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/lit/ - Literature

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18655757 No.18655757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will the low iq /pol/tards that make the majority of this board userbase realize that their genocidal fantasies will never come true and leave this board forever? This board used to be about literature, now it's just /pol/ lite with faggots discussing the same far-right spergs books over and over and making thinly veiled political threads followed by "books for this feeling?" to avoid getting a 3 days ban.

>> No.18655767

We'll go back when Marxfags do too, so never considering we have at least 3 Capital threads every day.

>> No.18655779
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>When will the low iq /pol/tards that make the majority of this board userbase realize that their genocidal fantasies will never come true and leave this board forever? This board used to be about literature, now it's just /pol/ lite with faggots discussing the same far-right spergs books over and over and making thinly veiled political threads followed by "books for this feeling?" to avoid getting a 3 days ban.

>> No.18655819
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>When will the low iq /qa/tards that make the majority of this board userbase realize that their cuck fantasies will never come true and leave this board forever? This board used to be about literature, now it's just /qa/ lite with faggots discussing the same soi spergs books over and over and making thinly veiled soijack duel threads followed by "books for this feeling?" to avoid getting a 3 days ban.

>> No.18655829

>their genocidal fantasies will never come true
Not with that attitude

>> No.18656201

i hate poltards as much as the next dude but i think you need to realise that literature is almost always gonna be inherently political

>> No.18656237

I remember when political talk used to be contained to the Marxfag threads. Now you retarded /pol/cels shit up the whole board. Half the time I look at the catalogue it feels like every other thread is blatant /pol/bait.