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18661953 No.18661953 [Reply] [Original]

what are some sex books?

>> No.18661958

"Justine" and "Juliette".

>> No.18661966

The Decameron

>> No.18661971

>written in 1351
Did sex even exist back then?

>> No.18661996

>put the devil in hell
I love that one.

>> No.18661998

Hindu mythology. I'm not even talking the Kama Sutra, there's loads of semen and vaginas in Hindu scripture.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.7.23
>This self of yours who is present within but is different from the semen, whom the semen does not know, whose body is the semen, and who controls the semen from within—he is the inner controller, the immortal.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.2
>Prajapati then thought to himself: "Now, why don't I prepare a base for that semen?" So he created woman and, after creating her, had intercourse with her. A man, therefore, should have intercourse with a woman. Prajapati stretched out from himself the elongated stone for pressing Soma and impregnated her with it.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.4-5
>If one discharges semen, whether it is a little or a lot, in sleep or while awake, one should touch it and also address it with this formula: I retrieve this semen that fell on earth today; into water or plants though it may have seeped. May I regain my virility, my ardor, my passion; let the fire and the fire-mounds each return to its place. As he recites this he should take the semen with his thumb and ring finger and rub it between his breasts or brows.

Chandogya Upanishad 5.8.1
>A fire—that's what a woman is, Gautama. Her firewood is the vulva; when she is asked to come close, that is her smoke; her flame is the vagina; when one penetrates her, that is her embers; and her sparks are the climax.

>> No.18661999

no. people have only really been having sex for the last ~100 years.

>> No.18662008

this is true. Everything boils down to women's bodies for some reason in Hindu scriptures