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18645811 No.18645811 [Reply] [Original]

>5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
How did He regret making humans if he is omnipotent and knew the outcome already?

>> No.18645858

he's so powerful he disabled part of himself just cuz he wanted to see what happens

>> No.18645877

1. Check what the other translations have in place of "regretted."
2. Knowing what will happen does not mean that you will not feel bad when you actually see it in front of you.

>> No.18645878

I think it's implied throughout the entire Christian canon that God does not have control over human beings. That's the point. Human beings have free will, that's why they constantly fuck up and God gets mad and wants to incinerate everything.
Not a Christian though, I may be wrong.

>> No.18646033

>when you actually see it in front of you.
Imagine thinking G*D experiences time in a "before/after" way

1)I'm reading all the different translation in bible gateway, it's either
Was (very)sorry (kek)
Was (very) sad
Relented (OJB)

>> No.18646055
