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18673768 No.18673768 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start if I want to learn about Hinduism?

>> No.18673826

If you currently know literally nothing, you could always start with Alan Watts. People shit on him, but his stuff can be helpful in introducing you to the philosophical mind frame of Hinduism/other Eastern religions, which can be a big hurdle for people raised on Western philosophical principles. But after that you'd probably want to move onto something a bit more from the actual source.

>> No.18673887

Guenon - Introduction the the study of the hindu doctrines

>> No.18673902
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>> No.18674764

>Alan Watts and Rene Guenon as an introduction to Hinduism
>no further replies
great board

>> No.18674855

Four Vedas

>> No.18674896

Agreed. We have refined this topic over the last 2 years. What more need be said?

>> No.18675668


>> No.18676500


>> No.18676507

Alan Watts and Rene Guenon.

>> No.18676567

Why do people shit on Alan Watts?
Does he simplify a lot of things or?

>> No.18676603
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There's nothing wrong with him at all, but he's an entertainer. A pop-scholar, if you'd like. He doesn't pretend to be anything else, so that's fine. But you shouldn't read his works, or listen to him as a "serious" introduction.

I also made a thread about Hinduism today, and this anon >>18674116 gave a little roadmap.
I'm following picrel btw

>> No.18676614

Meant to link to this reply: >>18674845

>> No.18676629

Okay, well thank you for the roadmap as I want to read up on philosophy of the east as the western philosophy have become quite one-sided and have maybe forgotten a few pieces along the road.

>> No.18677018

Jai Sri Ram