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File: 3.76 MB, 4679x7021, Rupi_Kaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18681476 No.18681476 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss Rupi Kaur.

>> No.18681482

no thanks

>> No.18681489

Why the fuck not? She's kinda cute.

>> No.18681493

Rupi Kaur
Sour taste on my
Like bile or like that one time
I shat my pants
At a friend's pace
- Rupi Kaur

>> No.18681506

I love how she makes incels seethe with impotent rage because she’s the only culturally relevant poet nowadays.

Some of her stuff is objectively world class quality.

>> No.18681514

Post that world class quality

>> No.18681515
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>> No.18681525
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Is this real? Is this the whole thing? She just copied some stoic catchphrase?

>> No.18681527
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who dis. Redpill me on her

>> No.18681528

Appears so.

>> No.18681531

they convinced me
i only had a few good years left
before i was replaced by a girl younger than me
as though men yield power with age
but women grow into irrelevance
they can keep their lies
for i have just gotten started
i feel as though i just left the womb
my twenties are the warm-up
for what i'm really about to do
wait till you see me in my thirties
now that will be a proper introduction
to the nasty, wild, woman in me,
how can i leave before the party's started
rehearsals begin at forty
i ripen with age
i do not come with an expiration date
and now
for the main event
curtains up at fifty
let's begin the show

>> No.18681538

Literally live laugh love tier anon. You have to be kidding

>> No.18681541
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>> No.18681556

Rupi Kaur
Poopy power
What a day
I crapped for hours

Greasy curry
Tummy sour
Your humble words,
My bowels empowered

Poopi Rupi
Do your duty
Use your poems
To wipe my booty

Get in duly
Don’t be snooty
Here’s comes another
Prepare for doodie

>> No.18681636
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>> No.18681728
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cognitowarfare adept who learned to deal physical damage with shitty poetry

>> No.18681754

what are her feet like

>> No.18681788

There's nothing to discuss, she's a shallow narcissist completely lacking in talent, maturity, and self awareness, she is simply good at marketing an an "image" that sells in today's shallow, narcissistic, gynocentric, woke culture. A female journalist did a profile on her after the release of her second book, it shows what kind of person she is.
> We’ve been sitting in Union Square, on a bench near a flock of volatile pigeons; Kaur has ignored them to an impressive degree, but eventually her publicist suggests we go someplace else. It begins to rain, and so we head toward the Strand. The publicist has warned me in advance that this could be a challenging place to speak — “They adore her,” so she may be obliged to sign books — but we are able to browse undisturbed.
>“I will always go into a used bookstore,” she says, even when she’s working. “I’ll collect a lot of covers that inspire me — whether it’s the paper inside, whether it’s a font, so then later I can be like, okay, how’s mine going to look?”
>On a cart at the Strand, Milk and Honey sits alongside Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay, Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit, and Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates. Kaur read half of Between the World and Me. “I had to take notes,” she says — it was “more academic” than her typical reading. Recently she got Notorious RBG, and she’s been enjoying that.
>"This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer. “The dream is to have him design my next book.” His work, she points out, translates well across media — to different sizes, to posters, to digital.

>> No.18681827

>muh font sizes
>muh cover art
>notorious RBG
holy bugman

>> No.18681835
File: 80 KB, 400x400, Rupi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


leaving the restaurant
i passed a table
on which someone had left a
$20 tip

the waitress was busy
and had not yet come back to clear

that $20 bill is in my purse now but
it's in her purse too

we are all one
we are all women
we are all human beings

when i return to that restaurant
i will smile
at the waitress

because we are holding hands


she does not know it

— by rupi kaur

>> No.18681845

>she is simply good at marketing
I'll never even understand what this practically means in the minds of people who say it. Everyone gives a different answer like "just post a lot" and other things that are obviously meaningless to 99% of people who do them. These people are just pushed up by other, influent people they know, or they have a lot of money to buy likes. They're always someone's protege. Marketing has nothing to do with sucking dick so I don't understand what people mean. There are probably thousands of people who do the same crap.

>> No.18681848

I didn't look it up, but let me guess.

She's absolutely obsessed with white cock.

>> No.18681858

so much

for the retirement

>> No.18681864

I cannot tell whether I find this based because it advocates for gynocentric anarcho-theftism, or cringe because she justifies stealing literally by just saying "am woman"

>> No.18681865

It's for brain dead women who spend too much time on Instagram.

>> No.18681876

this can't be real

>> No.18681883
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anyone who has spent a good chunk of time in any "woke" city will understand why rupi is popular in any respect

>> No.18681896

are you implying this is all like a social media stock market? that people love her because the abysmal quality of her work is predictive that it will be popular?

>> No.18681912

It's more like the themes she takes on are meant to portray how much of a strong and thoughtful WOMAN she is, and that she simply checks all the boxes of mainstream opinion on what is "bold" and "important" writing

>> No.18681916

Let me guess, it's because she's a shitskin whore

>> No.18681918
File: 186 KB, 640x896, Rupi's Gardener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my gardener
has stopped weeding
and is resting

his back hurts
and he has to work such long
for such low wages

employer and employee
what stern words they are
how can we be truly
when we must fit these roles

i like to think
that if he could
see into my heart

he would work for nothing

— Rupi Kaur

>> No.18681921

I just refuse to believe that people like this on a basis of taste, or even political. It's too shit. It must be some kind of psyop or kike magic

>> No.18681925

Rupi didn't write it but I like to think she would approve.

>> No.18681926

please tell me this is made up, it cannot be

>> No.18681929

That's a man

>> No.18681932

Wtf I love rupi now

>> No.18681940

I'm not against feminism, but this is just pathetic, talk about cope.

>> No.18681984
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Their glance
Judging me as if I near my expiration date
Causes my bowels to clench in disgust
I walk outside to the street
And release
Oops I got some on my shoe
Men are such pigs

Designation by Rupee Kapoo

>> No.18681992
File: 117 KB, 494x266, Rupi's Keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on the day he
left me
i went to his workplace and
found his car in the parking lot
and scraped my keys along the side

the scar was deep and ugly but not
as deep
as the scar in my soul

then i remembered
his car is blue not red

please forgive me
red car owner

i am a woman of passion

in my position
you would have done the same

— Rupi Kaur

>> No.18681996

oh nono Rupi no

>> No.18682004

Good lord, this is some based

>> No.18682052
File: 67 KB, 640x640, C08D37E4-F9B1-4361-A825-B8F04CB03ED2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18682079
File: 40 KB, 262x270, Rupi's Gratitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my pop-tarts are $2.99
but i have only 53 cents

the cashier is stern
do i have some other way to pay

if society only taught us
to open our hearts
he would let me pay with gratitude

but gratitude is not
viable currency
these days
it appears

i grab the pop-tarts
and make a dash for it but security

catches me at the door

there is so little love
in the world

— Rupi Kaur

>> No.18682174

i watched rupi
try to steal pop tarts
the girl at the counter was
very nice and professional

she pretended not to hear
but eventually turned back around and brought
them to the counter

rupi insisted she scan the boxes
one by one
to prevent
electrical infetterence

>> No.18682206

bro wtf are you talking about

>> No.18682262

it's bait, anon

>> No.18682424

kek, you've posted this before, still golden

>> No.18682439

excellent bait anon

>> No.18682839

>"This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer
Good fucking Lord.

>> No.18682900


>> No.18683325
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>> No.18683326


>> No.18683355

Shallow insight combined with blank verse structure. Confessional poetry that's contrived optimism, ideologically guided by a simplistic take on gender roles and the wisdom of age (the latter of which isn't even addressed, the poem is carried by unironic youthful narcissism).

World-class? Fuck off.

>> No.18683364
File: 4 KB, 119x48, uhoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really not that bad, I like it and can feel how satisfying it would be to an intelligent woman to be able to stand on my merits and not just skate by on my looks.

>> No.18683400

This interview should be turned into a novel.

>> No.18683417

>curtains up
pretty good name for vaginoplasty tbqh

>> No.18683420

>only culturally relevant poet
Damn your culture must suck ass. Which one is it?

>> No.18683423

It's not real, right?

>> No.18683431

I can say in complete earnest that I am unable to distinguish Kaur's poetry from satire. I was absolutely convinced this >>18681531 was a parody.

>> No.18683439

don't worry this is normal

>> No.18683448

Don’t know, don’t care really, but it would be beautiful mind splitting “fiction”.

>> No.18683457

Holy fuck how can you publish this cope with such little self awareness

>> No.18683458

Same anon again, here you go


>> No.18683463

>i do not come with an expiration date
Is Rupi immortal, bros?

>> No.18683485

>cannot help but read it in Apu accent

>> No.18683668

Someone post her feet essay

>> No.18683800

Holy cope