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18661234 No.18661234 [Reply] [Original]

Ever found something interesting in pic related?

>> No.18661242

Culture of Critique

>> No.18661269

yeah i once found some shitty fujo manga and jizzed into it then returned it to the little bookcase

>> No.18661280

Not in those particular bookcrossing points (I've heard they're kind of a mafia, like that it costs 200$ to set up that up shit), but I've found LOTS of interesting books with bookcrossing.

>> No.18661300

90% of my bookshelf is full of books I found in these

>> No.18661331

Found the German/French/English trilingual version of Endgame but I already have it

>> No.18661337


>> No.18661344

I found Reclam (small format books) editions of Kafkas Metamorphosis, Plato's Phaidon and Timaeus, and Aristoteles Rhetorik all at the same time in one of those.
I didn't take any though because I'd already bought books that day and I kinda would've felt bad taking them. Now I regret that.

>> No.18661351

Found an old as shit copy of the first part of the Dune trilogy when I visited Amsterdam.

>> No.18661361

Did you enjoy the red light district in Amsterdam?

>> No.18661375

Why do all of the homes that have these in my Chicongo suburb also have rainbow flags in front of them?

>> No.18661380

Nice. what sort of location? Like near an university?

>> No.18661384

No, women terrify me.

>> No.18661425

Found a transcript of a lecture by E.M. Forster one time.

>> No.18661565

A lot of things. Man without qualities, multiple novels by hamsun (hunger, growth of the soil among others), the entire series of autobiographical books by thomas bernhard, the most well-known novels of marquez, seneca, a nietzsche biographies and a lot more.

>> No.18661602

Yeah. We have like one of those in almost every street, it seems. There are three antique book stores and four normal book stores all along the main road, so it's not that surprising.

>> No.18661706

Their parents are the people who work in schools and slap “find yourself in books” posters on their office doors.

>> No.18661754

absolutely nothing of interest. its usually all garbage. closest ive come to taking something is when i saw brave new world in there

>> No.18661795

Sometimes I take garbage books from free bookcrossing points and exchange them with nice books from those places where you actually have to swap a book

>> No.18661816

thats actually pretty cool but overall i prefer my used bookstores. 1$ for paperbacks and they have so many classics

>> No.18661887

a 3,000 pages long handbook on COBOL from the late 80's, "Chinese For Dummies" and a graduate level book on particle physics in German. Took them and put them on my dorm common bookshelf. Saw them every day for years, never read 'em.

>> No.18661894

I wish I had one of those near me. I have so many books that I want to unload.

>> No.18661921


>> No.18661923

Btw one of my favourite bookcrossing points (a nice little wood home in a park) is closed because... Guess? COVID!!19
They opened a 2nd hand bookstore next to my home though, but the woman is a bit of a scammer, in the sense that she made me pay 2€ for books that usually are sold for 0.50-1max.
"They're first edition"
BITCH, they literally printed them in the hundreds of thousands at a ridicule price for political reasons (=spreading classics at a symbolic cost)

>> No.18661931

I'm gonna walk around my area and see what I can find. Will post results. There are four fairly near me
Just go to any used book store

>> No.18661943

I dream of being a millionaire and mass buying better books and slowly replacing these little libraries with those book until there are none of the original.

>> No.18661965

I plan to self publish and bind my romance novel and leave copied at donations to get cult following.

The premise is Donald Trump being sent back in time after the election was stolen from him and finding and saving, then falling in love and having a child with Anne Frank.

The two find religion and convert to and bring back Sethians Gnostic Christianity.

>> No.18662220

Dune and the Bible, though I already have the Bible

I should probably leave a Bible in one of those

>> No.18662227

There's one of these in my city and it's filled with literal garbage and used coloring books

>> No.18662229

Free food for the homeless a couple times lol.

>> No.18662235

based pulp thriller/romance/self help reader

>> No.18662236

Yes I have found many amazing books inside some of thoses. I think they're a great thing for the public space so that everybody can access litterature and knowledge for free

>> No.18662246

No, never.
For some weird reason there are always yoga and pilates books in them. Also, poorly written religious books that are a waste of time to read.

>> No.18662277

This, mostly, but I found a book called infinite powers which looks interesting.

>> No.18662286

This is just a "I live in a high-trust neighborhood" humble brag thread.

>> No.18662559

I put ted in one once, wonder who took it

>> No.18662575

i got a copy of the scarlet letter :), unfortunately I moved so I don't have one nearby anymore.

>> No.18662582

to encourage robbing from gay people

>> No.18662592

stay safe ghetto nigga

>> No.18662607

Nope, never. If someone had good enough taste to buy a good book, why would they give it away here?

>> No.18662616

Found a whole bunch of Chuck Palahniuk books
The Exorcist
Moby Dick
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

>> No.18662627

>leave a bunch of diamond dozen diet/finance books my parents bought once and never read in there
>take every book of worth, have like 50 Harry Potter books, 25 Bibles, 10 books on the JFK assassination, 15 copies of 1984 + Fahrenheit + Brave New World total, and a shitload of Agatha Christie books I'll probably just mail to a random person for fun
>most books not written by a name I've seen on here before get used as kindling
>any book written by a woman is ripped in half
>pretty sure a drug dealer intentionally dead dropped a burner flip phone in one of pic related, I smashed it to pieces and flipped off a guy who was sitting in his car who looked like he was going to pick it up and then ran away
>one book was just some guy's PhD thesis comparing Marx to Sartre, I hadn't read either then but that didn't stop me from mailing it back to the guy with a 40 page rebuke I wrote in like 30 minutes
>place pictures of my ultrasound in random books as a bookmark
>place fake notes in random books like "pick up Sam from football practice at 5:30, 10/21/05"
>once bought like 10 copies of Infinite Jest and dropped them all off by an elementary school, taking all the other books with me and leaving a super pretentious note about what good literature is
>buy cheap current gen video games and put them in there to subvert some busybody mother who thinks that forcing their kid to read a randomly picked YA fiction book will make them smarter
>print out Kaczynski's manifesto and drop it off
>used to print out Marvel movie spoilers and drop them off in there
>am currently writing an alternate ending to The Catcher in the Rye and having it printed, I'll then buy a bunch of copies and rip the real ending out, replacing it with my rendition and dropping them off in various states

In the age of nobody answering prank calls and street racing being downright illegal, a man has to get his kicks somehow.

>> No.18662628

You live in boysville don't you, fucking homo. Or next to wriggleyville which is even gayer. Gay guy.

>> No.18662641
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>> No.18662653

Yea once I found a copy of Pale Fire actually, but that was a pretty rare find. I do see a good amount of like John Grisham and Tom Clancy shit, if you’re into that

>> No.18662668

The one in Newport Beach on Ocean Blvd usually has interesting stuff, at least not useless stuff. I've seen Mao Zedong, Thomas Sowell, Sam Harris, a tiny little square book on Nietzsche, Thomas Hardy, and Dickens.

Ambiguously based and cringe.

>> No.18662673

South Texas?

>> No.18662676

>diamond dozen
How can I be ESL and know that it's "dime a dozen": with a dime you get a dozen. How does "diamond dozen" express that something is cheap and ordinary? Why do Americans speak a worse English than ESLs, riddled with terrible orthography and grammar mistakes?

>> No.18662689


>> No.18662743

1)You did not write this
2)If you did, that's wasted time

>> No.18662755

>>one book was just some guy's PhD thesis comparing Marx to Sartre, I hadn't read either then but that didn't stop me from mailing it back to the guy with a 40 page rebuke I wrote in like 30 minutes
kek, what a fucking retard

>> No.18662818

It's copypasta.

>> No.18662832

>The premise is Donald Trump being sent back in time after the election was stolen from him and finding and saving, then falling in love and having a child with Anne Frank
Could Trump be a soldier in the Confederate Army?

>> No.18662938

lurk more, faggot

>> No.18662952

I-I hope you put something back in…

>> No.18662993

Yeah all the time

>like that it costs 200$ to set up that up shit
What? It's some wood and a window, I could build one right now with stuff that I just have laying around

>> No.18663126

I feel if anyone put something worthwhile there, giving away such a good book, that person must have been really dumb. I want to believe good books are possessed by smart people. So you aren't likely to see them given away. So why bother with these things, you'll just find crap.

>> No.18663134

I should do this, it would be funny if it takes off.

>> No.18663403
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>What? It's some wood and a window, I could build one right now with stuff that I just have laying around
I know.

>> No.18663494

>rainbow flags
I thought these were a communal thing scattered in random locations like at bus stops, but if it's something you put in front of your house, it's easy to tell why: virtue signaling. I imagine they also stuff them with books written by minorities to show how righteous they are.
>I could build one right now with stuff that I just have laying around
How would you make then rainproof? I imagine these designs here >>18663403 have some sort of seal around the door.

>> No.18663901

wow you are epic

>> No.18663919

Not him, but his post still applies to the original author.

>> No.18663946

The Little Library organization are jews of the highest order and threaten to sue anyone who tries to build one himself without their approval, but really they have no authority to sue and you can tell them to fuck off.

>> No.18663995

I tried once posting the pasta with the corrected phrase, but anons got upset that it took away part of the original's charm.

>> No.18663997

>How would you make then rainproof?
Weather-stripping from a door or caulk. Anyway I regularly visit several "official" little free libraries and some of them are definitely not rainproof.

For real? That's a shame, no one should try to monopolize free books

>> No.18664014

I have a good one near my house, some things which I have gotten
Pynchon - Mason & Dixon and Against The Day (hardcover first editions in perfect condition)
Buck - The Good Earth
Sterne - Tristam Shandy
Zola - Earth and Germinal
Eco - The Name of the Rose
Camus - The Plague
Beckett - 3 novels
Stein - 3 lives
Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
Hamsun - Pan

>> No.18664028

These little libraries are just a means of virtue signalling. Same as rainbow flags. Exactly the same here in Pasadena

>> No.18664046

Its easy to take these things for granite

>> No.18664048

Just live in a good climate

>> No.18664050

For all intensive purposes, I agree.

>> No.18664075


>> No.18664103

damn wtf

KJV bibles
Selected works of Aristotle
Some strange pulp sci fi crap

>> No.18664112

lmao if only

>> No.18664137

No I live in Palatine

>> No.18664263

Become the memes you want to see in the world

>> No.18664352

I don't live in an area nice or cultured enough to have those
The closest nearby place that might have them is too gay (literally)

>> No.18664433

Boystown isn't a suburb of Chicago. Neither is Wrigleyville. Get a clue, moron.

>> No.18664471

I placed my spare copies of Mein Kampf in a few of these, about 15 actually.

>> No.18664531
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unironically a bee nest
And not the good kind of bees

>> No.18664576

>How would you make then rainproof?
I have never seen a rainproof one. I've never seen one with a water tight seal for the door either. I have seen plenty full of books with water damage however.

>> No.18664754

These should all be repurposed into bird boxes

>> No.18664757

the biography of Ralph Nader

>> No.18664783

dangerously based

>> No.18664802

I put 4 home printed and binded copies of "The Great Replacement" by St. Brenton Tarrant into ones around Murrieta and Corona. I posted bread on 8nig before the glowies shut the site down. On a side note there were 3 copies circulating with very different content. I only printed the origin

>> No.18664813

I’ve debated starting my own. I have a dozen or so books that are duplicates. Mostly writers in the cannon like Tolstoy, Hemingway, Stendhal, Pynchon, etc. Anyone in the Philadelphia area interested?

>> No.18664826

Start one in your yard. This is a good thread. I want to start one of my own now. Only /pol/ approved titles.

>> No.18664855


>> No.18664933

Do it, anon. I'm nowhere near you, but do it.

>> No.18665037


>> No.18665045

>damn wtf
You just nees to make it part of routine to stop by and check it out, good stuff goes quick. When ever i start making daily visits I start finding good stuff.

>> No.18665140

Truth be told I’m too lazy to build one. It would be nice to develop a pen pal type of book friend where we recommend books to each other

>> No.18665435

Thats what /lit/ is for

>> No.18665441
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>pic related
is the most interesting thing I've found. But I live in boring suburbs

>> No.18665454

Nate (((Silver)))

>> No.18665473 [DELETED] 

>be in college
>there's a little "community library" that runs on an "honor system"
>at minimum, you must take one and leave one, or always return what you borrow
>Snatch a bunch of books for myself and donate or give them back

>> No.18665481
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>be in college
>there's a little "community library" that runs on an "honor system"
>at minimum, you must take one and leave one, or always return what you borrow
>Snatch a bunch of books for myself and donate or give them back

>> No.18665486
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>donate or give them back
Correction: *NEVER donate or give them back

>> No.18665513

>naive empiricism, the book

>> No.18665700


>> No.18665756
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Found all these in a free bookshelf on the porch above the grocery store. The strugatsky is worth like $100. They had a bunch more good stuff but most of it was pretty torn up.

>> No.18666368

i found a little Santa Clause ornament

>> No.18666385

Is this just people getting rid of books they don't want but making it feel artsier and more benevolent than throwing them away/donating them to goodwill?

>> No.18666401

Always so many russian books there..

>> No.18666432
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>> No.18666435

These aren't a thing in my country. When I don't want a book anymore I place it on a park bench, at autistic hours so that no one sees me

>> No.18666510
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Same. Over the years ive found most of the classics, plus science, medical, and biology references and dictionaries, as well as nearly all of Nietzsche and most of plato. But this is because i live in a college town around a lot of based professor, it seems.

>> No.18666524

Yeah I've noticed ones that would pop up in my neighborhood and stay for a few months, albeit not on the website's shitty map, but then disapear. Fuck those hooked nosed freaks

>> No.18666556

I used to put my dog's shit in these because I fucking hate domesticated animal people (i.e. suburban neolibs)

>> No.18666581
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This is unfathomly, uncomparably, and most assuredly, based.

>> No.18666594

Fair enough, CoC is too expensive though
Might have to find some cheap copies of the protocols

>> No.18666613

have you seen the price of lumber?

>> No.18666668

Build a bird feeder. Human beings deserve nothing.

>> No.18666718 [DELETED] 

If I ever happened to see this in a second-hand bookshop I will buy it (pretty unlikely I admit). But I've had more emotional nourishment out of contemplating its existence (and in particular its cover photograph) than I probably ever could from reading it.

I just like the thought that men like that are out there, somewhere, identifying wood quickly and skilfully, using only the simplest of tools.

>> No.18666730

If I ever happen to see that in a second-hand bookshop I will buy it. (Pretty unlikely, I admit.)

I just take great comfort in the thought that men like that are out there, somewhere, identifying wood quickly and skilfully, using only the simplest of tools.

>> No.18666736


>> No.18666761
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I look inside them but there's never anything worth while in there. It's usually shitty romance and horror novels. I just go to Barnes and Noble and steal whatever books I want. Barnes and Noble don't give a fuck if you steal. I've gone to the same Barnes and Noble 10+ times and grabbed 5-7 books and walked out the front door and nobody stopped me. I buy most of my books used at my local bookstore. I will NEVER get an e-reader by the way. Fuck all e-reading and audio book FAGGOTS.

>> No.18666843

Years ago I used to go to High School across the street from one and a girlfriend i had at the time got me into doing that. We would just dump our notebooks out in the woods, go in and fill our bookbags up with all the books we could hold

>> No.18666864

Only ever picked up Bossuet's Sermon sur la Mort from those.

>> No.18668408

Found a first edition copy of Running with Scissors in perfect condition and with a plastic sleeve around the jacket. I keep it with my signed copy.