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18679321 No.18679321 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read his books? Would you recommend them to other anons?

>> No.18679333
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No. No.

>> No.18679398


>> No.18679586

To tell people why blacks act a certain way and how to fix it? Absolutely. The rest of his shit? Not really.

>> No.18679614


>> No.18679619

cringe uncle tom cattlecuck pleaser shill

>> No.18679624

Black Rednecks and White Liberals (2005)

>> No.18679766

I've listened to a bit of that on audiobook, and I'm reading basic economics right now. Cool dude.

>> No.18679923

To this day, I still bring up the slavery trivia I read from his books. He has specific examples of minorities around the world who got persecuted, discriminated, and sometimes killed and still thrived more than the racial majority in that country. Examples of how almost every continent practiced slavery, but only white countries campaigned to end slavery. Examples of how caribbean blacks attended college more frequently than the average american. Examples on how obsessed america is with american slavery while it was a small fraction of the slavery practiced by Portugal, Africa or the ottoman empire. "Black rednecks and white liberals" and "civil rights rhetoric or reality" are both masterpieces

>> No.18679929

The Guy is a bonified genius

>> No.18680416

I read intellectuals and race and it was pretty damned good. Its just a barrage of data and examples, and he is very insightful in his analysis of the data.
I still think blacks are retarded, though.
Ironically, I also think Sowell is one of the smartest Americans alive.

>> No.18680425

>I also think Sowell is one of the smartest Americans alive.
not to discredit the man, but that's not a high ceiling

>> No.18680575

yes and to some extent. intellectuals and society was the first big nonfiction book i read and it felt impressive. to some extent i still feel his general thesis is correct. however you should not take everything he says as the complete truth, because even he himself views statstics and events through a lens. if i remember correctly he at some point states that george w bush's economic descisions were good as a result of him having received a business degree from some ivy league college. the idea that someone as rich and influential as the bush family could have bought an admission and graduation for their deadbeat son did not cross his mind for it would mean that power relations due to ownership of capital might exist in societies based on accumulation of wealth. also, when reading "vision of the annointed", i felt like he tried so hard to shill for "just dont change a thing" dinosaur-conservatism and ended up justifying real-existing neoliberalism with a happy jesus selling you salvation using a shitty reduction to two concepts of viewing the world, the "vision of the annointed" and the conservative vision. so while his critique is great on many parts (that public intellectuals have a monetary and occupational interest in enlarging their influence and opportunities for themselves without having to suffer the consequences of their ideas), i can't help but feel taking his defense of market orthodoxy and "good ol' american conservatism(tm)" keeps an authentic right from seing capitalism as it is (and not as it might have existed a hundred years ago or as someone imagined it): the single most destrictive and overturning force on the planet that reduces everything to a commodity, everyone to a monadic consumer and every society, community, family, church and nation to an agglomeration of individuals without history, destiny or connection.

>> No.18680649

Based and checked.

>> No.18680665

He's a literal shitraeli roach trash golem shill
He'll get the bullet alongside his kike masters. Braindead clown speaking outside his "expertise" is embarrassing.

>> No.18680676

>I also think Sowell is one of the smartest Americans alive
Read what he writes about anything outside of
"MuH black people bad" and then get back to me with this opinion. Fox news host tier idiotic nonsense

>> No.18680681

>He's a literal shitraeli roach trash golem shill
so he's american...

>> No.18680692

Its turbo amerishit retardation. There is no way anybody with an iq over 110 is impressed with his writings

>> No.18680705

There’s a lot of money in it.

>> No.18681230
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Remember, minorities can’t get ahead in America.

>except for Jews
Bu-but they are white!
>except for the Asians
Bu-but they are white adjacent! (Whatever that means
>except for Indians

>> No.18681242
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Oh dear, another butthurt euro.

>> No.18681362

Shame he is a globalist, his work is good otherwise.

>> No.18681591

How mature.

>> No.18681610

I'm asian

>> No.18682368

He goes way too far in his defence of free markets.
But he is correct in seeing how the paternalistic attitude of white liberals towards minorities only hold them down.

>> No.18682464

How the fuck is poland so hight? They are just slavic retards what's going on?

>> No.18682478

Thomas Sowell is an honorary Aryan

>> No.18682604

none of those people were enslaved, and the latter two are mostly the richest of the rich immigrating to the US
you are truly special

>> No.18683056

I got Basic Economics from him because I wanted to begin learning economics

>> No.18684323
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you ignorant fool! you should definitely read Sowell. Everyone of those mother fuckers were enslaved. The jews by the egyptians, the germans (gauls) by the romans (italians). Chinese by Peruvians, Russians ("slav"es) by muslims, Hondurans by the Mexicans (aztecs), Africans by Mali-ans (mansa musa), a shit-ton by the ottonman empire (modern day turks), indians by each other, africans by each other. fucking evryone

Historically, Jews dominated everywhere they migrated. The Chinese prospered financially in Southeast Asia and Vietnam, where anti-chinese racism was written in their constitution. (more chinese were killed in a couple days than all blacks that were lynched in US history) Italian immigrants, ostracized, pooled their savings and created something called "The Bank of Italy" which was so successful they changed it to "The Bank of America." There are endless examples of ethnic minorities that encountered racism and still thrived economically, having a better standard of living from the local population: italians in argentina, armenians in africa, the japanese (who were put in internment camps) in the US, chinese in southeast asia, and jews pretty much everywhere. more applicable to the modern day, why is it that people of indian, iranian, pakistani, japanese, philipino, and Israeli descent have similar or greater median household income than white people in the US? Why is it that “Asian privilege” outperforms “white privilege” in every metric? Asians live longer, attend college more, get better grades, have better salaries, are seen as less threatening, etc.