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18640773 No.18640773 [Reply] [Original]

Post books you enjoy that were not written by white men.

>> No.18640783
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>> No.18640785

(pic related)

>> No.18640786

Marquez basically just looks like a Spaniard

>> No.18640805


>> No.18640824
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Borges' entire work. No, he wasn't muh whyt man. He had Jewish and Native American blood besides Basque and Portuguese.

>> No.18640839
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>> No.18640855
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He definitely has some amerindian ancestry

>> No.18640865

Yes exactly

>> No.18640964

lmao pls

>> No.18640970
File: 30 KB, 375x500, images - 2021-07-13T000951.413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumas was mixed.

>> No.18640991

he's a white person of color

>> No.18641229


>> No.18641331

Nah, García Márquez is not a whitoid and neither are many Spaniards.

>> No.18641339


>> No.18641343
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>> No.18641356
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Paglia is great.

>> No.18642202

Dante (meds aren't white)

>> No.18642232


>> No.18642238
File: 35 KB, 311x475, science fiction huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed this before, but out of maybe 20-30 different authors I've read (not including text books) I think the only woman is Ayn Rand (The Fountainhead). I had no idea who she was but I thought it would be SF like an Asimov Novel based on the cover (pic related). I had vaguely heard that Atalas Shrugged was SF-ish so I assumed this might have robots and stuff in it. I was let down. The first third of that book is possibly the most boring crap I had ever read. By the end though I was pretty hooked.

>> No.18642239

The Iliad and Odyssey

>> No.18642249
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Are we considering Catholics as white?

>> No.18642523

Are you sure? I'm not finding much backing your claim

>> No.18642579

Zera Yacob

>> No.18642622

Based on Wikipedia
Father: Jorge Guillermo Borges: argentinian
Grandfather (paternal line): Francisco Borges Lafinur: born in Uruguay, his parents were argentinian exiles.
Grandmother (paternal line): Frances Anne Haslam: British
Mother: Leonor Rita Acevedo Suárez de Borges: argentinian
Grandmother (maternal line): Leonor Suárez Haedo de Acevedo: uruguayan
Grandfather (maternal line): Isidoro Acevedo Laprida: argentinian
This doesn't say much about his heritage tho.

>> No.18642631
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It's not very special, but it was a surprisingly interesting glimpse into the struggles of middle-aged Japanese women and the filth in Japanese society.

>> No.18642647

To add a little bit (wiki too, I don't have Borges biographies)

> Borges's mother, Leonor Acevedo Suárez, came from a traditional Uruguayan family of criollo (Spanish) origin. Her family had been much involved in the European settling of South America

>Criollos (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkɾjoʎo]) are Latin Americans who are of solely or of mostly Spanish descent; such ancestry distinguishes them both from multi-racial Latin Americans and from Latin Americans of post-colonial (and not necessarily Spanish) European immigrant origin.

>Jorge Guillermo Borges (24 February 1874 – 14 February 1938) was an Argentine lawyer, teacher, writer, philosopher and translator.

I don't think that someone with this kind of education would mix much with Indios, especially +150 years ago. I'm not saying they were 100% pureblooded Europeans, but I highly doubt they had any relevant Indios admixture

>> No.18642651

Borges was white, Marquez was mestizo. Both great writers.

>> No.18642937
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>> No.18644371

>Native American
Fucking sub-human scum!

>“¿Vasco? Yo no entiendo cómo alguien puede sentirse orgulloso de ser vasco… Los vascos me parecen más inservibles que los negros y fíjese que los negros no han servido para otra cosa que para ser esclavos”.
"Basque? I do not understand how one can be proud of being Basque... The Basques seem to me more insensible than the blacks, and note that the blacks have not served for any purpose but being slaves"

>> No.18644453

(google translated because I'm lazy:)
>— (Borges) Basque? I don't understand how anyone can be proud of being Basque ... Basques seem more useless to me than blacks, and note that blacks have been used for nothing other than to be slaves ... There is talk of the Basque will, of Basque stubbornness ... And what has it served them for? Nothing more than to be Spanish or French. They have produced execrable painters and an unbearable writer like Unamuno. The rest they have produced are good pelotaris [a player of a Basque game]… Look, I have Basque blood too; several surnames give me away that origin. However, I think that the Basques have done nothing, nothing; they are only notable for being one of the most sterile countries in the world.
>— (R.B) What am I going to do to him, Borges, I like to say that I come from Basques.
>— Really, I can't understand why people feel so much pride in being Basque… I already told you, I also have that blood, but when I list my origins I am very careful to forget about the Basques… Now, Valencia is something else… Look, I remember something that I wrote down in one of my stories: the Basques have done nothing in history but milk cows, they have spent centuries milking.
>— (R.B) How long have you not read, or have not read, a Basque writer?
>— The last one was the unbearable Unamuno; that man absurdly aspired to continue living, he was pursuing immortality.
>— (R.B) So, I don't know, excuse me, but it seems to me that he is speaking without much foundation.
>— Well, you want to fight me again… Are you sure that apart from being a journalist you're not a lawyer?