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18650192 No.18650192 [Reply] [Original]

Or should I say Ernst "Balls of Steel" Jünger?
>After only a short time with the regiment, we had become thoroughly disillusioned. Instead of the danger we’d hoped for, we had been given dirt, work and sleepless nights, getting through which required heroism of a sort, but hardly what we had in mind. Worse still was the boredom, which is still more enervating for the soldier than the proximity of death.

>> No.18650293

For me, it's that episode where they sneak up on the british lines and attach bells and string to the barbed wire to fuck with the enemy soldiers

>> No.18650327

For me it’s the part where they get lost in the British trench in the middle of the night and run like headless chickens tossing grenades everywhere trying to find their way back.

>> No.18650341

For me it's the part where they lose the war

>> No.18650357

I don't remember that part

>> No.18650378

It's the sequel

>> No.18650383

Storm of Steel 2: chlorine boogaloo

>> No.18650683

>High School students choose to read his book.
I've never heard of Jünger before visiting /lit/.
t. german

>> No.18650717

My favorite is when he becomes a liberal traitor.

>> No.18650735

then you are horrible uneducated and probably grew up in a """""""""""working class"""""""""" neighborhood
t. german

>> No.18650774

>"""""""""""working class"""""""""" neighborhood
Die Stadt in der ich aufgewachsen bin, ist nicht einmal groß genug, dass diese Art von Viertel dort vorkommen. Ich Glückspilz.

>> No.18650781

What kind of a retarded ESL made this pic

>> No.18651301

Chill Habibi niemand kennt den außer Nerds wie dir

>> No.18651342
File: 47 KB, 933x707, this mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of a retarded