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1866072 No.1866072 [Reply] [Original]

I'm debating understand the task of reading this after watching the movie many-a-times and loving it. My only problem is the narrative style of the book. Does anyone have any helpful tips/suggestions to get used to Nadsat within the book? I'm hoping it won't be too much of a challenge but I'd like to know what is going on for the most part throughout the book.
Cheers and thanks /lit/!

>> No.1866078

Uh...read it?

Let me know if this solution is too easy for you

>> No.1866082

>I'm debating understand the task of reading this after watching the movie many-a-times and loving it.


>> No.1866088
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It's actually very easy to pick up, it isn't used as much as you think and it's just another form of slang you pick up straight away. Makes the book seem quite timeless, compared to something like Catcher in the Rye which is full of phony, goddamn, hell, goose and other early 1900's slang.

You don't need any dictionary or anyhing but i do believe some versions of the book come with a translation for the slang in the back.

also i preferred the book to the film, make sure you get the one with 21 chapters and not 20 (the film cuts out the last chapter because that was the one sold in American, and Burgess hated the film)

>> No.1866100

Print a nadsat glosary and have it at hand every time you read the book or search for an edition with one included.

>> No.1866101

Thanks for that valuable piece of information!

>> No.1866118


no problem good buddy, my version didnt come with that glossary and i didn't need one, but i'm sure you can find one online, i remember that there was one word that about a quarter of the way through i realised i had wrong.

>> No.1866120

It's hard to pick up on but by 1/4 of the way through you'll hardly even notice it. It gets kind of weird, because by the end you realize how totally saturated it was all the way through and that you understood it all.

>> No.1866129

I just checked the copy I bought today and luckily I do have the 21st chapter. The dialogue and narrative Alex just seems a bit difficult given the speech-style in the movie. But I'll give it a shot, if all else fails I print off a Nadsat dictionary from somewhere online. Thanks again for your help.