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18662052 No.18662052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any book that'll help me cope with this? This unironically fills me up with existential dread.

Non Americans might not understand, but here we all actually live under the assumption that America is the biggest, the largest, the meanest, at all times.

This fills me up with existential dread. America compared to Russia is like a European statelet compared to America. Holy fuck. How do I cope

>> No.18662066
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>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.18662080

Its only double the size because the closer you are to the poles the bigger your country looks.

>> No.18662081

yeah i'm asking for a book

>> No.18662091

Isn't most of Russia, like most of Canada, just an uninhabited frozen wasteland?

>> No.18662101

Yeah of course. 60% of population lives in the comparatively tiny European part.

>> No.18662118
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>but i asked for a book

>> No.18662119

You can literally drive around America including Alaska, within Russia

>> No.18662123

USA has a much bigger population and an enormous agricultural and industrial base. It will at least be a regional power for the forseeable future. America won't have a sudden collapse of power like the European colonial powers, only a slow descent. Russia is not some sleeping giant powerhouse, it is weak in its own ways. China on the other hand has the potential to dominate the world.

>> No.18662127


a bit below the population of Canada lives in the Asian part of Russia (which I would say is all of Russia but you know guys)

>> No.18662130

Yes, and most of that frozen wasteland might not even be Russian by the end of this century.

>> No.18662134

What did you mean by this?

>> No.18662136

Why would you remove Alaska? That doesn’t even make sense.

>> No.18662138

He meant the Chinese will retake the far east and possibly most of Siberia

>> No.18662150
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Geography gives you ED?

China has a much bigger population. More ED.
Yeah. The US shouldn’t be a super power any ore. It completely drops the ball. (Well, you know me. No state should be a “super power” or exist)

>> No.18662152


a bit below the population of Canada lives in the Asian part of Russia (which I would say is all of Russia but you know guys)

>> No.18662158

No one lives in Alaska.

>> No.18662162

Not him but China is economically colonizing the Russian far east. Their birth rates are shit and people are leaving. Han Chinese are flooding in and doing the natural resource work. Russia has a pretty rapidly aging and shrinking population and has not modernized its economy.

Eventually those Han will become a majority in many areas and can begin to advocate for independence with Chinese support. China wouldn't invade or annex it, but they could certainly break off large sections and have them act as quasi-indepedent Chinese vassals.

That and they buy up all the natural resources and their people do all the labor so it is defacto Chinese fiefdoms in Russia. Sort of how the Ottomans technically held Egypt long after the UK ruled in practice.

China is also expanding pretty effectively into parts of the subcontinent and even more in Africa.

>> No.18662164

That is a stupid idea. Russia still has a massive amount of nukes and the far east of Russia is pretty much useless. Even if China wanted to use the eastern part of Russia to keep Alaska in check, they could just ask Russia to set up a military base which they would likely accept because they are allies.

>> No.18662170

No one lives in Siberia too though

>> No.18662180

>Yeah. The US shouldn’t be a super power any more. It completely drops the ball.
Why? If the USA is no longer a superpower then the only major one thats left is China.

>> No.18662182

China and Russia aren't allies. They do anti-US talking points together for the media, they don't have anything approaching a military alliance.

The Far East is resource rich and will become more appealing with global warming.

Nuclear war is suicide. Russia trying to win a conventional war with China is suicide. There are plenty of ways s riding super power can undermine a decaying regional power and get their way, especially if most of the population in the area are Han loyal to China.

>> No.18662188

It’s more about resources and access to waters than missile defense. In the 19th century, China leased much of the land and ports around Manchuria to the Russians (led to the Russo-Japanese war). I wouldn’t be surprised to see something similar in the Far East.

>> No.18662190
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China is a paper tiger.
I'd argue that if the US goes, China will collapse with it, due to the economies being tied together

>> No.18662195

Kapusczinski - Imperium

>> No.18662199

>Implying Russian officials buy the official nationalism and don't routinely fuck their own country over for their own enrichment.
If, more like when, Chins takes the Far East, bribes will lead the way.

>> No.18662200

We should have allied with Russia and South America etc. but oh no, we had to make enemies of the whole world.
No problem really. China isn’t into invasions and carpet bombing.
Hang the oligarchs and spymasters

>> No.18662201

Yeah but its physically attached to the rest of Russia, most people don't even think of Alaska at all despite its size when thinking about America

>> No.18662218

Yeah physical invasions and landgrabs are definitely a thing of the past after the atomic age/MAD, it will be a soft economic takeover just like in Canada, Australia, much of Africa etc

>> No.18662249

The maps are evolving as we speak: EU enlargement, Russian annexation of Crimea, fracturing of African countries e.g. Sudan, potentially Libya or Ethiopia, North Korea might not outlast the current Kim, etc. MAD deters one-to-one war between the most powerful countries, not history.

>> No.18662263
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Any book that'll help me cope with this? This unironically fills me up with existential dread.

Non Americans might not understand, but here we all actually live under the assumption that America is the biggest, the largest, the meanest, at all times.

This fills me up with existential dread. America compared to Australia is like Australia compared to Australia. Holy fuck. How do I cope

>> No.18662264
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your image is wrong though

>> No.18662272

>China is a paper tiger.
They are using more concrete for infrastructure alone than the total use of the rest of the world combined.
They are not a paper tiger.
The west ignoring infrastructure is what will lose us the top spot, and yet us not investing enough in infrastructure is nothing but a symptom of the disease infecting us.

>> No.18662289
File: 105 KB, 616x448, papertiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen Chinese construction?
It's all a total scam. And the fact you ignore those birthrates is simultaneously hilarious and sad

>> No.18662305

Very little is fake and weak construction.
You should visit Shanghai and Dubai.
Shanghai is modern and with good construction.
Dubai is modern but with weak construction not built to last.

>> No.18662329
File: 2.93 MB, 206x360, meanwhileinchina3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm not buying it for a second.
The façade only works as long as the West keeps pumping money into that backwater shithole.
That's why I say that once the US goes, the largest economic partner with China to date, China is fucked. Hell China is fucked as it is right now, with excessive pollution, a rapidly aging population, poor military and corruption levels so obscene it would make for an entertaining vaudeville act

>> No.18662334


>> No.18662337

That's sounds like cope and if you think that .webm represents China then I once again urge you to visit Shanghai and Dubai.

>> No.18662363
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>Completely ignores other issues mentioned
Sure thing.
I don't need to go to those shitholes. I have neighbors whoever escaped from China, and they all tell the same story; it's a despotic shithole

>> No.18662376

Aging and shrinking population is only a problem in Western countries.

>> No.18662377
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You see what fits into Russia and how much space there still is left? ?Ha ha ha ha ha! Everything fits into Russia!

>> No.18662389

China has a birthrate lower then Best Korea

>> No.18662399

China will open the floodgates to mass immigration sooner or later. There's a reason they are in Africa. They need people from there to move to China eventually to balance out the population losses.

>> No.18662404

>Completely ignores other issues mentioned
>Excessive pollution
Not as bad as you're trying to make it sound
>rapidly aging population
Same as EU (the refugees are an economic drain so they make the situation worse) and Japan is doing fine with their aging population. Same as China.
>poor military
Yes, but rapidly modernizing and they are not as imperialistic as America do it doesn't matter as long as they can defend themselves.
It's rapidly decreasing in China but the opposite is happening in the west.
High level corruption has been pretty much accepted in the west
I guess PM bribes for new laws and construction projects are ok as long as you can't bribe the police to ignore you speeding ticket?

>> No.18662647

This is just sad. China has a bigger spiritual problem anyway. The effect of the one child policy has created the most imbalanced society in existence. It lead to one large push of frenetic youthful activity but no incentive to preserve.

>> No.18662659

>but no incentive to preserve.
What are your Western nations preserving, exactly.

>> No.18662849
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That isn't a good thing.
Plus, who the fuck would want to live in China?
Bruh. All this cope and no real answers

>> No.18662886

>Any book that'll help me cope with this?
Read Dostoyevskiy and accept the victory of Russian God over nihilism, this way you don't have to cope with it and will become our brother.

>> No.18662895

what a retarded thread
are you 11 years old?

>> No.18662896

>Plus, who the fuck would want to live in China?
China is a much nicer place to live than much of Africa. Africa will be over populated anyway, they'd be happy to move to China.

>> No.18662901
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>China is a much nicer place to live than much of Africa.

>> No.18662928

>china can't be a paper tiger because they uses concrete which is a hard material
What the fuck are you smoking, anon

>> No.18662941

I just said it’s only a problem in Western countries.

>> No.18662948

I would love to hear your logic on why I am wrong.

>> No.18662965

Erectile Dysfunction? I mean yeah I guess, larger population more ED.

>> No.18662968

England is the size of Alabama and they basically ruled the world for a bit. Land mass doesn't matter at all. And anyway having any allegiance to or pride in your country is for retards. The people running things don't give a shit about you, and never have or will.

>> No.18662994

Strong construction, weak construction... The cost of upkeep for concrete structures ain't cheap. And China is sitting there with empty cities.

>> No.18663013

See >>18662190
Well, it's a backwater authoritarian dictatorship ran by a bunch of incompetent bugmen, with some of the worst pollution on planet Earth, combined with a terrible quality of life, no freedom and an society predicated on fear due to said authoritarian government's constant surveillance and use of secret police.
Need I continue?

>> No.18663017

They will not. Unfortunately for you, mass immigration is Western only.

>> No.18663022
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>as if size and power/wealth have any direct correlation

>> No.18663045

They will or they will fade away due to population issues.

I don't deny China is a place which lacks much of the freedom we enjoy in the West, but they are not incompetent. In the past twenty years they have had the largest jump in living standards in human history. They have the largest or second-largest economy on Earth, are a superpower, and they are literally the opposite of a backwater. I think your dislike of the Chinese political system is coloring your view of their strength. If I was a Ethiopian or Ghanaian, I may very well see moving to China as a better plan than sticking around in my nation.

>> No.18663054

>They will or they will fade away due to population issues.
And those are?

>> No.18663074

>but they are not incompetent.
Anon, I...
What is the One Child Policy?

>> No.18663097

You cannot maintain a manufacturing or consumer based economy with a shrinking population. Sooner or later you run into Japan-style stagnation. "Green line must go up" is a bit of a meme, but if China wants to become the hegemon, then yes their green line will need to go up for the foreseeable future. Mass immigration, most likely from Africa, is the only way to do that. It will be interesting to see how a pseudo-ethnostate deals with mass immigration, but it is inevitable if China wants to stay strong.

I'll give you that one, fine. But that doesn't outweigh how powerful they have become.

>> No.18663125

It has crippled them to the point where they are expected to have a demographic collapse.
Right now the ratio of boys to girls is 15 to 1.
Do I even need to mention the Great Leap forward? Or the territorial expansion that has made China enemies throughout South East Asia? Or the recent famines caused by excessive flooding?
China is a fucking joke

>> No.18663135

>Clueless without any knowledge of what his on about
Many such cases

>> No.18663172

I don't have a concrete book recommendation, but maybe you can look for a book about the extend of the american empire.
I watch these youtube videos from this vox dropout about it and I think they're supposed to make you feel guilty, but all I feel is pride.

>> No.18663184
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are you an idiot, op?
how is that scary. check actual sizes without mercator distortion

> most people don't even think of Alaska

that's completely irrelevant. Alaska adds to american empire, resources, economy and power like any other state. it's not in any way detached in a political sense.

The USA total size is basically same as USSR and in a much more strategic position too

I could also include US territorial water arising from holding tiny Atolls in the pacific for dropping bombs on. and places like phillipines which was part of a traditional "American empire" and then there are places with military/naval bases

>> No.18663196

>Ohno muh scary russians

fuck off MSNBC

>> No.18663204
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It's ok, they're like half the size of Africa so clearly they are outclassed.

>> No.18663208
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>> No.18663212
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What if they unite!

>> No.18663215

That's not even including Canada as defacto US vassals.

>> No.18663383

China is shifting away from economic dependence. The actual reason they stopped importing huge amounts of recyclable waste from other countries is because they now have the economy to buy and those ships are going back filled with goods to sell on their markets. They only bought all that recyclable material from other countries because otherwise most of those ships which took goods to the US and elsewhere would have gone back empty. They are also decreasing their dependency on the US for staples like basedbeans, Brazil is a major source for them now.

>> No.18663425
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China's main source of income is export of good to the West, specifically the United States.
If the US goes, China would lose it's biggest, and most irreplaceable cash cow.
As a result, China will always play second to the United States and the West

>> No.18663437

Fuck Americans, fuck the Anglo world. I hope something happens to your populations.

>> No.18663448
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您已经失去了社会信用评分。 为你的过犯忏悔或被放回血汗工厂

>> No.18663458

>without alaska and hawaii
Lol cope

>> No.18663483

I'm not even a chink but at this point I hope the BTFO the US out of existence, although it won't happen and chinks are still too retarded to notice they ought to stop copying Amerifat's manners and lifestyle.

>> No.18663492

As I said, they are shifting away from that. There is a reason you are seeing made in Indonesia, India, Korea, etc more and more these days, China is starting to produce for their own market and the US has started looking elsewhere for manufacturing. Even if they were not shifting towards producing for their own markets, everyone knows the fallout from the 1 child policy is coming and that China will have a major drop in output.

Even with Alaska and Hawaii there is still room for a second lower 48 in Russia, they have like 3 million more square miles than the US.

>> No.18663516

Didn't know this word before. I like it.

>> No.18663876

The US still encompasses a major exporter and trade partner.
China can try, but no market is as juicy as the United States of Israel.

>> No.18663892
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Kneel to your new Asiatic masters.

>> No.18663896


>> No.18663906

a very large chunk of Russia is a barren, frozen wasteland

>> No.18663928

China is fucked beyond all belief.
Russia? They are serval decades and major reforms away from their former glory.
So it is unlikely

>> No.18663929
File: 91 KB, 620x388, China1_1432360i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building are constantly collapsing in China, including Shanghai. They are rushed and shittily constructed.

>> No.18663936

North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests 北达科他州接入管道抗议 Ferguson Riots 弗格森暴动 2017 St. Louis protests 2017年圣路易斯抗议活动 Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll 比基尼环礁的核试验 Unite the Right rally 团结右集会 Charlotte riots 夏洛特暴动 Attack on the Sui-ho Dam 袭击穗河水坝 Milwaukee riots 密尔沃基骚乱 Shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile 奥尔顿·斯特林和菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚的射击 Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Malheur国家野生动物保护区的占领 death of Freddie Gray 弗雷迪·格雷的死 Shooting of Michael Brown迈克尔·布朗的拍摄 death of Eric Garner, Oakland California 奥克兰奥克兰市埃里克·加纳(Eric Garner)逝世 Operation Condor 神鹰行动 Occupy Wall Street 占领华尔街 My Lai Massacre 我的大屠杀 St. Petersburg, Florida 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡 Kandahar Massacre 坎大哈屠杀 1992Washington Heights riots 1992年华盛顿高地暴动 No Gun Ri Massacre 无枪杀案 L.A. Rodney King riots 洛杉矶罗德尼·金暴动 1979 Greensboro Massacre 1979年格林斯伯勒大屠杀 Vietnam War 越南战争 Kent State shootings肯特州枪击案 Bombing of Tokyo 轰炸东京 San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing 旧金山警察局公园站爆炸案 Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 小马丁·路德·金遭暗杀。 Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967年炎热的夏天 Bagram 巴格拉姆 Selma to Montgomery marches 塞尔玛到蒙哥马利游行 Highway of Death 死亡之路 Ax Handle Saturday 星期六斧头 Battle of Evarts 埃瓦茨战役 Battle of Blair Mountain 布莱尔山战役 McCarthyism 麦卡锡主义 Red Summer 红色夏天 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Pottawatomie massacre 盆大屠杀 Jeju uprising 济州起义 Colfax massacre 科尔法克斯大屠杀 Reading Railroad massacre 阅读铁路大屠杀 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Bay view Massacre 湾景大屠杀 Lattimer massacre 拉蒂默大屠杀 Ludlow massacre 拉德洛屠杀 Everett massacre 埃弗里特屠杀Centralia Massacre 中部大屠杀 Ocoee massacre Ocoee大屠杀 Herrin Massacre 赫林大屠杀 Redwood Massacre红木大屠杀 Columbine Mine Massacre 哥伦拜恩矿难 Guantanamo Bay 关塔那摩湾 extraordinary rendition 非凡的演绎 Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse 阿布格莱布的酷刑和监狱虐待 Henry Kissinger 亨利·基辛格

>> No.18663954

>China can try
They don't have a choice. There is good reason Chinese investors are putting their money into foreign markets and why many US companies are moving some or all of their manufacturing out of China. Stop looking at historic trends and look at what is coming and what is happening.

>> No.18664555
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I'm telling you, if the US goes tits up China goes with it, because it won't have the money to cover for it's problems anymore.

>> No.18664564

Lel, americans blown the fuck out. Dont forget the patriot act and indefinite detention without trial.

>> No.18664570
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>> No.18664594

20 social credits have been deposited into your account.

>> No.18664600

>no melbourne
>no adelaide
Now this is my kind of Australia.

>> No.18664609
File: 278 KB, 600x596, shits n giggles mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.18664793

Perhaps if the US had a complete and unexpected shutdown and closing of all boarders, or just ceased to exist. Anything severe enough to cause us to just stop buying from China completely would also cause us to cease exporting, China is the only country who could fill that gap, it would be a hiccup for them. But anything that could cause such a situation would be the real issue, this would take something like WWIII to happen.

To get back to reality, look what happened when the recession hit, US turned a blind eye to China's dumping of steel and other metals which helped keep much of the US industry afloat and many employed.

>> No.18664867

You don't seem to understand, so let me lay it out for you nice and slowly:
The US is the linchpin to the global economy, because of it's navy, and the fact that it's currency is the most powerful in terms of actual spending power.
When the US goes, or even if it's navy is no longer able to protect and control global shipping, it's game over for the global economy, and especially China, who's entire economy rests on export and manufacturing.
Until China gets a blue water navy that could match the US's, which if they tried would mean certain war, then the Chinese would be set to become a global superpower.
Until then, They. Are. Fucked.

>> No.18664870

>You cannot maintain a manufacturing or consumer based economy with a shrinking population.
You actually can but you don’t even need to.

>> No.18664880

Russia is 1/3 the US population, and most of Russia is cold as fuck.

>> No.18664934

You dont seem to understand that anything that could cause such a situation would itself be a bigger problem then the lose of the US economy and that in a global economy you can not look at economies in isolation. You are also ignoring everything going on in the world economy and China and assuming it is all going to stay the same, it is not and it is already changing, China is shifting away from being an export based economy, their imports are increasing and factories are changing over to serve their domestic market.

>> No.18664952

Australian here. I dont really care that my island is so much bigger than other nations. Like half of it is desert anyway.
As for Russia, well half of that is just a wasteland of snow.

>> No.18664980

First off, work on your English.
Second off, even if China grew it's domestic market, it doesn't fix the wide variety of social and demographic issues currently being experienced, as well as is slowing encroaching into the middle income trap.
Right now is the time where China need to get it's shit together and step up and it has failed to do that. The window is closing shut by the day, and seeing the sorry state they are currently in it might be too late for the chinks

>> No.18665000

>the sorry state they are currently in
Literally what are you talking about? They are one US economic/political crisis away from being the hegemon, and if they solve their demographic issues they are unbeatable. You seem to think China is in decline when it is breathing down the West's neck.

>> No.18665017

China just came out of a famine and major pandemic you massive retard.
Not to mention the massive amounts of pollution, poor sanitation, extremely corrupt authoritarian government, and terrible working standards, among an long list of other things I can't remember off the top of my head.
The reason that China is even close to the West is that it is in sharp decline right now. Not to mention that China is little more then a Western manufacturing vassal