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/lit/ - Literature

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18648295 No.18648295 [Reply] [Original]

>read a fair deal of the pali canon
>read some madhyamaka shastras and the heart sutra
>hate any tibetan buddhism or weird mahayana stuff

i'm doing good on taking refuge in the Buddha and the Dhamma but i have not taken refuge into the sangha.

I have 3 options:
1. Join a paid-subscription middle class whte people buddhist centre (probably replete with dalai lama vajrayana rubbish)
2. Start attending a Sri Lankan community budhist temple (probably proper theravada buddhism but im not sure anything will be in english and i might feel like im interloping on what is essentially just a diaspora community space?)
3. just ignore the sangha or treat /lit/ as my sangha

which should i do

>> No.18648317

Why not take refuge in Allah instead?

>> No.18648349

1. Option. Maybe with normal communication you will manage to somehow cope (in a good, not 4chan sense of the word) with your hatred.
2. Most likely you will be the outsider-who-walks-spoils-everything-here. They just want a comfortable meeting place for their ethnic community.
3. Do not.

>> No.18648359

i might go with option 2.
i'd rather not give money to rich white people

>> No.18648396

Thank you for not Option 3.
Better to spoil the mood for the descendants of the poor-little-brown Lankan rice growers.
> paid-subscription
I thought it was figuratively speaking. If not, then what price? How much should you donate for Anāgāmi? Is it possible to get a refund if the ordered dharma is not fresh?

>> No.18648419

>If not, then what price?
Its a 'society' so it has a membership fee. its not much annually to be honest.
the buddhist society doesnt seem too bad they seem to have a good mix of activities from different traditions), i mgiht join them anyway.

but i tihnk the sri lankan community is going to have to just put up with me.
buddha didnt say you can turn away people on the basis of ethnicity i'm afraid sri lanka bros

>> No.18648494

>1. Join a paid-subscription middle class whte people buddhist centre (probably replete with dalai lama vajrayana rubbish)
As long as you're not on the West Coast, not all Buddhist centers are like this. Ignore "Mindfulness" and "Transcendental Meditation", and if Mahayana ask the instructor about Nansen's cat. If his answer isn't just Gigachad saying "Yes", leave.

>> No.18648507

>2. Most likely you will be the outsider-who-walks-spoils-everything-here. They just want a comfortable meeting place for their ethnic community.
This is wrong. They'd probably be happy to have you so long as you're not an obnoxious sperg.

>> No.18648511

Turn to our Lord Jesus Christ, turn from the pride that brought you to this preening dispaly of difference.

>> No.18648519
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>buddha didnt say you can turn away people on the basis of ethnicity i'm afraid sri lanka bros
How do you do, fellow lankans?

>> No.18648545

Have you ever done a goenka Vipassana course? I do one every few months, as well as volunteer from time to time at my local center. It’s free. The courses are done in total silence, allowing you you to take refuge in the sangha in an environment that is 100% focused on the Dhamma, without any of the BS that tends to go along with white people doing Buddhism.

>> No.18648655

i havent i have consdered it but id rather join a sangh where i can talk to bhikkus and learn the hallowed dhamma.
rather than just a stndalone 10 day meditation course.