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18639438 No.18639438 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on Ligotti's The Conspiracy Against the Human Race? And would you happen to have any similar books to recommend?

>> No.18639489

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Never_to_Have_Been and probably the first season of True Detective. I read it after I had two kids and also some Rene Girard, and it did bother me that my kids existed only to suffer and die, and only to perpetuate my ego and existence. But I tend to prefer stuff like the Gospel of Matthew and Tolstoy and Austen to this stuff, and if God exists and is good, then existence really cant be too bad.

>> No.18639503

Buddhism is the answer to nihilism.

I got about 1/4 through it and gave it away. It's very childish in it's analysis and Buddhism btfo's the entire premise.

>> No.18639515

> and if God exists and is good
But we already know that if God exists he isn't good. Regardless, thanks for the recommendation. Benatar, Cioran, and Zapffe are on my list.
How so?

>> No.18639530

it's a logical error to think that you have no effect on the world around you. Say you write a random comment on the internet. And that comment influences someone's life in some odd way that improves it. Then it is incorrect to think that your life ends with your death when ripples are spreading throughout time without your physical presence. Everything you do matters and when you die the imprints of those actions will determine the life you create after death. Think butterfly effect.

>> No.18639564

Depends on what kind of ripple. Ultimately everyone's forgotten and so are their actions, quite rapidly at that no matter how grand their footprint was. There's no meaning and no point in making a difference when we're all going to die. Everything will vanish and everything we do seems to just be a way to sustain an illusion of some importance that will at one point reach an end too.
And none of that, none of that justifies the pain at all as well as the suffering many other individuals go through in order to continue this cruel joke called life.

>> No.18639574

You have missed his chapter on Buddhism and where he discusses whole deal of religion and stuff like that. Book became really interesting after 1st chapter.

>> No.18639597

>there's no meaning and no point

if life is a useless cycle of suffering, then why not work towards ending the cycle? buddhism's entire premise is that through practice you can overcome life and death. these ideas that permeate in your head will disappear and your emotions will no longer take hold over you. you will obtain enlightenment muh dude.

thinking of life in this way is the result of certain forces that are influencing you. you picked up the book to read because of factors that leave impressions. all things are dependent on other causes and conditions. work to take control of your life. do not give in to the hungry ghosts.

>> No.18639647

Ligotti has been doing meditation since his youth and even said that his preferable life is on Earth is a population with ego death but he is a follower of UG Krishnamurti. So take a guess about his stance on enlightenment ...

And again read his chapter on Buddhism or shut the fuck up

>> No.18640301
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>> No.18641875

Looks very interesting, thanks! Some reviewers mentioned how Feltham finishes the book on a hopeful note in a typical bait-and-switch manner Ligotti mentioned but ignoring the ending it's a nice pessimistic anti-natalist work.

>> No.18641946

It was cringe that didn't really address anything meaningful

>> No.18642158

Fedora-tipping Reddit book. Glad that this sort of people are willingly removing themselves from continuation.

I suggest picking up The Holy Bible once you're mature enough to ditch nihilist/antinatalist cringe.