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/lit/ - Literature

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18640026 No.18640026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Truth bomb

>> No.18640030

>Jeremy Boring

>> No.18640042

I don't think I've ever heard any of them successfully explain why exactly these works aren't great and whatever alternative they have is superior.

>> No.18640046

Cut out the second line and it’s a correct, neutral observation on how consensus develops

>> No.18640047

another great example of pointless as well as fruitless twitter mudslinging, op

>> No.18640053

truth bomb: this is the current state of literature except with women and trannies. It's why sales are so bad.

>> No.18640059
File: 1.35 MB, 3463x1999, maxfield parrish daybreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the real truth bomb:
Only White men and women are capable of understanding true beauty.
They hate us because they will never be us.

>> No.18640062

only white men matter

>> No.18640066

The people in this painting mess it up. Why are they there?

>> No.18640070

Yes, so what? That art will continue to speak to me and I will not care for other art. What is the point.
Sage for Twitter nonsense thread.

>> No.18640076

Why couldn't you just say that without tagging everyone? You would've got (you)s naturally if you said something good. If your opinion needs forced attention, it's a shit opinion by default.

>> No.18640086

Uh, how about a no?


Great art is made everywhere. You have to be a fucking retard to not recognize that.

>> No.18640088


>> No.18640100

And it is not like white men who are on art are fucking retards either. Their ignorance is fucking disturbing. Imagine implying something like Van Gogh isn't fucking great and that is touches only the white men hearts.

>> No.18640107

That's hardly great - if a white man painted it, this guy would be unheard of.

>> No.18640115


>> No.18640123


>> No.18640134

likes don't equate with agree. i'd think they should change the word to indicate a more neutral emotional state like "interesting"

>> No.18640141

>collectively agreed amongst themselves it was great
But thats what progressives do with their art.

>> No.18640152

Literally no one likes something after thinking 'hmm interesting'. It's either agree or disagree

>> No.18640155

Pretty much, how else could you explain a bunch of people thinking James Baldwin's sappy garbage is the practically platonic ideal of all literature.

>> No.18640158

A lot more so in fact, the masses dont exactly like schoenberg

>> No.18640160
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>mfw wokecels "reason" their way out of reading the world's greatest lit because it was produced solely by white men, no comparable literature has a chance of being produced in the near future, thus they're collectively deprived of a circumspect attitude of life, a fullness that might've been the only thing to save them

>> No.18640162

What? I'm not really into Chinese painters or anything, but look at some of his horse paintings. I thought they were amazing when I first saw them. Which artist do you think that is great at painting horses?

>> No.18640164

Pretty much every middling romantic artist that was commissioned to paint cavalry charges and is otherwise unknown to history.

>> No.18640171
File: 578 KB, 1548x2421, Empress-Dowager-Cixi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that qing empire liked the artistic prowess of the dutch enough to have them do portraits of their upper echelons

>> No.18640178

tfw you will never find the missing rembrant footbinding sketches

>> No.18640181
File: 24 KB, 480x360, CopeHarderFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because African Artists have such a good eye for beauty

Spoilers: no they don't you fucking white-shaming degenerate.


>> No.18640184


>> No.18640189
File: 30 KB, 330x340, 1587957874799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you guys ever get sick of participating in the same race-baiting narrative and engaging with the same endless vapid but emotionally charged insults and one-line quips only to find a hill with a windmill to pretend to die on?
There's so many more interesting things you could actually *talk* about. If you hate niggers so much, and you believe yourselves superior to them, then why the fuck would you so constantly and bafflingly stoop to their same level?
This is pretty exhausting.

>> No.18640194

That's a silly claim to make. Most peoples have produced great works.

>> No.18640198

For most people it's resentment at having to see it in mainstream culture all the time

>> No.18640203

>the purpose of art is to be exciting
based damien hirst collector

>> No.18640207
File: 326 KB, 482x519, horseypicture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre going to post chinese painters at least post the fully sick dragons and shit.

>> No.18640208

cope honestly, sorry to say they definitely agree lol, retweets can be ironic and quote tweets can explicitly disagree but likes are just literally likes

>> No.18640212


You faggots want a REAL truth bomb?


>> No.18640223

Hundred thousand people agree with him

>> No.18640239

>and women


>> No.18640253

"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child."
Art is all about breaking rules, anon.

>> No.18640266
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>the school of resentment is still in session

>> No.18640283

He never could paint like Raphael, ridiculously arrogant thing to say lol. And I'm not even a picasso hater

>> No.18640287

You have to make new rules to be interesting, anon. Repetition gets boring after a while.

>> No.18640302

I didn't say anything to the contrary was just remarking on the Raphael comment(who I'm sure will outlive picasso). And while you need to experiment and innovate there is also the risk of failure there, especially the more drastic your innovations are.

>> No.18640324

Are we soon gonna see a day in which the last defenders of western culture are the far right and based secular Jewish men like Harold Bloom was?

>> No.18640335
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>> No.18640347
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>Art is all about breaking rules, anon.
Most pseud post I've read in a week, here's your scratch and sniff sticker.

>> No.18640363

Same shit, over and over and over. Enjoy your echo chamber, anon. Some people are into that. I'm not.

>> No.18640381
File: 10 KB, 229x250, c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same shit, over and over and over. Enjoy your echo chamber, anon. Some people are into that. I'm not.

>> No.18640402

“Pointless” yet a massive chunk of the world today really believes this

>> No.18640431

Personally, I think we are headed for Dark Ages 2.0. Wait ~1000 years for Renaissance 2.0.

>> No.18640448

It was really only 500 years or so, things started back up aroun 900-1000ad. A dark ages now would be horrific though

>> No.18640464

by an arbitrary response metric

>> No.18640465

>A dark ages now would be horrific though
It's the future we've got, might as well make the most of it

>> No.18640472

true, amen brother. We are a beautiful race.
cope and seethe.

>> No.18640473

dark meant unknown, not bleak.
dark ages were termed that way because hardly anything was known about it, no that life standards then were objectively bad.

>> No.18640487

The two tend to go together and my point still stands, calling 1200ad Rome a dark age in any way is ridiculous

>> No.18640499

Without them it would be a pizzeria wall painting

>> No.18640526

Just drop out of mainstream culture, that's what i do.

>> No.18640571

Or better yet, move to a non english speaking country so you can escape your own mainstream culture and are never keyed in to the local one enough to discern its objectionable parts.

>> No.18640580

i don't like being bombed with the truth all the time to be very honest

>> No.18640599

It's unironically OVER

>> No.18640614

A hundred thousand people isn't even .1% of the US population.

>> No.18640631
File: 124 KB, 833x604, 5193d2c59498d59c14f3f10797f5b1a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A retard says something stupid on twitter

>> No.18640638

The whole population isn't on twitter. You have to do the math based on views to likes, with regard to that It's a very high number.

>> No.18640642

>hundred thousand approvals

>> No.18640644


>> No.18640649
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 1624445753485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine arguing on 4chan over what people say on twitter.

>> No.18640691

Okay, according to some Jewgling I just did there were 68 million active twitter users from the US in 2019. Out of that 68 million, 100,000 is still only about .15% aka still a tiny percentage.

Now leave your hugbox and go read a book.

>> No.18640694

You're pretending like the US government doesnt constantly spout this stuff lel

>> No.18640700

68 million active users didn't see that tweet, a lot less did. So the number is still very high

>> No.18640701
File: 67 KB, 702x562, 1616781616356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i was white

>> No.18640729
File: 272 KB, 515x505, 6ibXJOC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well whatever race you are I still think you're perfect just how you were made.

>> No.18640733

>hundred thousand approvals

most of the world is inhabited by stupid people, none of them can accept this

t. a stupid person

>> No.18640747

You're also forgetting that people are most likely to follow and like people with views they support meaning that those likes came from an echo chamber just like 4chan.

>> No.18640754


>> No.18640760

My autism compels me to tell you that 4chhan is not an echo chamber, you cannot block people, you can't make a subreddit for your friends, you can't follow anyone, there is very little moderation. Most boards have constant flamewars about every topic imaginable where diverse viewpoints are represented. Even /pol/ which is the closest to being an echo chamber has a bunch of posters who are constantly antagonizing the userbase there so it is not merely the same opinions 'echoing' back and forth as you see in actual echo chambers.

/lit/ in particular has an almost unheard of simultaneous population of fascists and leftists that just yell at each other every day, this is very unusual for online spaces, it's almost always one or the other.

>> No.18640763

>let's fight retardation with more retardation

>> No.18640779

Some boards are most certainly an echo chamber.
>cant follow, cant upvote/downvote, little moderation
Doesnt matter when anons can just post basedjacks

>> No.18640803

The osyjak posters though are usually having flamewars with each other. They're especially bad on /tv/

Which boards do you think are echo chambers?

>> No.18640807

>>let's fight retardation with more retardation
I believe that's 4chans motto no?

>> No.18640843

art is an extension, a instinctively received birdsong of the beyond. A bird registers birdsong as probably something instinctive, but a human registers art the same way a human registers birdsong. Always instinct from behind a perceptual window. It is an artifice of the will, an impression. Only a photographic process exists. The physical process of imprinting a moment onto paper, for art, is the process of imprinting onto moment, and man is in the set of mirrors. What judgement constitutes its quality is the same as that of anything else. The process is mystery. Attempts to categorize art sustain themselves from categorizing, and from art. A means to an end is to resign to the past, to begin to observe an artifact. Art is the abbreviation of artifact - for when running, one talks fast. Art is artifact in motion - it's potency potentially immortal. Artifact is the ossification of motion - the becoming of 'fact'. The first living organism stole from another to duplicate itself. 'White art' is the extension of their character onto life. This purgatory of whispering criticisms is a waste if you think yourself capable of anything. These sites (and this one), are filtration processes, bringing anything down through more mirrors, dilating and diluting until the people with unironically tiny little sensory organs can comprehend. The last men. In the end, only stunting their metamorphic period into living. I would stop using the word art and start making it instead. That's not to say it doesn't exist, because it does.

>> No.18640848

I hear your perspective and understand your point of view, but I do feel this board and this entire website skews fascist.

>> No.18640902

It's the only place to vent knowing other anons see it similarly to you. No one can say this stuff in public, even if it's family who somewhat agrees. They can't quite get it all. Anons want to hang out with others who share their views and the views of their generation.

>> No.18640910

>art is an extension, a instinctively received birdsong of the beyond
I'd have killed myself before writing that pseud line. Also, immediately stopped reading

>> No.18640913


>> No.18640931

>Big Buzzing "Applaud" Sign
>Don't want to be caught as that one idiot not clapping.
Liberals are actual sheep.

>> No.18640936

This is literally the only place to do it. It's bottled up in all other places. If not here, then where? FUCKING WHERE, ASSHOLE?

>> No.18640945

I dont understand the latter half of post but I 100% agree with the birdsong of beyond concept.

>> No.18640946
File: 20 KB, 488x463, clapping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market has spoken. This is the level normies are on and they're not letting it go.

>> No.18640959

read hamlet and seethe moar retard

>> No.18640971

So you agree with me

>> No.18640975

>My descendants will grow up in an increasingly vulgar and anti-intellectual society with its sights set on glorifying mediocrity and tearing down the greatest achievements in human culture

>but I got to read the classics and those suckers didnt!!

Seriously limited perspective there dude

>> No.18640982

Humanity did not produce great art and literature, humanity produced art and literature that spoke to other humans, so they all just collectively agreed amongst themselves that it was great.

>> No.18640998

>>my descendents
>Implying any female would breed with me

>> No.18640999

You can only pass them on if you learn about them, first, bud.

>> No.18641014

Then by that logic, we should just keep all the races separate so we can enjoy our own art and culture. I agree!

>> No.18641019

As rascist as I am, a part of me does firmly believe that all(most) people are capable of transcending their non-whiteness and becoming culturally white. In reality the color of your skin matters less than the color of your heart. As long as you act every day in a way that's collectively considered to be beneficial to society, your family, your nation, your own wellbeing, etc - then you're good homie.

>> No.18641026

I did this. They followed me everywhere I went. Now I just sit around pissing into the ocean when I see someone being retarded.
I genuinely do not think about other races until forced to.

>> No.18641035

You can put a chimp in a suit, but it'll fucking chew your face off when the vallum wears off.

>> No.18641063

When these people say "white" do they mean Caucasian races or do they mean Anglo-Saxon Protestants?

Why are Americans obsessed with race? Why is it so decisive in their day-to-day lives? Is there a co-relation between this and the amount of cuckold porn posted on 4chan?

>> No.18641070

>When these people say "white" do they mean
Whatever they can frame as the worst example of evil at the moment.

>> No.18641076

The cuck porn is quite literally posted by teams of posters who organize on other sites

>> No.18641078

Oh no no no no
What a fucking retard. He is segregating art/philosophy? Why the fuck woke fags do this? Why do they speak for other races?
I am a le brown boy but people from my country have who have read Kafka and Shakespeare love them along with many other artists. There are some universal themes which touch every thinking man. I have seen many fans of Schopenhauer from India of all places, they could sperg out about "le white man misunderstood Vedanta" but they don't and follow his interpenetration of Dharma. Are they really forgetting that west got their Greeks and scientific knowledge from Persian scholars? Our national poet, Iqbal was heavily inspired by Goethe and Goethe was heavily inspired by Kalidasa.

Segregation of races or cultures is very pathetic which shits on a cross cultural appreciation. This statement is unironically racist towards other people who genuinely like western art and philosophy like they're retarded monkeys who don't know that art made by westerns is great because it """ only""" resonated with westerns.

>> No.18641099

because its been in a culture war since the day it was founded. north america was inhabited by native americans for large swathes of geographical time, but it was white colonists with puritanical views whi founded usa as a nation. some of these colonists happened to own slaves. fast forward several decades later, they then wanted cheap labor to built their railroads around the 1800s but once they got it, they realized it left them with less jobs and chinks were easy enough to demonize, hence the eventual chinese exclusion act.

>> No.18641103
File: 53 KB, 564x564, 1626044905015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is sad. Sad!

>> No.18641107

Ignorance is bliss
Peeminist seething

>> No.18641109

The internet is the Great Satan.

>> No.18641111

that's just what happens when someone regurgitates woke twithead drama here, just move along now.

>> No.18641117


>> No.18641118

Shhh anon, shhhh... All these people want is a sympathetic echo chamber to holler into until the day they die.

They cannot be saved.

>> No.18641140

You however have some great meta perspective uninfluenced by any 'echo chambers' that places you above the conflict? Notwithstanding your close alignment with multiple anons in this thread on this very point which would make this board just as much an 'echo chamber' for your view as the one you're mocking, since both clearly exist here in abundance

>> No.18641160

>Liberal: I got told I live in an echo-chamber. That hurt me. So it must hurt others! Wait, I know--

>> No.18641162

/lit/ is unironically filled only with litter

>> No.18641176

Prove me wrong bitch.

>> No.18641180

I literally only made one post

>> No.18641181

The fact I'm arguing with you right now. YWNBARW

>> No.18641188

Huh? The only dead language I understand is German

>> No.18641195

Nice straw man ad hominem bullshit you got there! You sure showed me!

Man I sure am upset I'm not a FEMALE!!!!

>> No.18641201

Lmao at all you niggers that let attention seeking Twitter posts literally ruin your fucking day/life.

>> No.18641203
File: 1.31 MB, 638x261, so good.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm mad.

>> No.18641211

Van Gogh is unironically shit.
I fucking hate myself for clicking on art threads over and over. You retards know jackshit about art.

>> No.18641220

>that spoke to other white men

Shakespeare, Eliot, Yeats etc. are beloved in India, China, Japan, everywhere really. Kurosawa was the greatest admirer of Shakespeare and van Gogh. Machado de Assis was fanatic about Shakespeare, Virgil, Schopenhauer, Dante.
Not to mention the fact that women, such as Dickinson and Woolf, loved those authors too.
By the way, Virgil, Horace etc. weren't ''white men'' in the modern sense, they just saw themselves as Romans, no less so than St. Augustine, which also meant they saw themselves in opposition to Gauls, Germans, Britons etc.

Why do you pay attention to Twitter?

>> No.18641226

Uhm...what's that word I'm looking for...ah yes! BASED

>> No.18641237

Just do you brother

>> No.18641256

Anyway, just to complement: he is right about the consensus part.
But then again, that's true *even of mathematics*. We only know that Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's last theorem *because a bunch of mathematicians, very few actually, agreed that his solution was a good one*.

Also, the concept of ''great art'' is very vague. If you talk about intricate structure, original imagery, new ways of using language/colors/lines/sounds/instruments etc. then it gets more objective and we can talk more easily about why this or that artist was good in this or that particular kind of technique. For instance, you may think Bach is "great" or "not great", but it's a fact that the structures of the Art of the Fugue are very intricate and difficult to achieve, and you need a great deal of training and hard work to arrive at something like that - whether you think this qualifies him as great or not is up to you, but you cannot deny this without seriously explaining yourself and devising a method of how to do those things easily, in the same way that a mathematician who wishes to prove Wiles wrong will need to show the faults in Wiles's work.

>> No.18641257

guess who monkey punch based lupin the 3rd onm

>> No.18641267

The best of the white race, their bodies and their art, are the closest humanity's ever been to gods and angels

>> No.18641276

The based race..

>> No.18641281

>and women
white women fuck niggers

>> No.18641292

You retards are no better than that lib

>> No.18641393

We've been over this particular observation before. Anonymity skews individualistic. The lack of identification weeds out collectivists and their ilk who find groups on other platforms with identification. Of course they do participate here, but it is always a farce: discord raids, college professors assigning 4Chan as a research topic, government astroturfing, etc. These people are not out to interact with 4Chan they seek only to alter it. They are often very successful. Hell do you not think it's strange that tripfags here express collectivist beliefs?

I'm confused why you describe a headless shitflinging mob as "fascist". It seems to me like you are using a low resolution of fascism to stand in for racism. Fascism requires a faith in the government that anons naturally do not possess because It does not jive with individualism. Trust me, there is little to no threat of a rise of fascism from 4Chan (demographically impossible in the US, still unlikely in Europe) there is a real threat of hate filled ideological terror. Disorganized isolated acts of terrorism against institutions and demographics.

>> No.18641400

There is only the cultural monolith of globohomo.

Everything else is just a counter-culture now.

>> No.18641403

Do you really think talking about it online changes any vague groups belief

>> No.18641411

Africans, Mexicans, and basically the entire rest of the world just sat around idly while White men produced art and literature that spoke to other White men. Nice thesis Stevie, I don't think it's all that bad in fact

>> No.18641439

I became an anarchist literally because of /pol/. And /leftypol/ is bastard child of /lit/ and /pol/. They heavily influenced internet discourse on far leftism and then all of the radlibs came into the picture. But of course a twitter cunt like you won't believe this.

>> No.18641463

The whole point is that neither is superior over the other.

>> No.18641470

don't be jealous that we're prettier than you, Chang.

>> No.18641477
File: 334 KB, 898x720, aztec-calendar-1146894_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nigger in the OP is absolutetly retarded, but thinking there is no great art outside of Europe is literally embarrasing.

>> No.18641488

if that were true then colonizers would have no reason to plunder, since they made the best art in all the land...
yet they did plunder.

>> No.18641492

This board is about intellect and your bullshit materialism.
Fuck off to >>>/fa/ if you value body features over mind.

>> No.18641494

What dictates whether or not anyone of another nation/ethnicity pays attention to a foreign culture is mythos. There are a ton of Japan obsessed westerners because of Japan's manga and anime myth making machine. Western interest is driven by Christian mythology that later mutated with the times to industrial revolution era serials. Modern life moved faster and people were hungry for a modern mythos that talked about their strange and unprecedented progress rather than the idyll of slower times who were content with an unchanging mythos. From industrial revolution serials blossomed the science fiction pulp movement and Tolkien's bookend to premodern mythos. Thus we had two diverging and distinct western mythos; one anachronistic and the other future obsessed. Out of the fertile grounds of science fiction sprung the even pulpier comic books. These have become our latest adopted mythos.

No other cultures have a chance of attracting attention unless they set up a myth making machine, in all its banality and shittiness. Quantity wins out over quality here. Magical realism was a great attempt, but it was too slow.

This is all now you capture little boys' attention anyway. Little girls respond to myths too, but they respond better to fucking boy bands of all things. When the west took a small hiatus of producing boy bands Kpop interest skyrocketed because they had a huge quantity of boy bands.

>> No.18641498

White men did not produce art and literature, white men produced things that spoke to other white men, so they all just collectively agreed amongst themselves that it was art.

A lot of it ain't that art.

>> No.18641500
File: 656 KB, 828x821, 37F2DFD0-E6D0-4CAA-9B63-72ABC04E707B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]