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/lit/ - Literature

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1864608 No.1864608 [Reply] [Original]

>I use my smegma the way others use their vials of perfume. I did my finger in my pussy and dab a little slime behind my earlobes.

>I really like to smell and eat my smegma. For as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by my pussy's creases. All the things you can find in there.

>The consistency of my pussy juice varies a lot. Sometimes it's like cottage cheese, other times like olive oil, depending on how long it's been since I washed. And that depends on who I want to have sex with. Lots of guys prefer cottage cheese. You wouldn't think so. But it's true. I always ask in advance.

>And so for the first time in my life I drank someone else's puke. Mixed with my own. In big gulps. Taking turns.

This fucking book man. I'm not even halfway done with it. And these are just the highlights I remembered enough to look back up. I don't know if I can make it through this.

>> No.1864616

Sounds like somebody's daddy didn't give them enough attention

>> No.1864614
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>> No.1864617

sounds like palahniuk trying to do kathy acker... pass

>> No.1864627

i wonder how much it loses in translation

i could see the whole thing being torpedoed by one language's vulgar euphemism for vag sounding dumber than another's

i gotta admit i was a smegma obsessive as a child

>> No.1864640

>mfw the cool new thing in literature that guarantees attention and acceptance from lolsoindie circles is to be female and just really blankly describe lots and lots of filthy deviant sex with no original use of language whatsoever

>> No.1864642

The image of a vagina gushing olive oil is incredibly erotic.

I'll read this.

>> No.1864644

who else hit it big doing this

if you cite tao lin's wifey's laundry list of sexual experience you should be banned

>> No.1864647

Now I'm all hard. What's wrong with me?

>> No.1864726


It's a radical reaction to the female gender roles, and it's probably long overdue.

>> No.1864734


You need to rub it.

>> No.1864754

maybe it's her smegmata?

>> No.1865189

is there any passages regarding anal? if there is I would read the book just to fap.
I guess that's why the dumb skank wrote it

>> No.1865195

> German literature

My proud country ;_;

>> No.1865220

I have read passages of this with my girlfriend. I like the descriptions of sex while menstruating. It's quite disturbing and over the top, but it is lots of fun non the less.

>> No.1865229

they actually translated this piece of crap?

most overrated book ever...

... and I used to like her style when she was still a vj

>> No.1865232

Stick with it, it is cringeworthy and stomach turning at times, but such a good read.

Also, deals with the idea that the last form of masculine oppression is through personal hygiene and ritualistic beauty regimes. The main characters ignorance of social norms in fact kaes her a truly liberated woman. Discuss.

>> No.1865235

sorry should have been *makes

>> No.1865238


>> No.1865241

>personal hygiene is patriarchal

Fucking lol

>> No.1865374

I'm not really interested in reading this book but I do totally and unironically believe that Grossness Is A Feminist Act

>> No.1865441
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Yeah, girls are icky.
They're like...full of cooties

>> No.1865451


>is there any passages regarding anal?

So many. The whole premise of the book is that she cut herself shaving her ass and is in the hospital musing over all this shit quoted above.

In fact there was a passage I just read, let me see... Ah, here we go:

>When I know I'm going to have sex with someone who likes anal, I ask: with or without a chocolate dip? Which means: Some guys like it when the tip of their cock has a little crap on it when they pull it out after butt fucking---the smell of the crap their cock's pulled out turns them on. Others want the tightness of the asshole without the filth. To each his own.

She then goes on to describe how she goes about cleaning out her ass with some metal attachment for her shower head.


Yeah, I'm doing my best to stick with it. It's the first book to ever actually make me nauseous, but there are moments between the filth that are interesting. And the whole feminist angle is quite interesting, and I find it agreeable if... hard to confront.

>> No.1865463

all germans have been reading this a short while ago (before there was twilight?)
>is there any passages regarding anal? if there is I would read the book just to fap.
there's "Blumenkohl" growing out of her bumhole

>> No.1865487

this is the thread where i state my belief that the foul bachelorette frog meme should be some kind of a permanent installation at the center for feminist art at the brooklyn museum

>> No.1865495

I'm not surprised with cottage cheese and olive oil coming out of elsewhere.

>> No.1865510

I am interested in this book but I'm a little scared at the way I might see women afterwards

>> No.1865512

sounds gross i'm gonna read it

>> No.1865521

what do you mean

>> No.1865533
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>This thread

I need to read this book now. Just to see if it gets any worse.

>> No.1865538


Have you read this thread? Look, I already know women are just as disgusting as men, maybe even more so, but at the moment it's a very vague notion that I keep locked away in the back of my head. I'm not sure I want to spend a day visualising this shit.

>> No.1865546

maybe it would be good for you

>> No.1865549

Have you seen the reviews? It's being heralded as a feminist manifesto.

Poor Germaine Greer.

>> No.1866025

OP here

I did it! I made it through!

Luckily it seems to let up with the disgusting stuff for the last 50 pages or so, and it actually turns into a very bittersweet little narrative (very reminiscent of The Bell Jar, in certain ways). Or maybe I was just so desensitized by that point that I stopped noticing, or it stopped bothering me.

One part that I certainly won't forget for awhile is when she's making those "student truffles". It seemed so sad and pitiful. And then she added her tears, which was creepy and really melodramatic, but still kinda worked.

>> No.1866037

i was going to poo-poo this thread with my condescending pretension, but now i'm kind of sold on this book. will probably order it from amazon.