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File: 27 KB, 220x302, 220px-GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18661343 No.18661343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did some great intellectuals, e.g. Newton, stay celibate so easily? Today, we just see too many men go insane if they cannot get a girlfriend.

>> No.18661394

What literature did Newton write that you're discussing faggot

>> No.18661402

They were intelligent. The angry incel type you see today is a caveman retard.

>> No.18661420
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-the-way-to-chastity-is-not-to-struggle-directly-with-incontinent-thoughts-but-to-avert-isaac-newton-144-63-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18661422

>The angry incel type you see today is a caveman retard.
true, the are saying stuff like "woman bad" "grug hate women" "unga angry go shitpost online"

>> No.18661433

>the way of chastity is to cope

>> No.18661443

It wasn't always easy. They had Jesus Christ.
There was a social component too I guess, though it will be overrated today. Far less virgin shaming, in fact quite the opposite in upper classes. Even for men.
Except among c*lvinists and other trve protestants based on them, for which being "functional" and "useful" was the peak of existence so they despised celibacy.

The person in OP said the same.

>> No.18661497

The way to anything worthwhile (including most of life) is to """cope""", why is that a bad thing?

>> No.18661516
File: 111 KB, 2048x1152, 1624040386638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't bombarded with sexuality the same way we are in todays world. Fact of the matter is, if you don't see hot half-naked women posted on the internet, or plastered everywhere on billboards, your peepee won't demand sex as much.

Then there was the culture, which by all accounts was a bit prudish outside of Sodom and Gammorah cesspoals that were the commercial centeres.

Finally, there's the question of aestetics and how uncommon good ones truly are. It's easy to think that people are hot when internet is bombarding you with a hottie after hottie, but these babes a minority. Most women are not that hot, so unless you're really desperate, it's not like your PeePee with stand up the vigor of a fucking lazer ready to cut diamonds. Realistically, hot women are on short supply. I'd say that, all things considered, they were at best 10% of the pool of women. The rest, which is what you typically saw back then were similar to the 'english roses'-memes you can find on /sports.

So it wasn't out of question that a man could, realistically, go his entire life without witnessing a legitimate 10,9 or even 8. Anything below that doesn't really challenge your boner-brain hard enough for you to focus on them.

TL:DR fewer distractions which caused people to focus on their passions.

>> No.18661519

So just keep yourself busy and don't think about it? Great, I'll do that.
I think for incels, the Internet is really harmful as everything will remind them of sex and girls. Just log off, read books and do some maths. I wish I had Autism.

>> No.18661554
File: 211 KB, 800x450, cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18661838

they also didnt live in a hyper sexualised society where they were constantly bombarded with pornography and women of ill repute running around.

>> No.18661968
File: 36 KB, 415x648, d1ln27v-94815c3f-983d-49de-bf3d-3b7d793cce27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so easily

>> No.18662694

> I wish I had Autism.
Am I wrong in thinking most incels that rant about shit online are autistic themselves?
I suppose if you were one of those savants that are obsessed with math or science and just focus your entire life on that it would be another story but it seems equally likely you will be obsessed with useless dumb shit and just be stuck online all day ranting about women being evil.

>> No.18662721

a lot of them self-diagnose but i doubt it. most incels are just friendless, angry and desperate guys and the internet is the ONLY place where you can vent about these things

>> No.18662725

He's right. This why it's a natural development in religious figures who have to stay chaste that they stay secluded, like in a monastery, with no members of the opposite sex to interact with. The problem with most aspects of enlightenment, spirituality and all sorts of personal development in general is that they cannot coexist with modern life, which is built on impulse and materialism and hedonism.

>> No.18662728

You're comparing a bunch of coomers to Isaac Newton

>> No.18662749

there's a running ad everywhere in my city where there's this model in a bikini with a sultry look and her legs spread a little bit, that's just a little bit away from soft porn.
girls go around practically naked in the summer

>> No.18662778

If you read My Twisted World you'll see that that is not the case.
>I spent more time studying the world, seeing the world for the horrible, unfair place it is. I then had the revelation that just because I was condemned to suffer a life of loneliness and rejection, doesn’t mean I am insignificant. I have an exceptionally high level of intelligence. I see the world differently than anyone else. Because of all of the injustices I went through and the worldview I developed because of them, I must be destined for greatness. I must be destined to change the world, to shape it into an image that suits me!
In fact this resembles the grandiose delusions that Newton himself probably had.
>Newton exhibited signs of bipolar disorder early in life; he was a solitary child who didn’t engage in games with other children. He spent most of his time alone, building miniature mills, machines, carts, and other inventions. He was high strung, egotistical, and dominant. He experienced attacks of rage, which he directed toward his friends and family. He later recalled ‘threatening my father and mother to burn them and the house over them.’
>Newton avoided the company of others. When he had to interact with people, he contributed little to conversations. His relationships with other scientists were tyrannical. He would refuse to speak to those who dared to disagree with him. Newton sought quarrels with friends and foes alike.
>Like many people with bipolar disorder, Newton developed grandiose delusions. In his notes on alchemy and religion he wrote that he was appointed by God to bring His truth to the world.

>> No.18662829

1)Newton is not "too many men"
2)Solitude: A Return to the Self by Anthony Storr

>> No.18662838

I think most of the people who contributed to humanity in the past would be stuck in a dead end job under a shit-ton of antidepressants and anti-psychotics. Michelangelo was strongly misanthropic, he hated people and was difficult to work with. Many of the greats were generally asocial and didn't do well with other people. All these people wouldn't have a career based simply off of that.

>> No.18662841

>It's easy to think that people are hot when internet is bombarding you with a hottie after hottie, but these babes a minority. Most women are not that hot,
That's not how it works btw

>> No.18662874

Intellectual celibates don't care about sex. They'd rather do other things.

Incels are obsessed with sex, and cannot think about anything else.

>> No.18662893

Social media didn't exist and they didn't have other people's lives/pictures/timelines/posts blasted in each others' faces 24/7.

>> No.18662902

They were adults that weren't obsessed with sex. Just that simple.

>> No.18662912

The Genius Famine argues similarly, that geniuses mostly have disagreeable personality mixed with high iq, which makes them asocial and hard to be with, even if they are so crucial to societies.

>> No.18662926

>cannot coexist with modern life
*mundane life
Nothing modern about it. Not even the primitivist larpers can have this. It is separation from the incentives at a base level. Hence why even in antiquity the desert fathers went to the middle of the Egyptian hills of rock and sand.

>> No.18662946
File: 356 KB, 1401x1421, Newton autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newton was a full sperg by normalfag standards. On the special topic of women, his hostility is well documented. The man hated Locke not just for his pleb philosophy, but because he think he was involved in a conspiracy to have him have sex.

>> No.18662959

OP may as well ask why Saints are Saints and anons are sinners.

>> No.18662962

It boggles my mind how easy it is for a women to be attractive (how easy it is to live as a woman in general) but the majority end up being needy fat fucks.

>> No.18662971

Nobody is without a sin. Christ taught to never judge anyone. It's the perception of one's life that matters.

>> No.18662981

whats this list for?

>> No.18662997

You are missing the point anon. This is not judgment but a comparison of character.

>> No.18662998

It's in his diary. It's a list of faults as they came.

>> No.18663048

Comparison is judgement too. The implication is that saints are better than sinners, and that's not true. All people are children of reason and love. Do not judge, do not fight evil with evil. Condemning a coomer won't make him better, it will just make you worse. Love the coomer and maybe he will see the light of universal love.

>> No.18663060

Compare but without condemning
That's the idea

>> No.18663069

I guess I misunderstood you then.

>> No.18663091

It's okay, I see your intentions were good.

>> No.18663114

An imaginary concept. Doesn't exist in reality.

>> No.18663295

>The implication is that saints are better than sinners, and that's not true. All people are children of reason and love.
All sinners
A future
All saints
A past


When darkness falls, may it be
That we should see the light
When reaper calls, may it be
That we walk straight and right
When doubt returns, may it be
That faith shall permeate our scars
When we're seduced, then may it be
That we not deviate our cause...

Metal is G*D Music
He apperared as a burning bush Es3, 1-6
He made horns grow on Moses' head (Es 34,29 - In Girolamus translation)
He turned rivers in blood (Es 7,17) and in absinthe (Rev 8,11)
He created "great whales" (sea monsters in other translations) (Gen 1, 21)

>> No.18663307

Newton died a virgin and avoided masturbation his entire life.

Many people believe this made him some sort of awkward loser, the kind you might imagine meeting today, you know, wearing a outdated hat or posting on this very site. However, it is in fact entirely the opposite; that is, him being an awkward loser: for while he was a virgin -and avoided masturbation- he was actually quite funny and confident and even made others slightly uncomfortable with his joking mannerisms around sex.

For example: the story of how Newton demanded to be tucked in tight at night is often heard of as his way of staving off the urge to masturbate. What is not told is just how awkward Newton would make this for his servants.

Being virtually perpetually horny, and actually monstrously hung, Newton would get into get into his jammies and get under the covers and call on of his servants.
"Oh Jaaaaamers" Newton might say (assuming the servants name is James in this case)
"a-ah yes Mr. Newton"
"Call me Isaac! I've told you a hundred times"
Newton could tell his servants to call him Newton one time, then Isaac the next, and he did this for well over 2 decades that some of them worked for him and he laughed every time.

"a-ah yes sir, Isaac"
"oh and tuck me in, i don't want to visit the circus if it comes to town!"
"y-yes sir"
"you know what i mean by circus right?"
"yes sir"
Newton would joke about the "circus" coming to town; and this was in reference to a powerful erection that he would get under the covers, which could lift the fabric and "pitch a tent" as its said.

"y-yes sir, Isaac sir" the servant would say, his eyes already dropping to the floor because he knew what came next
"oh-oh noo tuck me in! The circus is coming! QUICK!"
James would be made to tuck Newton into bed while a massive erection formed (supposedly 10inches plus) And Newton would stare at James the entire time and breath really heavy muttering inaudible sometimes punctuated by "circus" with a big pleasant smile on his face.
The tuck in duties were supposedly rotated weekly by Newton's staff, but all of them have given similar accounts.

>> No.18663331

this, I couldn't believe it when I first read about it but it's all true

>> No.18663410

>Punching my sister
Holy fuck Newton, you too???

>> No.18663450

If I were to compile a list in this fashion I think I'd need the help of a computer, and the list would populate faster than a verbose system log.
These guys would be utterly disgusted by the best of us.

>> No.18663451

I've already seem this copypast but with KANT. Lol

>> No.18663463


What makes you think it was easy?
I mean it's easy for me but still
Anyway I'm sure Newton was well occupied with other things like discovering gravity and creating calculus

>> No.18663472

>Quoting Old Testament on the matter of the teaching of Jesus Christ
Anon, don't. OT is mostly abhorrent law of hatred and vengeance that has nothing to do with love. Jesus specifically undermined almost everything in OT that made it OT. The hateful law of Moses taught people to take an eye for an eye, Jesus taught to never fight evil with evil.

>> No.18663475

>Today, we just see too many men go insane if they cannot get a girlfriend.
I doubt they can really be called "men". (And if they're looking for a "girl"friend, might not it be best to call them "boys"?)

>> No.18663496

Judgement isn't evil; in fact, it's the ABSENCE of judgement that is the root of all evil.

>> No.18663498

the post you replied to is highly likely to be AI, just some rambles with no meaning

>> No.18663503

That's right! Real men don't look for girlfriends. They look for boyfriends, and then they fuck each other in the ass. Now THAT is a real man.

>> No.18663549

>no porn
>no fornication culture
This easy

>> No.18663588

Answer me how a man can judge a man if all men are not without a sin? All judgement, I repeat, ALL judgement, is evil people trying to eradicate evil with evil thus multiplication evil. Forgiveness is the only answer.
Read Tolstoy's The Prisoner of the Caucasus. The soldier is forgiven by a girl and thus escapes death. A child didn't multiply hatred of the old highlander villager that preached to kill him and thus didn't multiply death and saved life.

>> No.18663617

NAC but the Christian idea from what I gather is >>18663588
>ALL judgement, is evil people trying to eradicate evil with evil thus multiplication evil. Forgiveness is the only answer.
With the caveat that God will provide to judge, for real, in the end. But only God can judge.

>> No.18663645

>With the caveat that God will provide to judge, for real, in the end.
You don't have to rely on that for the idea of universal love. In fact, it's venomous to the idea. "Oh, well I "forgive" you, but God will punish you". Like, no, don't seek punishment for the offender. It only brings evil into your soul, the desire for satisfaction. Just give love in return for violence and hatred. Only this way you can eradicate hatred, my not multiplication it. A sinner is a pitiful creature, so pity him instead of hating him.

>> No.18663697

Amazing how a short confessional list of sins by a 17th century English boy is better written and more /lit/ than most things in the last few decades.

>> No.18663714

There's no way I will ever be able to think this way. It's kind of sad.

>> No.18663746

I'm not gonna play cool and pretend like I live fully by this rule, but there is a way. Read Tolstoy's "Confession" and "What is my faith". If you have any aspiration for compassion and love, this might legit change your perception of life to good. Remember that even aspiring to follow this idea is already doing good to everyone and thus yourself too. Again, I'm not gonna be preachy saying that it "changed my life"TM, however it definitely changed my perception of it to the good and I hope that it does good to people I interact with.

>> No.18663767

Also, and I'm not even religious by any margin. But I'm in my character a very kind person and it's the philosophical idea of universal good and love that kinda caught with me. I think that evry person deep in their heart feels that violence is wrong, but way too many people don't understand what violence is and how fat it extends in our feelings.

>> No.18663838

>If you have any aspiration for compassion and love
I thought so, but lately I think I may have been wrong all along. It's surprising how easily the motivation of "kindness" and "compassion", the desire for harmony and peace, can flip themselves into a desire to punish, and hatred, although it's for people who do "evil". As evil in these times seems to go unpunished on the regular, and good seems to be regarded as something only stupid people do, or is used as a front for more evil deeds, I think my desire for retribution has exceeded my desire for peace. I've probably lost the hope that peace and kindness can happen at all, because on top of every good action the weeds of evil will grow faster than it can bear fruit. And the fruit will be corrupted and poisoned by evil. That's how I feel. This also ties into OP as well, all the unabashed hedonism of these times is difficult not to react to if not passionately, with hatred. It would be easy to forgive evil and vice when they are done with shame. But today there's no shame at all. I've been in a bit of a crisis over this. I think before these interconnected times, people were blessed with ignorance. They did not have the same kind of hyper-awareness about the world. Of course my awareness is warped because I'm focused on the pessimistic things, but I've also come to regard the good news as phony. I'm cynical and bitter to the bone. The worst thing is that when this state of being takes root, resisting vice feels futile. It's a complete defeat of the spirit.

>> No.18663923

t. Marcion
Your heresies were condemned long ago. When called on it, you ended up turning Manicheans which is the real deal of which you're just a mild (understand: inconsistent) form.

>> No.18663959

>It's surprising how easily the motivation of "kindness" and "compassion", the desire for harmony and peace, can flip themselves into a desire to punish, and hatred, although it's for people who do "evil".
Trust me anon, I know the feel. For the last 10 years of my conscious life I lived, although as a "kind" person, still drown in the thoughts of evil, satisfaction, abstract punishment for all those who did evil to me. But as of lately I by myself began to realize that it was not getting me anywhere, just like drugs didn't before. It's really a coincidence that this is exactly when I decided to go deeper into Tolstoy's non-fictional works.
>and good seems to be regarded as something only stupid people do, or is used as a front for more evil deeds, I think my desire for retribution has exceeded my desire for peace
>It would be easy to forgive evil and vice when they are done with shame.
>Of course my awareness is warped because I'm focused on the pessimistic things
Precisely my situation. I saw all the shit going on in the world and also in my life too and I was like "come on, even if I do good, it's overwhelmed by the "nature" of life". But the thing it that it is not the nature of life, it's just the law put on by evil people and you look for the universal answer of good from the people who know no good in their lives. Like, I shit you not, read "A Confession", it's literally about this and the answer is there.
>The worst thing is that when this state of being takes root, resisting vice feels futile. It's a complete defeat of the spirit.
Oh believe me it is not. I don't know your life, but speaking for myself, I lost my bride, the only person I ever loved with the purest form of literary love, to suicide, and it left me devastated for over a decade. I did all kinds of drugs you can imagine from heroin to 25B-NBOMe, I stopped reading, I stopped listening music, I dumped 95% of my friends (which might not have been a bad thing, seeing who's your real friends are), I wrote the darkest shit ever, I descended to have a romance with a married woman, I attempted suicide, but after all this time in darkness now after all these years I can actually see that this way might have been necessary for me to finally digest this loss and feel the true love for every human being, and more than that to see how such a love and compassion is necessary for the world to turn to good. And again, I'm not even religious. I don't believe in god, but you fucking bet that now I believe in the universal love that Jesus Christ taught, as understood by Tolstoy.

>> No.18663965

Nah, t. Tolstoy. Enjoy further spreading hatred by killing in the name of a person who for once preached universal love and was killed for it. Tho I don't thin you yourself enjoy this hatred much. You just suffer in earthly hell like all hateful people that wear cross for an image instead of the meaning. And I pity you.

>> No.18663969

Not gonna lie, this is the most important thing I've read on this site or anywhere else in a long time. Thanks anon. I'm going to drop what I'm reading right now to read those two.
Maybe we're going to meet again here. I'll say something about the books.

>> No.18664013

Being of opinion that you endeavoured to embroil me with woemen & by other means I was so much affected with it as that when one told me you were sickly & would not live I answered twere better if you were dead. I desire you to forgive me this uncharitableness. For I am now satisfied that what you have done is just & I beg your pardon for my having hard thoughts of you for it & for representing that you struck at the root of morality in a principle you laid down in your book of Ideas & designed to pursue in another book & that I took you for a Hobbist. I beg your pardon also for saying or thinking that. there was a designe to sell me an office, or to embroile me.
I am
your most humble & most unfortunate Servant

>> No.18664026

I didn't mean to be preachy, preaching doesn't do the thing, at least from my perception. And I can't guarantee that you will "catch the drift" just from my advice to read these, but if it does, well, and it it drags you out of your situation, then well, I guess there is some good that multiplied and it's good.
If you'll be interested in further reading on this, I recommend "The Four Gospels Harmonized and Translated" also from Tolstoy, it goes into every detail about the misunderstanding of the teaching of universal love by Jesus Christ that forced people to carry his banners into the most unjust and murderous causes.
I'm the last person who'd propel religion, but the irony is that these philosophical works go against everything religion is trying to propel. Hope you go for better, anon, peace.

>> No.18664326

It was written for Kant.

>> No.18664339

The Nicaean Creed was developed by emperors and bishops to legitimize themselves and their institutions, because the true message of Christ would have toppled them. They burn even now.

>> No.18664342

Try psychedelics or just accept you can never be a christcuck.

>> No.18664343

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

You are quite free to judge and condemn others, but you must do so in accordance with the severity of the offence and with due attention to the gravity of your own sins. It would not be appropriate for an adulterer to harshly judge an upright man who once told a fib, and it would also not be appropriate for him to attempt to correct that man's ways. But the other way around is perfectly acceptable.

Here are the commentary notes on this section from the website I got the passage from, in case you doubt me.

Wesley's Notes for Matthew 7:1

7:1 Judge not - any man without full, clear, certain knowledge, without absolute necessity, without tender love. #Luke 6:37|.

People's Bible Notes for Matthew 7:1

Mt 7:1 The Sermon on the Mount (concluded) SUMMARY OF MATTHEW 7: Motes and Beams. Casting Pearls before Swine. Asking and Receiving. The Golden Rule. The Broad and Strait Gates. Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. The Tree Known by Its Fruits. The Kingdom Entered by Obedience. The Wise and Foolish Builders. The Wonderful Teacher. Judge not, that ye be not judged. The term "judge" is used in more than one sense, but Christ's meaning is plain. (1) He does not prohibit the civil judgment of the courts upon evil doers, for this is approved throughout the whole Bible. (2) He does not prohibit the judgment of the church, through its officers, upon those who walk disorderly, for both he and the apostles have enjoined this. (3) He does not forbid those private judgments that we are compelled to form the wrong-doers, for he himself tell us that we are to judge men by their fruits. (See Mt 7:15-20.) What he designs to prohibit is rash, uncharitable judgments, a fault-finding spirit, a disposition to condemn without examination of charges.


>> No.18664415

Why does Isaac Newton hate Thomas Hobbes philosophy?

>> No.18664466

Thanks, reddit bot.

>> No.18664494

newton was gay lmfao

>> No.18664513

There is nothing more "reddit" than thinking that it is wrong to "judge" others.

>> No.18664529

>It would be easy to forgive evil and vice when they are done with shame. But today there's no shame at all.
I think the thing that really maddens me is that it is made without shame under the pretense of HONESTY.
Do you know what I mean?
They will say, "at least he's sincere". As if doing evil in the clear was some kind of reedeming factor per se. "Look, he's real. He's not a hipocrate, as some". Seems to be their motto.

>> No.18664704

I guess Jesus was reddit then. Poor little creature, I hope you find love because I love you.

>> No.18664733

LOL, fucking filtered.
Are you unable to appreciate art? (You) are the AI, a rather unintelligent one.

>, just some rambles with no meaning
Imagine not appreciating Chr*stian metal. I actually feel sorry for (you).


Have you ever thought about your soul - can it be saved?
Or perhaps you think that when you're dead you just stay in your grave
Is God just a thought within your head or is he a part of you?
Is Christ just a name that you read in a book when you were in school?

When you think about death do you lose your breath or
do you keep your cool?
Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope
do you think he's a fool?
Well I have seen the truth, yes I've seen the light and I've changed my ways
And I'll be prepared when you're lonely and scared at the end of our days

Could it be you're afraid of what your friends might say
If they knew you believe in God above?
They should realize before they criticize
that God is the only way to love

Is your mind so small that you have to fall
In with the pack wherever they run
Will you still sneer when death is near
And say they may as well worship the sun?

I think it was true it was people like you that crucified Christ
I think it is sad the opinion you had was the only one voiced
Will you be so sure when your day is near, say you don't believe?
You had the chance but you turned it down, now you can't retrieve

Perhaps you'll think before you say that God is dead and gone
Open your eyes, just realize that he's the one
The only one who can save you now from all this sin and hate
Or will you still jeer at all you hear? Yes! I think it's too late.

>> No.18664764

>I guess Jesus was reddit then.
It's sad, really. I don't even believe in J*sus, and I see so many people believing in H*m and not understanding H*s Message.

Once I spoke with a pri*st, he was deceitful (or ignorant, not sure which one is worse) that he wouldn't even admit I am automatically excommunicated from the Ch*rch

>No dude, lmao, you can totally still give us money, don't worry about that

>> No.18664874

>I am automatically excommunicated from the Ch*rch
Why are you excommunicated?

>> No.18664882


>> No.18664905


Being a hyper religious nut job helps. He spent half his life trying to decode the bible.

>> No.18664923
File: 318 KB, 2000x1334, arthur-perrault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a hyper religious nut job helps

>> No.18664958

Church is evil and goes against everything in the teaching of Jesus Christ, "christian" church propels the vengeful law of Moses. I'll give you a moment to find a meme for this.

>> No.18664977

>Church is evil and goes against everything in the teaching of Jesus Christ
>I'll give you a moment to find a meme for this.
Not sure why you are so confrontational about this. Chr*stianity is a cancer and it needs to be eradicated, everyone with a brain knows that.