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/lit/ - Literature

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1866586 No.1866586 [Reply] [Original]

What are you going to read today /lit/?

I'm planning on finishing Kafka's In the Penal Colony and The Judgement.
Then I'm going to move on and read a bit more of To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.1866587

I will be reading The Great Gatsby. I truly hate it and it is a struggle, but I will finish the damn thing and put it behind me.

>> No.1866588

I'm looking forward to reading The Great Gatsby, I hope I enjoy it more than you.

>> No.1866593
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Today I am going to read some The myth of sisyphus by albert camus and some Selected poetry by conrad aiken.
penal colony is awesome.

>> No.1866592

I'm going to power through the last 150 pages or so of The Master and Margarita; I'v enjoyed what I've read so far but I've taken far too long to read it and it's beginning to detract from my enjoyment of the novel.
If I feel like reading afterwards I'll either start Heart of Darkness (provided it arrives in the post today) or read some more of Pushkin's Little Tragedies which I'd love to get a physical copy of but I won't because of the ridiculous pricing

>> No.1866599

I have recently have gotten into Michel Chabon's Wonder Boy's. I'm going to try and make a good dent in it today.

>> No.1866609

Tropic of Cancer

>> No.1866620

Fuck I love that book.

Nothing worthwhile going on, spoiled asshole protagonist but somehow: FUCK YEAH

>> No.1866625

Going to finish up The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russel. Plato's Five Dialogues and Descartes' Meditations. Not sure which to start first.

>> No.1866630

the other 2 are coming in the mail**

>> No.1866664

I'm hoping to read/finish Novels in Three Lines by Felix Feneon and Today I Wrote Nothing by Daniil Kharms.

Both books are amazing, but since they're both basically collections of short[-short]-short stories, it's hard for me to read too much of either in one sitting.

>> No.1866686

Italo Calvino, The baron in the trees
Boris vian, l'Ecume des jours

>> No.1866748

Boris Vian! I'm actually picking that one up soon (in English though). How is it so far, if you've started?

>> No.1866755

The Wall and possibly Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.1866757

finishing breakfast of champions

>> No.1866761

oh god, thomas pynchon. i attempted to read gravity's rainbow and could not. same story for v., also. i managed to get myself through the crying of lot 49, pretty much only because it was short.

>> No.1866764

I'll (hopefully) be finishing Joyce's Ulysses. 800/933..

>> No.1866763

It is a really delighting fresh style, with witty romantic themes, and a modern humoristic philosophical satire of existentialism.

>> No.1866778

I'm reading Gatsby too.
Also, WIndup Bird Chronicles and Fountainhead

>> No.1866803
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Hate to admit it.

>> No.1866823

read ted chiang's the life cycle of software objects and now starting on yoko ogawa's the diving pool. we'll see. if i can finish that i might try for a chronicle of a death foretold.

padding my yearly stats with novellas so i can take my time on a few longer books

>> No.1866829

Finishing Kafka's The Trial.

>> No.1866832

Man, I loved The Diving Pool. Favorite story was the last one I think, with the sister and the pregnant sister. So evil.

>> No.1866836

I'm not sure. I want to read straight through either The Claw of the Conciliator by Gene Wolfe, A Loyal Character Dancer by Qiu Xiaolong, or The Girl With Glass Feet by Ali Shaw, but I'm not sure which yet. Any suggestion as to which I should start?

>> No.1866838

Kafka's The Trial is so brilliant when you read it as a moral trial of Joseph K., rather than some precursor to modern bureaucratic trial procedure.

>> No.1866851

The Man without Qualities. Should have it finished by the weekend.

>> No.1866856

Finishing Slaughterhouse V and Sandman (by Hoffmann), then moving on to some ebooks on marketing and the lovely spanish learn thingy i bought.

In the evening I'm mostly gonna stick with something simpleminded. (Think "Gone with the Wind", or some generic thriller.)

>> No.1866859

What do you think of it so far? I don't know about the translations (what language are you reading it in?), but the original was somewhat of a tough read. The incest was nice though.

>> No.1866863

Have fun with Penelope (Chapter 18=last one). I have read the book quite often now (a few times for my exams), but i have always found myself skipping some part of Mollys' Soliloquy. The only interesting thing about it is, that it ends and starts with the same word.

>> No.1866909

are you serious? it's the best fucking thing of the whole book. in fact that's the only reason why some people buy it

>> No.1866920

Seriously? I didn't know that. Somewhat amusing.
Speaking for myself only here, I genuinely got bored by the part. And I LOVE Ulysses. But there you go, we all have different ideas of "good literature". It speaks for Joyce, that he managed to put most of these different ideas into one book.

>> No.1866936

I finished a Joyce novel a few days ago, so I am reading some nice, poetic Nabokov now. My safe zone. No more fucking Joyce. What a troll.

>> No.1866939

>what a troll

said the troll.

>> No.1866942

I liked it, but my head is still full of millions of fuck.

>> No.1866945

Could you specify what book you are referring to?
I'm really interested right now.

Also, sorry for calling you a troll. It seems you are not one.

>> No.1866948

I think it's safe to say Joyce is a kind of troll. Like Shakespeare he certainly fucks with the reader.

>> No.1866952

I'll take a stab and just say Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.1866957

Update: I've decided to leave the Kafka for now as I wasn't enjoying it much. I read another chapter of TKaM and will probably read something else a bit later.

>> No.1866958

I would have guessed that to. But it just might have been Ulysses as well.It can be a little intimidating on the first read.

>> No.1866959

Today might be the day I actually finish Titus Livy.

Who am I kidding, 200 pages left and lot of work to do today. Maybe tomorrow, if I manage to read 100 pages today.

>> No.1866964

That's okay =]

I didn't mess around and went straight to Ulysses. I understand what I read, but in a very shallow, meaningless way. I can tell you the plot, barely, but I am unable to extrapolate much of anything off the top of my head. It seems Joyce is one of those authors that you have to 'learn' to read. Also, I don't think I am old enough or well read enough. I'll try again in five years ago and hope for better results.

>> No.1866969

Talking about Finnegans Wake, there were actually quite interesting things said on the topic in some other thread recently.

I think it was that one:


>> No.1866967 [DELETED] 
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i'm rading some more of Infinite Jest for lit's read-along

everyone is ofc welcome to join.

but i think im gonna pick up a smaller book to read in between, not sure yet

>> No.1866971


Of those who are identifiable, you are the most consistently stupid poster on this board.

>> No.1866972

Please stay on topic and not be mean, we're talking about books.
Also surely I'm pretty stupid!

>> No.1866973

Oh Ulysses is just one of those books you have to read a few times.

What really helped me to understand it was

>Ulysses Annotated by Don Gifford and Robert J. Seidman

That one pushed the whole reading experience to another level, and helped me enjoy the book even more.

>> No.1866975


You're not discussing books; you're discussing the books you purport to be reading. There is an unsubtle difference between the two because 'talking about books' requires that you have some insight and (hopefully interesting) analysis to offer. What you're doing is composing lists in lieu of saying anything anyone might want to read. In this respect, you are no different from the dim-witted 'CAPSGUY'.

>> No.1866974

Don't let your age or intellect influence the whole thing. It's just as the guy above me said: It takes a few reads.

>> No.1866976 [DELETED] 
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what does that have to do with ANYTHING i just posted?
why did you feel the need to let everyone know your opinion of me in THIS THREAD which means you are posting off-topic and generally being a nuisance.

I hope you realise that your obsession with tripfags, and your need to talk about them in threads where my post in ON-TOPIC means that YOU are the problem. Not me.

grow the fuck up kiddo.

>> No.1866977

I recommend that you read Dubliners and Portrait first. When you read Ulysses again, I suggest you also read "James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses" by Frank Budgen, and make yourself as familiar as possible with Hamlet and the Odyssey, and Joyce's political views and ties to modernism. If these things begin to interest you, then it opens up the "world" of the novel so much and makes it seem even more complex, fascinating and clever.

>> No.1866978

Hey. Don't knock Caps Guy.

>> No.1866980


I actually enjoyed the thread so far, so could we just fight over our minor problems with each other somewhere else?

>> No.1866985

I support reading Ulysses Annotated+Ulysses.

>> No.1866992

I'm going to read another story or two from Sweet Land Stories by E. L. Doctorow later. The first story was fantastic. A lesser writer would have used some sort of gore or something, but Doctorow glossed over it, described everything around the scene, and it turned out to be much more shocking for it. Really subtle, masterful.

Doctorow is a truly great writer.

>> No.1867009

I went through a phase last year where it was hard to stop myself from buying another one of his books every time I was in a used bookstore. luv that dude

>> No.1867019
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The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

I'm re-reading the beginning for the third time I think. I enjoy the book, but I've never finished it. This time I will though.

>> No.1867037

Plan to start Fight Club, just finished Darkness at Noon last night.

>> No.1867045

Can't stand Murakami. all the books evoke exactly the same atmosphere with the same devices- cats, mystery, music, the main character being a man unsure of what is going on and surrounded by lots of mysterious girls who have sex with him- and don't come to any rational or satisfying conclusion. I can't help but feel like something enormous is being lost in translation.

>> No.1867132

>cats, mystery, music, the main character being a man unsure of what is going on and surrounded by lots of mysterious girls who have sex with him
you are saying it like it's a bad thing

>> No.1867305
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what does that have to do with ANYTHING i just posted?
why did you feel the need to let everyone know your opinion of me in THIS THREAD which means you are posting off-topic and generally being a nuisance.

I hope you realise that your obsession with tripfags, and your need to talk about them in threads where my post in ON-TOPIC means that YOU are the problem. Not me.

grow the fuck up kiddo

>> No.1869318

I'm planning on finishing To Kill A Mockingbird and then start The Wasp Factory.

How about you chaps?

>> No.1869326

wasp factory is rubbish

>>>>>"large greasy cock and balls"