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/lit/ - Literature

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18680923 No.18680923 [Reply] [Original]

henlo, iam from /tv/.
so you guys read books and talk about them rite?
how can i transition from /tv/ to here?

>> No.18680930

Just so. Technically speaking you don't *have* to read books, as we can't force you to. But it would help.

>> No.18680934

>But it would help.
Would it really?

>> No.18680939

start with the greeks

>> No.18680940


>> No.18680945

There is only way I'm afraid. You have to start with the Greeks.

>> No.18680946

start with GRRM

>> No.18680964

You should read screenplays instead

>> No.18680967

Start with skimming wikipedia articles and watching youtube videos

>> No.18681070
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Do not start with skimming wikipedia
It is the worst suggestion anyone could ever make
What OP needs to do is figure out what ticks with his tock.

>> No.18681072

skip da greeks, read what you like

>> No.18681080

still a meme author or at least not good to read at start if not a schizo

>> No.18681087

What OP can consider as well is to ignore anyone who uses the term schizo. They are tunneled in by propaganda into a cog-world that they think is their own.
Always avoid the anti-skeptics. ALWAYS.

>> No.18681096


>> No.18681113

to be fair to them, radical traditionalist seems like better terminology than 'defiantly reactionary'

>> No.18682611

>start with the greeks
>install gentoo
>it's da zoooz
What other memes do different boards have? Don't mind me, I'm a glownigger doing some glowniggering.

>> No.18682922

#1) make threads about knee-shit. dont worry if you've never read his works, no one here has.
#2) make threads about the bible/god to bait christcucks and gaytheists
#3) if anyone makes a thread asking a question reply with "the bible" or "my diary desu"
#4) find a tripfag named « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » and call him a tranny
now you fit in

>> No.18682934

go back, we don't want you

>> No.18683101
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>> No.18683110

read the sticky. come back in a year.

>> No.18683344

do a capeshit fast

>> No.18683350

my screenplay desu

>> No.18683358

This, but also don't argue with the true schizos who AFFIRM they know the "truth". Because of course it's a belief.
I never believe anything, but I continually improve the amount of facts that I know so that I can judge which guesses are less off the mark.

>> No.18683382
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lurk here a bit and figure out what might interest you, then go to your local value village or whatever thrift store and see if they have anything that interests you

welcome fren

>> No.18683391 [DELETED] 

based i religiously subscribe to facecheck.org and snopes.com to make sure I am receiving all of the necessary facts.

>> No.18683412
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>amount of facts
Should be ‘number’ not ‘amount’. Also, the view that access to truth can be more closely approximated with a greater number of ‘facts’ is a very naïve epistemology. I don’t have much of a better idea myself, but I wouldn’t subscribe to a theory of even approximate (as opposed to absolute) truth that is quite so fundamentally materialistic.

>> No.18683413 [DELETED] 

based i religiously subscribe to factcheck.org, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/, and reuters.com/fact-check to make sure I am receiving all of the necessary facts.

>> No.18683415

We also talk about Jews, trad values and feet. Welcome.

>> No.18683422
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based I subscribe to facebook and twitter to tell me higher number of facts

>> No.18683429
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Take the lainpill and read some cybernetics and media theory.

>> No.18683438

>so you guys read books and talk about them rite?
you have been misinformed, this doesn't happen here very often

>> No.18683446

You know the really scary part? In the 2021 summary, it is very obvious when the editor is injecting some pointed bias into the summation. But there will come a time when it won't be very obvious. It will blend in because it will have been such a sustained effort for years and years.

>> No.18683488
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lainpill more like distractionpill because thats just what the "lainpill" is; The Corporation will be in control of all the data and will seek to modify our behavior at a genomic level in this technoutopia advert-isement.
The art of repetition, tolerance starts until normalization hits. It's funny too because the people shouting "facts" itt are the same people who willingly accept facts from these corporate truth offices that are seemingly tied together in an attempt to regulate thought. Homeschool your children, if you ever have any.

>> No.18683492

Don't even like the guy but damn that's a real look how they massacred my boy moment

>> No.18683508
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>The Corporation will be in control of all the data and will seek to modify our behavior at a genomic level in this technoutopia advert-isement
The only reason you'd even forecast something like this in the first place is because of cyberpunk lit and media theory

>> No.18683509

stay there and don't come back here

>> No.18683515

Is it worth it?

>> No.18683659
File: 653 KB, 771x790, 1626298836934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life in Our Image – The Ethics of Altering the Human Genome
>Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
its not the clip i wanted but its good enough
>Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar

>> No.18683686

I tried editing it once and was banned for being a nazi by a commie professor.

>> No.18683708

The funny thing is, anyone so pozzed as to be put off by the propaganda summary wasn't going to get anything from Evola anyway.

>> No.18683711

There is a literal relationship between two people on here. They literally fuck in front of everyone.

>> No.18683969
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these are all timestamped by the way
>Bidirectional electromagnetic control of the hypothalamus regulates feeding and metabolism
>Rockefeller Flipping a Switch Inside the Head (corporate speak-"Isn't it so cool! haha ADVERT-ISEMENT)
>José Delgado, implants, and electromagnetic mind control 1965
>Annie Jacobsen: Inside DARPA: The Pentagon's Brain
>Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science

>> No.18684101

I main both boards and I can tell you the one thing you can do is to stop reading and start lurking. Catch some popular names and buzzwords, then start posting randomly about those. Congratulations, you now fit in.
This guy explains it more succinctly.

>> No.18684284

You are trying too hard to appear smart.
While you scratch your ass being nihilist about epistemology, the reasonable smart person just assumes a few axioms.
"The future will behave like the past under the same conditions." Physics is a story of the past, we just assume future events will have the same characteristics. Under that assumption, we can have knowledge. Denying this assumption, denies all physical knowledge except the present. Which is actually the only (physical) truth, that which you experience, or the self. Truth is also an artifact of language, there's a lot of truths in Math that don't depend on the past or the present but in experiencing language and communication.
If you can't trust any research for some degree of prediction, you are just a fool that can't use the past to his advantage.

>> No.18684294

this, unironically boring

>> No.18684299

A brilliant work of modernism, we see the final conclusion (wherein I shirk any prior explanation): the apu turns around for us to see that the posters of apus are apus themselves.

>> No.18684328

OP I am new and I am reading as much as I can before talking in threads.
If we read a book a day we may be able to comment on things in a year.

do normies eat this up? post other normie memes
what about the kids of the zoomers who will grow up likely with only goodthink? they won't be allowed to say anything or question a dame thing.

>> No.18684443

I transitioned from /lit/ to /tv/

>> No.18684449

Watch Shakespeare plays and Greek plays

>> No.18684536

You will never be a compelling story. The longer you go, the more audiences you will lose. And it never makes sense, because you do everything you can to keep crowds pleased. Nobody will remember your name, or your writers, or the actors. Anything of value that you may have will be sucked out into the next duplicate series. Once you are dead and gone everyone will only remember the trope that you were. No amount of pandering will change this fate. No one will recite your lines. Your last moments will be a ironic netflix binge watch for the cringe.

>> No.18684569

this place died after 2016, /tv/ at least has better memes

>> No.18684593

Read book
Discuss book

>> No.18684614

which greeks?

>> No.18684641

Just spam off-topic anti-Semitic posts and you'll fit in just fine.

>> No.18685658

Don’t listen to most of these suggestions, they are just memes, just like most of the books discussed or brought up on lit especially Greeks and philosopher fags but if you do want to learn about philo start with the ‘the history of philosophy without any gaps’ podcast it’s spilt into 20min bitesized chunks. You definitely don’t want to start on anything complicated.
Start with simple and smaller books you enjoy, the best way you can start reading is purely getting into the habit of it and finding a genre you enjoy. What do you like watching?
Fantasy books are a good gateway and Brandon Sanderson writes a lot works which are easy to get invested into and simple to understand.
Get a library card and check out books locally, buy books from book depository for the cheapest option if you wan to buy any new. Generally it’s a good habit to read every night or so before sleeping.

>> No.18685680

start off with books that have close associations with /tv/ like say catch-22 or start with books that touch the hearts of the common folk like notes from underground

>> No.18685701

t. Jew

>> No.18686025

We don't read books. We just pretend to read them by checking out Wikipedia articles on said books and authors.
Personally, I also like to copy paste arguments from other forums which discuss philosophy so that I can appear smart.

>> No.18686106

ogey rrat

>> No.18686112

Homer, get Clyde Pharr's Homeric Greek and Monro's editions of Iliad and Odyssey, all can be found on libgen and archive.org

>> No.18686178

how do I know you didn't make up the 2009 entry?

>> No.18686199

>the view that x
>is a very naive epistemology
people in here sound more and more as if they were trying their way with new words they have learned two weeks ago at a philosophy course.

>> No.18686539
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wonderful question. theres this site called waybackmachine https://web.archive.org/ and when you plug a url in, it snapshots everything. So although wikipedia refuses to layout an entire history of revisions, attempting to regulate thought by controlling what is "factual", we have third party sites to rely on keeping the historiality of being alive.
yaknow those clips were not easy to find...Cybernetics has equally the same amount of vested interest as "Bioethics" or the genome in your cyperbunk utopia.

>> No.18686634
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Here's looking at you, anon.

>> No.18686647

Pick a book you thinks good and read it.
Fags here will tell you to start with the Greeks. Only do that if it interests you. I enjoy reading them buy it's not for everyone

If you like sci fi or fantasy, just pick out a classic you want to read, or pick a movie you liked that's based on a book and read the book, cause the book tends to be better (eg: lord of the rings, Jurassic Park, starship troopers, etc)

>> No.18686663

sneed has literary merit.

>> No.18687232

>so you guys read books

heh yeah

>> No.18687241
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>> No.18687246

gentoo is not a meme

>> No.18687327

read the wikipedia article on Julius Evola and make threads about the unabomber all day and you'll fit right in

>> No.18687339

more like start with sneed