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/lit/ - Literature

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18678621 No.18678621 [Reply] [Original]

are newspaper literature? they are printed and talks about the time era being printed. like i get it wasn't written or compiled to be entertainment, but i think its largely like a book since stuff like the bible wasn't thought to be written by a single author anyways.

>> No.18678627
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>> No.18678699

>just for you

>> No.18678904

Why does the Jew frog have painted nails?

>> No.18678923
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>Why aren’t CIA memos considered literature?

>> No.18678926

the writing is atrocious, nobody with writing talent goes into journalism. the best journalist is glenn greenwald and he writes like a retard.

>> No.18678927

because its not intended for a large variety of audience to read?

>> No.18678932

If you want a literary version of what the average American journalist wants you to think, read Das Kapital.

>> No.18678935
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>> No.18679061

>they are printed and talks about the time era being printed.
>its largely like a book since stuff like the bible wasn't thought to be written by a single author anyways.
Authorship, printing, theme, literally none of that is relevant to defining and classifying literature.
Is it literature in the vaguest sense of stuff that is written? Sure.
Is it literature in the sense of "art whose medium is language"? Obviously not. It's not meant to be artistic and treated that way - the point of art is to transmit general understanding of the world rather than of particular and real phenomena, while newspapers do exactly that. They talk about real things and people and what they've really done. Reading about a criminal in a novel works on a completely different plane from reading a newspaper article about a criminal from your city. The first refers to no real person, and it allows your judgement of the fictional person to be almost unnaturally impartial, ideal, general. On the other hand, a criminal in your city will make you first of all worry about your physical security, how the police will deal with the criminal, etc. This distinction was understood already by Aristotle in his comparison of poetry and history, so go read him (Poetics).
Also, the Bible was not really viewed as literature on the same level as Vergil etc. was for many centuries precisely because of this. Its function was not aesthetic, but first of all didactic, directly describing the (Christian view of) external reality, and many parts of it are purely legal or historigraphic. People could read Vergil for enjoyment (along with the wisdom that he expressed), but not the Bible - they read the Bible to understand reality.

>> No.18680448

They are not treated as literature, therefore they are not. They also don't serve any aesthetic purpose most of the time.

>> No.18680465

Yes. Periodicals and newspapers are literature, as are pamphlets. Many newspapers are written to be entertainment, and even more were entertainment when serialisation was common for stories.
Have a fun fact:
Playboy was the first publication to print Fahrenheit 451. People really did read it for the articles.

>> No.18680752

Cuz spies write them and simps edit them