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/lit/ - Literature

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18635591 No.18635591 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you own and how many have you actually read? Be honest anon.

>> No.18635600

No idea. I don't keep track, and it is not like I finish most books. I usually start reading a lot of them or skim and read some chapters.

>> No.18635608
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Give me your money Op, this is a mugging.

>> No.18635611

I own about 25, I have read maybe 7 or 8 of them. I only started buying books this year.

>> No.18635615

I have a 5-tier bookshelf that's completely full and I'd say I've read 2/3. The number may have been skewed more towards 1/5 recently as I made a few really big hauls of things I was interested in awhile ago but hadn't the time to get around to until more recently.

>> No.18635620

I own ~300 and have read maybe 200 of them.

>> No.18635621


5 done. Hoarding for something to do once the world ends.

>> No.18635633

I don't know
I've moved twice in the last 2 decades, and every move I offload my books to a relatives house and then proceed to forget to pick them up from their house

>> No.18635667

Probably around 400-500 (maybe more). I've probably only read around 100 cover to cover...but more than a few are useful for reference and I've read at least 50 pages out of all of them. Aside, some of them are textbooks (mostly math) and out-of-print rarities I thought looked interesting (e.g. The Open and Closed Mind by Rokeach...although they've since reprinted it--around the time they made a movie about one of his other books (the one where he put three paranoid schizophrenics, who all believed they were Jesus Christ, in group therapy to see what would happen).

I own one Funko and it's a Cthulu someone gave me (I don't own any of H.P Lovecraft's books). It's in a drawer.

>> No.18635690

About 200 and I've probably read 20 or so?
Probably bought 30 of them new, the rest I buy 2nd hand for $1-2 each and hoard them

>> No.18635712

Have a few hundred, around 200 unread I would guess. Just did a massive purge a got rid of around 1000 books (all read), got myself down to about 100 books that I want to keep and had a splurge. Moving onto a boat in a few weeks so I stocked up for the next few years reading while it is still easy to buy books.

>> No.18635722

>Moving onto a boat in a few weeks so I stocked up for the next few years reading while it is still easy
You sound like a really cool dude. (Sincerely).

>> No.18635728

nah, i don't want to inventory the books i own.

>> No.18636094 [DELETED] 
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Own about 80 books and read 3/4 of them.

In image you see most of them. Some of the other books are hiding behind it or are in another bookshelf that I share with someone else.

>> No.18636116
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Own about 80 books and read 3/4 of them.

There are a couple on the back of the rocket mostly textbooks I still own and loan to friends

>> No.18636134

like 300-400 ish
and I've read maybe 200-300 or so
but apparently this is quite little even for just a 20 yr old.

it really depends what a book is and probably 50 of the books I've read I've read on my laptop because I was too cheap to buy them. sometimes I bought a book after I read it digitally and then just put it in my shelf to look nice.

>> No.18636148

I have limited shelf space so I have about 70 books on my shelf, all of which I have read. Anything I don’t enjoy or don’t finish gets sent to one of those free book exchanges

>> No.18636157

I've read like 100 probably and I own around 130. Most of those 30 are books that my family was going to throw out and that I decided to keep to maybe read at some point. There's also some shit that i just gave up on reading like ready player one, the witcher book and similar garbage that I bought because some friends recommended it.

>> No.18636167
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>> No.18636171

more than 12000
all in e-book formats.

>> No.18636174

las time i counted it was somewhere in the vicinity of 400 books, and the my unread shelfes currently hold 39 books.

>> No.18636363


>> No.18636462


I've read about 250 books, not sure how many I own unread but there's a good few. I'm surprised how little most in this thread have read. I'm genuinely not saying that judgementally, it's legit just a surprise, I thought I'd done barely anything with 250. Puts this board into perspective I guess

>> No.18636465

yeah, there are people who only read non-fictions, there are some who only read genre fictions, and there some that only read fucking textbooks

the amount of books read really is superficial

>> No.18636468

Over 200
Have never read a single one

>> No.18636487

maybe 15?
couple thousand

>> No.18636492
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For me personally, it is very hard to find people in my own social circle who enjoy the books I do and that is how I got here. I got one friend who has read about 500 or so books but I can't relate to most of her books so we mostly discuss writing styles of authors with each other and the occasional classic.

Like >>18636465 said. For a long time I just read non-fiction for personal and school reason but got more into fiction lately.

From what I notice regular /lit/ users are mostly people who read books that fall just outside of the current casual readers of this generation

>> No.18636539

I only own books I have read or are in the process of reading.

I'm at over 100, but this includes shit from school

>> No.18636549

ah... you're in sixth form?

>> No.18636568

I think I own somewhere around 130 books, I've read probably 100 of them.

>> No.18636574

1,000 and 460

>> No.18636793
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What if I am?

>> No.18637009
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>> No.18637070


>> No.18637777

I own lots of books and have plenty on kindle but I tend to drop a lot of them because of my poor attention span.

>> No.18637787

Less than 10. Buying books is for fools
630 according to GR

>> No.18637805

I own 400 books, and I've read approx 20 of them. But I've read other books that I don't own obviously. I tend to throw out books that I've read, I borrow from libraries, and I have a kindle.

>> No.18637824

This is all I felt like counting on one of my shelves. I guess somewhere around 110 on the shelf, about 40-50 put up in a box, my wife uses a lot of my old textbooks for her monitors and lamps as a way to elevate them. So, that's about 30 or so there. I guess around 200. I have about a dozen or so on the way from [REDACTED].

>> No.18637849

I did not mean to respond to anyone in particularly.

>> No.18637864

That's okay. Thanks for the (you)

>> No.18637887

>on the back of the rocket
based lmao

>> No.18639033

Read around 80 books including required reading. Own maybe like 5 of them. I've spent less than 10 dollars on books.

>> No.18639567

I own two books. I haven't read either of them. Although I didn't buy them in the first place.
As for how many books I've read, I have no idea. I don't keep count, but I don't need to own them to have read them.

>> No.18639579

I have a huge library I mostly inherited. I honestly only read about 2-3 of the books, which is why I stick to bookshelf threads mostly. I can't discuss any of these books, but I have dozens of pictures of them, which is just as good, here.

>> No.18639691

30-40 physical books. I've read maybe 20% of them. Not counting ebooks which I mostly read.

>> No.18639696

Curious, how many books have you guys started and just haven't finished? I do it a lot with non-fiction.

>> No.18639828

>the rest I buy 2nd hand for $1-2 each and hoard them
On the site I use(d) since mid 2015 to keep track of my readings I have 552, of which 417 I have read.
Most of times, I only add books after I finish them (but in reality I've kinda stopped doing it). I basically never read books from the library, so basically if I read a book, I physically own it.
All in all, no less than 800 I guess

>> No.18639848

>Curious, how many books have you guys started and just haven't finished? I do it a lot with non-fiction.
No idea. Probably not less than 100

>> No.18639865

A lot, If I consider the ones I bothered creating a notes file around 90.

>> No.18639994

A little under 800. I've read approximately 2/3 of them.

>> No.18640043
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Since I've started "seriously" reading about two years ago, I have something like twenty-five In that same amount of time, I've probably read around eighty-eight.

>> No.18640436


>> No.18640445

own: like 600
read: like 300

>> No.18641051

After this thread I’ve now realised that I need to have a new rule. For every ten books I read I am allowed to buy one new one.

>> No.18641052

Are you going to do that with downloads too?

>> No.18641092

I don’t download stuff

>> No.18641131

i own like 300 but I just bought them to put on my bookshelf so i can have it in the back of my zoom meetings. it's part of keeping up appearances for my job which i am not qualified for, but i keep pretending i am.

i play video games in all my time off and only read fun books like terry pratchett or sci-fi stuff

>> No.18641136

How much do you make?

>> No.18641142

And being a /lit/ was of any help while you were pretending? By being /lit/, I mean that the books that you read until now.

>> No.18641151

I have only read teenage fiction and fun books. They keep me from suicidal thoughts are sometimes bring back that spark that causes me to love life briefly.

I work in a bureaucratic position in which I spend all day working on making a corporation align with government policies.

>> No.18641637


Are you fuckers serious????

All my impoverished life, I have hit up libraries, coordinated my time with when the books I wanted were due back, or finished books standing in bookstores so I wouldn't have to pay.

The books that I do own I have read multiple times.

Now you're telling me 90% of this board doesn't even read the books they have at hand?

Fuck this gay earth. I'm leaving 4chan forever to do something with my life ffs.

>> No.18641652

that's what happens when you're not some retard living from paycheck to paycheck, you have money to waste
if you're living a life where you are incapable of living in excess, you've failed

>> No.18641654

I've read way more books that I've borrowed from the library whilst hoarding them

>> No.18641659

I bought a kindle, anon. That is the reason why I got lots of books to read.

>> No.18641660

The only books I own are comic books lmao. I just download pdfs of regular books on my phone.

>> No.18641719


How is this even a real question you imbecile? It's so pathetic it's transparent how feigned your outrage is. You fucking low IQ neaderthal do you pride yourself on your carefully collected shoelaces no more than two per pair? Have you considered a reference library? Did you buy a dictionary or encyclopedia after carefully combing through each entry? No you moron obviously not. Your baldhead scililan post must have sounded delightful and high minded but I hope before you choke on your middlebrow laughter that you realize how banal this was.

>> No.18641741

Like I said, I just cleared my library of around 1000 books, all of which I have read and stocked up on books to read. My post was not really that long, you could have read the entire thing before bitching about being a poorfag.

>> No.18641776

Yeah you better leave 4chan and find a job that pays well. Trust me it’s a nice feeling to be able to spend money on your interests.

>> No.18642162
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>> No.18642501
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Own ~200 books, haven't read ~10 of them but I'm working my way through them this year.

>> No.18643216

>Now you're telling me 90% of this board doesn't even read the books they have at hand?
Have you *read* any post made on this board?