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/lit/ - Literature

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18663955 No.18663955 [Reply] [Original]

>land of Magna Graecia
>gave birth to:
>fucking Gorgias
>invents comedy, mime, pantomime
>Pindar lived here
>Bacchylides lived here
>Ibycus lived here
>Aeschylus came here in voluntary exile
>Syracuse his personal theatre
>invents bucolic poetry as well
>here Persephone was abducted by Hades
>Scyllas and Charybdis
>Diodorus Siculus
>Elpis, wife of Boethius, also born here
>Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Cicero, Augustus, Apuleius praised it in their works
>literally invents Italian poetry (yeah, it wasn’t Tuscany)
>Cielo d’Alcamo, /ourguy/
>Giacomo da Lentini, aka Il Notaro
>dozens of more trobadours and stilnovisti whose names are superfluous
>Frederick II (more like Chaderick) sets up the most flourishing literary court here
>gives its name to one of the longest-running Kingdoms
>most admirable vernacular for Dante
>first cookbook written here
>books of magic
>Antonio Veneziano
>had the most renowned Greek school of the Renaissance
>inspired the best parts of Goethe’s Journey
>Garibaldi starts Italian unification here
>Giovanni Verga
>Luigi Capuana
>Luigi Pirandello
>Julius Evola’s family born here
>Giovanni Gentile too
>Leonardo Sciascia
>Andrea Camilleri
>Tomasi di Lampedusa
>Elio Vittorini
>Quasimodo, Nobel prize
>Lucio Piccolo, friend of Yeats, praised by Pound, compared to Eliot by Tomasi di Lampedusa
>Vitalino Brancati
>Vincenzo Consolo
>Gesualdo Bufalino
>Stefano D’Arrigo, author of the greatest book the 20th century, Horcynus Orca
>some local people still talking in Greek to this day

Name ONE island (except Britain and Ireland) more based than Sicily.

Protip: you can’t.

>> No.18664032


>> No.18664049


>> No.18664068

>No archestratus
Your list is shit and you are shit

>> No.18664107

>>invents comedy,

>> No.18664122

That’s a very angry comment, anon

>> No.18664771

America /thread

>> No.18664784

Nuraghes alone make Sardinia more based

>> No.18664794
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>Name ONE island (except Britain and Ireland) more based than Sicily.
All conquered by norman gang. You curiously omit this. But you're certainly off-topic enough to pass for a /lit/ regular.

>> No.18665383

Gayreeks ruined Sicily

>> No.18665482
File: 18 KB, 324x427, BE668D80-B371-408B-8446-32BBA0B9AB01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian normans conquered Sicily. Pagan Norse were naturally shit at conquest unless Christians were nice enough to give them some territory so that they can kill their fellow pagan brethren and be Christendom’s bitch. Pagans had no loyalty or love for their religion and could easily be bought by anyone. Also the last time the pagan Norse faced off against Muslims, they were utterly crushed: https://youtu.be/6kqcc6pI9_E

Pagans simply can’t defeat a people who follow a monotheistic religion. It takes a monotheistic warriors to defeat other monotheistic warriors, which is why Normans were successful but the Norse failed in Spain.

>> No.18665490

Your picture doesn't even make sense in this context.

>> No.18665550
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>no beingman
I'm eternally disappointed.

>> No.18665910

sicily isn't magna grekia you retard, the east coast of italy is

>> No.18665922

The Normans crucified their Greek enemies in Sicily, wrote letters in blood to the Arabs, and captured the Pope in battle. They were awful Christians.

>> No.18665956

Was going to comment this.

>> No.18666148

The best Sicily is the soanish one.

>> No.18666376

>Magna Graecia
That's Sicily you dumb cunt.

>> No.18666392

Elea is not in Sicily, anon.

Most retarded post I’ve read this week.

>> No.18666427

Magna Graecia is not Sicily. Sicily is Sicily.
The shock.

>> No.18666430

A good portion of the stories in the Decameron are set here, notably the abduction of Alatiel.

>> No.18666437
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Very nice. Except you missed the whole part where north african culture infested the island, which ultimately resulted to the Sicily we all know today. A mafia infested, trash ridden, mutt speaking weight that is dragging the whole of it's country down (by the boot). Much like rest of the south, except you could call it the enbodiment of the region, it's locus.

The rest of Italy has those sicilians to thank for their treatment in North America and Europe. All of the 20th century WASP Italian stereotypes and fear are dumb of course. When applied to Italy as a whole. Sicilians confirm them time and time again, even after 4-5 generations. If it weren't for Garibaldi, the North would be a state comparable to Switzerland or Denmark. Instead they ended up with a greek-tier country. I wonder what could the reason be? It must have something to do with that rich heritage down south, no doubt.

More than half of your list has nothing to do with sicilians of today, much less italian culture as a whole. It's dialect is muttspeak, thanks to which (and the euromutts emigrating to muttland) we have wonderful constructions such as MUZARALLA and GABAGOOL, widely spread in the American pop culture vernacular. It's only two qualities (I won't say redeeming because you can't redeem any of this shit) are food and nature, but you can say that about 90% of places on Earth. It was the Ancient Greeks and Romans who gave the land it's cultural heritage, everything else is just deluding yourself and romanticist drivel.

>Julius Paraplegola
Ah yes, listing a fascist, aristocracy larping occultist hack along with some of the greatest minds of antiquity definitely makes sense.

>> No.18666439

Aeschylus wrote "the Women of Aetna" though it does not survive today. He was buried near Mount Aetna.

>> No.18666440

>land of Magna Graecia
That’s what it’s written. Magna Graecia was Sicily + the rest of southern Italy. It’s correct.

>> No.18666444

Siceliot comedy was a thing before Aristophanes

>> No.18666446

Aeschylus was not from Sicily and he didn't invent comedy

>> No.18666454

Who said anything about Aristophanes? There were other before him like Magnes. What's your source for comedy starting in Sicily?

>> No.18666504

His source is Aristotle who traces the comedic tradition to komos festivals (nothing to do with drama as we know it today, sort of a proto-comedy) where the komasts wore masks and basically got shitfaced drunk. No script, no chorus, just festival madness. According to Aristotle, these festivals took place in the villages of Sicily. However, the tradition most certainly originated in Greece and was brought over/slightly evolved into that version of the festival.

>> No.18666512

not a single club in Seria A

>> No.18666579

>However, the tradition most certainly originated in Greece
Based on what?

>> No.18666711

But the Normans apologised, kissed the pope’s feet and asked for forgiveness after capturing the pope in battle so they were still good Catholics.

>> No.18666732

>Everyone cries themselves a river over immigrants and multiculturalism
>Hey boyos, the birth of civilization were in hubs of immigration
Illiterates need to get back to their farms

>> No.18666847

Hello, I'm Sicilian and I just wanted to say:
devi morire ammazzato.
No, la tua vita non ha valore, dunque merita di essere estirpata il prima possibile. È giusto così.

>> No.18667132

> Also
>Julius Paraplegola
>Ah yes, listing a fascist, aristocracy larping occultist hack along with some of the greatest minds of antiquity definitely makes sense.
ItaliANO spotted.
The entire world appreciates a great traditionalist philosopher, with so much substance and insight regardless of whether you agree with him or not—and you bury yourself in the trash of Marx and Sartre. Kys, universitario di merda.

>not being able to separate politics and literature/culture
seethe more

>> No.18667404

Sicily was also in a state of endemic warfare between Greeks, Carthaginians and Siculians for that whole period, just so you know...

>> No.18667422

That's not an insult faggot. Go back to watching Barbascura.

>> No.18667468

Marx and Ol' Googly Eyes are even worst (although they at least influenced others). I am not a leftist. Do I have to be to dislike obscure mysticism babble?

As for politics, that's a fair point. But separating culture and literature? What exactly are you smoking over there? OP somehow meant to glorify the whole island based on his (often twisted and downright wrong) interpretation of it's literary history. So how about separating geography and literature? This is just aimless, half of those people weren't sicilians, and it didn't "give birth" to anything, their respective cultures did, if anything (throwing individualism here out the window all the way), and after Rome those cultures were marginal and produced mediocre works (talking about Sicily here still).

>> No.18667519

Not him, but compared to the greatest minds of antiquity both communists and fascists are functional retards

>> No.18667570
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>population of 5 million
For a fairer comparison, a per capita assessment should be done.
Looking at Western Canon authors, Sicily has 7. That is 1.14 per 100,000 inhabitants.
The island of Lesbos has a population of 85,000 and 2 Western Canon authors. That is 2.35 per 100,000 inhabitants. Lesbos is therefore the most based island in the world, per capita. I dare you to find a more based place in the world (per capita) than Lesbos.
>Theophrastus (successor of Aristotle, father of botanology)
>Aristotle and many others lived here
>Pittacus of Mytilene
>Empress Irene of Athens and lots of other royal-bloods were exiled here
>Odysseas Elytis
>Stratis Myrivilis
>Elias Venezis
>Briseis was probably from here, from Vrisa
>descendants of both Agamemnon and Achilles settled here
>Orpheus's lyre went here
>important birthplace of early Homeric poetry according to modern scholarship

>> No.18667600

I'M SORRY, I meant to write 0.14 per 100,000 inhabitants for Sicily. Not 1.14, of course. Lesbos mogs everyone.

>> No.18667621

>twisted and outright wrong
Keep throwing up adjectives without any reasoning.
The only thing you deserve is a pink triangle on your shirt.

>> No.18667626

This thread makes me sad. Most of the achievements the world has are from 2000 years ago. Only Anglos can be argued to have contributed something on top of the ancients. Europe is not even close to matching the old glory and intellectual prowess of antiquity. All this technology for nothing.

>inb4 rose tinted glasses
No, they were objectively superior.

>> No.18667632

The thread was clearly meant as an expression of appreciation for a small land with incredible amounts of good literature for almost 3000 years. Deny this you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.18667637

But he did present his argument here >>18666437

>> No.18667644

>takes a book by Literally Bloom as a reference
Fucking kek

>> No.18667648

What should be used as a reference then?
Either way Lesbos is the most based place on earth per capita

>> No.18667649

Nonexistent arguments? Yes, he did.

>> No.18667653

There is no place on the planet that hasn't been in constant warfare throughout history
Just so you know

>> No.18667710

I am only denying that it was for 3000 years. Regardless of my xenophobic /pol/ rant, I seriously hold the same opinion as >>18667626
And I am seriously only bothered by achievements falsely attributed to Sicily, or rather, glorifying it over other Apennine regions. It's definitely up there, but it's not the end all be all of literature, and I'd argue there were other, more prolific and influential regions throughout Roman/Italian history.

>> No.18668516

Your whole post proves and demonstrates to what extent and in which way you are affected by retardation. It’s not a glorification of Sicily over other regions, everyone knows that Tuscany was a cultural miracle and that many Italian writers came from other areas. Nor it is a comparison between Sicily and the rest of the world. The key term is island, in meme style it was probably just an excuse to talk about Sicilian literature, but actually you can’t think of many islands with such a rich culture and literature. Apart from the ancient Greeks, we must acknowledge that it gave Italy two Nobel prizes (both remembered), and many excellent authors such as Consolo, Bufalino, D’Arrigo, the poet Lucio Piccolo. But of course they’re so hard to translate, I don’t blame you for not knowing them. I only blame you for being an arrogant dipshit.

Delusional. The only reason why Anglos and Americans are dominating the world is because Jewish families settled there to expand their criminal policies based on usury and monetary fraud. They didn’t even try in Italy because the Pope would have BTFO them in a heartbeat. The corrupted, uncivilized Anglo was the perfect base for flourishing in deceit. Ironically, you have to kneel and thank the Jews for everything you are. And the funny part is that your domination is obviously only financial and economic, because in every field of every century there were always great minds even outside the anglosphere, because culture has never stopped developing in Europe. Rome overshadowed the rest of the world, you haven’t overshadowed anyone. The last 300 years have been full of geniuses who were not from your lands. Mate I really suggest to quit that weird attempt to convince yourselves of your superiority when your country can’t even properly translate foreign books, to the point you need foreign assistance to help you get through the work, which is absolutely hilarious. If it weren’t for Franco D’Intino you wouldn’t even know that Leopardi existed, kys in all seriousness.

>> No.18668544


>> No.18668547


>> No.18668578

>Nah food won't be a big deal in Sicily

>> No.18668690

On a technological level sure but at the same time that's interlinked with the technological and scientific history of the continent as well.

Culturally Anglos are a cesspit.

>> No.18669069

>I don't blame you for not knowing them
You sound like a mono mutt, automatically projecting that everyone else is half-lingual like the rest of your nation. Either that, or an actual Sicilian, in which case - my condolences.

Also, Nobel prizes and those author you referenced are in no way relevant to this discussion, or globally. Every nation can beat it's chest and name "great national authors that are not translatable", it's a meme at this point. Only time will tell if they resurface again and become actual classics.

Honestly, you seem very triggered by all of this, insulting myself and the other poster in a fit of driveling rage, and tellibg them to kill themselves. So I'll just let the matter rest, hopefully you have better days in the future. Peace.

>> No.18670301

> Honestly, you seem very triggered by all of this, insulting myself and the other poster in a fit of driveling rage, and tellibg them to kill themselves. So I'll just let the matter rest, hopefully you have better days in the future. Peace.
It’s amazing how you derailed a discussion started by you yourself after realizing you were incredibly arrogant and pointless on a thread meant to appreciate the literature of a beautiful I place. I guess you are very lonely.

>> No.18670316

holy based

>> No.18670367

Remind me, is it 41% or 50% of you people who end up commiting suicide?

>> No.18670530


>> No.18670549

Med Bulls...I KNEEL

>> No.18671841

new goal: buy a boat to live on a sail around Sicily.

>> No.18673130

>A mafia infested, trash ridden
Except it was like that in Roman times too. Cicero spent his time attacking the corruption of Sicilian government. Has nothing to do with "muh Arab invasion".

>> No.18674408

People didn't know how to laugh before the Greeks

>> No.18674449

>people with talent are born on Shitcily
>immediately leave when given the chance
>favorite holiday spot of the worst Holy Roman Emperor
>Shitcilians are proud of this
I liked Vardenfell better.

>> No.18674752


>> No.18674848

I have the collection of all 20 italian regions depicted like in OPs image, very cool indeed

>> No.18674889

Post Emilia Romagna

>> No.18675492
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>> No.18675512


>> No.18676178

Japan didn't create shit

>> No.18676254
File: 19 KB, 400x400, malta123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malta inspired this redpill and therefore mogs all of Sicily.