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File: 837 KB, 614x618, Beria with Stalin's daughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18637158 No.18637158 [Reply] [Original]

>Beria administered the vast expansion of the Gulag labour camps, and was primarily responsible for overseeing the secret detention facilities for scientists and engineers known as sharashkas and was responsible for organizing purges such as the Katyn massacre of 22,000 Polish officers and officials.

>At Beria's trial in 1953, it became known that he was a serial rapist and predator during the years he was NKVD chief.

>Often driven around Moscow in his limousine. He would point out young women to be taken to his mansion, where wine and a feast awaited them. After dining, Beria would take the women into his soundproofed office and rape them. Beria's bodyguards reported that their duties included handing each victim a flower bouquet as she left the house. Accepting it implied that the sex had been consensual; refusal would mean arrest

>Evidence suggests that Beria also murdered some of these women. In 1993, construction workers installing streetlights unearthed human bones near Beria's Moscow villa.In 2011, building workers digging a ditch in Moscow city centre unearthed a common grave near the same residence, containing a pile of human bones, including two children's skulls covered with lime or chlorine.

>According to Martin Sixsmith, in a BBC documentary, "Beria spent his nights having teenagers abducted from the streets and brought here for him to rape. Those who resisted were strangled and buried in his wife's rose garden."

>Vladimir Zharov, Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at Moscow’s State University of Medicine and Dentistry and then the head of the criminal forensics bureau, said a TORTURE CHAMBER existed in the basement of Beria's Moscow home and that there probably was an underground passage to burial sites.

>The Russian government acknowledged Sarkisov's handwritten list of Beria's victims in 2003, which reportedly contains hundreds of names [61] The victims' names will be released in 2028.

Communists are not people.

>> No.18637570

>look up early life section
It's always the Mingrelians.

But seriously, this stuff pains me. Helped organize the Katyn Forest Massacre, which is a driving reason the Eastern front of WW2 was so vicious and escalated so quickly, in my opinion.

You know evil like this persists to this day on every soil where corruption is tolerated.

>> No.18637599
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>Implying there are no capitalist, American serial killers

>> No.18637623
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>dozens of women raped and murdered

>> No.18637766

the USSR was capitalist

>> No.18637795
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>> No.18637814

Georgians are not people

>> No.18637871

sjws are either neolibs who believe that USSR was communist and think it was bad or they're delusional trannies who believe that USSR was communist and think it was based
either way, they're in basic agreement with your position. you should've quoted yourself

>> No.18638832

I'm not going to defend Beria even a little, but I remember that Malenkov-Khrushchev and co. poured on him (after the execution) all the mortal sins in order to appear cleaner against his background.

>> No.18638844

even the burgers knew beria was a madlad

>> No.18638858

they almost reached the perfect society bro, they just needed a bit more time to abolish capitalism

>> No.18638877

>beria kills 20000 poles
>rapes some kids
>gets executed while begginf for his life
>clinton kills 100000 serbs
>rapes some kids
>is free to this day

>> No.18638909

Beria's "punishment" was the result of losing a power struggle. Justice has nothing to with it.

>> No.18638911

You mean Jews.

>> No.18638925

>Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, Georgian: ლავრენტი ბერია, was born in Merkheuli, near Sukhumi, in the Sukhum Okrug of the Kutais Governorate (now Gulripshi District, de facto Republic of Abkhazia, or Georgia, then part of the Russian Empire). He was from the Mingrelian ethnic subgroup and grew up in a Georgian Orthodox family.[8][9] Beria's mother, Marta Jaqeli (1868–1955), was deeply religious and church-going (she spent much time in church and died in a church building). She was a widow before marrying Beria's father, Pavel Khukhaevich Beria (1872–1922), a landowner from Abkhazia.[8]
sounds very jewish

>> No.18638933

prove it

>> No.18639009

he was surrounded by them but he wasn't one

>> No.18639527

How did this event escalate it? Don’t you think the nazis would have starved and killed their Russian POWs otherwise?

>> No.18639930

He was executed. How does that have anything to do with communism? Also, who the fuck cares about genocidal poles?

>> No.18640725

The Katyn Forest Massacre was 1940, before Operation Barbarossa. Seeing the ruthlessness of the Bolsheviks really set the win-at-all-costs attitude of the Eastern front. The Germans knew what was at stake.

>> No.18640740

Getting executed is an essential part of the communist experience

>> No.18640748

The Germans were already doing terrible things during the invasion of Poland

>> No.18640808

>In the same breath applaud the Third Reich

I know it's coming. I fucking smell it.

>> No.18640823

Hmm reads like hysterical propaganda

>> No.18640990

The mental gymnastics that Nazi apologists have to resort to never ceases to amuse.
I wish they'd just have the intellectual honesty to admit that the Nazis did do those things because they deemed it necessary and justified by the cause they were fighting for.
For instance, how retarded do you have to be to say that the Holocaust never happened but that there should be another one? Pick a position and have the integrity to hold to it and what follows from it instead of this slimy meandering.

>> No.18641013

But according to what I can read on Wikipedia they started to question what happened to the polish at the start of Barbarossa. Well after Hitler announced the Commissar Order which pretty much explains the nazi ruthlessness against the Soviets. I might be wrong but I’m just trying to learn different perspectives.

>> No.18641036

Putting Jews in camps is not "terrible things."

>> No.18641046
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>hypocrisy is pointed out
>sorry bud, that's a whataboutism

>> No.18641059

This guy

Never speak to communists. You can mention the worst crimes committed in history and they won't bat an eye, and pull a whataboutism

>> No.18641541

>if you criticise communism, you're a Nazi

ok I know you're a right-wing troll larping

>> No.18642111

Pointing out a communist serial killer is as much criticising communism as pointing out a capitalist serial killer is criticising capitalism or pointing out a californian serial killer is criticising california.

I am against communism as a political ideology, doesn't mean I won't point out a completely retarded child making a non sequitur. The nobility of the intellect is the highest class of people and you are not among it, pleb.

>> No.18642138

fuck off back to pol4

The substantive question is why Bukharin had to die?

>> No.18642207

You're making a non sequitur yourself. No one here said Beria's case is a referendum on communism but on communists as people if anything.
You're the one being a retarded child proving to be incapable of rational debate by calling people Nazi out of the blue for criticising communism.
>The nobility of the intellect is the highest class of people
jesus, this board can't get more cringe

>> No.18642212

>leftist memes

>> No.18642614

>Katyn massacre of 22,000 Polish officers and officials.
Germans did it

>> No.18642942

Communists need to be given a one way ticket to China

>> No.18643270
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>t.neither understands what a non sequitur is nor can follow a simple conversation

>> No.18643292

The Russian admitted to it you colossal retard

>> No.18643604

Bad comparison. Show me one single CIA director who did anything remotely similar to this.

>> No.18643634

What is the hypocrisy in saying
>Beria was evil
? How is your muh capitalism not a whataboutism?

>> No.18643651


>> No.18644001

>The Russian admitted to it

>the six experts' ‘conclusion’ asserted that the Polish officers ‘were shot in a cellar, one by one from a German pistol “Walter”’. The experts did not dare to claim that all NKVD employees were armed with German pistols. But it means that thousands of Polish officers were shot by a single ‘Walter’, one by one. That mysterious ‘Walter’ was never found.

>The desire of the six experts to save Goebbels’ lie is obvious. But they were misled by their habit of using Anti-Soviet stereotypes. From a mass of Anti-Soviet books they learned that the NKVD executions always took place in cellars. Therefore the experts did not even bother to read from the documents related to the case that the German cartridge-cases were found in Katyn graves. It is clear that they dropped to the ground while the executions went on. Otherwise one should suppose that the cartridge-cases were swept from the floor of the cellar, carted to the Katyn forest and solemnly buried there with the bodies.

>you colossal retard
You need to have arguments and not resort to name calling to post here. Also be at least 21 years of age.