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18641753 No.18641753 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18641828

The greatest leader who ever lived.

>> No.18641866

I am talking about the book

>> No.18641871

The average Canadian thinks he is a hero and Trump is Hitler.

>> No.18641890

>The average Canadian thinks

>> No.18641892


>> No.18641893

Please criticize the book

>> No.18642168

I thought his nam was bark o barner

>> No.18642345

What kind of language that you are talking? I didn't understand a single word.

>> No.18642349

Thank you, ma'am!

>> No.18642358

*letsa go!*
*so long gay bowser!*

>> No.18642401

Not that anon.

It's long as fuck. The book is marketed as a pop-biography for the masses but the content is more indicating a work meant for Obama scholars who want to research how many cigarettes he smoked while in office. Obama is a good writer and there are many interesting chapters in the book, but he would really have needed a more aggressive editor. And A Promised Land is only the first book of two.

>> No.18642430

>A promised land
Blasphemous but no surprise from King (N)arcissist

>> No.18642455

The hilarious thing is that Obama is a true believer in conservative civic nationalism of the type that modern Republicans at least pretend to like. For sure, he has much more liberal policy prescriptions, with more new deal style solutions based on government programs, but he never abandoned his "White Appalachians are oppressed too and what we need to do is sit down at the table and work on common goals," milquetoast center leftism. Obama is classical Cold War centrist nationalism combined with a strong belief in meritocracy and in highly educated technocrats to help improve living conditions using iterative reform.

This makes him on the one hand, still hopelessly naive (many Republicans are now running fully on race and White grievance, whilst his own party is also running primarily on race and racial victimization narratives), while at the same time too pragmatic for the polarized enviornment today.

Of course, here, particularly on /pol/, Obama has to be a hardcore commie frothing at the mouth about race. Never mind that an actual study of every public speech he made showed he mentioned race less than any President since Carter in both terms, or that Jesse Jackson got caught on a hot mic saying he wanted to cut Obama's balls off for ignoring Blacks and focusing on White rust belt discontent early in his term. Indeed, it's a bit of magical thinking to project today's culture war at full strength back to 2008. Obama won Trump's core poor White voters by a solid margin, which is why he took virtually every swing state in both elections and the election could be called 20 minutes after the polls closed both nights.

He hasn't changed with the times. The books has him going on about how America is the ideal nation where a poor guy like him with a funny name could become President because of equal opportunity and our Founder's dream. It's full of feel good civic nationalism and reformism and condems radicalism throughout, taking a balanced, ponderous "we have to see everything from every side to understand it," view of issues. Hence why it is long as fuck.

It's a decent view into Obama. In many ways he's the last of an era of compromise focused Cold War consensus leaders. Due to our times he has to be portrayed as a radical, but he's closer to our version of Solon, pragmatic reformer who nonetheless couldn't read the times right and ends up chased out by both sides later.

>> No.18642489

This is BTW, sort of the consensus of Obama foreign policy hands too. Obama never rewrote our National Security Strategy, which is basically unchanged since the Bush I team put together the first post-Soviet NSS. It's still about spreading democracy and the iron fist in the velvet covered glove. Obama's policy hands though all got exasperated by his constant focus on process and seeing all sides, getting stuck in details. Basically, the opposite view of Trump, who didn't redo the NSS because he didn't find policy documents at all worthwhile, he made the decisions himself and US policy was to follow his personage. Where as Obama you hear about 5 hour meetings with no conclusion, Trump you hear his cabinet appointees saying they had about 5 minutes to keep his attention with pictures and get a decision, before he drifted off to Fox News and flavor of the day culture war issues. You get a clear sense of the whiplash policy people had, which is why you had an exodus from the IC and State after 2016, they no longer had a seat at the table.

Biden in retrospect seems like LBJ. The first truly liberal President since Carter. He clearly doesn't mind compromising on foreign affairs to get his domestic agenda through, and the expansion of social services is by far and away the number one priority.

It always cracks me up that Republicans now idolize the 1950s, an era of absolute Democratic domination of the government (Eisenhower only registered as a Republican for an easier primary, we basically had Democrats in charge of everything for 36 years). Meanwhile, 1980 on has been an era of Republican resurgence, with control of the White House and Clinton having to move far right to compete. And yet the party stumps on the world going to shit with globalization after 1980, the very same period they got to manage things.

>> No.18642495

ghost written ghost written ghost writers

>> No.18642500


>> No.18642530

Damn, I never expected such a detailed analysis of Obama's autobiography on this very board.

Well, at least, that tells you the level of American societal discourse.
That's why hardcore pro-Trump supporters are the eternal midwits : loud-mouthed, bitter, virtually unknowledgeable on every single topic in existence. Same could be applied for the P.C. Squad of Twitter and Facebook, but instead they back their claims with "science" and "common sense" (whatever that means).

>inb4 : YOU'S A SHILL!!! YOU'RE A JOOOOO!!!! (shut the fuck up MIGAtard, i loathe everyone of you Yankees so much)

And to say that the "midwit" term was coined by a middle-aged Canuck Neo-Nazi pedophile who used to be a failed video-game developper and also a member of an unsuccesful Christian Industrial Metal band. Kek.

>> No.18642536

* Same thing could be applied to the P.C. Squad (...)

>> No.18642560

A lot of people would probably come around and vote Democrat if your party wasn't innately tied to anti-white ideology (including demographic displacement through immigration) and LGBT.

>> No.18642571
File: 9 KB, 208x243, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of people would probably come around and vote Democrat if your party wasn't innately tied to anti-white ideology (including demographic displacement through immigration) and LGBT.

>> No.18642581

That's not refuting him

>> No.18642612

It's true. But hey call anyone who disagrees with you a Nazi. That will help.

>> No.18642658

The dude that I responded to is just parroting the most basic Fox News/OAN rhetoric you can imagine with zero self-awareness... he's probably thinking he's somehow "based", "redpilled" and "fighting for the survival of the white race" (kek).


Like stop it you guys, your brain is turning into mush.

You are insanely focused on drama-tier clickbait culture war nonsense. I don't think you guys understand there is nothing to do against "that" at this point. Nobody is going to save "you" and your "fellow whites". And it's surely not a bunch of retarded oil-sucking Bible-thumping Zionist horny hypocritical pedo billionaires who preach and whine about "American values"... which is an oxymoron.

The "anti-white, anti-straight rhetoric" the Anon taked about could be compared to the "anti-POC rhetoric" the Republicans love to indulge themselves into.

>Look Brad, there is a black guy that is now Senator in South Carolina!
>Hahaha, you said it again, John. At least, we can say he can moan about his ID politics against liberals in the Epoch Times! I guess it's part of their new "diversity" program.

But of course, MIGAtards don't even deserve the right to live. They're too dumb to understand anything that isn't formulated into simple-to-learn, "edgy" catchphrases against easy targets.

>> No.18642673

>My party
I don't have a party anymore. I'd prefer out Presidents were appointed, like a city or county manager. A small panel of elected officials would seat a professional based on qualifications and could also remove them if voters got too upset. All studies show having a layer of professionalism and separation from the voters leads to better management.

But if I had to vote I'd have left Obama in as President, or now I'd say Charlie Baker. Mitt wasn't bad either.

Instead we had two candidates who are quite frankly, too old to be President. 65 should be the maximum age, both show clear signs of age related cognitive impairment while speaking.

Democrats aren't any more anti-White than Republicans are explicitly pro-White to the exclusion of others. Propaganda outlets like to cherry pick the radicals from either side, and their most offensive sound bites taken out of context at that. That said, both parties' membership realizes that they need a decent amount of White and non-White votes respectively, so they aren't going fully to racial appeals. I fear the GOP is losing that balance though and gas fully given up on winning the popular vote nationally, which isn't a good place for them. They are making the rise of radical Democrats inevitable by making their party a party of impotent minority rule. Bush took 50% of 18-24 voters in 2000. Trump took just 34%. You can't have a long term strategy of relying on voters 65+, a decent proportion die every four years.

>> No.18642688

Is it clickbait when your business gets burned down by rioters? Don't worry, I know. Anything negative about your side isn't actually real. And I'm not a Republican. People know the GOP doesn't represent them and want out, but you've ensured they have no legitimate alternative. Tell them they don't deserve to live again and maybe they'll vote for you. They're too stupid to recognize their best interest lie with the people openly telling them to die.

>> No.18642742

It's an error to see the current divide as "socialism vs free markets." Charts showing that welfare expenses have exploded in the US are highly misleading. Means tested welfare is a tiny proportion of the budget. By far and away the largest and fastest growing budget items are Social Security and Medicare, welfare for seniors. Boomers get UBI, direct check transfer payments of up to $3,148 per month, from 62 on. $1,600 on average. Despite being by far and away the heaviest users of medical care, seniors get free universal healthcare. US tax growth has actually outpaced discretionary spending growth. It is socialism for Boomers that drives the deficit. The other major growing expense is debt, now 8% of the budget, almost $400 billion. Debt is necissarily spending that voters wanted earlier, that they chose not to pay for. That is, Boomers inherited very little debt and came into the majority in their 30s with budget surpluses that would have wiped the debt out entirely by now. Instead they voted themselves $30 trillion in expenses that they decided their children and grand children will pay for. This is in fact the largest wealth transfer in history. Almost all the debt was racked up by Boomers in their adult years, and comes due as they are in retirement.

Thus, the US does run a massive wealth redistribution system, it just happens to be based on age. So Republicans arent so much fighting against socialism, they support senior programs, as they are fighting against investment in younger people to keep finding for benefits and tax cuts targeting seniors. Dems for their part also won't touch senior benefits.

This makes sense looking at the leadership.

McConnel is 79, Biden 78, Trump 75, Clinton 73, Pelosi 81, Feinstein 88 and running for another 6 year term. Trump had the richest and oldest cabinet in history. The Senate is 64 on average, the last cabinet as well, both retirement age. The average age of the Supreme Court in recent decades had been over 70. It's a gerontocracy.

>> No.18642799

Obama got fucked by the Republicans going fill retard. They no longer want to rule. They did every they could to sabotage the post-2008 recovery so they could get power. Then they got it. They had the White House, both Chambers of Congress, and the Court. Did they pass sweeping immigration reform to protect their culture? A huge overhaul of welfare to stop dependency? A huge upsurge in deportations? Nope. No major policy bills, nothing like the ACA. The only big bill they passed was another round of tax cuts targeting the rich and old that managed to triple the deficit even before COVID. Illegal border crossings hit a 13 year high in 2019. Migrants keep wages low and property values high, which is what seniors want, they just don't want to see the migrants. And so the GOP did nothing with total control, knowing that the culture war is bread and circuses. They are a group that wants to rule just to rule and dispense money. And their supporters are happy so long as Trump can send out tweets attacking D lost celebs all day and trigger the libs. The Boomers were raised on TV and now rule based on the news cycle.

>> No.18642833

It's over. Shit like that gay men's chorus may make a few people angry, and transexuality will remain a hot button issue, but you're never going to go anywhere against this. The broader consensus of the public has already accepted LGBT into normal society and won't go back. It's unironically just a few internet holdouts and highly Christian small towns that haven't.
I live in a highly republican voting area and nobody cares. My female friends all have at least one gay friend they keep around, and none of the males around me ever talk about it or have anything negative to say. Once rights are given in the US the normal population assimilates those people into society. There is no argument left against them besides "protecting Christian beliefs" which if you make i'm not even going to respond it's so stupid.

The left, though mainly the academic left, has an anti-white sentiment running through it. I suppose the media is to blame for this, though It didn't help the "alt-right" upon formation made individuals like Richard Spencer the face of the movement. Too many dumb children tried to push /pol/ memes into real life and stirred up the left for years to come. But it's been happening prior to 2016. Anti-white sentiment was not so strong in at least among the lefts elected officials in the Obama era, the policy was at least outwardly one of cooperation and a optimistic view that the issue of slavery could finally be put to rest. Obviously among the academic left, especially on neo-marxist campuses the idea that class struggle = racial struggle was becoming more popular.
Trump stirred everything up, and racial warfare became the lefts preferred meotu of combating his threat to them he caused.

>> No.18642844

>The left, though mainly the academic left, has an anti-white sentiment running through it. ...
I don't care you how you justify. I will not vote for it. Clear it out of the party or don't.

>> No.18642853

oh look another brainlet poltard getting outwitted and only responding with >muh identity politics

please fuck off

>> No.18642864

>ignore ignore ignore it's not real idiot! none of the riots happened, nothing that you've read or heard all of it is fake /pol/ /pol/ /pol/
Do you think you're fooling anyone?

>> No.18642872

do you?

>> No.18642880

Do you actually dispute what I said? That the anti-white ideology prevalent on the left is preventing people from voting Democrat who might possibly be swayed given the dissatisfaction with the GOP? Maybe this is just a /pol/ talking point trying to trick you, though. Watch out!

>> No.18642905

Also demographic displacement through immigration is a by product of late-stage capitalism. The left might be, and pretty awfully, using it to their advantage to gain electoral votes, but mass immigration is a result of a Regean if you need anyone to blame. The right had no issue continuely pushing for bills to bring mass amounts of cheap labor into the US that created the issue we have today.
They only changed their tune (though they really didn't) rather recently due to realizing their voting base it literally going to kick them out if they keep doing it. The left sees the capitalistic benefits of cheap labor and gives no shits about the working class Americans it's pushing out because it's not their voter base. The solution you want is to repeal immigration law, but the right will never get behind that because immigration makes them too much money, they will wave their fists and say oh those awful dems I can't believe they're displacing you. If trump couldnt repeal immigration laws no one ever will be able to.

It will clear out when the culture war clears out, which hopefully is in another decade. I hope.

>> No.18642940

>Obama is a true believer in conservative civic nationalism of the type that modern Republicans at least pretend to like
That's what makes him so awesome. Unironically my ideal leader, right next to Biden and Hillary. In ideal world I would vote right wing every time, but conservatives are compromised in the U.S.

>> No.18642974

>but conservatives are compromised in the U.S.

Who isn't?

>> No.18643043

Conservatives aren't all compromised. I'd take Romney or Baker or even McCain over Clinton. The problem is that in 5 years the party had totally imploded into a race to see who can dick suck a New York billionaire the hardest because he is a super strong genius mega alpha who will magically fix everything because all opponents are evil Moloch worshiping pedos and he alone is righteousness and truth.

Although the GOP has had a retard problem before that, like Rick Perry being unable to name any of the federal departments he was sure he should abolish, or Marco Rubio being such an empty suit that he glitched out into repeating the same exact sentence 15 times.

>> No.18643051
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Unironically Obama.

>> No.18643146
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>Unironically my ideal leader

>> No.18643264
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Your analytical scheme boils down to
>My fellow American morons
>The media and certain politicians, I reluctantly conceed, may have lead your stupid ass to believe certain things in order to guide or manipulate you, depending on whether they're status quo centrist or not
>Buuuuuut actually the real reason for these social problems (problems I'm also somewhat downplaying) was this obscure policy initiated/not initiated by this BOOMER president in response to a trivial ad hoc political crisis---a sincere attempt if it's a centrist, which may have gone awry or whose compromise lacked consensus; if it's a republican it's some borderline jew-like handwringing manipulation for $$$ bank, bro, but only for BOOMERS.

While projecting that appealing HR department veneer of The Reasonable Man (tm) it's still just sententious pro forma talking points, slightly less trashy than the ones you demean, but nonetheless a funhouse ideological program of your own with a few NYT-formatted 'historical' factoids to class it up like a string of pearls. At the end of the day, you might be Rolling Stone to their Star magazine, but you're likewise in a web where you think you're the spider when you're just another fly.

>> No.18643267

He’s extremely compromised

>> No.18643276

That was a whole lot to say nothing of importance.

>> No.18643300
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>tips fedora

>> No.18643559

I'm not that guy but what the absolute fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18643575

Your takes are very readable and interesting. What's your background and can I read any of your stuff somewhere else?

>> No.18643587

Hurr durr

>> No.18643606
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Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

>> No.18643608

Fuck off retard, I'm being genuine. Don't know if your cynicism-riddled zoomer brain can appreciate what that is.

>> No.18643647
File: 56 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just turn off all your critical faculties and do what The Washington Post advises, you don't have to get all faggy
>Ummm, excuse me, Mr... do you have a newsletter where you can lead by my nose down the garden path of your humanist neoliberal centrism? You're the best thx

>> No.18645007
