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File: 135 KB, 692x1000, ‘Warriors of the High Country (2), Ute, Native American paintings, James Ayers Studios’ by JamesAyers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18653215 No.18653215 [Reply] [Original]

What did these two say or write about the American Indian religion and people?
Also, did the National socialists really considered them Aryans? How was this the case?

>> No.18653624

Bump. Wish there was more material on native American religions.

If you believe in perennialism, there's a theory which says every community on earth was sent a prophet at some point of their existence. Makes you think what happened to the native American prophet. Must not have been successful, because there seem to be no surviving traces of monotheism or any of the things from the Abrahamic mythos in native American belief systems(I must admit I'm completely ignorant in this particular area, so correct me if I'm wrong).

Maybe the white man's coming was their punishment, for having killed God's envoy.

>> No.18653663

Evola basically said they were the degenerated remnants of a purer solar civilization. In terms of their views and way of life they were probably spiritually superior to the materialist Europeans who colonized them, but he just saw them as being kind of a basic bitch mystical culture that wasn't really capable of higher levels of civilization.

>> No.18654272

Schuon considered their religion to be very metaphysical so similar to hinduism. He wrote some essays on it buy you need to have some basic metaphysical notions in order to understand what he is talking about. Regarding the people, he was interested to learn about them because they were living still quite traditional in the first half of the 20th century.

>> No.18654336

Didn't expect him to act like Zizek.

>> No.18655234
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Coomaraswamy wrote an essay about them as well. I forget the name of it though, sorry

>> No.18655240

American tradition would be Mormonism