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18635213 No.18635213 [Reply] [Original]

reading that helps you see through the false narratives, true redpills.

US/Zionist?/neoliberal empire's atrocities, their methods of control, etc.

>> No.18635224

The standard 'redpill' reply to chomsky is to read Bernays and then accuse chomsky and his academic ilk of manufacturing consent themselves

>> No.18635230

alright, any particular books to focus on?

>> No.18635259
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Propaganda of course.

>> No.18635333

Butterfly are you drunk lel. You have posted Jacques Ellul. Bernays does have a relevant book named Propaganda but he also has, and just look at these fucking titles: Crystallizing Public Opinion; Public Relations; The Engineering of Consent.

>> No.18635355

>accuse chomsky and his academic ilk of manufacturing consent themselves
that is what they do though

>> No.18635444

>consent to reconsider bombing raids and threats of nuclear annihilation
Bernays made millions off his propaganda.

>> No.18635577

Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan by Scott Horton
Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism by M. Shahid Professor Alam
Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War by Jeff Gates
Divert!: Numec, Zalman Shapiro and the Diversion of Us Weapons Grade Uranium Into the Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program by Grant F Smith
Big Israel How Israel's Lobby Moves America by Grant F Smith
Jewish Power: Inside The American Jewish Establishment by J. Goldberg
Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism by Scott Horton
Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the United States was used to create Israel by Alison Weir
The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World by Douglas Valentine
Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations by Ronen Bergman
Terror Enigma: 9/11 and the Israeli Connection by Justin F Raimondo
The American Trap: My battle to expose America's secret economic war against the rest of the world by Frederic Pierucc
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World by Patrick J. Buchanan
Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know about Dishonest Abe by Thomas DiLorenzo
The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand

Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein
Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide by Ben White
It Wasn't about Slavery: Exposing the Great Lie of the Civil War by Samuel W Mitcham
Southern Reconstruction by Philip Leigh
The Myth of the Robber Barons: A New Look at the Rise of Big Business in America by Burton W. Folsom, Jr.
Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State by Gotz Aly
Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-And-A-Half Years. by Jim MacGregor

>> No.18635638

beautiful, a little heavy on the jew knowledge, but will be checking these out. also looking for foreign perspectives on CIA/military/American presence in their countries

>> No.18635661

Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed, John Cummings
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion by Gary Webb
Prelude to Terror: the Rogue CIA, The Legacy of America's Private Intelligence Network the Compromising of American Intelligence by Joseph J. Trento
The Golem by Michael Collins Piper
The Host and The Parasite: How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America by Greg Felton
Trick or Treason by Robert Parry
Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper
The High Priests of War: The Secret History of How America's Neo-conservative Trotskyites Came to Power & Orchestrated the War Against Iraq by Michael Collins Piper

>> No.18635727
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>> No.18635881

A Very Thin Line: The Iran-Contra Affairs by Theodore Draper
Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies that Led to Vietnam by H.R. McMaster
A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam by Neil Sheehan

>> No.18635917

Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism by Lenin

>> No.18635999

abandon the market, communal progress
more great stuff

>> No.18636021

this list is guaranteed to make any small-town librarian cry with disbelief

>> No.18636119

Ty habibi <3

>> No.18636250

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Shoshana Zuboff
Killing the Host - Michael Hudson
Rentier Capitalism - Brett Christophers

Honestly, coming from a former communist country, I always had inherent dislike for some things capitalism, but as I grew, I also began to see it's good sides, however, being ignorant about all the nuances, there were still plenty of things that were bugging me to no end that I couldn't properly articulate about it or form strong arguments for or against it, until I read more about "rentier capitalism" and the distinction between it and industrial capitalism.

Even tho I myself am part of it since I have invested in real estate and earn a portion of my income through it, on a global scale, I am bothered by it to no end. Also, of course, personal-data-capitalism, which is nearly the same as China's surveillance, in a different package.

>> No.18636265
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>see through the false narratives, true redpills
C.A. Bond - Nemesis. The Jouvenelian vs. the Liberal Model of Human Orders
Tim Di Muzio - Debt as Power
Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt - The Coddling of the American Mind
Jonathan Haidt - The Righteous Mind. Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
Clifford Nass - The Man Who Lied to His Laptop. What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships
Joshua Greene - Moral Tribes. Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them
Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson - Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me)

>> No.18636293


>> No.18636566

Péter Csermely - Weak Links. The Universal Key to the Stability of Networks and Complex Systems

Societies are scale-free network fractals. As are proteins, pink noise and naked mole-rat lairs.

>> No.18636603

Check out the Road From Mont Pellerin and other shit Phillip Mirowski has done. He's a historian of economics and he's got an interesting perspective. If you want a big book of Neoliberal Horrors The Shock Doctrine is an easy one to read, regardless of what you think of Naomi Klein. Other than that look into international financial institutions and how they manage to keep to global south dependent after the decolonization process after WW2. There's plenty of papers discussing that

>> No.18636627

>inb4 schizo
Just read it and take what you want.

>> No.18636651
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>> No.18636774

>Auschwitz — the big alibi

>The German Ideology. I. Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlooks

>Morality — The Good Conscience of Class Society

>Israel 2019: An exemplary imperialist democracy with a Zionist mission

>Nationalism: useful for those at the top – idiotic for everyone below

>The Human Right

>The Democratic State: Critique of Bourgeois Sovereignty

>The left sees itself confirmed: Neoliberal turbo-capitalism is a failure! Let's do it better!

>> No.18636796
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>> No.18636878
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>> No.18636885

>Even tho I myself am part of it since I have invested in real estate and earn a portion of my income through it, on a global scale, I am bothered by it to no end.
People like you are the problem. Fake inner convictions with no result in reality, their only function to make you feel good about yourself. You are inauthentic.

>> No.18637281

You can get put on a watch list for announcing that you've read books by Naomi Klein or Ted kaczinsky. That's why they get shilled so much.

>> No.18637367

>Haha I’ll post a blue pill for fun haha

>> No.18637371

Source? This is probably true but how did you find out.

>> No.18637407
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>> No.18637409

>the joke

>> No.18637460

Didn't the faggot chimpsky deny race and iq relationship?

>> No.18637568


> anti American book by anti American author who denies genocides for the sole reason that the genociders didn't like america and then has the gall to act holier than thou


>> No.18637584
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>anti american bad

>> No.18637588

anti american for the sake is being anti american is bad actually

>> No.18637628

There may be one or two more "is" in that sentence than you may have intended, I still can't find any meaning in it though.

>> No.18637648

im retarded replace first is with of but the point is chomsky like most leftists doesn't actually care about the actual actions he condemns America for doing he only cares about condemning America so when commie or other anti american shitholes commit genocide or some other thing he hates he denies it

>> No.18637739

My lord this board is retarded

>> No.18637745

When will you learn?

>> No.18637816

So you don't deny the war crimes and crimes against humanity the US are committing on a daily basis?

>> No.18637834

write your own list

>> No.18638052

I read this, it was good. At first it seemed outdated but that is also what made me realize more of the similarities between propaganda back then and now.

>> No.18638075
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>> No.18638098

There's nothing more communal than a voluntary free market. A system achieved through state coercion is nothing but theft, parasitism, and slavery.

>> No.18638117
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>voluntary free market
*blocks your path*

>> No.18638166

No shit? Who's it happened to? I'm a little spooked right now.

>> No.18638720

Chomsky wrote the introduction for an edition of Propaganda by Bernays, you're not as smart as you think Anon