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File: 76 KB, 500x666, Abraxas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18675556 No.18675556 [Reply] [Original]

Gnostics were nearly 2000 years ahead of their time, too smart and too based.

>> No.18675559

based and gnosticpilled

>> No.18675560

Except they are dumb and wrong. Checkmate

>> No.18675568

how are they wrong?

>> No.18675569

Welp that went quick

>> No.18675579

biblegay spoke

>> No.18675592

Because I say so

>> No.18675630

Careful, you'll trigger the janny.

>> No.18675663

They are nitpicking and biased

>> No.18675700

Give me more images of Abrasax, need a new tattoo.

>> No.18675705
File: 187 KB, 1280x1541, 1598328643788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18675739

That's actually pretty cool. Do you have a source?

>> No.18675742

No, sorry.

>> No.18675816

Was the corpus hermeticum really authored 3 centuries after Christ? kek

>> No.18675871
File: 147 KB, 700x516, Y'alldabaoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Gnosticism meant to be viable when anyone who could initiate others into the Gnosis has been stone dead for thousands of years?

>> No.18675874

Hermes Trismegistus (pbuh) transmitted his sacred knowledge five thousand years before Christ

>> No.18675879

You reach gnosis by yourself, it's not a formal thing

>> No.18675886

Unironically Order of Nine Angles.

>> No.18675890

I'll assume you're not insane and ask you about your thoughts about early hermeticism. I'm not really interested in alchemy and/or astrology so is there some value for someone who knows that horoscopes are bullshit, but likes the divinatory aspect of tarot (not taken too literally).

>> No.18675892

Making tyrant cathocucks seethe over a millennia before protties.

>> No.18675898

nice rumor

>> No.18675899

The point of tarot is not divination, but an ancient form of what we would nowadays call psychoanalysis:

>> No.18675933

Isn't it infused with a lot of /pol/ shit?

>> No.18675953

Yeah, I really did not expect a Gnostic revival cult to take over the internet as the content moderator class

>> No.18675957

>as the content moderator class

>> No.18675993

It is if you want it to be; it's not if you don't want it to be.
Basically they're encouraging action. A lot of those who are interested in O9A are also interested into /pol/ shit, it seems. I assume that's just the most 'noticeable' and one with the strongest impact so it attracts more people easily.
The texts themselves are very interesting and helpful. If you can get over the accidental fascist image, I encourage you to read some basic shit (there's a collection of their texts on archive.org, it's over 8000 pages if I'm not mistaken).

>> No.18676003

>literal satanists
Eh, no thanks. I'll avoid joining any kind of group or society if I can avoid it, the truth is within after all, you simply have to seek earnestly and diligently.

>> No.18676163

You do you, and that's probably for the best. If you're forcing yourself into anything it'll be shit because it's not genuine. You can get into heaven even if you're not a christian, you have to be a good person.
O9A is completely decentralized so there aren't really any 'groups'. I'm not a 'member' so I'm not promoting anything, but I do find them fascinating. (It's Hegel+Bataille+occult for me, baby)

>> No.18676171

Weren't the first modern scientists into some gnostic author? I recall reading Newton was obsessed with one and that he influenced other scientists and their method.

>> No.18676207

Newton was into alchemy

>> No.18676223

i dont know a whole lot about them, and i understand the interest to do with bataille, but it seems like they are just poseurs rather than actually "transgressing" anything. theyre riding on the back of widely accepted things (rape, murder, etc) and trying their darned hardest to aestheticise them (cringe insignia and cute lil uniforms) all whilst posting their shit to the internet. bataille would probably be disappointed

>> No.18676572

Yes, but it wasn't what I was talking about. I found what I was trying to remember, they were into hermeticism

>> No.18676585

Alchemy is just a part of hermeticism

>> No.18676635

>widely accepted things (rape, murder, etc)
What would actually be transgressive then?

>> No.18676647

Hegel even more so, that's not the point.
I'm not saying that O9A has anything to do with Bataille, I was just saying that I don't completely agree with O9A, and that my personal views are shaped by Hegel, Bataille and occultism.

>> No.18676648

literally everything about it is just made up, it's fanfiction. people only believe in it because it sounds cool and ancient and pseudo-deep

>> No.18676656

Every religion.

>> No.18676676

Gnosticism at least makes more sense than Nicene Christianity and is more coherent with itself.

>> No.18676831

It's actually the only religion that's not completely made up and is confirmed by observations. Not that a golem would understand.

>> No.18677042

>It is if you want it to be; it's not if you don't want it to be.
piss off

>> No.18677058

Abrahamic religion in a nutshell.

Hermeticism and Gnosticism aren't the same thing.

>> No.18677110

based and GNOSIS PILLED.

>> No.18677114

If you read the very bedrock of their ideas (or even the rest of the post) you'll see what I mean.

>> No.18677361

Can you provide a direct link? Gonna have to glowproof myself before checking that out later tonight

>> No.18677639

Gnostics very cool but no 'ism' has the entirety of God's truth within it

>> No.18677641

How are they correct?

>> No.18677648

Yes, and all translations in the last 1500+ years have been absolute trash and should be discarded. And as an extension all works based on such a garbage translation are now invalid.

>> No.18677651

No one listen to this recruiting scum bag.
O9A is a very deep psyop orchestrated by the intelligence agencies of several nations.

>> No.18677657

This? Most of the gnostic stuff was made up by medieval schizophrenics

>> No.18677664


>> No.18677669

Noo you dont understand, gnosticism is secret and hidden knowledge!
Watch this youtube video with 300k views for proof!

>> No.18677763

Can you explain the difference between the two. I'm starting to dive into this stuff and I'm unsure of the full differences between Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and Neo-platoinsm.

>> No.18677944

Platonic philosophy with Egyptian flavor text, probably first century
Platonic philosophy with Jewish flavor text, probably first century
Platonic philosophy with Greek flavor text, probably first century

But I kid.

>> No.18677947


>> No.18677974

Explain to me how transgenderism is not just Neo-Gnosticism

>> No.18677998


Gnosticism is a system of metaphysics.
Transgenderism is delusion that seeks to ignore basic scientific facts for relatively concrete short term political, social, or monetary convenience.

>> No.18677999

Uniting male and female energies into a primordial unity is fundamental to all Traditions.

>> No.18678025

Devotees of the Great Mother would castrate themselves and don women's clothes. The Naassene Sermon preserved in Hippolytus is an elucidation of how this represented on an external, ritual level the turning away from generation towards the primordial Anthropos.

>> No.18678061


I don't really care what retarded cultists are up to on either side of the line. Gnosticism is the idea that there is a key difference between demiurge and God. Transgenderism is the idea that elective surgery, or anything, can make one physiological gender in to another.

The only people that conflate these things are mentally ill.

>> No.18678205

I recall Hermeticism as having a more positive outlook on the material world than Gnosticism. In the first bit of the Corpus Hermeticum it described how God and Man as a spirit fell in love with naturee, and God allowed man descent into it, and it uses the beauty of the natural world as an argument for the existence of God. With Gnosticism, the material is seem as a prison created by a false God, the demiurge, with the intent of preventing us from reuniting with divinity through gnosis.

>> No.18678210


>> No.18678242

Their cosmology make sense.

>> No.18678447


Actually let me apologize. That probably came across entirely wrong.

>Devotees of the Great Mother would castrate themselves and don women's clothes.

Celibacy is castration, but moreso.

>The Naassene Sermon preserved in Hippolytus is an elucidation of how this represented on an external, ritual level the turning away from generation towards the primordial Anthropos.

Please examine the concept of generation and why it seems preferable to you.

>> No.18678448

you can blow Abraxas' stupid fucking head off with hot lead in Cruelty Squad

>> No.18678487

Explain to me how it is. Why should a rejection of matter entail the physical removal of your balls? Are you okay?

>> No.18678505

>rejection of matter

take your meds

>> No.18678513

I don't know exactly what you took away from that but I was saying that trans politics is a strictly hylic affair, while the deeper insight that comes with Gnosis should refer these things (i.e., GosThom 22 and Philosophumena 5) back to their pneumatic antetypes.

>> No.18678594

>I was saying that trans politics is a strictly hylic affair

Pretty sure that makes you a moral coward and an alien to righteousness.

>while the deeper insight that comes with Gnosis should refer these things (i.e., GosThom 22 and Philosophumena 5) back to their pneumatic antetypes.

Outside my ken tbqh.

>> No.18678864

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