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1863147 No.1863147 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I know that most of you have probably read this novel. I'm almost done reading it and I love it. The things is I have a very similar life to Holden Caufield. Same age, a lot of the same views on life and society, no motivation. Only thing is I never went to a boarding school.

So what do I do with my life?

>> No.1863151


Thing is*

I hate typos.

>> No.1863152

Maybe start by graduating from high school.

>> No.1863158

4chan has an advice board they are probably more likely to give a shit, op

>> No.1863163

this but unironically

OP is at a transitional stage in his life and that's okay and that's natural. just think about things and try to do what you think is best in any given situation, what you think it right to do. that's really all you can do i think.

go out there and live life - live it and experience it and judge it as what it is, not as what you expect it to be or think it ought to be - and something will come along, you'll get motivated

>> No.1863180


Thanks man, to the other posters. You're right, I should probably graduate and I just prefer lit.

>> No.1863206

Learn a little, live a little I guess. It's great that you like that book; I liked it a lot when I was in high school. I still do, but I don't read it the same way I did when I was 15.

>> No.1863251


Thanks. I'm assuming that when I'm older I'll probably read it and look at it in a different way after gaining experience in life. But now I'm just sort of lost.

>> No.1863599

Am I the only one that thought that this book was shit?

Holden was a pompous asshole with a huge false sense of entitlement and completely unlikable.

>The things is I have a very similar life to Holden Caufield.

Does this not reek of emo-troll?

Every whiny douche of a teenager thinks they're just like Holden.

"Cause everyone else in the world is a big phony, they're all such phonies. I hate phonies. Nobody gets it like I do."

Newsflash OP: If you aren't trolling and actually think you have some sort of extremely unique perspective. You are just like every other butthurt teen, and think far too much of yourself.

>> No.1863607

yeah but why u mad tho bro

seriously though, why does this anger you if it's endemic to teenagers? if it's natural, why get angry at it, why not accept it as a basically-inevitable part of maturing?

>> No.1863609

>Am I the only one that thought that this book was shit?


>> No.1863614


Because this book is praised by pseudo intellectuals and hipsters as a work of art.
When in actual fact it was poorly written and vague.

>> No.1863620

Oh, calm down.

"I'm edgy and different."

"You're like everyone else by saying that! lulz irony!"

"There's so many people criticizing others for trying to seem deep and edgy it's becoming it's own form of projected knowledge! herp derp!"

Everybody criticizes something. Can't people just like whatever the fuck they want? Even I am criticizing criticism, which probably makes me a huge faggot. But I don't even care anymore. People bitch about everything these days.

inb4 mad

>> No.1863621

Am I the only person in the world who though Holden Caulfield was the biggest whiner who did absolutely nothing to improve himself throughout the entire story? Everyone hates their life. But we try to make it better

>> No.1863622


Its only endemic to assholes.
Its the mantra of the trust fund kiddies who think everything should be handed to them on a plate because they deserve it more than anyone else.

>> No.1863631

First read it right before my 24th birthday. I enjoyed the book, and I didn't hate Holden at all.

>> No.1863639


That's exactly what I'm trying to say.
Teenagers are using him as an anti-establishment, anti-society role model when he's actually just a dick who doesn't know how much of a dick he's being.

That's why it pisses me off when people say they feel just like him. They're admitting to being self involved whiny bitches.

>> No.1863644

read Of Human Bondage

>> No.1863651


>> No.1863654

and why does that piss you off

>> No.1863656

I'm not much like Holden at all, but I found the book hilarious and entertaining as fuck.

Just the writing style, and views of Holden are great. How he looks at everyone judgmentally, in hilarious detail, but when it comes to himself he makes excuses.

Dialogue and writing style make me laugh bad.

The way the characters will get pissed at things and start saying "OH GODDAM" or call somebody a "sonuvabitch"...

>> No.1863676


Because they say it as if it's a good thing to be.
All because they think it makes them seem deep to compare themselves to him.

>> No.1863680


Or to put it another way;
Retards piss me off.

>> No.1863682

Again, why does that piss you off so much? People are acting like idiots, it's hardly new, what's different about this instance? Is it because they're doing it with a book and people will tar you with the same brush? Or is it because they're successful and you're not?

>> No.1863709


Like I said, it's nothing personal I just hate stupidity. Especially when it's coupled with pretension, and masquerading as intellectualism.