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18658829 No.18658829 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read anything by this dude? I've listened to his Lex Friedman interviews and honestly, he sounds just like me. He's taking some quotes right out of my mouth. Other than him what are some anarchist thinkers I should check out?

>> No.18658839

he is making bank off the internet via youtube!#@!@!#!@#$!

>> No.18658844
File: 78 KB, 441x720, D035D83C-B4A4-490F-AD48-0054E52B375E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual anarchists

>> No.18658849

He is interesting, but he's also a slimy white-hating Jew who dreams of French and Germans being reduced to gypsies wandering the continent they fought for.

>> No.18658852

>he thinks that anarchy = communism
Oh sweetie no...... oh no no no

>> No.18658860

That's fine but he sounds just like me which I've found to be very rare and I am unshakeably racist so I can parse his jew spells confidently

>> No.18658862

OMG he is making money off the internet like OMFG WHY IS HE NOT SPLITTING IT WITH THE COMRADES?@!@!#!@#!!@#!@

>> No.18658867

He's a man child that wouldn't last 5 minutes in the ring with an actual thinker. That being said, he does study 4chan so kudos.

>> No.18658872

You can just say "no" or nothing

>> No.18658874
File: 103 KB, 873x1068, EE8EFF9B-85B7-4818-87D3-669C516BD18B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post… anarchism opposes nationalism and capitalism as a way to get to the commune, IE community, a more perfect world if not utopia.
There is no such thing as “national anarchism” Wikipedia plasters shit for the CIA whenever they want

>> No.18658881

hOLL Based!!@W# this right here!@# people will unite under a communal POLITICAL movment ZOMG12312!

>> No.18658922

>anarchy = communism
It literally is, btw

>> No.18658924

I will ride in from the mountain desert with billy-bob and mohammed mohammed and FORCE you to be a national anarchist in your gay little no-hierarchy LARP society, fake butterfly

>> No.18658931

Only if you're a communist or a MIGAretard. Quite frankly actual anarchists have the balls to do what no libertarian ever would. Shame Orwell never came around before the end

>> No.18658934

is there any writers that talk about how anarchy IS our reality? I get sick of a lot of the hypothetical fantasy shit. I think the most accurate description of how the world actually works is anarchy. Just because we submit to the lie that people have authority over us doesn't mean it isn't so. Who governs the government?

>> No.18658946

>Only if you're a communist or a MIGAretard.
Anarchy:Stateless classless moneyless society
Communism:Stateless classless moneyless society

>> No.18658950

Based and malicepilled.

>> No.18658974

We live in anarcho-tyranny
You're a MIGAretard

>> No.18658982

Fake The cats, it is not “no-hierarchy” it is whittled down to what is justifiable.
Now that old concept of Proudhon’s (property is theft) seems to scare people as much at the anti-statism. Some take this to mean no community, no sense of culture or past or whatever. But both fears are unfounded. Öcalan tries to distinguish it. He calls it a “nation” but it’s more like native American reservations calling themselves nations, and they’d continue to call themselves a nation if allowed to roam around the continent. So people as nation. If that’s your “nationalism” its fine actually. It can’t be erased by anything but time, and capitalist nation-states.
Help us end the double headed leviathan of state-capitalism, and you can have *personal* property and a “nation”

>> No.18658984

I even had to google what Miga means
Read Marx and Bakunin. They had identical goals, (kinda) respected each other, and disagreed on how to reach said goals.

>> No.18658998

Ocalan's (PBUH) Democratic Confederalism is neither anarchist nor communist though, it's a "third way", so to speak. Biji YPG biji YPJ biji Kurdistan btw

>> No.18658999
File: 82 KB, 307x475, B93F89A7-0B77-43E8-A44C-379AFBA9BB2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like giving up because liberals demand fealty? No, that’s just a quitters philosophy.
But read Stirner and Graeber. Anarchism and the tendencies to our state of nature are all around

>> No.18659003

didn't Proudhon eventually revise the "property is theft" to kind of imply that property is also freedom?

>> No.18659009
File: 227 KB, 1215x628, 4D3E79C3-E0FE-4763-8026-2805911FE13B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s close enough

>> No.18659012
File: 110 KB, 1080x382, Screenshot_20210715-211621_Firefox~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys would just drop the fag and nigger shit you would have 90% support world wide. What's the deal? Are you all just retarded? Is it really that important to you that you're an ugly dyke? Nobody cares. The real problem is that you're ugly as fuck, which is unfortunate but hey better luck next time. You all collectively make things like being a dyke your problem by not just shutting the fuck up.

>> No.18659018

>I'm a newfag and here's my 10th-hand opinion on some guys I've never read
That's great reddit thanks for the input

>> No.18659055

It’s both. This so-called “private property” is abusive as it afford people rights to own nations worth of land to exploit. Personal property is what one can hold, where one lives. If the community would like more, a summer retreat in the mountains, say, the community can provide it. But why maintain an empty house? Bourgeois nonsense.

There’s no room for discrimination from the perpetually freaked out. The timidity of the racists have been exploited by the liberals and this farcical lgbt thing has gotten out of hand, but fuck, race wars are the other side of the IDpol spectrum. Knock it off.

>> No.18659063

>read Stirner and Graeber. Anarchism and the tendencies to our state of nature are all around
i will CHECK them out
but to be clear i'm saying that it's beneficial to recognize how anarchy is very real and exists despite that we are collectively plugging our ears and insisting it does not. Anarchy seems inevitable, we just live in a dysfunctional one.

>> No.18659067

His opinions do not seem very well thought out, but I have a feeling he doesn't believe a lot of his public beliefs. He says things like
If he does believe this stuff, it would seem his problem is (generally) the same problem that a lot of people have on the left. They confuse all authority and hierarchy with harm. But in fact freedom is awful for the many, and is not possible for the few.

Socrates himself was the least free man in all of Greece, for his Daemon stopped him in action after action. Becoming a good man is learning how to obey.

>> No.18659082
File: 23 KB, 217x300, 17A504E0-751D-4F06-8C46-A3E8F50B9A28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good. You should like them. Separated by about a century, they’re both humorous and informative.

>> No.18659087
File: 90 KB, 1000x959, freedom-equality-anarcho-communism-d001004136459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever flavour of copium you like, honey :)

>We thus place, next to these two terms: liberty and equality, two equivalents of which the clear significance cannot give rise to ambiguity, and we say: “We want liberty, that is to say, anarchy, and equality, that is to say, communism.”
(Carlo Cafiero)

Outstanding argument

>> No.18659091

>the other side of the spectrum
Grug-tier IQ. How can you be a self-proclaimed "anarchist" and be pro-nigger. Nobody fucking likes them because they suck. It takes a sophisticated legislation and media apparatus using constant all encompassing propaganda to get actual people to even tolerate them.

>> No.18659097

But you're a newfag redditor who has a reddit account and posts on reddit lol. Why don't you go back to nu-/pol/s newfag college. You're not getting anything but this from me, I rather talk to fake butters.

>> No.18659116

You should check out his appearance on Lex's podcast today, you can skip the first hour, but basically you're wrong. He seems like if you had to put him into a box to be "ancap" with a heavy emphasis on cap. I disagree because I'm not a rootless scheming jew but the things he says are very sensible and I'm wondering if his writing is actually worth any effort or this is the best its gonna be.

>> No.18659120

>IE community
>Indo-European Community
heh, even a broken lesbian is right once in their life.

>> No.18659123

I never understood how different brands of anarchists are so hostile to each other. If you're an anarcho-communist then go live on the commune, if your an anarcho-capitalist then go trade your value without getting taxed. Isn't the point to let people live how they see fit?

>> No.18659136

Because you need territory and political power to make that happen
>dude just become Amish
I'm so glad that Georgia is about to arrest feds over the audit and the Texas Rangers are going to arrest their derelict state legislation. This farce is finally coming to an end. People with unresolvable, diametrically opposed political goals cannot live next to each other with one or both sides constantly trying to gain power every arbitrary few years. Can't wait for that inflation to really kick in

>> No.18659139

4chan is serious business nigga

>> No.18659146

It's not real, he can't hurt you.

>> No.18659149

When they’re liberals, they’re not invited.
When they’re ideologues, like pacifists or primitivists, they’re uncompromising nutters.
But mostly it’s the liberals doing their psyops things

>> No.18659150

I'm just going to keep calling you a newfag redditor and you're just going to keep whining because you're a newfag from reddit. Fuck off retard

>> No.18659178

>I really am the only Scottsman
>just kidding lol I'm actually part of the atroturfed faggot brigade that is totally inauthentic and forced by an incestuous relationship between big capital and the United States federal government
That scam was working really well but I think you pushed too hard with the trannies and again nobody will ever like niggers so it was maybe a bad hand. See you at $7 gas!

>> No.18659214

It is you who keeps bringing us my sexual preferences. This is a personal matter and nothing to do with the subject here.

>> No.18659271

I feel like i'm religiously anarchist; like it's a way of seeing the world for what it actually is. the left/right meme seems like a lie to keep us distracted enough to fight and not realizing the truth that we both want to be free.

>> No.18659277


>> No.18659308

No, it isn't. Don't play coy. Again that scam is not working anymore. Nobody would care if you would shut the fuck up. You don't even make any sense. You're an ugly dyke with a chip on your shoulder, so you all vocally support equally ugly men who are stronger smarter and more driven than you to replace you at every level of society. Nice job. As a bonus they're breaking down gender roles by LARPing as stereotypical gender roles. A fine fucking job you've done. And of course you can't talk about any of the H1B-Pajeets with fake degrees causing Boeings to fall out of the fucking sky, because we're gonna have a global workers revolution, with no fucking workers if that's the way we have to do it. Its so funny to see "you guys" "celebrating" like a caged animal. You clearly see that its almost over. The cope of you weird little corporatists against actual grassroots opposition to state power will never stop being funny. After all, shitposters on /pol/ are the greatest threat to our democracy.

>> No.18659359

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0UZzNmA2Mo, entertaining

>> No.18659817

Left/right aren’t very useful terms. Some people on the right hate the government, but lately you hear more about those that like hefty and racist government. And the both of them chime in and call everyone on the “left” fag etc. we can unite but the powers that be make sure to keep us apart.
Isn’t Jones a lizard people guy too? Has he just toned it down some?

>You don't even make any sense
What do you need clearing up?

>> No.18659919

>Isn’t Jones a lizard people guy too
he says about others what he knows about himself (ancient Chinese proverb).

but seriously, i do sympathize with the homophobe racists to some degree because it almost seems like the promotion of these issues are exaggerated to artificially divide us. lefties could gain by remembering the old "sticks and stones" rhyme and learn not to be so precious about childish slurs. I'm generally not so much offended by them as much as bored. The least the homo/xenophobes could do is be halfway humorous