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/lit/ - Literature

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1862758 No.1862758 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1862766

Anonymous has no life

>> No.1862772

I have to work harder

>> No.1862773

This board has way too many tripfags considering the rate of posting; it also lacks the occasional good trip user which other boards posses

>> No.1862781

Watch your back anon I'm catching up

>> No.1862785

We should divide Quentin and D&E's post in half for all the samefagging they do to set up their own strawman arguments.

>> No.1862786

we have a lot of good trips
DeepandEdgy, Tybrax, Stagolee, Brownbear. Virginia Woolf, Onionring, Quentin, Mogwai, Truman Capote, Behemoth...

the list goes on.

>> No.1862788

Don't you mean multiply them by two?

>> No.1862792
File: 32 KB, 496x480, 1281753632069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just filter every single tripfag because I cannot be bothered to figure out which one's actually have anything worthwhile to say.

>> No.1862793

No. They are the exact opposite of that. When a tripfaggot makes a thread, no matter his intentions, it is about the tripfag, not literature. You could argue that this is Anon's fault for his inability to ignore tripfags, but tripfags are still the problem. I don't care if they post within a thread with their trips, but they should be made to disengage tripmode when starting a thread.

On a slow board, they are cancer incarnate.

>> No.1862796

Oh yeah.

>> No.1862798


cancer is already incarnate you dope

>> No.1862803

Nothing on the internet is incarnate you buffoon.

>> No.1862802
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>> No.1862801

actually all the trips i mentioned have, at one time or another, made threads pertaining to literature.
im not a trip lover or anything, just someone who doesn't hold prejudices because someone likes to have the namefield filled in

>> No.1862809

No wonder you read literature.

>> No.1862810
File: 34 KB, 951x598, truthaboutfiltering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind = blown.

>> No.1862812

This thread is absolutely silly. Please see that this foolishness is hindering /lit/


The frantic writing thread has nothing to do with me. It is actually mostly anons who contribute to it.

>> No.1862814

Yes, filtering myself from the shittiest parts of the board is exactly the intention.

>> No.1862820
File: 40 KB, 951x598, filterpropaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1862821


>> No.1862824

Well,the anons posting the pro-tripfag images are tripfags and the person who created the thread is certainly a tripfag.So i wouldn't be surprised if 90% of all post are really from tripfags.Oh my god,i might be a tripfag and not even know it.

>> No.1862829


>> No.1862836

>and the person who created the thread is certainly a tripfag
all that proof you're posting.

>> No.1862851
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>> No.1862877


>> No.1862884

im glad i beat brownbear

he's so stupid~

>> No.1862890
File: 69 KB, 1134x178, fabulous caufht samefagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh look it's Fab being a little attention whore as usual.

>> No.1862893
File: 596 KB, 1226x1431, anon-threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1862895

youre an attention whore too stupid

also i didnt delete that out of shame as soon as i got caught samefagging i figured i didnt need it anymore so i deleted it

and i only samefag to yell @ people i dont like

>> No.1862900
File: 253 KB, 1000x2955, diff between anon and tripfriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad i made these images even if I dont have a girlfriend i still have these

>> No.1862902


>> No.1862906

Who the fuck cares? It's just an image board. Mountains of molehills people.

>> No.1862912

You're just an anonymous poster you wouldn't understand the importance of /lit/

>> No.1862918

aww man, has she given any sort of signal she might change her mind?

>> No.1862930
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i wish

>> No.1862931
File: 668 KB, 984x1836, LAYING DOWN THE LAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1862935

Real coolio gent.

>> No.1862941

God damn it I hate tripfags.

>> No.1862947


>> No.1862946

ITT: Tripfags posting anonymously.

>> No.1862944
File: 40 KB, 460x480, sad_bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kinda hilarious that the only time you'll spend 9 months away from the internet, and travelling Europe is in an April Fool's Joke.

That feel when you realise you're wasting your young life.

>> No.1862951


>> No.1862959


Are you... Being sarcastic?

Please tell me you are not that pathetic... I still want to believe there is a limit to human retardation.

>> No.1862962


>limit to human retardation.

Welcome to /lit/ - this must be your first day - Let me introduce brownbear, a tripfag with literally no limits.

>> No.1862965

brownbear takes himself too seriously to "joke"

>> No.1863008
File: 199 KB, 1249x625, Bertter to be feared than loved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1863016

Looks like it's updated because it doesn't have this trip, but has my various other ones.

What a fraud.

Also, >Updated 15 hours ago. Next update in 7 months

>7 months


>> No.1863027

This is rather incomplete, especially in consideration to Tybrax and other people who used many variations.

>> No.1863028
File: 288 KB, 292x256, SOIAF eyebrow raise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i don't know why it says that, it seems to be an error, like a few months ago it said 'in 3 months' but then updated a week later.

not too sure why it does that.

> but has my various other ones
gotta let everyone know you're not brand new (or so you say) right

>> No.1863030

Just a statement of fact.

>> No.1863033

it doesn't have this trip, but has my various other ones.
and no one gives a shit about them either.

>> No.1863053

I hope no one does. It would be mildly bothersome for someone to link them all together. I have to keep up multiple reputations you know. It's serious business.

>> No.1863059

>Looks like it's updated because it doesn't have this trip, but has my various other ones.
and yet people still have no idea who you are/were

>> No.1863087

Hard to believe that this thread could start so badly, and still get worse.

>> No.1863106

There's always the possibility that I'm lying.
Did you consider that?

>> No.1863120

i don't put much thought into matters considering no-names like yourself

>> No.1863122

>matters considering
matters concerning*

>> No.1863525


I don't mind tripfriends, but "king needs subjects"? Really?
Sure. Go on believing that. It will help to boost your gigantic egos. Oh, buy don't get the wrong idea. Anon has an ego as well. Why else would we defend our so-called lack of ego so vehemently? In some ways, Anonymous has an even bigger ego than all the tripfags and being anonymous allows us to protect our fragile egos while you guys put yourselves out there in a way that anon is scared to do. However, you can't deny the fact that posting with a name and having an "established personality" is egotistical in its way. I feel that we should be able to agree to disagree on this matter and accept the differences of one another to create a /lit/ free of bitching.

>> No.1863539


>> No.1863546

And hey, at least we don't have shitty, furry tripfags like /b/ and /x/ and at least we don't have captain hook.

>> No.1863594

Please allow this thread to die. It serves no purpose other than to slander the board and the occupants who occupy it. Please see reason

>> No.1864080


If you want it to die then you shouldn't reply, not even with a sage, your're just adding fuel to the fire!

>> No.1864086


>> No.1864093


292 posts overall.

you're on your way.

>> No.1864094


this is not a forum, it's an imageboard

>> No.1864108

oh boy, doesn't take a thread like this to let me know i'm better off with the filter on, but it's certainly not proving otherwise.

>> No.1864713



>> No.1864723


>> No.1864735

i'm glad i filter all trips to anonymous

>> No.1864748

I'm quite low down. Is this a bad thing or a good thing? A bad thing, I guess.

>> No.1864757

fucking terriblke and u should be ashamed.

>> No.1864922

I wish all tripfags were banned. Using a tripcode is a sign of Unwarranted Self-Importance.

>> No.1864940


>> No.1864957
File: 32 KB, 700x576, 1297987603904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish anons were banned. pic related.

>> No.1864965

I remember asking Low&Blunt about a physics-problem regarding magnetic permeability in polymers, the dumb fuck didn't respond. Just as one would expect with the delusional and arrogant.

Pathetic. All of you.

>> No.1864968

Hahahahah... this is only more evidence against trips.
Instead of living post-to-post, and being forced to make worthy contributions every post, trips wish to create some sort of identity which they expect others to recognize, as if it makes them any better than an intelligent anon. Inflated egos, indeed.

>> No.1864970

I wish all the people who hated tripfags would stop giving them the attention they want. Although I suspect these threads are made by tripfags.

>> No.1864977

>Implying I'm not Op and samefagged most of the anonymous posts in here.

>> No.1864978

Yeah, if a trip actually thinks that people recognize them and they have some sort of impact on this board.

Why do people use them? I can't see any other reason beyond USI.