaur?

>> No.18684804

How many words would a microchapter have?

>> No.18684807

literally most popular fiction published in the last five years is like this

>> No.18684810

its a "look at me im reading something big and hard" and the act of reading is something to boast, rather than just reading and enjoying it.
Its a status thing i suppose.

>> No.18684812

The popular mediums of today (short tweets, tiktoks, flashy videos) encourage surface-level absorption of basic information. It discourages deeper thinking and provides maximum stimulation to the fried brains of zoomers. They skim, and drop to move onto something else as soon as it takes effort, they never stop to think. Which is why the medium matters. When they get accustomed to tweets, easily navigateable YouTube interfaces, their brains shut off when presented with information you have to think about deeply.
The mobile YouTube app literally lets you scroll to look for videos while a video is playing, at the same time, and picking apart arguments is a lot less stimulating than going through 10 images a second hand-crafted to catch your attention.

>> No.18684813

you guys’ opinions on zoomers are so hilariously out of touch that I’m starting to wonder if everybody is in on a joke that I am not

>> No.18684814

I really shouldn't be surprised, I know most of this board is just midwits posting here because they think just reading makes them smart
like boomers acting as if watching television instead of using a computer makes them more social

>> No.18684818

the cycle continues
anons are just retarded

>> No.18684827

I want to write something comically fast-paced. Like each scene is a few sentences.

>> No.18684847

whats stopping you

>> No.18684875


>> No.18684882

no thanks, continue yelling at clouds and cry about zoomers you know nothing about

>> No.18684892

You completely missed the point of f451. It wasn't that books were superior to other mediums but that books contained controversial and contradictory information that rustled minority groups jimmies. All media going forwards was sanitized, not just books. Books were destroyed because they were repositories of the old world of conflicting and controversial ideas.

It drives me up the wall that Bradbury monologued through Beatty for like 5 pages straight hammering this point home 8 different ways until the reader is sure to be suffering tinnitus from the pounding and people still don't walk away with the core message. Because he was exactly right about the intelligence of his audience. It's also why I trust none of you about books unless I read them myself. And fucks around here claim to understand Nietzsche when a freaking carnival huckster like Bradbury goes over their head? Total insanity.

>> No.18684896

A book written entirely in Tweets.

>> No.18684897

A large majority of zoomers are actually just normal kids, its only a small subset that are the brain-dead, drooling, instagram- and snapchat-obsessed kind that you guys seem to think all zoomers are. Hell, look at the other thread talking about zoomers, there were several there who were just acting like normal kids (as normal as anybody who regularly uses 4chan can be). The situation is dire, yes, but not as dire as some of you guys would make out

>> No.18684899

>that would effectively mean marvel movies forever and ever and ever. A million taylor swift and nicki minaj albums. Rupi Kaur's in every language and at the front of every bookstore.
Is that not what is happening?

I think it reflects a larger trend in American society, and I will take this opportunity to explain (apologies if it is unhinged). Gen Z was born into a society which values innovation, not invention. That might seem like a small thing, but let me assure you that as a child and into middle school the difference between those things was made very clear, almost hammered into us. Invention was important yes, but the time for it has passed, and now we rely on innovation. No huge jumps can be made anymore, we must build little by little on what our predecessors created. Moreover, the narrative in our world is- was- one where the big battles were done, and we were filling in the gaps. WWII and the Cold War were the end of political conflict, with the War on Terror being something you heard about but not something on your mind (unless you had family in the military, I suppose). Science was "complete", with only things like the Higgs Boson to find to finish it off. We were on a train from the stone age to the stars, like the tech progression in Civilization games. Obama's election was the zenith of this; racism was dead and the world was moving to greatness, with America at its core.

And then piece by piece that dream began to break up. Global warming began to pop up on our horizons, and in school and on the news it became more and more urgent. Still, a calamity a half-century away might as well be fiction. But then, Russia took Crimea and America could do nothing. Meanwhile, the dream of the Arab Spring died in the battlefields of Damascus and Aleppo, and the “red line” was stomped on. Progress’s inevitability was beginning to be in doubt. But then, worse, Libya failed. The evil dictator (whether or not he was truly evil is irrelevant, the image is what mattered) was dead, and a Western democracy SHOULD have happened. But it didn’t. Instead a brutal conflict began, and alongside it the refugee crisis. Now Europe, that bastion of progressivism and equality, had far-right movements brewing. Among the liberal, west-coast Zoomers, (Western) Europe is seen as America but perfect, and the realization that it is not so was a major shock.


>> No.18684900

Came here to say that, and say something about that meme girl whose name I forgot. The one with DFW and her in a religious painting.

>> No.18684901

Still, the “Zoomer consciousness” could have survived this. What it could not and did not survive were the twin “black swans” of 2016; Brexit and Trump. You have to understand that the idea of a one-world government, like an American’s understanding what of the EU is to Europe, was generally assumed to be the end-state of world politics. It was inevitable in most Zoomers’ minds (consciously or unconsciously). And then Brexit proved that it wasn’t. People who didn’t want a one-world government could win after all, and to a generation which had grown up on movies of a future where such governments were the norm, that was earth-shattering on some level. And then to top it off, Trump won. A racist won, a nationalist won, a fascist won! (Again, whether Trump is actually any of those things is irrelevant. It is the narrative that matters). Progress was dying.

You can see this all of with the rise of dystopia fiction, which began to become popular among Zoomers in 2011ish, and has stayed popular since. People stopped believing in a better future, or at least the guarantee of such a future was gone. This enabled the mind to begin imagining horrific futures, and dystopia fiction like the Hunger Games and Divergent began to pick up steam in the Zoomer cohort.

And then things calmed for a while, with these tensions bubbling but not exploding. Until COVID and George Floyd. COVID is a pandemic, a catastrophe brought about by Trump’s ineptitude (again, narratives over reality). Likewise, George Floyd’s death was a major disaster far beyond the death of one man. It was proof racism was alive, it was proof progress had failed. You can see the Zoomer support for BLM as a desperate attempt to reestablish the narrative of progress, to win back that beautiful narrative we grew up in. It’s why Zoomer liberal politics is more akin to a crusade or jihad than the more measured politics of the past. It is a religion, which aims to push America and the world back onto the train of progress.

And now? China is ascendant. We are in Cold War II, and progress is dead— if not dead, it is terminally ill. On one side you have America and the West, the paragon of progress, the guardian of the rights of gays, minorities, women. Of course, at the same time it is a racist, white supremacist society, which must be torn down. (These two views are opposites, but that is meaningless, Zoomers can create and juggle narratives better than anyone). On the other hand, you have China, Nazi Germany 2.0, a country which oppresses democracy in Hong Kong, has committed a genocide of the Uyghurs, is fascist, doesn’t support LGBT rights— the amalgamation of all that is evil. (I remind you one last time, reality is irrelevant, it is the narrative which matters).

(2/3, sorry)

>> No.18684910

Can you blame the Zoomers for wanting stability? We were raised to think that the world was a solved problem, and now the whole thing is in peril. Many Zoomers think they will die at the hands of fascists, or in Chinese-run death camps, or in climate-change induced hellfire. Most do not see themselves in happy retirements, or even happy adulthoods with children. People will cling to their fictions and their movies, because those offer stability and peace and the promise of a good ending. Cultural ossification is the only comfort they- we- have. “A million taylor swift and nicki minaj albums. Rupi Kaur's in every language and at the front of every bookstore” sounds horrible to you? Knowing that level of stability will exist, that there will be bookstores and things to listen to music with and watch movies on even in the future, is heaven to many Zoomers. You are fretting over culture when we fret over civilization itself.

I hope you do not mind me writing this, it has weighed on my mind for some time. It is a relief to get it out.

>> No.18684918

A book written in facebook/instagram/twitter/whatsapp or whatever format. One could probably co-write a book with someone. As in, pick someone and just talk about random shit. I unironically thought about starting texting some girl, keep the texts, change the names, translate them into some other language and publish them under a pen name. You just have to pick someone who can write and that is basically it.

>> No.18684927

What do normally zoomers do then if not those? There's no zoomer I've seen who isn't most of the time gliding his finger over a screen browsing Instagram or Snapchat

>> No.18684931

>how systemic racism is whites fault
Um, it is?

>> No.18684934

and how zoomers do you see you retarded nonce

>> No.18684935

>goldfish attention span
incompatible. just write funny and clever posts on zoomer approved social medias and make some tiktoks, youtube and discords to market yourself so it has constant influx of """community"""

>> No.18684954

>zoomers dont read
>zoomers do read, but not the classics
>well i meant literature!
Face it, young zoomer men are reading Plato, Nietzsche and Evola. And the girls are dancing just like every generation.

>> No.18684958

what do they even do on insta and snap chat? what is there to do on tiktok?
I never even used facebook so it is all weird to me.

>> No.18684992

Collected tweets

You're wellcum

>> No.18684995

anyone even talked with zoomers? They do not have any depth and I am not talking about referencing books but character itself.
zoomers are just all homogenized shit for brains.
I tried talk to one and they do not have any opinions or think at all. I am unsure if most are conscious.

>> No.18684996

People have complained about the youth listening to the radio/tv/internet/their phones since ww2. Difficult literature will never be mainstream, boys will be boys and a very large chunk of women will be hyper sexual.

>> No.18685000

>anyone even talked with zoomers?
you post on this board
you're literally talking to them every single day you post on this board.

>> No.18685007

You probably won't get many (You)s because /lit/ is shitty but this seems like a very well-thought-out effortpost anon, and I appreciate it; you make some good points

>> No.18685014

This, you guys are just failing to realize that you're slowly becoming older; older generations have been complaining about younger generations since the dawn of time, nothing has changed

>> No.18685047

>zoomers do read

>> No.18685049


>> No.18685059

I only post on other smalled BBS sites etc but you have a point.
zoomer is a state of mind though
this is different though come on.
even gaming alone.. like these zoomers pay for gacha shit etc and are happy to "play" these shit games.
fuck zoomers

>> No.18685305
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>> No.18685324

If you're writing fiction:
>Keep things plot driven and fast paced.
>Keep descriptions of anything to an absolute minimum. Write the book like a screenplay.
>Short chapters. The longest chapter in the book should be under 10 pages and you probably want to aim for 1-3 pages on average.
>Simple language.

Honestly, if you're really intent on reaching a zoomer audience, your best bet is to turn your idea into a YouTube video instead. Compare that video someone made about All Tomorrows to the book. Aim for something like that.

>> No.18685338

based my friend. your last two lines were extra snappy.

>> No.18685388

just do porn videos
porn will swallow everything
it's the ultimate dopamine kick before we get dopamine pills

>> No.18685397

scroooooool like
scrool scrool like
scrool like
scrool like
like like

>> No.18685402

the green text novel

>> No.18685414

quite the opposite, boomers and zoomers matter, the rest of those fags dont

>> No.18685436

books are now entirely about appealing to 13-28 year old women (mentally, there's no change)

>> No.18685441
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I'm not OP but I've been thinking about this, too. I have a big story in mind, a story told in both prose and verse, that I've been working on. I think people will like it, including Zoomers. But once it's written, how do you reach them? Where do you put fiction these days so that Zoomers will find it?

>> No.18685447



>> No.18685450

Read it on YouTube while doing exaggerated facial expressions.

>> No.18685519

Anon, come the fuck on. I'm a zoomer too. You know what the dominant political and social view of our generation is? It's "I don't give a fuck." The vast majority has never deeply cared or thought about most of what you're talking about. Most people are simple, what they care about is their everyday life, and if you really want to understand those people you need to examine their everyday life, not broad geopolitical events *especially* when the people you're talking about for the most part played no part in those geopolitical events. I'm gonna be straight with you Anon, I think you're an intelligent guy but you've got your head way up your own ass, as intelligent people often do.

>> No.18685520

Zoomers are actually not that retarded politically, they don't subscribe to woke ideology, and many of them are right wing. They are much less retarded than the millennials and their woke ideology.

>> No.18685533

>not that retarded politically, they don't subscribe to woke ideology
that's because they don't even get to the point where they have to consider rejecting it. they literally just scrooool.
the vast majority of zoomers are hardcore hedonists and nothing else, not even cynical since they do not actively think that nothing matters.

>> No.18685535

I'm not saying it's a conscious shift in attitude. In fact, I think it's unconscious, it's that the unspoken narratives which we grew up with are crumbling and we as a generation are trying to cope with it.

>you've got your head way up your own ass
Probably lol, but I feel like there's something to this idea. It's certainly me projecting my own experiences and those of my peers (who I grew up with) onto the generation as a whole.

>> No.18685539

zoomers have not grown up needing to think critically.
zoomers say they learn their "ism's" etc from tiktok etc

>> No.18685543

Zoomers have no politics. They lack the motivation and social skills to engage IRL with things like protest, canvassing, fundraising, or really any type of organizing. The only exceptions are those black kids in chicago and bal'more

>> No.18685551

do zoomers really lack social skills?

>> No.18685581

That said, I (>>18685535) have to ask: do you not feel affected by the phenomenon I've described? Not even when it comes to global warming? I am bringing that one up because it is the one which troubles me the most. I remember my father buying me a book about global warming-- I must have been 10 then. And it was scary, truly. In that book I read about the rising seas, the destruction of nature which would result, the human misery. And it was only compounded by my interest in nature, and how every documentary and book made reference to climate change as the thing which would send everything into tumult. It changed me greatly. I treasure the snow greatly when it falls, because I know the days that snow will fall are numbered. And I feel that attitude has seeped into many aspects of my life. Time's passage is not the march to the golden future anymore, for years now it's been a countdown for me. I'm not saying that it's a constant stress or something I have issues over. But the knowledge that climate change will end civilization within my lifetime is certainly always in the back of my mind. Am I an isolated case in this? I have always felt it's something common to Gen Z. It's why others accuse us of tending towards hedonism; we are trying to enjoy as much of modern luxury as we can because we will live to see it all fade in a ecologically ruined world.

>> No.18685592

>muh hardened negros are the only ones to experience life
kys faggot, zoomers are already greater than your failed generation. go back to crying about student loans and racism, I will take your house by murdering you

>> No.18685599

This convergence of caring and not-caring kinda reminds me of that jungerposter

>> No.18685661

I genuinely think you might be on to something Anon

>> No.18685694

Yeah I know you meant it was unconscious, I still just don't see it. It's just Occam's razor. Is the reason Gen Z indulges so much in the comforts and luxuries provided to them because of this complex metanarrative, or just because it's the path of least resistance and humans are literally designed to chase those dopamine hits? If you airdropped iPhones onto the Romans I doubt things would be much different.
>Not even when it comes to global warming?
No. When I found out about global warming I just accepted it as fact and moved on with my life. I do remember feeling sad for the polar bears.
>Am I an isolated case in this? I have always felt it's something common to Gen Z.
Among the intelligent men of our generation? In my experience, yes. Most of us have just wearily accepted it. Among the retarded women? No, there are plenty of instagram thots that are genuinely upset about it and try to make a difference by posting NYT article on their story. But the largest group by far, average men and women, do not care and will not until it affects their daily life. Ask yourself, do you honestly believe the people you talk to on a daily basis go through their day with thoughts like
>I treasure the snow greatly when it falls, because I know the days that snow will fall are numbered.
I don't get that feeling at all. Most people are totally unserious.
I sound like a pretentious asshole who thinks he's better than everyone in this post, I'm not, I probably have my head as far up my ass as you. Often at the end of the day the only people who can see clearly are the simple ones.

>> No.18685711

To elaborate, jungerposter posted passages from The Worker which ran something to the effect that the great dedication of effort into things like labor and cultivation actually reflected at fundament a nihilism greater than ever before. Not sure how relevant it is to the two effortposters dialogue here but I thought a comparison was worthwhile

>> No.18685723


>> No.18685746

To add to this>>18685694
While it's true the simplest explanation is that our hedonism is just us taking the path of least resistance, directed by our brain chemistry and the psychologists at Apple, I do believe that that hedonism is partly enabled by the long breakdown of ethical structures over at least the last three generations, but really you could arguably trace it back to the Enlightenment. The values of serving your country, resisting temptation, serving your community, etc, all that which is opposite the hedonism and nihilism so common in us, are more common the more generations you go back. So I take back what I said about the Romans. However, in our defense, the way modern media is designed is unlike anything any other generation had to contend with.

>> No.18685759

Impossible, since they don't read.

>> No.18685769
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>I do believe that that hedonism is partly enabled by the long breakdown of ethical structures over at least the last three generations, but really you could arguably trace it back to the Enlightenment.

And this is why so many of us are flat-out reactionaries, legitimate throne-and-alter reactionaries who embrace things like monasticism and monarchy. I'm a Millennial but I've met plenty of Zoomers who think like me. We know WHERE the rot started. We know what has to be destroyed, what has to be ripped up by the roots. The whole "return to tradition" meme is so powerful because so many of us have identified the very root causes of the trouble that we're in right now, and those root causes need to be attacked and destroyed. Regardless of what damage comes about as a result.

How do you kill a tree? You poison its roots. The very roots of the Modern world must be rejected, and must be destroyed, if our present troubles are to be successfully addressed.

This causes distress for some of my fellow Americans because that means we are going to have to burn the Constitution, as well as the Declaration. All legacies of the Enlightenment must be burned.

>> No.18685785

When I read this kind of post I always imagine the poster reading it quickly one time after it's posted while nodding to himself then clicking on his 100+ porn tabs folder and furiously jerking off to futa porn to reward himself. I can't help it, I just think it's all LARP by the same people who like anime and think they're going against the grain.
Sorry if I'm wrong

>> No.18685804
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You might be right, but I doubt it'll happen, at least not for a very long time. Dramatic shifts in cultural values like the Enlightenment was and what you're proposing require the populous to be deeply discontent, and as of right now most of Gen Z is not. Suicide rates, school shootings, NEETdom, etc on the rise are all signs that we may be heading toward that broad state of deep discontent, but going off my interactions with normal people it's a long, long way off unless things accelerate. You also need genuinely intelligent and popular intellectuals outlining these new cultural (or old) values, right now all there is is a vague traditionalist sentiment among a small portion of Gen Z. The only person I can think of who is both popular and kind of promotes values opposite mainstream ones is Jordan Peterson, who I personally believe is far from intelligent or coherent enough to be called a epoch making intellectual. And if he is that intellectual, well then God help us, because JP is not someone who I'd want to follow into battle.

>> No.18685968

Ayo I'm dead af frfr tho lmfaoooooooooooooooooo

>> No.18685972
File: 105 KB, 838x1050, SantaTeresa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been praying on and off all evening, believe it or not.

Not everything is as bleak as you might imagine, Anon. Not everything is a LARP.

>> No.18686509

Light novels

>> No.18686533

Just compile a list of the best image board quotes

>> No.18686536

These new and rising mediums are highly controlled and require almost no participation whatsoever. It’s just broadcast to your brain and employs all the dirty tricks. When you read a book, even a low brow, dime store novel, there’s an active element. You have no choice but to focus and to participate actively in the experience. That’s the difference.

>> No.18686569

Something like that passed through my mind as well, lol.

>> No.18687001


>> No.18687015

we already have greentexts