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18652805 No.18652805 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that can legitimately teach me what it's like to be a woman? Some sort of journal or something written by a woman? I'm not a trannie, I just want to know.

>> No.18652815
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Like a man but weaker.

>> No.18652901
File: 38 KB, 310x475, 63AD0BDC-7ECB-4191-889E-6708A6BE95BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s De Beauvoir’s Second Sex.
Le Guin writes some good introspection. Carson McCullers..,
There’s tons. Look at some titles from Virago books.
We’re as varied as men

>> No.18652916

What makes you think you can glean experience by reading it? Or even watching it?

I could maybe tell you how an apple tastes, but it's only how it tastes to me; and you'll never have the experience of me eating the apple, just your self-reference of what an apple is like.

>> No.18652928

Are you telling him to transition?

>> No.18652929

think of the moments in your life just before you came to your senses, before you had a drink to shake it off and cool down. women perpetually live in this space of chaotic, childish nonsense

>> No.18652938

I don't think any journal can really teach you that. Even when you're writing a journal designed never to be published you're still not going to reveal your entire self.

>> No.18652943
File: 1.36 MB, 1656x2198, 7BB974EA-9D21-41AC-89DE-35B8D9ECF3B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not apples

>> No.18652944

Transitioning is the fall of Icarus
One can never truly know what another feels, it is just something we have to accept, but to simply not try is equally foolish.

>> No.18653095

just browse crystal cafe.

>> No.18653115

Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, and The bell jar

Also l'amant by Marguerite Duras and Les petits cheveaux de tarquinia

>> No.18653119

you're consistently one of the worst posters in board history. Every time i think you have something meaningful to contribute, you go and make an absolute fool of me

>> No.18653169

anything but Atwood

>> No.18653189

The journals of Anais Nin.

She started keeping a journal when she was like 11, and did it until she was like 65.
Chronicled her entire life of whoring around, sucking guys off, cheating on people, having affairs, masturbating, and being just a general all around nympho.
The reason why it is great is because she is the only woman who I've ever seen actually admit in writing that she is a whore and proud of it.

>> No.18653248

>as varied as men

That delusion LMAO

>> No.18653258

A post so simple yet so fucking stupid...

>> No.18653404

In response to this >>18652916 stupid comparison? Why wouldn’t it make you think a little?
>Ah yes, anon has a point. You can’t describe the taste of an apple!
We are not as shallow as the taste of apples.
Males like you nearly are. Watch it.

>> No.18653613

>>18653404 <--This is the female brain at its full capacity right here!

>> No.18653790
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The two books that most delude me into thinking I understand women are A Woman by Sibela Aleramo and The Women Who Knew Too Much by Tania Modelski, as well as lots of back issues of YM. Or maybe, just maybe, as old Carole Shelby once told me, "hell, far as I know, men and women aren't supposed to understand one another."

>> No.18653844

Have you tried talking with woman?
Genuinely try to be their friends and don't try to fuck them.
Just let them tell you about their life ask many questions the internal state they are in through these experiences.
I have never read a book on woman, but females I talk to claim I understand the female experience better than men they have known.

This post is going to make /lit/ seethe.

>> No.18653850

Oh and to add to the seethe.
The fly is right, they are as varied as men, sometimes I feel even more.

>> No.18653870

There is, unironically and in the most literal sense, zero point in talking to women if you don't plan on fucking them.

>> No.18653882

I learned quite a lot through dating girls but I unironically got a clearer picture of how they are through listening to lana del Rey and Taylor swift songs. With my gfs I always maintained a shield of ego that sort of prevented me from seeing just exactly what they wanted and how they thought but when you hear women sing about their deepest desires you suddenly kind of get it. They live in a meme world(dont we all) where they want this incoherent combination of immensely exciting and dangerous men, and loving protectors who will raise their children and care for them, and these types of men can coexist in one person, but never in their extreme manifestations, they conflict.

It's the female version of the whore/madonna complex, and it arises through basic issues of cooperation and oppsing interests that men and women have.

>> No.18653941

Sure. But you will never understand what it's like to be a woman. Also you're applying that I don't often get sex from these woman I talk to as well. Sex offered to you because she wants you to have it is far more enjoyable than sex you persuade out of someone. I never enter with the intention of sex though, it completely destroys the mindset I'm trying to learn.

Woman are creatures of emotion and spontaneous action. You're right about the kind of men woman want, sorta. They definitely want those kind of men, but the amounts of each is a spectrum different for each woman. Of course this doesnt factor the insane amount of internal quirks and attractions woman have, and the simple fact their sexuality is not particularly scopophilic despite anything incels claim. Also it doesn't factor where woman are in their lives, if they want that kindal of man or they want to play around with one who you might be baffled as to why she could ever be with him.
This only factors in one side of the female experience though, albeit a big one. It's perhaps good for getting laid but not much for understanding what it is like to be a woman.
Understand the life story of many woman really helps, they are just as much a product of their life then they are their biology, often much more than men are.
I've found properly understanding what it must be like to be in the internal state of a woman is difficult to do with woman I am dating. Even ones I could get inside the head of before I tend to lose that upon entering a relationship with them. My sexual understanding of her increases dramatically but my ability to get inside their head and really feel what they are feeling declines. I'm not sure why honestly, but it's something I've noticed.

>> No.18653944

>Is there a book that can legitimately teach me what it's like to be a woman?
Remember - if you've lived through early teens in relative normiehood - when you imitated people and adopted what they said because their flair impressed you? Have you ever had the feeling that you didn't really understand what you were parroting but everyone else also did it so you went along with it anyway? When everything tied into being part of a group of friends or romance?
That's how they've always felt to me. Perpetual socially focused teens. I've never had a girlfriend who was not a watered down amalgam of her ex boyfriends, her dad, or some other male figure's beliefs. I was having sex with their body but everything that made me like their personality came from the men in their life, which is kind of interesting but also disappointing because I always felt like the unstructured thoughts she was telling me about were originally much better laid out. This is also why promiscuous girls are so fucking unpleasant, without a lasting relationship they cannot absorb thoughts from men so there's nothing they can relay to you.
I do not think this role of women as the string in the tin can telephone is degrading, nor that it is an innate thing about women. Perhaps there's a chance that one day the future generations will be able to enjoy true tomboys, with the mind of a man and the body of a woman. That would make these dark times worth enduring

>> No.18653950

I've picked up small peices here and there from studies and books and have slowly began to grasp how women differ from men.

Two books off the top of my head are "come as you are" and a book on the differences in how men and women communicate.

I would say the biggest difference between men and women is that women have a need for security at their core that drives them. Men dont really have this. We rarely think about security. Everything is drive, wants, actions. How do I get the stuff to do the thing. Which is all secondary for women behind security.

The reason for this could be the female sex drive which locks up under stress and anxiety. Like a turtle about to lay its eggs, it needs a nice comfy spot. Women spend every second of every day looking for that comfy spot.

Unfortunately women also feel more anxiety than men. Men are more likely to feel frustrated and angry in similar situations that cause anxiety.

Women also have a lot of variation in how their brain and vag work together. Only 16% of women work sexually like men. On the other hand 36% of women have no mental connection between their vagina and brain. Their brain or vag could hinger for cock and the other have no idea.

Women essentially in regards to men, are looking for the a bodyguard that will protect them but is brutal enough to kill threats and to make children that will kill threats. That is why they cycle between wanting to fuck knights and monsters.

Unfortunately many of them are bad at mate selection because as said 36% of them dont have vaginas and brains that work together and because parents historically arranged marriages for most of written history. Women have not selected their partners since the time of cavemen. So they poorly select men using physical markers that no longer reflect much of what they want, like security.

That's part of why men remain frustrated with women, their bodies are like something out of time and out of place, desiring men that no longer exist

>> No.18653955

Not sure you understood my post m8, I did say that women are torn between desire for th bad boy type and the provider type. Just as men have their whore/madonna thing. It's a very obvious consequence of how our sexuality works, it's just interesting to me to see women actually stating it outright in their art.

>> No.18653958

>So they poorly select men using physical markers that no longer reflect much of what they want, like security
This makes sense if you look at the paradoxical male standard of "successful guy" who is a roided out idiot covered in prison tattoos

>> No.18653959

>How to imagine what it is like to be a woman
>Put life on easy mode
In reality though it depends. If you're an average to slightly-above-average guy, you already knows what it is like to be an unattractive woman. Unattractive women, as objects rarely desired by people, go through life pretty much like an average man would (though not quite as harsh as an ugly man would).
If you want to know what life is like as an average to attractive woman, then you need to open your eyes a bit more. Look on social media to see the public adulation for simply existing. Make a fake profile on Tinder and see that you'll get over 100 matches a week. Go to online space and simply 'pretend' and notice that, without even knowing you are a woman, most people will pay to sniff your seat.
Shit must be great.

>> No.18653962

>Understand the life story of many woman really helps, they are just as much a product of their life then they are their biology, often much more than men are.

I would argue it is more important for women than men, sexually. Men tend to like simple physical ques. Butts, tuts, etc. While women desire security and outside of height and wide shoulders, most of what makes a women feel secure is based on the character of the men in her life around the age of 3

>> No.18653963

the sexual life of catherine m

>> No.18653987

The female gaze is a thing. And it exists for the same reasons.

Men want a virgin where because it is in their best interests to find someone that cant stay off their dick, wants infinite babies with them, but is loyal only to them, so they dont end up wasting labor on someone else's babies.

Similarly, women want the knight/monster because they want a killer that will protect them at all costs.

Interestingly though, women that are bad at picking body guards could be helping the decline of society. Rewarding conmen killers with babies. Sometimes it feels like the fake protectors are winning.

>> No.18653993

Well you said they wanted the same in a single man.
I don't think they're torn between it, the only thing they're torn between is the various states of their emotional longing.
When they are sexual and submissive they want the "bad boy", though more they want a dominate person to control them and tell them how to act and what to do. This is why so many woman can be bisexual and why bi woman fuck lesbians but almost never other bis, they tend not to care who they have as long as the emotional control is fulfilled.
The provider or let's say "knight" is a longing for safety. I've listened to woman discuss their husbands and when they wanted to discuss the time they fell in love with him, they will often unconsciously replace the word love for the word felt safe. They know they cannot live by themselves properly, they long to find a leader. A man who will tell them how to they should change themselves, and also who will make them feel safe enough that material existence isnt a threat to them anymore. It's why when woman get with weak men they attempt to obsessively change them, they are combating a desire for him to change her.

Shut the fuck up

This is very true, especially the men around 3 part.

>> No.18653999

>This makes sense if you look at the paradoxical male standard of "successful guy" who is a roided out idiot covered in prison tattoos

Pretty much. They've studied this stuff and modern women are not attracted to. Modern indicators of success. The skinny fat programmer with 200k a year is not hot to them even though his labor can provide. No, she is attracted to the rounded our asshole because he looks like the body guard her ancient dna tells her will protect her babies.

Most of women's suffering in relationships comes from their vaginas telling them someone will protect them, and then it not happening.

Also, beta bucks, chad fucks, is just women pavlov's doging their brains into finally seeing successful working men as attractive. The Chad's hurt them until they cant find then hot. It just takes 25 years lol.

>> No.18654000

Wasn't Orlando like that?
Or at least it felt like a parody of womanhood with her proclaiming the virtues of womanhood and femininity
t. tranny

>> No.18654017

They want the bad boy to turn soft lover, again that's why I said the art they make is such a clear evocation of their deepest desires. They want a murderous criminal to become a caring father.

It's exactly how men want their virgin wife to be a whore in bed who accepts him fucking many other women. It's just based on how our reproduction works

>> No.18654020

>The provider or let's say "knight" is a longing for safety. I've listened to woman discuss their husbands and when they wanted to discuss the time they fell in love with him, they will often unconsciously replace the word love for the word felt safe.

There is little difference. Women must feel safe to find a man attractive. Those bad boys and assholes also make them feel safe, like a tsimed dragon they can send after their enemies. Most of their crying about bD boy boyfriends is them lamenting they cant tsme their dragon.

They have a specific fantasy where they tame the most powerful man with their vagina. This both massages their ego, about their love vagina being the special one to do so, and they also have the strongest protector.

Women do not actually see bad boys or assholes as unsafe. They are just frustratingly untamed.

Ironically after these sorts of men are tamed, many women find them unattractive, because they secretly hate ttb themselves and csnt love anyone that would be tamed by them.

>> No.18654033

>Shut the fuck up
It's a bit incel-y I'll admit. Is it anything but the truth though? Are you saying attractive people (women in particular) don't live life on easy-street? An attractive woman has the capacity for a life roughly equivalent to that of a wealthy man. Age also plays a factor I didn't go into.

>> No.18654035

>The skinny fat programmer with 200k a year is not hot to them even though his labor can provide.
In defense of women, it's not like men reason that coldly and logically when they choose a partner either. If there's a girl who is fat and ugly but with a wonderful personality that is caring and loving, romantically loyal and emotionally stable, etc. I'm still not going to find her attractive. I'd very much rather gravitate toward a woman I find attractive. Now there are a few differences here like that if I figure out that the attractive girl was/is a whore my sexual interest for her plummets instantly, but I'm not even going to look at the hambeast because of that.
Honestly what do men want from women outside of physical descriptors? Loyalty? Isn't loyalty stability?
Are people going insane when it come to sex and relationships because they've been denied even the prospect of stability by modern society?

>> No.18654044

>It's exactly how men want their virgin wife to be a whore in bed
Honestly there's no direct correlation between relative inexperience with sex because you haven't been fucking everyone and his dog, and disliking sex.

>> No.18654070

>Honestly what do men want from women outside of physical

Men want a woman to protect him from her worst character traits. Women want a man that will protect her from the world and to provide her kids with dna strong enough to protect them from the world.

It's like 1 person being shit vs everyone else.

>> No.18654076


>> No.18654080

The issue is you are discussing woman entirely from within the confines of male sexuality. You see life only through the lens of attraction and sexuality. Yes woman mostly have more sex with you, but if you talk to a woman they will tell you they hated around 75% of the sex they had and often feel broken and dead for weeks after it.
Sure prostitution will always be an easy form of income for woman, it always has been, but it leads to a complete breakdown of mental functionings in them. I have spoken with many former prostitutes.
You are missing what woman actually think of life by projecting their life entirely through the realm of there's. I actually think some trans people are valid, but this kind of thinking leads many overly sexualized men to transition feeling that life will automatically be easier.
Social media does not make woman happy, praise by one she does not love does not make a woman happy, sex with one she does not love does not tend to make woman happy.
They are ruled by emotions, and they have emotions so high and so low we men couldn't even imagine them.
I have seen woman who could become so high from just the touches of a man she truly loved that she would enter a near state of being unable to even move.
You need to understand woman and not place your reality on top of them, it doesn't matter if what you say is true it lacks the full picture.

>Murdering criminal
No. Perhaps a few could feel this way, and perhaps they could be come a little horny at the though, but its not how woman actually think and feel. This is like saying every man wants a mommy gf.
It ignores the multitudes of personal values and morals all woman have, it ignore personal preference, and it ignore the simply fact that woman abhor violence unless it is used to protect them.
You're reducing woman too much to simple biology based on a few studies monitoring arrousal levels. It denies how woman act in the real world and they actually choose people to date.
I'm arroused by many things that I would never ever dream of dating in real life.

>> No.18654093

my diary uwu

>> No.18654104

>>Murdering criminal
>No. Perhaps a few could feel this way, and perhaps they could be come a little horny at the though, but its not how woman actually think and feel. This is like saying every man wants a mommy gf.

The murder criminal thing is just an extreme descriptor much like most men dont actually want whores and virgins. They want someone loyal that constantly wants sex and is hot. The words where and virgin are just archetypes.

Most women dont actually want killers, but if they have to pick between 2 men, they will almost always pick the one that looks like he could murder the other.

Women do not vew life as a competition but their vaginas do.

>> No.18654129

Arrousal is an automatic response, of course it would come out in art which is a way of projecting their deepest feelings onto canvas, but it is a release for feelings they never want to act on in the real world.
Why do you think woman become highly arroused when being raped, but still find it the most horrible experiences of their life? Because arrousal is automatic, it is not something that actively is control by their will and is their decision to be arroused by that.
The body arrousal has little to do with how they act in the real world.
Charisma, humor and self-confidence will always be more important traits for a woman to actually date you than how strong you are.
I'm not saying this against you, but so much 4chan dialogue on woman comes from use of tinder. Tinder is not how woman act in the real world, it is controlled entirety bet their vagina. Woman think with their vagina when hooking up, my comments aren't as applicable there, I am talking about the vast majority of woman's life they think with their head.

>> No.18654131

>The issue is you are discussing woman entirely from within the confines of male sexuality.

I don't think I restricted it to only sexuality though I can see how it is taken that way so I'll give more detail. FWIW the differences transcend sexual life and push into employment and social life too. I can't speak for the upper echelons of society regarding 'work' but at teen-labour levels I can say women 'have it easier'. I've worked in multiple bars and restaurants. Women got front of house (waitress and bar staff mostly). Men worked in the back (dish hands and food prep). We both got paid the same, but guess who went home with a sore back, wet clothes, foot fungus (from the perpetual torrent of water). Likewise when I worked in grocery stores: men stack shelves, girls work the registers. We all got paid the same. Even through my professional life now, a pretty face and a tight skirt can get you very far in progressive offices. Hell I have perpetrated it by hiring attractive assistants.

>You are missing what woman actually think of life by projecting their life entirely through the realm of there's. I actually think some trans people are valid, but this kind of thinking leads many overly sexualized men to transition feeling that life will automatically be easier.

I literally cannot parse this into any sensible premise. Please redraft.

>Social media does not make woman happy, praise by one she does not love does not make a woman happy, sex with one she does not love does not tend to make woman happy.

No but it makes them money. And with wealth comes health and happiness. I personally know 'influencers' who are empty headed, vapid whores who make far more money than I do. They do nothing but makeup tutorials and lifestyle vlogs. I know what these people make because they can afford to pay me. For someone who purports to be a man, you're certainly repeating the same boring schtick I here lots of triggered whores spout: waahh who cares if we fuck any time we want and get what we want, Chad won't pay attention to me :(

>They are ruled by emotions, and they have emotions so high and so low we men couldn't even imagine them.

Lol okay Seneca (this could be misplaced. I don't waste time on phil., but I heard that Seneca had some importance to the stoic movement hence the joke. Crucify me I guess).

>I have seen woman who could become so high from just the touches of a man she truly loved that she would enter a near state of being unable to even move.

Lolwut. Hippies? Drugs? Fuck are you on about. How can you see what someone feels? How do you know you were not just witnessing some performative aspect of mammalian sexual interaction.

>You need to understand woman and not place your reality on top of them, it doesn't matter if what you say is true it lacks the full picture.

If you say so buddy.

>> No.18654142

I want to respond but the Ambien I took is kicking in. If this thread is still up tomorrow morning I'll give a response.

>> No.18654153 [DELETED] 

Feels like you're on the money. Personally I never thought about what a woman could do for me in relationship with the rest of the world. I just wanted someone who'd be loyal to me and didn't care about the rest. That's also why all my friends were always reluctant to talk about private shit with their girlfriend but the girls would always talk about their boyfriends with other friends.
That said I know there are plenty of people who also look at women as tokens of status so IDK how accurate this is.

>> No.18654157

I think both women and men basically are reducible to biology in our sexual instincts. I could be wrong but I haven't see a whole lot of evidence otherwise.

You again dont seem to get that women's love for protector types is still part of biology, it's the same thing as the love for violent types. Same thing with men

>> No.18654160

Feels like you're on the money. Personally I never thought about what a woman could do for me in relationship to the rest of the world. I just wanted someone who'd be loyal to me and a good partner to me, and I didn't care about the rest. That's also why my friends were always reluctant to talk about private shit involving their girlfriend with other friends, but the girls would always talk about their boyfriends with other women. That said I know there are plenty of people who also look at women as tokens of status so IDK how accurate this is. Times have also changed a lot.

>> No.18654161

>Arrousal is an automatic response, of course it would come out in art which is a way of projecting their deepest feelings onto canvas, but it is a release for feelings they never want to act on in the real world.

Actually this isnt true for the majority of women. It is only automatic for 16% of women. You could be a sexy stud, walk up to a girl, her vagina just soak itself, and the lady not be aware of her own arousal for a while.

Its called sexual non concordance. Part of the reason no one understands women is just how badly their sexual desire and conscious minds work together. For men it is instetsncous but it is only that way for a minority of women

This is part of why you should never take dating advice from women seriously. The timing or even their conscious perception of events can be off. They very well could be great sex from someone and not even know really why because there is just stuff not getting to their frontal lobe

>> No.18654166

I'm retarded, this was meant for >>18654070

>> No.18654214

Not that anon but it is a fucking analogy you fucking piece of faggot. Leave this board already you already caused a lot of damage here. The quality is going down to the swamp. I know it gives you pleasure but I don’t know what else to say, you still crawl like a vermin when we ignore you as well but we cannot crush you, you are just a constant annoyance not even like a broken watch you show correct twice a day. No you are always terrible. Just leave here.

>> No.18654231

the fuck is this supposed to say?

>> No.18654242

>Is there a book that can legitimately teach me what it's like to be a woman?
No. However, if you look within your own mind, you will find what you seek.

>> No.18654277

If you want to understand women read books written by men.

Sue Bridehead in Jude the Obscure
>At first I did not love you, Jude; that I own. When I first knew you I merely wanted you to love me. I did not exactly flirt with you; but that inborn craving which undermines some women’s morals almost more than unbridled passion—the craving to attract and captivate, regardless of the injury it may do the man—was in me; and when I found I had caught you, I was frightened. And then—I don’t know how it was—I couldn’t bear to let you go—possibly to Arabella again—and so I got to love you, Jude. But you see, however fondly it ended, it began in the selfish and cruel wish to make your heart ache for me without letting mine ache for you.

Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra
>See where he is, who’s with him, what he does. If you find him sad, Say I am dancing; if in mirth, report that I am sudden sick.

>> No.18654294

>comes to /lit/
>doesn't know what 'instetsncous' means
Just leave

>> No.18654368

don't trust any post in this thread to properly inform you how a women actually thinks
just like how you don't expect a /lit/cel to represent the average pussy getting chad out there
you wouldn't expect the average "female" here to represent anything except a larp of their twisted view of what a women is like.

>> No.18654581

I'd trust some lit-cel to articulate the male experience better than most "pussy getting Chads" could.

>> No.18654629

No one should listen to people that have never had to struggle. They do not understand their own success.

Should a fat ugly girl listen to a super model on how to get men if she doesnt mention looking good and not being fat? Probably not.

>> No.18655372

Read Emily Dickinson and Virginia Woolf and watch Lauren Bacall in The Big Sleep and To Have And Have Not.

>> No.18655391

>to be a woman
You will never know what it's like to be someone else
Most people have no clue what it's actually like being themselves
Start small

>> No.18655416

you can net material goods by befriending people if socializing isn't your thing, you edgy bastard.

>> No.18655448 [DELETED] 


>> No.18655469

Why not?

>> No.18655508

this question makes me puke. imagine being made to be fucked and cummed inside. imagine having cum with squirming sperm cells inside you. imagine some dumb bro dude literally putting his dick inside you, near your organs and cumming. nasty cum with sperm. and then getting infected with the sperm and having to carry his low iq off spring like a parasite in your belly.

If I were a woman I would kill myself. that's what any noble soul would do. thus we see one more reason why women should not be respected, they're able to endure the degrading condition nature imposed on them.
>Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler of the universe who has not created me a woman

>> No.18655608
File: 55 KB, 1080x465, Screenshot_20210610-003908_Bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We’re as varied as men
It's outrageous and wildly dubious to even consider women to be people.
>We are not as shallow as the taste of apples.
>Males like you nearly are. Watch it.
The vasy majority of difference in women are their fashion choice, each one of those virtually identical beneath the surface.
Sincerely, it's time for you to close your mouth. Upon death, when it's time for you to be held accountable as you stand before the gates of pearl, you're going to be asked very specifically about this verse and about if you obeyed when a man reminded you of it; save your soul and shut the fuck up.

>> No.18655900

The ability to chastise a twit on the internet is surface level.

The analogy is weak. Why would anyone go so apeshit over this fact pointed out to them?
I know the answer.

>> No.18655978

You will never be a woman

>> No.18655985
File: 22 KB, 680x538, 1625940935290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol okay Seneca (this could be misplaced. I don't waste time on phil., but I heard that Seneca had some importance to the stoic movement hence the joke. Crucify me I guess)

Telling such a bad joke and then proceeding to explain it is the cringiest thing for you to do

>> No.18656003

God I love that whore
Anon, just watch the video above and you ll get it what it means to be a woman

>> No.18656028

>The journals of Anais Nin.
I am not reading 2000 pages of a whore's journal. Though I am up for ~300 pages. Which is the best volume?

>> No.18656605
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>> No.18656626
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>> No.18656647

>incel moment

>> No.18657024

>It's outrageous and wildly dubious to even consider women to be people.

>> No.18657268

>this question makes me puke. imagine being made to be fucked and cummed inside. imagine having cum with squirming sperm cells inside you. imagine some dumb bro dude literally putting his dick inside you, near your organs and cumming. nasty cum with sperm. and then getting infected with the sperm and having to carry his low iq off spring like a parasite in your belly.

Dont threaten me with a good time

>> No.18657334

>>It's outrageous and wildly dubious to even consider women to be people.
Because they really aren't. >>18656626 Human, certainly, but only an exceedingly small margin of error of women display with any consistency traits which could be considered those born of having a soul: self-control, self-awareness, pursuit of virtue, presence of mind to not be indoctrinated and made a puppet of, etc., and far fewer still would be able to speak to those things or truly understand them, instead merely mimicking men and following their instruction- a possible sign of a feminine soul, if such a meager thing were to exist and would exist only in lieu of true strength and principle, things inherent in men (very few in all but in men they do originate and men are far, far, far more likely to both comprehend and embody said traits) and critically lacking in women and often outright rejected by them. 1 Timothy 2:12 is precisely the way to tell if a woman has a soul and I gotta say, the lot of these cunts today categorically do not.

>> No.18657348

I hear the last chapter of Ulysses is what a woman's brain is like.


>> No.18657436
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>Like OMG Hamlet, do I look like I care?

>> No.18657473

Your problem is that you are fixated on hot women.

Most men are as. Ad as women. There are more exceptional men than exceptional women, but most of both cluster in the middle like a bell curve. There are also more really stupid men than stupid women.

You just dont see them because you have no use of them.

This also tells me you are probably a kid with no job. Go work with men. Plenty of dumb guys who just talk some sport and food. Not much better than women.

>> No.18657538

>Your problem is that you are fixated on hot women.
Utterly false.
>Most men are as. Ad as women. There are more exceptional men than exceptional women, but most of both cluster in the middle like a bell curve. There are also more really stupid men than stupid women.
>things inherent in men (very few in all but in men they do originate and men are far, far, far more likely to both comprehend and embody said traits)
I'm not sure why you would think I think that when I said as much prior. Also, you're conflating just a guy and just a woman as being not just similar but indistinguishable, which is woeful on a cornucopia of levels.
>You just dont see them because you have no use of them.
Utterly false.
>This also tells me you are probably a kid with no job. Go work with men. Plenty of dumb guys who just talk some sport and food. Not much better than women.
What I said above about your illiteracy. Also, I'm middle-aged and with a wealth of experience working with irredeemable trash of both genders in a variety fields across the U.S. But since you want to play that game, let's determine who between us is the child lacking in real world experience lmao.

>> No.18657586

Not having women friends is not edgy. Holy fuck the amount of soi on this board is ridiculous.

>> No.18657947

>wealth of experience working with irredeemable trash of both genders

Yet you argue that only men are human?

Maybe you have an inflated ego and only consider men that match yourself as deserving to live?

>> No.18658109

>Yet you argue that only men are human?
Hollow semantics, perhaps, but I said only men are people, though I did allege that margin of error % or less of woman possibly are, as well. How many men? I'd think no more than 12% of all humans are people or have souls, and I'd guess that would consist of maybe 8 men to every 2 women. So yeah, as a general rule of just walking through life, yes, I think that.
>Maybe you have an inflated ego and only consider men that match yourself as deserving to live?
Deeply presumptuous though I'd wager that while incorrect you're perhaps fairly accurate on the "matching" point as my goal in life is to deserve to be alive, which I work on daily. I'd list those efforts but will refrain though must not resist the opportunity to confess, I likely would miss that live/die cut. Even with all my accomplishments in modifying my life and behaviors, I don't measure up to the next guy (or gal!) who also has devoted themselves to being something more than the masses. Integrity forces me to acknowledge this, that myself being the dividing line would be sickeningly convenient and dishonest.
That said, right to life? Ffs, you psychopath, while I would be a cruel yet loving king, I wouldn't burn the entire forest away just to highlight a swath of handsome trees. What in the world?

>> No.18658228

Women will unwittingly and unknowingly lie to you and themselves about their feelings, and what they want. Talking to them to understand them is not only worthless, but a negative in understanding them.
The women that say you understand the female experience only say so because, as a result of you taking them seriously, you have become a mirror that affirms what they want to believe is true.

>> No.18658414

>Women will unwittingly and unknowingly lie to you and themselves about their feelings, and what they want. Talking to them to understand them is not only worthless, but a negative in understanding them.

This goes back to their core desire being security. Everything serves that end. Including how they communicate.

They give you a version of the truth that is safest for them. They aren't going to tell a nigger that they dont fuck niggers because he might flip out and kill them. It doesnt even have to be that specific nigger. It could be 1 in 1000 biggers would murder them and they would present facts in a way that limits a murderous reaction.

The female gaze is a real thing and they have this image of men, of 1 in 100 just hulking out and beating them to death at any trespass. So coddle all men to prevent this rare rage response.

Ironically, it's the men that they trust and pick for husbands that are the most likely to kill them. They really are attract to protector killers. And some pick too far to the killer side, not realizing that converting a killer into a knight with your pussy is as much a fantasy as those vampiring or succubus waifu hentai manga book

>> No.18658473

>This goes back to their core desire being security. Everything serves that end. Including how they communicate.
>They give you a version of the truth that is safest for them. They aren't going to tell a nigger that they dont fuck niggers because he might flip out and kill them. It doesnt even have to be that specific nigger. It could be 1 in 1000 biggers would murder them and they would present facts in a way that limits a murderous reaction.
And yet they'll dress in such ways and go to such places filled with such people and play such games all the way up to the line of extreme mortal peril, sometimes that threat entering the picture far sooner than that. Women seek thrill and danger, and not just to find a protector within it, rarely so. "Security" is absolutely one of the things women seek but you severely overestimate how much and how often it comes into play.

>> No.18658572

They seek danger because they want someone that can provide danger to fight danger. They are driven to attempt to fight fire with fire. So they are figuratively walking into fire to get fire to fight future fires.

Also, they get a rush from those early moments when they dont know how dangerous a man is. Is he bad? is he good? It's a mystery and they like that. They love the danger and thrill of not knowing.

That's why some women lose interest after you confirm that you really want them. They didnt really like you. They just enjoyed the thrill of not knowing if you were secretly a murderer

>> No.18658639

Ontic identity is impossible to communicate. Intimacy is impossible. We live alone in illusions.

>> No.18658778

A meaningless observation.

Learn about calculus. We can experience something close enough without ever getting there.