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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 143 KB, 1000x1340, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18665645 No.18665645 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this board not like Evola?

>> No.18665654
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/lit/ literally can't shut up about Evola because it was one of the most 2016'd boards on the site.

>> No.18665661

1. I strongly suspect that a good chunk of the people who recommend Evola haven't read him and just agree with what memes say he said
2. /lit/ suffers from a subpopulation of leftists who lose their minds at the mention of Evola, Spengler, and Guenon.

>> No.18665667

Him and guenon seem a bit too woowoo for me. Nice quotes but I'm not sure that they ever back up their worldview with anything substantial

>> No.18665682

>I strongly suspect that a good chunk of the people who recommend Evola haven't read him and just agree with what memes say he said
I agree the quotes I see of his always seem so tame and accessible compared to what he actually is

>> No.18665764
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>I'm not sure that they ever back up their worldview with anything substantial

what's substantial to you?

>> No.18665769
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>> No.18665779

Any sort of argument, traditionalists just say a lot of cool shit without giving any reasons to believe their trash

>> No.18665870

Man was such a fucking useless fag that to larp as le special snowflake he wrote tons of bullshit about how much he is superior to normalfags. His writings are pathetically desperate for validation which is quite sad. 106 billion people came and went so to think of yourself a superior/significant being is totally retarded.

His scholarship on esoteric and religious matters is garbage too. Don't know why people still read those shots books. Reading his book about critique of modernity is okay, I guess.

>> No.18665877

I care more for somethin looks or sounds than anything else

>> No.18665884

Oh, so you're like majority of normalfags.

>> No.18665900


hey >>18665877, how does it feel to be absolutely BTFO?

>> No.18665995

Normalfags are ok with troons and those are ugly as fuck. Same with mongrels who 7/10 times look like orcs. And most normies are fat so...

>> No.18666018

Kek, take a look at tiktok someday. Only "pretty" or chads and staceys have the most followers. If a tranny isn't good looking then no one gives a shit about it. And it's just all style without substance.

>> No.18666044

even I like Evola and I'm a Marxist

>> No.18666050


>> No.18666077

I'm an essentialist. I think things economically, socially, ect should be done a certain way which is essentially what traditionalists thing if you ignore the kali yuga type shit.

>> No.18666098

>/lit/ suffers from a subpopulation of leftists who lose their minds at the mention of Evola, Spengler, and Guenon.
This. Did you see the threads about lifting? These people are pathetic.

>> No.18666119

I like Evola. He's a great writer and his ideas are at the very least interesting. Sadly most of the discussion on here becomes a political shit flinging contest. Why can't people just keep their trap shut about him when it's so obvious they've never read any of his works. Almost none of his writing is even really "political".

>> No.18666132

Why would it? It liquefies your organs. Who likes that?

>> No.18666242

Why would you admit to being an ideologue? Do you have no shame?

>> No.18666583

This >>18665661
But also many of the people who hate him do so because they haven't read him but solely base their opinion off of the memes and his wiki page etc "le ebil sex wizard nazi"

>> No.18666693

No one gives a shit about Ebola
We don't like retards like you spamming him on here all the time

>> No.18666705

Evola is the NEETcel Ayn Rand

>> No.18666706

Retard spotted

>> No.18666709

Evola is OK but maybe it's me or the translation but his books are very hard to follow. His writing style, or at least the English translations, is appalling. I have to re-read sentences several time just to understand basic syntax.

>> No.18666724

Aww you looked in the mirror
At least it's a first step

>> No.18666734

This. Anyone who thinks Evola and his ideas are comparable with mass movements like Nazism and Italian Fascism is lost.

>> No.18667025

Because Guenon showed him up. Hes too political. I haven't read him that much but I cant tell from his life and what I have read that he was too extroverted for my taste. I prefer the pure spirituality of Guenon's work.

>> No.18667076

Evola was the opposite of an extrovert. The difference is that he chose to live in this world, instead of removing himself from it like Guenon did. But yes he's very political, which I appreciate.

>> No.18667116

lol rightoid ”art” is a fucking joke

>> No.18667131

You realise 99% of all art throughout history would be considered right wing by modern standards right?

>> No.18667140

you realize that 99% of all peepee throughout history would be considered poopoo by modern standards right?

>> No.18667143

Unfortunately 90% of the people who shit on Evola are Italians (comunisti di merda). It’s really sad.

>> No.18667145

>best authors of all history
>all conservatives / rightists / traditionalists / spiritualists
I’m happy that you will never achieve anything in your life, subhuman trash

>> No.18667149

got his ass, praise kek brother

>> No.18667155
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>The seething leftist can't help himself
Totally normal

>> No.18667156

simply because evola is a pseud

>> No.18667157

Right wing art: 97% of the Western canon
Left wing art: a porcelain urinal and a few swear words written in bloody tampons.

>> No.18667158


>> No.18667163

Ok Giovanni, back to read Bordiga now

>> No.18667188

>You realise 99% of all art throughout history would be considered right wing by modern standards right?
You clearly know nothing about neither art nor history, so zip it chief.

>> No.18667222

Something being old doesn't mean it's right wing.

Many lefties like romantic art and greek statues, they just don't find it necessary to make liking it into a political project.

Lefties are furthermore more likely to read stuff like Hegel's incredible commentary on such art deepening their appreciation without having a paranoid complex about it like the right does.

Duchamp's project is furthermore more philosophical than artistic - there's really written some interesting stuff about his art if you like philosophy.

Much of postmodern art is made to appeal to theories about art; aesthetics and ontology, rather than the enjoyment of the eye. I, as a philosophy bachelor, really enjoy when this is well made, but too often it's not. - but that's the same with all art, you only conserve the good art, whereas the bad gets thrown out: that's why the past often appear better, because the shit got thrown out.

>> No.18667236
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can you really "like' romantic art or greek statues while you revise the past and pretend black people were represented? I don't think leftist mutilation of European heritage by presenting it as multiracial could ever be true love.

>> No.18667330
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>why does this board have the same opinion about x
Seriously though
99% of right wing retards in this thread are larping lefties
99% of left wing retards in this thread are larping righties
I blame Harambe

> I, as a philosophy bachelor
>reddit tranny post
Go back,you don't belong here,you are just as,if not more repugnant than the /pol/tards
Any response you can give the /pol/tard I will not be read since you're a redditor
I wish I had a way to filter posts like these

>> No.18667343

>I will not be read
Yes,that's what I meant to say,cope,seethe,dilate,touch grass,have sex,etc...

>> No.18667379

I post here when I shit, so of course my posts are going to be quite low quality. The reason why I included my philosophy bachelor was because it expressed a reason why highly theoretical art appeals to me while not interesting other people like the previous post.

>> No.18667402

How am I wrong, faggot?

>> No.18667437

>106 billion people came and went so to think of yourself a superior/significant being is totally retarded.
This is the mindset of losers. We are alive NOW and what we do is more important to the equally countless unborn simply because it hasn't been decided yet. If you're content with your brief course as an aristotelian slave, that does not concern me, but don't disparage people looking for something more.

>> No.18667447
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>> No.18667534

>"Be radical, have principles, be absolute"
"To yearn for a strong faith is not the proof of a strong faith, but rather the reverse. If a man have a strong faith he can indulge in the luxury of scepticism; he is strong enough, firm enough, well-knit enough for such a luxury" (c) Nietzsche

>> No.18667604

Because of his readers mostly

>> No.18667686

>reading the incredible Hegel
>thinks it’s a sign of intelligence or superiority

>> No.18667687

I only give a shit about things that are real.

>> No.18667695

small brain spoke

>> No.18667728

Have fun being a dogmatical little incel.

>> No.18667742
File: 73 KB, 385x363, 4chan interviews twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evola isn't real

>> No.18667746

The original post talked about how right wingers can't into art. Transport literally any artist in the past to today and he'd be considered right wing. Hell, the fucking most left wing artists like Dr. Seuss would be considered right wing.
>but leftists appreciate the art
I can appreciate leftist art too, does that make it right wing?

>> No.18667806
File: 166 KB, 1600x900, 210302195740-dr-seuss-books-full-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell, the fucking most left wing artists like Dr. Seuss would be considered right wing.

>> No.18667825

>but don't disparage people looking for something more.
But Evola got his desperate sense of validation by shitting on other people as lesser beings. The real losers invent elitist copes because they don't like the fact that they're mere food for worms just like those "NPCs".

>> No.18667864

>harambe xD
you have no business calling people redditors

>> No.18667875

>hey frens, which is the most redpilled translation of the brothers karamazov?

>> No.18667888

You're in a safe space, anon. The neo-fascist magic baron can't hurt you here. Now take this soft toy tiger and ride it.

>> No.18668210

This post BTFOs leftists and there is no way around it, only pilpul

>> No.18668222

You’re not real btw

>> No.18668718

He's a bit too larp-y.

>> No.18668764

This has to be bait. The man lived true to his words. He was the opposite of larp.

>> No.18668854

I really don't see it, unless you mean the time he was an artillery officer.

>> No.18668872

He wrote passionately about the importance of a “Tradition” while still searching for sake Tradition well into his 50s while asserting the validity of magical systems and Hyperborean origin myths. Plus, for his writing about war, I don’t think he ever actually experienced war. The story about his walking amidst bombing raids wasn’t even true. He heavily criticized Ernst Jünger, a man who actually fought in the First World War, was wounded, and then fought in the second one, despite already being a published author, something Evola claimed prevented him from service.

>> No.18668899

>mutt's law

>> No.18668919

this lmao
Even liberals have more creative energy than r*ght-wingers

>> No.18668948

Then you should read more about his life, there's more than enough books out there.
He wasn't searching for Tradition in his 50s, I'm not sure where you got this from. He was an artillery officer in war.
>The story about his walking amidst bombing raids wasn’t even true.
Are you retarded? He was even crippled because of that. You're very disingenuous.
>He heavily criticized Ernst Jünger, a man who actually fought in the First World War
He criticized later Jünger on some issues but was full of praise for the Jünger who wrote Storm of Steel. I'm really not sure where you're getting all this misinformation from.
>something Evola claimed prevented him from service.
He didn't. What are you on about.

>> No.18668989

>He wasn't searching for Tradition in his 50s, I'm not sure where you got this from.
Yes, he was. He discussed it with René Guenon in his letters.
> Are you retarded? He was even crippled because of that. You're very disingenuous.
He was crippled in a bombing raid. The story about his going for leisurely strolls amid bombing raids to “test his fate” was a fabrication.
> He criticized later Jünger on some issues but was full of praise for the Jünger who wrote Storm of Steel. I'm really not sure where you're getting all this misinformation from.
You just admitted that he criticized him. What do you mean you’re not sure where I’m getting from? Where did you get it from?
>He didn't. What are you on about.
Yes, he did. He wrote that he had volunteered to serve as an officer in the Second World War but was prevented from doing so because of his authorship and certain disagreements he had with the fascist party, both of which also applied to Jünger.

>> No.18669023

>Yes, he was. He discussed it with René Guenon in his letters.
Show me the quotes. I've read them and this is a mischaracterization.
>The story about his going for leisurely strolls amid bombing raids to “test his fate” was a fabrication.
No it's not, it's what happened. It was not the first time he did that.
>You just admitted that he criticized him.
Are you retarded? I said he criticized later Jünger, he praised WW1-Jünger. Your entire point was referencing to his WW1 experience, which was the thing he praised Jünger for. He criticized the Jünger who distanced himself from his earlier views.
>both of which also applied to Jünger.
You do realize that they were not of the same nationality and therefore their situations were very different right? My god you historically illiterate people.

>> No.18669054

>Show me the quotes. I've read them and this is a mischaracterization.
The letters are available in English and accessible online. You can find them yourself since I’m not your errand boy.
> No it's not, it's what happened. It was not the first time he did that.
He said it was a fabrication.
> Are you retarded?
No. Jünger said before he died that he never regretted writing anything he wrote and believed it all. He didn’t distance anything.
> You do realize that they were not of the same nationality and therefore their situations were very different right?
That’s true and I’m not going to present it as the key takeaway but it does add something to what I’m saying here.
> My god you historically illiterate people.
Ironic since you’re asserting blatant lies and misinformation.

>> No.18669113

>The neo-fascist magic baron

What a delightful phrase.

>> No.18669124

Being an actual liberal is considered an extreme right wing position in >current year.

>> No.18669133

>The letters are available in English and accessible online. You can find them yourself since I’m not your errand boy.
Alright retard, then I'm correct since I read them and this is not what was in them. Prove otherwise or accept that you're spreading nonsense.
>He said it was a fabrication.
Evola? No he didn't. Stop lying.
>Jünger said before he died that he never regretted writing anything he wrote and believed it all.
Then why did he alter the text of Storm and Steel? No, it was not just for literary reasons (although that played a part), it was because of ideological reasons as well. However that doesn't change the fact that your assertion was that Evola criticized the WW1 stance of Jünger which he absolutely didn't.
>That’s true and I’m not going to present it as the key takeaway but it does add something to what I’m saying here.
It adds that you can't compare the two. What would you have Evola do? Show up anyway and be dismissed? Sneak into a batallion and hope no one notices? I'm really not sure what you're getting at.
>Ironic since you’re asserting blatant lies and misinformation.
You haven't asserted anything besides "no u". I'm just going by what Evola wrote, if you want to prove me wrong, provide the quotes. Otherwise there is no discussion besides you asserting radical takes without backing them up.

>> No.18669183

Right wing people always tried to suppress:
>depictions of nudity, female nudity in particular
>morbid imagery
>worship of nature
>intellectual men exempt from military work
>opium and alcohol
Classical western art typically includes:
>all of the above

>> No.18669202

>Alright retard, then I'm correct
No you’re not correct and you should just stop being lazy and find them yourself.
> Evola? No he didn't. Stop lying.
Yes, he did and the details are in the de Turris book. The myth even changed over time. In reality, he was wounded by a Russian bomb while in his office in Vienna.
>Then why did he alter the text of Storm and Steel?
Why does any author alter their text? He probably did it because he wanted it translated and published. Why did he insist he didn’t deny it or not believe it? You can’t answer and the distancing you’re referring to is more the work of editors and translators than anyone else anyway.
> However that doesn't change the fact that your assertion was that Evola criticized the WW1 stance of Jünger
I didn’t even assert that. Try reading again and being honest this time.
> What would you have Evola do?
Not disparage and mischaracterize a person who clearly lived up to his ideals far more than he did.
> Otherwise there is no discussion besides you asserting radical takes without backing them up.
They’re facts. I named the sources. I can’t help it if you’re too lazy to look them up.

>> No.18669204

What's the deal with you Americans and blacks? Why the obsession?

>> No.18669205

Your "right wing people" is a strawman then, good to know. You've effectively said nothing. You know there's more to it than just burger conservative boomers right?
You've also not disproven that any historical artist would be considered right wing by today's (retarded) standards.

>> No.18669217
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>> No.18669243

Leftists don't understand right wingers. More news at 11.

>> No.18669263

>No you’re not correct and you should just stop being lazy and find them yourself.
I've already read them and that's not what's in them. If you want to prove me wrong, provide the quotes. You're the one making the assertions, back them up or shut up.
>Yes, he did and the details are in the de Turris book.
Fair enough, I haven't read that.
>Why does any author alter their text? He probably did it because he wanted it translated and published.
If he was oncerned with being truthful he wouldn't have.
>Why did he insist he didn’t deny it or not believe it?
Then why change it unless he wanted to kneel to ((publishers))?
>You can’t answer and the distancing you’re referring to is more the work of editors and translators than anyone else anyway.
In every SoS thread it's hammered down that it wasn't the editors and translators who changed the text but Jünger himself. If he still agreed with what he said later, he wouldn't have taken out the nationalistic parts and instead risk not being published and translated.
>I didn’t even assert that. Try reading again and being honest this time.
Your quote: "He heavily criticized Ernst Jünger, a man who actually fought in the First World War"
Or are you implying no one is allowed to criticize Ernst Jünger? Lmao
>Not disparage and mischaracterize a person who clearly lived up to his ideals far more than he did.
Except he didn't, I just explained why. Evola didn't critizie Jünger for fighting in WW2. Evola criticized him for his post-war stances which is his right to do so. You can disagree but it doesn't change anything.
>They’re facts. I named the sources. I can’t help it if you’re too lazy to look them up.
Apart from Turris I've read your sources and they don't say what you claim they say. You can prove me wrong or keep shouting into the void having proven nothing.

>> No.18669279
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I literally entered this thread on accident, only to stumble upon this garbage. You do realise that Third Reich propaganda is littered with depictions of naked men and breastfeeding women, right? You do realise that until the Hippie movements of the late 20th Century, almost all Heathenry and naturist revival attempts were exclusively done by people whom would be considered right-wing by modern standards?

You are just a troglodyte who thinks exclusively in directions and finger-pointing. You're every bit as bad as the fuckers over on /pol/ would have you believe.

>> No.18669294

>right wing

lel. yeah they wanted degeneracy out but their social programs were advanced as fuck. you seem to be the one who wants to lump all things under the twin umbrellas of lefties and righties

>> No.18669297

>Or are you implying no one is allowed to criticize Ernst Jünger?
No, retard. I’m implying it’s hypocrital disparage someone who fought in the war and saw heavy combat like he did, while also writing about war as an enlightening and transcendental experience. And as for his criticism of his stances, they’re a blatant mischaracterization. It’s questionable as to whether he even read any of Junger’s post-WW2 writing because it’s so off base. Read the sources again. Or don’t and stay ignorant. Whether or not I win this little debate does not matter to me.

>> No.18669301

>You know there's more to it than just burger conservative boomers right?
Boomer conservatives are the modern face of the right.
>You've also not disproven [...]
Because nobody proved it in the first place.
Why would, let's say, Gericault be considered right wing? What makes Dürer right wing?

>> No.18669330

>no u

Do you have a more intelligent comment or are you just going to assume how I think about things?

>> No.18669359

You absolute retard. How many times do I have to repeat this? Evola did not criticize Jünger for his exploits in the wars, he admired him for it. If you claim that the fact Jünger fought in the wars makes him immune to all criticism beyond it, you're not worth engaging with.
> And as for his criticism of his stances, they’re a blatant mischaracterization.
Just like your criticism of Evola, what a coincidence huh.
>It’s questionable as to whether he even read any of Junger’s post-WW2 writing because it’s so off base.
He read Forest Passage and Glass Bees at least. Probably more.
>Read the sources again. Or don’t and stay ignorant. Whether or not I win this little debate does not matter to me.
I have and you're wrong. I accept your concession.

>> No.18669367

By cultural standards they are right wing as hell Anon, left/right is not purely an economic axis. Lots of Trump supporters are economically left but lumped in with the right due to being nationalist.

>> No.18669374

I just said I read and enjoyed Hegel, relax.

Nearly all great artists are progressive in comparison to their time, if you look at actual right wing art like Arno Breker this art has no value except for gay porn. And Dan Park has as high artistic value as a bad post on /pol/. The best righties can do is basedface at the past and, as i argued earlier while taking a crap, lefties are much better equipped to that given their much better developed theoretical tradition: You have Roger Scruton, sometimes Hegel, depending on the day, and Jordan Peterson and that's about it.

>> No.18669378

>they are right wing as hell

>> No.18669382

No, I’m not claiming Junger can’t be criticized. I’m claiming Evola was a hypocrite. I said that several times in plain black and white text. Please try to follow along. This is no concession by the way. You demand you have your citations spoon fed to you on a silver platter even though I gave you the sources. You can have your petty “win” if you think that’s what that means, but the fact is I am right and you are wrong and were you not so lazy, you might have to actually confront that fact. Conveniently enough for you, you are lazy and this you need not confront it.

>> No.18669384

>Boomer conservatives are the modern face of the right.
Only if your single source of information is CNN. Thanks for letting us know you're retarded.
>What makes Dürer right wing?
He painted biblical scenes. Which the current left would consider right wing.

>> No.18669403

>Only if your single source of information is CNN
Your idea of left wing people is just as narrow.
>He painted biblical scenes
So? Plenty of left wing people are christian.

>> No.18669421

>I’m claiming Evola was a hypocrite.
And I proved you were wrong. Your only answer is "but he criticized Jünger and Jünger fought in the wars so he can't criticize Jünger." I'm sorry but that's not going to cut it. Evola might have been hypocritical in some regards but not in this one. I could say the same for Jünger for claiming to stand by his works while altering them to appease the ((publishers)).
>You demand you have your citations spoon fed to you on a silver platter even though I gave you the sources.
Yes because I've read your sources and they do not say what you claim they say. You're the one making the assertion, prove me wrong by providing the quotes that say what you claim they say, or keep being contrarian and shouting into the void.
>I am right and you are wrong
No u
>Conveniently enough for you, you are lazy and this you need not confront it.
I'd be happy to confront it if you provide me with the quotes proving your stance. You're the one being lazy for making assertions without backing them up. Your entire "uhh I'm not scared of being wrong" is a fairly big cope my man.

>> No.18669426

Please just shut up already. Read the sources again, or don’t. I’m not going to give you the damn quotes. Get that through your fucking head.

>> No.18669430

>Your idea of left wing people is just as narrow.
My idea of left wing people are the modern face of the left.
>Plenty of left wing people are christian
In name only, I'm not christian but take the words of the bible and those would be impossible to reconcile with modern leftism.

>> No.18669436

I'm still willing to engage further when you back up your wild assertions. If not, I accept your concession.

>> No.18669468

I don’t want you to engage me further and neither is this a concession. I’m only still replying to you because you keep demanding quotes and I find that extremely idiotic.

>> No.18669475

It doesn't matter if they are progressive. Thomas Jefferson was extremely progressive and statues of him are torn down. Leftists claiming that artists are left wing because they were progressive is hilarious because if they tried to make art today, they'd be ridiculed for their conservative opinions.

>> No.18669476

>you keep demanding quotes and I find that extremely idiotic.
You are absolutely retarded. "no just believe my assertions that go against common knowledge. My sources? No fuck that, just believe me bro." Lmao
I accept your concession. If backing up what you claim is too hard for you, you should just leave.

>> No.18669504
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I'm not progressive in my political views at all. That being said, I think that Evola misappropriates elemental values, shards, of a very alien Hindu polytheism to entice people who are not in touch with their own culture to the same ideological disease that plagues the left. His insistence on the Kali Yuga is founded on the wrong spirit Kali, he attributes the evil of the world to a "chaotic" Kali Ma, goddess of time and thus attributes like any failed artist, evil to the feminine pole. The true namesake of the Kali Yuga is not from the benevolent Kali Ma but the nemesis of Kalki, Kali who is a demon that reigns over this "dark age." according to Sri Yukteswar, the Kali Yuga has ended and the calculations for the current date of the cosmic calendar have been wilfully kept in error for the convenience of temples, end times sell more religion than times where God is not active.

So yeah, Evola is not only politically mistaken, he is theologically mistaken. As for magic...grow up, /lit/ties

>> No.18669520

>His insistence on the Kali Yuga is founded on the wrong spirit Kali, he attributes the evil of the world to a "chaotic" Kali Ma, goddess of time and thus attributes like any failed artist, evil to the feminine pole.
No he doesn't, this is a mistake Anglos make because of the translation. He makes a comparison to the other Kali but doesn't claim that's where the Yuga got its name from.
>according to Sri Yukteswar, the Kali Yuga has ended
And there's many who disagree with that, not just Evola.

>> No.18669540

I gave you the sources, you liar. They’re the letters with René Guenon which are accessible online and Englis (Gornahoor.net has them even-how’s that) and de Turris biography. Now just shut the hell up already.

>> No.18669554

I've read the letters on Gornahoor (which I don't trust because of their bias but whatever) and that's not what they say. Want to back up your claims? Provide the quotes and stop weaseling or just leave, faggot.

>> No.18669560

>I've read the letters on Gornahoor (which I don't trust because of their bias but whatever)
Kek. Okay. I’m pretty done with this.

>> No.18669570

Alright, I accept your concession. Put more effort in next time.

>> No.18669601
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The translation is what most people here read anon. And I am pretty sure that whoever translated the "Rivolta" should know better than to misquote the writer, Evola did not get it right.

As for Sri Yukteswar, yeah I can see why people would find problems with his work, but for argument's sake let's say he is logically coherent. If the Kali Yuga has ended then we can see evidence of that in the advances of technology that employs electricity, instead of booming into the Satya Yuga, the world must heal and we are in another Bronze age (checks out because of the cartel wars, religious extremism, materialism) and so Evola is critiquing this as typical Kali Yuga mentality that we have either not grown out of or that we are being deceived further into. Due to this, Evola proposes a new system for living life that employs what little knowledge remains of the Satya Yuga. Now, I will ask you to correct me if I am mistaken in the following:

Evola's magical system urges men to become domineering backbones, to appreciate the abundance of masculine properties that still are within them and to use such ability to organize life as a tool against the madness at hand in the current year.


>> No.18669692
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Whoah while I was talking with that other anon you guys were brainwashing each other...lmao maybe we are in the end times a cycle breaking

>> No.18669743

>The translation is what most people here read anon.
That doesn't mean it's what Evola meant.
>And I am pretty sure that whoever translated the "Rivolta" should know better than to misquote the writer,
They didn't, the translation is muddy which lends itself to the misinterpretation you fell for, but they're not misquoting him. Evola got it right. He never said the Kali Yuga was named after the goddess Kali. He does make a comparison to her by referring to the feminine aspect, which could be misinterpreted as it apparently is, but is not wrong.
>autistic screeching
You went wrong by thinking the Kali Yuga needs to be fought against. That's impossible and not what Evola advocates for.

>> No.18669762

So then it's just Crowley for the plebs...no thank you

>> No.18669764

>You just admitted that he criticized him.
Wow you're an autistic, pedantic fuck. Promptly kys.

>> No.18669780
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>Please just shut up already.

>> No.18669787

I shit on Evola and I don't even like spaghetti. He was a goofy mystic spewing gobbledeygook. Completely impotent in the world of matter like all occultist types.

For the life of me I can't understand what anybody gets out of his spooge.

>> No.18669802

Or conservatives would try to cancel them for going wokebroke - generally today's social environment is just shit without any real goodguys, i can agree with you we live in a horrible time to do anything but shutting up and consuming. The main issue with conservative or liberal cancel mobs is that they are typically confused teenagers lashing out online and being taken as serious as if they were adults, look for example at how the minecrafters at dream smp is being treated on twitter by their audience, wild stuff.

>> No.18669821
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C'mon, mane some people here take him too seriously because they've never had to show up to work early everyday and thus think the meaning of life is some objective truth you can reach through some method of spiritual guidance; it is the bourgeois gateway to failure by EXCELLENCE to do so. However, I think that the criticisms that Julio here is making are not totally unfounded, they come from a genuine concern for the world, it might be inconsequential in the grand scheme of things but that there are people even interested in this man's work shows that his interest in the "art of change" as I like to think of it may have some effect in the world. What little I have actually studied from Ebola Evola reads like a struggle Weininger at times but I think that to call him impotent or any shitty buzzwords like "misogynistic" or "backwards" does not make service to any meaningful critique of this man's arguments.

What people get out of this perhaps might be dangerous but in a world where risk is becoming more and more absorbed by cybernetics, you could at least try to take his work with a whole mine of salt and say..."Maybe?"

>> No.18670336
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uh, funny how that goes

>> No.18670606

They sus us out because we are different. It's easy to spot progressives because they are all the same.

>> No.18670865

What you want is state control of the economy. Marxism is a specific type which is egalitarian and gay. Anon don't tell us you believe in equality...

>> No.18671688
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omg politics so based i sure love my side and hate the other side so much woaow

>> No.18671849

Goddamn, this.
Discussing politics on social media is such a midwit pseud thing to do, if you’re a Chad you’ll be successful no matter what kind of society you live in.

>> No.18671864

"chad" is just as much of a false identity as left or right or communist or fascist or whatever
b urself

>> No.18671880

Sometimes when I’m in a really bad mood or irritated at something, I’ll come on here and argue with anons. I think they’re pretty stupid so it’s easy to get into it. Otherwise, I really have no interest in threads like this, politics, or anything like that.

>> No.18671930

You're in a deep layer of hell for this post. Apathy is faggotry

>> No.18671937

i am not apathetic to politics
i am against it violently and completely

>> No.18671943

Then you are either a beast or a fool. Know yourself before your next step

>> No.18671945

>/lit/ suffers from a subpopulation of leftists
The fuxk are you talking about, that's not true.
Are you mad because not everyone here is a lefty?

>> No.18671950

it would really help me to know myself by swallowing ideology

>> No.18671964

Extremely based

>> No.18672009

Being against politic is different from being above it. Detachment is not apathy. act without acting

>> No.18672223

Samefag here, just lettin' ya'll know I do think Evola is misogynistic and backwards, he does contradict himself often but like, I'm saying it might be fun for an amateur or starting critic to do so since he has so many obvious mistakes in his arguments.