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/lit/ - Literature

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18664717 No.18664717 [Reply] [Original]

I got into 5 of the 10 fully funded graduate programs I applied for, including: Wisconsin, Cornell, Alabama, Minnesota, and Greensboro. If you’re interested in applying for MFA’s, or in other words how to write so academics like your work, I might be able to give advice:

Italo Calvino’s Harvard Lectures

Jack Spicer’s Unvert Manifesto

Wittgenstein and Gertrude Stein side by side.

Robert Hass is one of the best thinkers on form, I recommend
Workshops are more than often a waste of time, but they force to you write for an audience.

Getting into an MFA is more or less about your writing being likable,

>> No.18664723

I’ll try to answer any sincere questions

>> No.18665038

What does your day to day look like? Are certain genres looked down on? Finally what are your thoughts on the writing general here on /lit/.

>> No.18665321

What do you think of Macaulay, I personally like his form.

>> No.18665372

what is the appeal of an MFA program anyway

>> No.18665399

you get a master's degree out of it and get to network with industry professionals

>> No.18665536

what are you interested in writing about?

>> No.18665829

fuck off attention whore

are you so fucking bereft of attention that you want random internet people to give you some intellectual and existential validation? you are a sick man; a deplorable pitiable tiny little man living in the underground; you probably also have cancer in your belly and that's why it aches

>> No.18665837

>Oh no, someone posted anything other than a guenon thread, might as well seethe like an absolute faggot
Fuck off

>> No.18665901

Thanks for the recommendations and for stopping by! Ignore the seethe.

>> No.18665949

MFA programs are a waste of time, but if it’s fully funded then enjoy your two-year vacation.

>> No.18666281

Im doing one fully funded and feel like I am wasting my time to be honest. Hope you don't feel that way when youre in it.

>> No.18666322

Cope as much as you can but MFA is the only way to "make it".

Get admitted to a fully funded program and after finishing it and making some contacts go rouge. At least you will get some art hoe puss and get to know the industry.

>> No.18666332

i'll be looking forward to sending you my scripts when you're busting your ass reading shitty scripts as a lackey for a publishing house. Congratulations on ruining your dream.

>> No.18666335

Based future MFA. Yes, Wittgenstein and Stein juxtaposed seems very au courant. It wouldn’t hurt to know some theory as well. Semiotics, Lacan, Derrida, Deleuze. Good knowledge of a particular obscure 20th c literary movement of the global south would be an asset as well.
>t. Yale MFA and fellowship recipient

>> No.18666345

AFAICT, a handful of this board’s favorites are returning to academic fashion. There’s lately a renewed interest in Nietzsche, Michaux, Mallarmé, Cioran

>> No.18667479

>not a single question answered
Confirmed larp

>> No.18667550

>in other words how to write so academics like your work
Fuck off. Getting jerked off by sterile academic faggots is just about as low as you can aim as an artist. If academics ever look at my writing and appreciate it for its adherence to faggy formalist doctrine I will shoot myself in the head right then and there. When I'm discovered a hundred years after my death, with my fictions they will uncover my essays and aggregate shitposts excoriating rightfully the image-obsessed academic culture of the 21st century as the falsity it truly is. You dumb, inconsequential little shitstains can chase after your symbols and little appending letters all you want. The people with genuine talent want no part in your self-reinforcing circle jerk of financial debt and intellectual squalor. The next generational fiction will be written by a NEET. Mark my fucking words you simpering little sycophants.

>> No.18667591
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>Fuck off. Getting jerked off by sterile academic faggots is just about as low as you can aim as an artist. If academics ever look at my writing and appreciate it for its adherence to faggy formalist doctrine I will shoot myself in the head right then and there. When I'm discovered a hundred years after my death, with my fictions they will uncover my essays and aggregate shitposts excoriating rightfully the image-obsessed academic culture of the 21st century as the falsity it truly is. You dumb, inconsequential little shitstains can chase after your symbols and little appending letters all you want. The people with genuine talent want no part in your self-reinforcing circle jerk of financial debt and intellectual squalor. The next generational fiction will be written by a NEET. Mark my fucking words you simpering little sycophants.

>> No.18668799

This. Nobody cares what an MFA has to say. What is your goal in even pursuing the degree? If you want to become a writer, then write. If you want a job, you will not get one as a result of the degree. Of course the program is fully funded, who the hell would pay for two years of study that will not bring you any closer to writing a book or obtaining a job.