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18679186 No.18679186 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone explain Numbers 31:17-18? I was given to understand that unlike Islam, the Bible prohibited taking women captives in war and being with a girl under eighteen.

>Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Deuteronomy 12:3 also sounds like something ISIS would support

>And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

Is Isaiah 42 really about Jesus, or is the Muslim interpretation more accurate?

>> No.18679228

Isnt latin the language of the church? What would motivate a Pope to attack the Latin mass?

>> No.18679236

It's the last gasp of the Boomers as they all die off. The "Spirit of Vatican 2" types.

>> No.18679252

Because he’s trying to punish traditionalists for the Biden stunt and the various times they’ve criticized him
Anyways, now that people can’t LARP as TradCath anymore, what religion should /lit/ pick up next? I suggest something exotic like Santeria.

>> No.18679263
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>Anyways, now that people can’t LARP as TradCath anymore, what religion should /lit/ pick up next?

This will just shunt the rest of the LARPers off into Orthodoxy, where more than half of them are already. They won't be missed.

>> No.18679272

Catholicism makes absolutely no sense. The Latin mass is good until the Pope says it isnt?

>> No.18679274

The Pope's word is the final word in all things.

"Rome has spoken, the matter is settled."

>> No.18679278
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Why are there so many anons LARPing as "Christians" on 4chan these days?. Being a chantard doesn't exactly chime with the teachings of Christ.

>> No.18679282
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>> No.18679286

Some of us aren't LARPing. I'm a born and raised Catholic and I've been posting on 4chan for thirteen years.

What's really so strange about being a Christian and posting on 4chan? If you avoid the red boards you're really pretty fine as far as near occasions of sin go. And the discussion here about various things is better than other parts of the internet.

I'd almost argue that 4chan is less actively evil than places like Facebook and Twitter.

>> No.18679297

>the Biden stunt
It wasn't a stunt and they literally just said they were considering drafting a document on reception of the Eucharist in general in the nicest possible terms (the Church hasn't used "mean terms" on anyone in a long fucking time) and that bishops would still have the final say and that Washington DC bishops say they'd keep giving Biden communion anyway. I mean you could even make the argument that Biden is literally already excommunicated latae sententiae, but the Church is too scared to deal with issues like that.

Ortholarpers are even more insufferable because they won't ever shut up with their tsundere bullshit towards Catholicism.

>> No.18679302

I didn't ever believe in "discord trannies" but the constant nervous "YOU AREN'T REALLY CHRISTIAN" kvetching every time religion comes up anywhere on 4chan recently is telling me there's some intentional attempts to shift narratives on here.

>> No.18679304

I referred to it as a stunt because the pope told them not to do it and they still tried to

>> No.18679308

>but the Church is too scared to deal with issues like that.

I cannot fucking wait for the Boomers to die off. You can tell the new generation of priests and a lot of the younger bishops are pretty serious about cracking the whip, when it comes to actually following the teachings of the Church. Francis and the rest of the Vatican 2 generation are holding them back, but their time is ending.

>> No.18679326

>You can tell the new generation of priests and a lot of the younger bishops are pretty serious about cracking the whip, when it comes to actually following the teachings of the Church.
That will effectively kill off the church. 90% of Catholics are cafeteria Catholics and they will leave.

>> No.18679342
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Honestly, if they can't obey, they SHOULD leave. This isn't some social club, it's a religion. You can obey the rules or you can get out. And those who stay can rebuild the Church. We'll probably even get more converts to help out.

>> No.18679365 [DELETED] 

>Anyways, now that people can’t LARP as TradCath anymore, what religion should /lit/ pick up next?
The end game of every seeker of truth, Tolstoyian Christian Anarchism.

>> No.18679373

I don't think the Church needs to start getting ultra-reactionary just for the sake of it (I don't think anyone's suggesting it is other than liberals in the msm) but at the same time I think that there's a certain power that gets projected when you're not constantly trying to please everyone and be as harmless-looking as possible. That's been the m.o. for mainline Protestantism and they've been hemorrhaging so badly that even traditionally Protestant nations like Switzerland and the Netherlands now have more Catholics than they do Protestants. I expect this happen in Britain as well pretty soon.

The Church doesn't need to go out of its way to "make enemies," but it feels less like that's something the Church is doing and more something its enemies are doing against it.

>> No.18679377
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>Anyways, now that people can’t LARP as TradCath anymore, what religion should /lit/ pick up next?
The end game of every seeker of truth, Tolstoyian Christian Anarchism.

>> No.18679386
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>> No.18679392

>dude you shouldn't own any possessions
>dude let's not have any kings
>dude be a vegetarian
>says all these things while being a literal aristocrat whose family owned serfs

Tolstoy must have been annoying as fuck when he was alive. Literally just the 19th century Russian version of that rich white fat girl who gets into Buddhism.

>> No.18679419

>Deuteronomy 12:3 also sounds like something ISIS would support
Duet 12:3 would apply to stone lickers for sure.

>Is Isaiah 42 really about Jesus, or is the Muslim interpretation more accurate?
No lol, and Isaiah is not part of the Torah/Pentateuch nor the Gospel, so why would muslims ''interpret'' it ?

All this drama about Catholicism makes it seem like the Protagonist of religion

>> No.18679426
File: 161 KB, 1024x513, athos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did somebody call the 40k verse??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V0-cusAVpg

>> No.18679432
File: 110 KB, 565x720, saint-therese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this drama about Catholicism makes it seem like the Protagonist of religion

We have not one but THREE different religions and factions that openly hate our guts. The Orthodox seethe about us constantly even though we never think about them at all. The Muslims have tons of prayers about how it's their destiny to some day conquer Rome. Modern Jewish sabbaths are explicitly anti-Catholic. Everybody wants to come at the king. All the communists hate us too, at least the ones that don't live in self-denial by calling themselves LetfCaths.

>> No.18679436

>The Pope's word is the final word in all things.
Absolute heresy.

>> No.18679438

>Protagonist of religion
It is the religion with the highest highs and some pretty low lows at the same time. Everything else feels like it's just "watering down" some aspect of something Catholicism already does.

>> No.18679452

Moloch worshipping pedo fags

>> No.18679464

It's a cool looking cathedral ngl, but "making a modern-classic hybrid church in the wake of previous communist bullshit" is some shit Catholics already did with Sacre-Coeur in Paris.

>> No.18679465

“Rome” in in the Quran hadiths refers to the Roman Empire, which actually didn't feature Rome

>> No.18679473
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>the religion with the highest highs and some pretty low lows
>the religion
boi, idk what context you're using for those metrics but it's pretty standard for religions to have wars, persecution, opps a genocide, scandals of abuse, sexual abuse, pedos, and fracturing with subsects.

>> No.18679475

>All this drama about Catholicism makes it seem like the Protagonist of religion
What level of incel do you need to be to think like this?

>> No.18679483

O' ye misguided tool of the state, take up His yoke and rest your soul, your suffering ends now for his burden is light.

>> No.18679484
File: 27 KB, 500x877, St._Francis_of_Assisi_Receiving_the_Stigmata_by_Salvador_Maella_LACMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Anons, we'll pray for you.

>> No.18679496

>buh dey did it fursh
man you must be fun at parties interjecting pointless info into jokes you don't get

>> No.18679504

The kingdom of god is nigh, brothers.

>> No.18679520

I love that channel.


>> No.18679577

>90% of Catholics are cafeteria Catholics and they will leave.
Good. How does that "kill the Church"? It will do the exact opposite, by finally showing the true Christian way of life and getting rid of all the fruitless vines more souls can be saved when they finally see the true beauty of the Church when it's not overrun with soulless boomer cultural Catholics.

Sometimes the branches must be pruned for the plant to flourish

>> No.18679587
File: 74 KB, 1010x550, E6nWgwxX0AI5SHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there may be Anons as well as outright weebs among the hierarchy.

>> No.18679590

Religion is about power. If people leave they'll lose power.

>> No.18679594

Fedora tier take. You might as well tell us you're no professional quote maker.

>> No.18679606

As based as it gets

>> No.18679616

You need money and power maintain a religion.

>> No.18679621

The early Christian church had absolutely no money or power for its first 300 years and flourished. Basically you're a retard who chows down on basic bitch takes you read on atheist blogs and regurgitate them with no critical thought.

>> No.18679648


>> No.18679678

Quite literally the opposite of heresy.

>> No.18679922

>The Pope's word is the final word in all things.
Only on matters formally spoken on ex cathedra for which there's already an ecumenical consensus. Only Protestants and LARPers think Papal infallibility means "everything the Pope ever says is permanent, irreversible law."

>> No.18680843

That may be so, but it is the current doctrine of the Church.

>> No.18680927

Funny you should mention that, an uncle of mine tried to read The Kingdom of God is Within You on my recommendation, and he dropped it quickly in disgust because the thing makes Christianity out to be primarily a political project. Been a while since I read it so can't remember how true that assesment is.

>> No.18680966

> Everything else feels like it's just "watering down" some aspect of something Catholicism already does.

Hmm. Eckhart seems closest to what Eastern traditions do, but that's just one guy. Are there any Catholic writings on detailing the fate of the soul after death? Quite a lot of other religions have that.

>> No.18681004

You're a materialist. You don't understand religion as the actual believers do, and so give primacy to some epiphenomena of it. Christianity was at its strongest when Christ walked the earth.