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File: 369 KB, 800x600, Peterson_Lecture_33522701146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18656850 No.18656850 [Reply] [Original]

>The world is a forum of things and ideas
Unironically what did he mean by this schtizo babble?

>> No.18656856

4chan is a representation of the world as much as the world is a representation of 4chan.

>> No.18656860
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Daily reminder : do not listen to the mumblings of a pretentious drug addict that lacks self-awareness.

>> No.18656866

Thanks, I'll get back into drugs.

>> No.18656877

>>The world is a forum of things and ideas
>Unironically what did he mean by this schtizo babble?
That just as we are conversing on an Uzbeki breakdancing forum on the internet, the world itself in which we live is a forum for all nouns.
How old are you?

>> No.18656882

That's much more based than OP's cringe quote

>> No.18656894

>Daily reminder : do not listen to the mumblings of a pretentious drug addict that lacks self-awareness.
He also stands in virulent opposition of Caucasian - European Descent (White) people identifying and unifying based on shared cultural and racial heritage. Jordan Peterson is but another demon in hell's legion.

>> No.18656912

>Jordan Peterson is but another demon in hell's legion.
>He also stands in virulent opposition of Caucasian - European Descent (White) people identifying and unifying based on shared cultural and racial heritage.
wtf does that mean? the West should go full wignat? is that what you're trying to say here? you're prepping for a "race war"?

>> No.18656960
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Ah, the daily Peterson hate thread.

>makes nazis seethe
>makes commies seethe
>makes SJWs seethe
>makes Twitter seethe
>makes main stream media seethe
>makes woke trannys seethe
>makes Canadian government seethe
>makes Reddit seethe
>every time he opens his mouth, one or all of the above-mentioned groups makes a three hour long character assassination video (hurr durr he took drugs!)

All because he tries to help young men and incels find purpose in life.

How can one man be so based?

>> No.18656994

>the world itself in which we live is a forum for all nouns
Well of course you brainlet things have names so we give a name to these types of words and call the nouns, you did not understand the question. seek help.

>> No.18657021

if everyone of every category hates you then it's you

>> No.18657037


based. And I don't hate him, I'm not a huge fan, but I definitely like that he triggers everyone. And how easy it is to just mention his name and get most people triggered.

>> No.18657042

he means that reality is a contact sport

>> No.18657056
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Peterson's a proper lad. A flawed bloke, like me. Got me to read books innit. Improved me life. Simple as.

>> No.18657057
File: 68 KB, 542x139, Screen Shot 2021-07-06 at 12.43.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look OP...Not everyone dreams of being in Vienna or Paris revolutionizing stuff. Peterson's talent arises from the being a clinical psychologist and as such he has interacted with several people of all kinds. He knows how to talk to people, perhaps once you've read more his way of lecturing comes across too simplified but I'm sure that he has invited more than one person into looking more at reality for what it is. That being said, I am a proud North American who watches 90 Day Fiance, Family Guy and plays video games, I don't have time or much space in my head to comprehend abstract subjects. I'm not creative, I'm not of above average intelligence but I can assure you that without people like J.P who take the time to have public outreach, people at large would be far more susceptible to dumbing down and indoctrination. If you're going to critique him, fair enough he's not perfect butjust be glad people like him still have a platform.

>> No.18657062
File: 247 KB, 543x458, EFC5F2CB-E2EA-49C4-8EAF-14EDCB9E9E29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those catagories friend. Name the source of your misery, it’s it’s surly on the list.

Peterson is your friend

>> No.18657075

>>the world itself in which we live is a forum for all nouns
>Well of course you brainlet things have names so we give a name to these types of words and call the nouns, you did not understand the question. seek help.
>Unironically what did he mean by this schtizo babble?
This question, retard? I said what he unironically meant and what you're not intelligent enough to recognize.
>the world is a forum of the corporeal and of all intellectual pursuits
I like that you ask the question as though you have absolutely no idea but reject the answer as though you're the keeper of some tricky riddle, which means you're actually just frustrated that you're not intelligent enough to follow mind-midget JP's basic bitch statement and think there just has to be more to it. Tremendous.

>> No.18657165
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>>Jordan Peterson is but another demon in hell's legion.
>>He also stands in virulent opposition of Caucasian - European Descent (White) people identifying and unifying based on shared cultural and racial heritage.
>wtf does that mean? the West should go full wignat? is that what you're trying to say here? you're prepping for a "race war"?

>> No.18657507

If you point out the flaws in everyone then of course everyone will hate you.

>> No.18657771

He is particularly hated on 4chan because he claims that people are responsible for their own lot in life. If you are an intelligent under achiever, it's because you didn't seize opportunities or take responsibility for your own life progression. In a society where it's always everyone else's fault that things didn't go your way, he highlights an internal locus of control.
4chan is full of above average intelligent losers, and he is reminding them that their failure to realise their potential is solely their own doing.

>> No.18657818

Dunno, anon. I think it is something else, he definitely says some weird shit. Also he is 'pro-religion', a lot of anons hate religion. I don't think it is that simple. And 4chan is filled with retards, I wouldn't call people in here intelligent, there are some smart anons, but most of them aren't that bright. They are probably capable of achieving something, but it is not like this place is filled with 'wasted potential.'

>> No.18657826

And there are commies and nazis too.

>> No.18657856

and trans anons.

>> No.18657866

and woke anons.

>> No.18657873

>he is reminding them that their failure to realise their potential is solely their own doing.
the reason why he is hated is that this assumption is bullshit

>> No.18657897

His therapy is political to the core, when he tells you to sort your own problems before attempting to tackle global ones you just know he's aiming his critique at commies. Many anons (including myself) became reclusive, introverted and lost self-esteem because of bullying and as victims of extreme forms of psychological violence we don't take kindly to psychological witch doctors who tell us to "sort ourselves out". That being said, Peterson is not entirely honest here and he too supports some measures to change society like for example "socially enforced monogamy" he proposed in The aftermath of Minassian's beta uprising in Toronto

>> No.18657955

You are becoming quite delusional due to your isolation. I hope you can find the help that you need.

>> No.18657971

>Many anons (including myself) became reclusive, introverted and lost self-esteem because of bullying and as victims of extreme forms of psychological violence we don't take kindly to psychological witch doctors who tell us to "sort ourselves out".
Lmao you sound like a tranny. Please rope
>Peterson is not entirely honest here and he too supports some measures to change society like for example "socially enforced monogamy"
You mean societal pressure to discourage cheating? For someone so psychologically fragile, I'm surprised you aren't aware how psychically damaging an affair and subsequent divorce can be for all involved, including the children.
>in The aftermath of Minassian's beta uprising in Toronto
Ah, so you're just spouting talking points you read somewhere else. Got it.

>> No.18658000

i feel attacked

>> No.18658008
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, 1596717925628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thermonuclear red pill
>socially enforced monogamy
he didn't mean laws that allow you to stone women who cheat like in biblical times. he meant that if your friend tells you he cheated on his wife you don't hi-five him you tell him to confess and seek forgiveness from his wife. cheating is wrong and shouldn't be encouraged.

>> No.18658013

And this
He’s never claimed to be an ideal human being neck yourself tranny

>> No.18658214

>He is particularly hated on 4chan
Nope, I just despise him for the fact that he would deny racial and cultural solidarity and idenity to young Caucasian - European Descent people (a measley 6.5% of the global population and with very low birth rates), the primary demographic of his audience, who are lost and need support, instead spouting some bullshit about cleaning their room. Trust, I keep an immaculate room and so can speak with authority of the virtues of doing so- not one of them excuses that he is a brickwall dead-end that would have my ilk be nothing but lonesome Whites in a deeply and rapidly increasingly tribal world who are left to think, "I can only blame myself for this." Pure evil.
And the literal proof of his pudding, his abhorrent nightmare of daughter, need only be looked at for all the argument one should need on exactly why he's dead wrong about precisely this.

>> No.18658222

>How can one man be so based?
let's just post pictures of his daughter, shall we

>> No.18658604

The worst things about Peterson threads is that people will analyze and criticize him without ever engaging with his ideas below a superficial level. Often responding to a critique is simply informing the poster of Peterson's real views.

>> No.18658621

Trite stoner-isms.

Reminder, he is a Godless materialist attempting to use 'traditional values' to brainwash young men into working 40 hours a week and being subservient to capital.

>> No.18658631

Petersons ideas are all superficial, there is no depth to engage with.

>> No.18659089

His ideas are gnostic at core

>> No.18660008

He took benzos as prescribed, then found out how horrible it is to stop them, there was literally no hedonistic drug taking here

>> No.18660018

Physicalist at the core.

>> No.18660185

*monkey noises*

>> No.18660198
File: 2.84 MB, 700x392, jp_mikhaila_anti_depressants.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes she's a drug-addled, attention-seeking whore, it's unfair to blame Mikhaila for her situation. JP got her addicted to drugs in elementary school

>> No.18660205

>The world is a forum of things and ideas
You call people schizo but dont know what A Priori and A Posteriori is? I thought this was the literature board.

>> No.18660209

I'm not a fan but can't deny that he's helped a lot of people even if it profited him
Pray he can help more

>> No.18660240

The really scary part is that this particular form of schizobabble is extremely widespread, practically all westerners apart from certain religious sects and marxists believe essentially the same thing.

>> No.18660253

Yes, that is somewhat ok, considering that people sell a bunch of shit that just make things worse. It is not like he is manufacturing e-cigs or some other bs.

>> No.18660438

>water is a cluster of oxygen and hydrogen
Fucking hell people who take Juden Pseudo Peterstein seriously are drummer than cows. If you own any book of his you deserve to be stoned to death.

>> No.18660439

>without ever engaging with his ideas below a superficial level.
He wrote a whole book to cover the couple boomerisms that millennials have been hearing from semi-illiterate people since the 2000s.
>hurr you're lazy
>hurr firm handshake

>> No.18660648

>The world is a forum of things and ideas
Such an inane and innocuous statement. You might as well just say ideas and things exist.


>> No.18660718
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Daily reminder Peterson has yet to on Two Hundred Years Together. For all his le say truth be responsible

The only thing he shills is to be a good goy completely enslaved bitch

>> No.18660953

Daily Jordan Peterson Appreciation Thread when?

Also fuck off haters, you will never be real women.

>> No.18660962
File: 199 KB, 560x650, 60676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're prepping for a "race war"?

People who literally and openly want genocide of not just white people but white culture, white buildings, white art, anything a European ever touched burned to the ground, aren't preparing for a race war- they're already fighting it, and you are suicidally not fighting back

>tries to help young men!
By telling them to nut up and "just stop being depressed lol." He's just a cryptofeminist who blames men for all of their own problems

The world is not fair. There is no force making sure people get what they deserve. Lazy people get huge breaks, people are born into success, and people work their whole life to die poor and alone. Sometimes, there are people stopping you from succeeding on purpose, and you do not have the power to stop them. The world is not fair, never was, and never will be.

>> No.18660966

>He knows how to talk to people
So did Obama. So did Trump. So does Ben Shapiro.

Oration is the skill of liars and conmen.

>> No.18661003

Ah yes, someone else is keeping you from writing your book, someone else is keeping your from making your twitch channel, someone else is keeping you from taking night classes at college.

You should un-ironically read Peterson

>> No.18661015

well said anon, now go binge the latest season of uguuchan pantsu nekomimi chingachonga, you deserve it

>> No.18661030

>someone else is keeping you from writing your book, someone else is keeping your from making your twitch channel, someone else is keeping you from taking night classes at college.
why said anyone kept me from doing these things? you are making wild assumptions about my life based entirely on the outcome, which is why Peterson is a fucking retard whose entire argument stands on survivor bias. Case in point, he ended up with a benzo addiction and a whore daughter, and according to his own bullshit the blame is entirely on himself.

>> No.18661672

>Peterson is a retard because he exposes my lack of self esteem

>> No.18661681
File: 221 KB, 1500x2316, 200YearsTogether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18661690

Peterson just seems like a shitty stoic. I'm not sure why you would recommend him over anyone else. Why do people recommend this knock-off drug addict philosophers like him instead of the genuine classics like Epictetus and Seneca?

>> No.18662294

Projecting faggot, Peterson is a retard because he assumes I'm some bored, upper class "intelligent low achiever" type who got hooked on videogames instead of "getting a grip" and "working hard" to make use of the opportunities and easy social mobility that are still waiting right out of the door.
He's yet another boomer making idiotic assumptions and being out of touch, but I admit he's absolutely perfect for those who are, in fact, upper class Americans who like videogames and lack the self-esteem to hit on girls at parties. He's a completely worthless talking head if you have a problem with any facet of modern society, if you are dissatisfied with the world as it's happening, if you lack drive not because of self-esteem like you're projecting on me like a faggot but because the very rewards at the end of the journey are dissatisfying if not disgusting. He just assumes you're failing to make money because you don't believe in yourself and you want "success" in the American Dream sense of success, as if everyone wanted that deep inside. That's probably why his whore daughter came up the way she is.

>> No.18662317

I think most people who remark about him boil down to “he says clean your room” or “he’s a ___ist/phobe

Sitting down and reading his books or listening to his lectures is just too hard and most people don’t want to bother with the nuances. It’s tiresome.

>> No.18662386


>> No.18662410

>makes non-retard seethe
>makes people with sexual experiences seethe

>> No.18662424

No, he is hated because in spite of being a competend psychologist, he stepped into the celebrity trap of talking about things he doesn't understand (i.e. everything outside of his academic field). In /lit/speak: he's an opportunistic pseud

>> No.18662432

I mean cleaning your room and not letting autistic distractions like politics distract you from your own crippling problems is pretty sound advice. Actually putting that into practice is the hard part and even Pietersen couldn't do it fully.

>> No.18662437

No, I don't think so. I've read Maps of Meaning and listened to his available course lectures.
He is familiar with gnosticism and his "primal chaos as the mother of order" is a rephrasing of the myth of Sophia and Yaldaboath. He conceptualizes Logos as "speaking truthfully" which is comparable to the art of philosophy to lead the soul out of the material world.
Finally Maps of Meaning contains a joke or an intentional irony, in that he presents his "Maps of Meaning" as a complete and closed philosophy that fully explains reality, and then he argues toward the end of the book that "luciferian pride" is to believe one knows all that one needs to know, and that a believed-to-be-complete philosophy will lead a person to ruin: ie. he recognizes the supremacy of "chaos" over physicalist explanations of reality.

Ironically of course his faith in the physicalist philosophy of the pharmaceutical industry got him addicted to benzos, a fall for pride if there ever was one, but I wonder if that was not due to a suicidal impulse.

He is now wealthy, weak, loved by many, and cared for by loved ones.

>> No.18662438

>savior of /r9k/ tier kissless virgins
>makes people with sexual experiences seethe
pick one

>> No.18662570
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He's describing the dichotomy between objective reality and subjective experience by inherently implying that one is innately descriptive in nature and the other is action predicated.

The actual quote is "the world can be validly construed as a forum for action and a place of things".

Threadly reminder that person is actually smarter than 99.99% of people on this board and that includes you by a large margin especially if you haven't even read his work

Commies get fucked

>> No.18662585

>Ironically of course his faith in the physicalist philosophy of the pharmaceutical industry got him addicted to benzos, a fall for pride if there ever was one, but I wonder if that was not due to a suicidal impulse
That's a pretty retarded take, man.

>> No.18662625

>That's a pretty retarded take, man.
I do in fact have a mental disability, but I expect more sophisticated discourse from /lit/ of all places.

>> No.18662639
File: 83 KB, 714x960, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, being retarded you would expect that, retard.

>> No.18662680

I'm glad I have the word "retard" filtered. I have yet to see a worthwhile use of the word in this forum.

>> No.18662688

how did you reply to that post?

>> No.18662690

Shut up, retard