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18681263 No.18681263 [Reply] [Original]

>black people cant write
this meme was retroactively refuted by the very existence of Frederick Douglass

>> No.18681270

A Jew ghostwrote for him.

>> No.18681273

Frederick Douglass sucks.
But Alexander Dumbass is pretty good.

>> No.18681274

Dis nigha crayze

>> No.18681277


>> No.18681286
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>> No.18681846

For any /lit/ types interested in this subject, William Andrews' To Tell a Free Story: The First Century of Afro-American Autobiography is an excellent piece of literary criticism.

>> No.18682006
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>> No.18683030

>no arguments

>> No.18683118

>post a lie
>asked to back it up

>> No.18683127

He’s an honorary white man

>> No.18683141

This was my first thought also

>> No.18683160

Made me kek but this meme screams anti intellectual and a way to just influence the retards here.
I love that it has that Adam ruins everything on the shirt... what shit though.

>> No.18683408

>best work blacks have to offer

Bravo, truly

>> No.18683883

>Right wingers are so tired of losing arguments that they're trying to meme asking for sources into something only basedboys do in order to get away with their low-iq assertions. Typical of fascists, they claim to be the ones who are the most interested in truth but the second they realize they don't have a single good answer for even the tiniest bit of push back they fall back on their feeling because that was all they ever had. Anti-Intellectualism will always be the hallmark of your kind, only the anit-intellectual could deny reality because it makes their ideology shiver, like mussolini you claim to be smart but in reality you are just brutes speaking of high ideals to scare the people into your trap which goes by many names, fascism, nationalism, anti-semitism, xenophobia, oedipus complex, anti-vaccination it all spring from the same stuff that makes up the authoritarian personality, which always ends with the furthering the of the Military Industrial Complex. How funny that you guys think you are fighting against the system when you are the shock-troops of it but unfortunately for you and your masters the left have been building a critical mass throughout the entire world and this critical mass is a critical thinking one that will no longer allow the bourgeoisie to make an ass out of it.

>> No.18683893

he is african american tho meaning he added access to white man knowledge. had he lived in africa he'd be beating two rocks together so it can rain.

>> No.18683901

>Douglass was of mixed race, which likely included Native American and African on his mother's side, as well as European. In contrast, his father was "almost certainly white", according to historian David W. Blight in his 2018 biography of Douglass.

>> No.18683951

all of that writing and the left is dying while the right continues to grow massively throughout europe and the u.s.

>> No.18683998

Lol I'm not reading your blog post, commie samefag

>> No.18684221
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That's a lot of words to say nothing

>> No.18684232

Shut up kike

>> No.18684325

>black people
Into the trash it finna go ya feel me?

>> No.18685832

jesus christ... other guy was a fag but your post reeks of it

>> No.18685843

So no source then

>> No.18686452

Everyone knows it was just Francis Bacon

>> No.18686471


>> No.18686534

Im not gonna read your post but i just want to say that when trying to get a message across, brief slogans of propaganda are more successful than endless walls of texts of analysis.

>> No.18686610

>Source? I made it up

>> No.18686649

Being able to write well and being able to concern yourself with anything beyond the comfort of your body are too different things. The latter is the sole artistic project of the “oppressed.”

>> No.18686693

When he wrote during the day, that was the genes of his white father being expressed. When he got wasted on 40s and started burning shit and getting into fights at night, that was his ancestral Africans speaking through him.

If anything he is a good example that blacks can't write, any half-notable 'black' author just happens to also be mixed race.

And this is ignoring the fact Douglass is a mediocre author whose relevance in academia or history or whatever you want to call it is a 100% political appointment divorced from merit.

>> No.18686717

most cant though, I also like alexander dumas who was a quadroon, but I think it says alot that the majority of any good black author's audience is white because blacks cant read either

>> No.18686723

youre gay for thinking this is smart enough to save and copy pasta

>> No.18686834

Anti-intellectualism is a good thing. You can’t be opposed to the system in our technological society without opposing intellectualism in some capacity or other.

>> No.18686860

I had to read his book book for classical conversations, and I thought that he was a pretty great guy, as well as an American Patriot.