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18637554 No.18637554 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18637562

The first couple of books are great. Then....

>> No.18637582
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I have a feeling the 8th arc will be the last one with the lake cats, given that it seems like every book will be the prefix for all the clans + StarClan. Though it also doesn’t sound very exciting and will probably be a letdown like The Broken Code was.

>> No.18637591

Then you finish the entire series reading under the table in class, missing out on the entirety of your 5th grade curriculum and slowly turning into a furry.

>> No.18637596

holy based

>> No.18637605

I don't remember much about the books
but I do remember thinking these books giving me a thing for survival games

>> No.18637645

thinking about registering an account on the fan forums and rping again like back in 2010

>> No.18637708

Was this series actually good? I never read it as a kid.

>> No.18637715

only one way to find out

>> No.18637785

first story arc (first 6 books) is kino, next one is decent, rest are meh/forgettable

>> No.18637944

Have kids or give it as a present to friends/family who has kids. pass

>> No.18638275

I liked it when I was younger. The plot was decent but I enjoyed the development of the characters..

Accurate. Looking back, I probably could have stopped after the first arc and have been content.

>> No.18638277

based and meowpilled

>> No.18638467

Based and furrypilled

>> No.18638764

haven't read the 5th cycle but I bought every book. I read in french so we are one and a half arc behind
I tried, but sadly most forums are dead because everyone moved on this *!&*^*$g!m& app that is Discord and it absolutely sucks for rping
based and clanpilled

>> No.18639268

absolutely peak based

>> No.18640032

I dated an anorexic (remember thinspo?) emo girl who tried to make me read these. I made it through the first one but don't remember any of it.

>> No.18641832

unfathomably based

>> No.18641872

A cat is fine too.

>> No.18642526

Tigerclaw did nothing wrong, remember. The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.18642531

Read it in fifth grade, never turned into a furry though.

I remember trying to hide myself from crying in class when I read that greypaw or something got taken by twolegs.

>> No.18642538
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>yfw Scourge killed Tigerstar with one cut to neck killing him 9 times in a row

Shit was fucking cash.

>> No.18642573


>> No.18642620

Didn't he become leader of the shadow clan and become tigerstar or something?

>> No.18642731
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for me, its Seekers

>> No.18642738

He was so weak a cat with a bit of metal on his claws took all 9 of his lives in one shot.

>> No.18642740
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>> No.18642838

Yeah, they did him really dirty.