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/lit/ - Literature

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18680451 No.18680451 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading today /lit?

>> No.18680461

A short history of almost everything. Pretty good, if a little outdated.

>> No.18680479
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75 pages in so far
Maximum comfy

>> No.18680517

Continuing with American Psycho. Those detailled brand descriptions make me crazy, but there is hope left in me that this is not just an American author being an American and making the narrator appease to a consumerist audience

>> No.18680557

I’m pretty sure the author was critiquing 80s yuppie culture

>> No.18680624

I wouldn't know, neither have I finished the book nor have I even remotely finished thinking about it

>> No.18680666
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Phalanx is extremely interesting but poorly written, or at least I don't like the dialogues.

>> No.18680719

human all too human

>> No.18680727

Going to finish a Carl Hiaasen book and get started on a Richard Brautigan one

>> No.18680994

I finished a book I'd been stuck on for 2 weeks late last night and now I'm listless and have no idea what to read
hell, I might just study the Bible for a bit

>> No.18681015

Nothing, 35ºC and working and sweating

>> No.18681018

Wow, completely missing the point

>> No.18681411

Based, you can write about this some day

>> No.18681425
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Low middle-tier. The weird thing is that I really feel like I've read this before.

>> No.18681463
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>> No.18681467
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The Waves by Woolf. Having a hard time getting into it because of the way it is written. That said, many sentences are absolutely impeccable.

>> No.18681484
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just finished book 13

>> No.18681571
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The Life of Paracelsus

>> No.18681581
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hate it. Especially the "life" given to the techno-logical as if almost in an attempt to humanize technical procees for mass acceptance at the behest of technocrats. It reads like propaganda to me honestly; I'm reminded of the "Great Teacher."

>> No.18681590

Literally finished it yesterday for the first time. 4/5 pretty good desu. I liked the exploration of how we interact with fate and destiny. My favourite moments were:
>Andromache calling hector her mother and her father
>the night raid
>hector deliberating on whether to fight Achilles or not
>Thetis commissioning Achilles’ new armor
>Achilles mourning Patroclus, tossing and turning in bed
>Priam and Achilles’ convo towards the end
Btw where is the Trojan horse and Paris killing Achilles? Are they later additions

>> No.18681599
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>> No.18681724
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Homer's Odyssey
Badiou's Infinite Thought
Kierkegaard's Three Discourses
Breddy Cumfy

>> No.18681741

Started on Their Finest Hour by Winston Churchill yesterday, and now that I've finished Sklepy Cynamonowe I'm going to be reading an Orwell essay every day before going to bed. Also reading Keats on my work breaks.

>> No.18681806

you have to remember that there are a total of 4 epics of the same size as the illiad and odysee between the two that include thing like the arrival of a massive force of trojan allies, the death of achilles, then the trojan horse and an "odyssey" but for the atreus sons, but those have been largely lost to time. Same for another poem that took place before the illiad that detailed the prelude and the first 9 years of the war

>> No.18681815
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/lit/ always ignores him for some reason

>> No.18681906
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Reading Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse, will probably listen to Siddhartha by the same author at work.

>> No.18681915

Do you guys take the dust covers off your books or so you keep them on? Me? I like to take them off personally, makes the books feel less commercial and more authentic

>> No.18681936
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Giving this another try.
Got filtered last time but I was working a lot more hours back then
I might have just been sleep deprived

>> No.18681975

Going to read Bleak House and Paradise Lost today. Might start another Plato dialogue.

>> No.18681995
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>> No.18682056
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comfy doc book

>> No.18682171

Just finished Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman

>> No.18682187
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I just am unsure if this is supposed to be for all books. For instance I want to read Moby dick, should I skim it the same? Read the last couple pages? And table of contents? Are these rules applicable for fiction?

>> No.18682212

Why the fuck do you need to read a book on how to read a book?

>> No.18682221

Lol this

>> No.18682235

It's mainly for non-fiction until you get to part 3.

>> No.18682246


>> No.18682253

Today I started reading Malone Dies. I'm not sure I "get" Beckett just yet, having finished Molloy the other, but I feel like I'm making way to some sort of point.

>> No.18682540
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>> No.18682563
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The Good Soldier Švejk and Leviathan

>> No.18682582

I’m rereading The Catcher In The Rye. I always reread it every couple years and come away with a different impression of the book and Holden every time

>> No.18682646

How can you read the book about how to read books if you haven't read it yet.

>> No.18682835

>The Plague

>Death on Credit

>Second Sex

>> No.18682871

Seutonius - Twelve Caesars

>> No.18682952

One Bird's Choice: A Year in the Life of an Overeducated, Underemployed Twenty-Something Who Moves Back Home

It's interesting and relatable. Also it's quite interesting how I can identify the author's writing style in this book (non-fiction memoir) and his later novel I'm Thinking of Ending Things. That said, I am surprised a publisher opted to publish this, since it is not particularly distinctive in terms of the subject matter etc.

>> No.18682993
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>> No.18683006

i just got to the part in blood meridian where judge randomly buys and throws two dogs of a bridge : )

>> No.18683046

Cochrane by Donald Thomas And Erewhon by Samuel Butler

>> No.18683071

Siddhartha sucked.

>> No.18683080
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Post-cartpush/doordash grind comfy reads

>> No.18683679

Are you retarded? It's a book on how to understand what you read, it assumes you have mastered the basic skill of identifying words on a page.

>> No.18683889

i finished reading dune. took two days. i will try the sequels next. i haven't read a book for a few months so this was nice to get back to.

>> No.18683894

Rereading moby dick

>> No.18683966
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>> No.18684137
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>> No.18685035

suttree, the kybalion

>> No.18685063

Plutarch's Life of Lysander and ballads from the Lyrical Ballads of Wordsworth and Coleridge

>> No.18685081

Read: Ask the dust, The hour of the star.
Done my reading for today! (only because I am waiting for more books to arrive or something online to grab me)

>> No.18685092
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Stanislaw Lem: Because fuck character, fuck plot, fuck setting, you are going to take 200 pages of thought experiment and *like it*.

>> No.18685110
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>> No.18685116

Cause they’re midwits (me included)

>> No.18685146

How is the twenty days? I've had my eyes on it for years but never picked it up

>> No.18685398
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Got it for free senior year when they were cleaning out the english department, 42 pages in so far

>> No.18685427
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finished Age of Capital earlier today. they're neat books

>> No.18685578

Keen to get through this one after having read his four other classics

>> No.18685587
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If the weather is nice later, I'm gonna read a little of this.

>> No.18685727

Isnt there an entire section on fiction in that book?? Can you not read??

>> No.18686096

Based choices

>> No.18686120


>> No.18686144


>> No.18686174


>> No.18686492

Unironically very well written

>> No.18686816

World order by Kissinger. Interesting insights into the neolib mindset. Did the US really think that they could brute force Afghanistan and Iraq into becoming pluralistic liberal democracies? Also is the meme about invading Iraq for oil real? What did they really think they were going to gain in exchange for trillions of USD and thousands of American lives?

>> No.18687063

Moby dick and Kant's essay "On perpetual peace".
Honestly I feel a bit too afraid right now to tackle Kant and Hegel's philosophical works, which is why I went with the political one instead.
Not sure if I should just jump into Hegel before I exhaust all of Kant's critiques.

>> No.18687125

I'm 30 and figured it was a bit when I was a sophomore in HS. this is bait, right?

>> No.18687197

So far so good. I don't know what's going on, but it's interesting.
In a few months the guy who translated this book will release an anthology of novellas by the same author.

>> No.18687233

>Incel Verlag

>> No.18687432
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finished sexus yesterday and wanted some "genre fiction" to read before i move on to plexus. 50 pages into this one. it's jarring moving from the natural flow of miller's cadence to delillo's stilted, mechanical dialogue, but seems like it might get good later on.

>> No.18687525

Hopefully finishing Ivanhoe today... 50 or so more pages.

>> No.18687553

How is it?

>> No.18687556

Christ the Eternal Tao

>> No.18687597

I am trying to meditate.
It's amazing just how much implanted memories i have from movies. I watched way too much tv as a teenager.

>> No.18687858

gonna read The Fellowship of the Ring on an airplane today
what'd you just call me?

>> No.18688384

Take them off while reading, put them back on the shelf. I just don't like them sliding around in my hand.

>> No.18688715

Just finished Cyclops in Ulysses

>> No.18688716

Both of these books are great. Steppenwolf is a much more grounded work and much more mature, while as Siddhartha is a very childish and fable-like approach to Hesse's topics he covers. Both affected me deeply.

>> No.18688962

Worth a read for sure. The writing is pretty dense, at least more than I expected having not read that much from Scott's era. The story itself is fun and there are some good humorous bits throughout. Lots of character reveals... and other things that in retrospect are pretty funny now that I'm thinking about it. I'll probably reread it in a few years. And I'll definitely read more from Sir Walter Scott.

>> No.18689177
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Switching between Herman Melville short stories and this

Was also reading this a couple weeks ago. Might come back to it

>> No.18690243

Finished Fathers and Sons. Starting Dubliners.

>> No.18690274

trojan horse and achilles dying and aias (ajax) killing himself were lost to time

>> No.18690310

Currently reading wittgensteins mistress and Molloy gudt stuff

>> No.18690488

>Louis XIV by Olivier Berthier
It is alright so far, though the first 50 pages, out of 350, are an extended prologue, and the next twenty are about his teenage loves

>> No.18691444

Pound and Dickinson

>> No.18691705
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Hey guys, any other /ic/ people reading books?

>> No.18691719

I would have been finishing up War and Peace if it weren’t for my kindle dying. I don’t even know how long it’s taken me to read at this point. At least 9-10 months.

>> No.18691919
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>> No.18692583

Are you the anon whom I talked about biographies? If so, thank you for the update; I had forgotten about it, lol.

>> No.18692618
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the red badge of courage by stephen crane, it's pretty comfy and short.

>> No.18692623
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Beautiful facsimile

>> No.18692627

I just finished The Interior Castle, might move onto The Decameron.

>> No.18693725
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1/3 through notes from underground. I don’t really get it :(

>> No.18693825

Based get his collection you won't regret it

>> No.18694020

>Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth...
— Kahlil Gibran

>> No.18694064

Fathers and Sons hit me so hard. I cried like a baby when Bazaroff died.

>> No.18694080

A simultaneously lucky and unfortunate man.

>> No.18694135

Might go read Alexander Pope's Iliad to my mother, catalogue of ships is next

>> No.18694180

It’s a poorly written schizoid treatise against the Enlightenment principles which brought you the internet, democracy, and a life expectancy above 45 (so yeah it’s trash)

>> No.18694186

Read through these earlier this year. They're good, but be wary - the bibliography and sourcing betray him, even when he's trying to be charitable "within" the Marxian framework. Age of Extremes is just revisionist.

>> No.18694215

Post feet pic of mommy

>> No.18694478
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>> No.18694505

My friends, I got it now, I believe.
Pat Bateman is lonely as fuck because of the braindead environment he lives in. Everything only ever gets touched superficially and the only thing that seems to count for Bateman, and in a larger sense thos rich Amis, as hinted at by the narrator only ever explaining that in detail, are the materialistic details: riches, good clothes, status.
Of course that destroys the mind of any non-soulless human, that's why Pat has to resort to drugs and extreme violence/narcissism to feel anything

>> No.18694698

I only read Solaris and loved it. What are some other comparable books by Lem?

>> No.18694716

When the dad felt like his time keeping up was wasted, I felt really depressed. The duel also hit me hard and naturally the end made me tear up as well. I've always put effort in to be close with my dad but I also know it gets silly when he asks questions about video games and tries to understand the younger worldview. He's the epitome of "are you winning son" and I can't help but love him.

>> No.18694908

Not him but I think the closest might be 'His master's voice', 'Invincible' and 'Fiasco'. I prefer his more humorous books like 'The star diaries', 'Tales of Pirx the pilot' etc. Lem was a genius.

>> No.18695498

Yeah that's me, I am now 200/350 pages in. I will still post my book report after I have finished, but I would recommend a different one.

>> No.18695508

>the enlightenment was the reason for scientific progress, ignore the other 10,000 years of it!!!

>> No.18695544

is nicomachean ethics good

>> No.18695579

>I will still post my book report after I have finished
I appreaciate your dedication
>I would recommend a different one.
Ah, is it dull?

>> No.18695588
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Starting this

>> No.18695601

Yes, it is not very detailed and ignores his campaigns entirely outside of mentioning which fortresses he conquered; meanwhile, he describes every catfight between mistresses and report from his ministers. The one thing it does well is that it has a lot of direct quotes, but you might as well just read his memoirs. If I had to read this book without knowledge of its titles and pick which one it was from the list of Louis XIV bios, I would guess that it was the Women in Louis XIV's Life one.

>> No.18695651

>he describes every catfight between mistresses and report from his ministers
haha, ok I might skip it. But I'll wait for your full description of the book.
I've been looking at Peter Robert Campbell's Louis XIV biography; perhaps a good alternative.

>> No.18696375

What are you trying to remember anon

>> No.18696387

More of Sartre's Being and Nothingness. I read 150 pages today, gonna aim for 200 before I sleep.

>> No.18696487

>ywn get to read those epics
It hurts so bad, bros.

>> No.18696559

Fek you must be unemployed. I average 50 pages a day

>> No.18696597

You wont remember any of it in 2 weeks.

>> No.18696605

re-reading The Hobbit

>> No.18697231

I typically remember what I read, and I take notes and ruminate in written form so I have stuff to go back to later.
In the summers yes. 50 is what I normally do as well. Today is an outlier.

>> No.18697987
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I didn't read today, which is ok since I got paid today and went for a little jaunt around Vancouver. I was going to read in the park but I ended up just blazing, moping about a girl, and fucking around on my phone. Maybe tomorrow. Anyways I'm almost finished Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said by PKD (yes I am the one shilling this book lately) and next I'm going to read Solaris. I'm also reading the Roberts biography on Napoleon.

>> No.18698032

Piranesi for reals. Hogg for... self torture I guess?

>> No.18698039

Taylor Swift is gross. Boy ass.

>> No.18698046
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Taylor is literally the most beautiful woman alive you pleb. She is elitist with a garbage personality though.

>> No.18698124

Lads I've finished reading Keats, so now I need a new book to read on my fuckin work breaks, and I can't be bothered to make the choice myself rn. Here's me options:
The Warden
Absalom, Absalom
Père Goriot
The Confidence Man
Berlin Alexanderplatz
A Tale of Two Cities
Gravity's Rainbow
War and Peace
Pierre et Jean

>> No.18698151

>She is elitist
that's a positive so I will assume she also has a good personality

>> No.18698188

Elitists don’t have much personality going for them.
Unless an evening with someone like Mitt Romney sound fun to you

>> No.18698235

Don Quixote but I'm lazing around. Had a lot on my mind lately.

>> No.18698440
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He has some good/interesting points, but overall it's just another commie rating about capitalism.

>> No.18698451

>Unless an evening with someone like Mitt Romney sound fun to you
Can I recharge my powertools? Because I want it to be slow.

>> No.18698694

>meme about invading Iraq for oil real

It wasn't to "grab oil" it was about Saddam trying to finance his regime by selling oil for Euros or some other currency than Dollars. Americans will not allow you to do this, since their hegemony is largely based on other countries needing to buy dollars for international trade.

>> No.18698767

Hmm well didn’t the war cost way more than whatever they were losing prior?

>> No.18698795

I am reading /lit/ today

>> No.18698824

Easy. Absalom

>> No.18699059

This shit is such a fucking drag. I really had to force myself through it. Adler has some good ideas but the dude badly needs an editor so he's not saying the same thing 40 times. I have also read his book on communication and it has the exact same problem.

>> No.18699064

Cyberiad is the greatest work of science fiction ever written.

>> No.18699093

You clearly have never seen her without makeup on then.