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18627063 No.18627063 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you deal with translation autism.

When reading foreign/ancient material I feel that I NEED to know and find the best translation/edition, otherwise I feel like I'm missing out, and it gives me anxiety.

For example, when I found out Aladdin, Sinbad and AliBaba from the One Thousand and One Nights stories were actually introduced because Galland just felt like doing so (not mentioning the censorship), I couldn't sleep for days, I felt lied to.

>> No.18627066

just stop reading translations

>> No.18627101

I'm a dummy, learning a second language was enough for me. I mean I would like to, but honestly, I don't have time anymore.

>> No.18627317

sauce nao

>> No.18627525

my gf desu

>> No.18627950

this is a man

>> No.18629094

>when I found out Aladdin, Sinbad and AliBaba from the One Thousand and One Nights stories were actually introduced because Galland just felt like doing so (not mentioning the censorship), I couldn't sleep for days, I felt lied to
Nobody lied to you, you retard, you could read that fact on fucking Wikipedia.

>> No.18630075

your just gay m8

fuck you, no one does that, most of the time you just grab a book and expect it to be the og one....

>> No.18630133

Galland had the right to add his own tales as the other storytellers who added stories to the Nights before him.

>> No.18630355

no fuck him, those were not arabian !

>> No.18631935

all translations are made by autists. you'll fit right in.
If you want a good translation look at Pounds Chinese

>> No.18631944

Eva Elfie is so cute, I want to bite her tits until she bleeds

>> No.18631974

Pornography creates neural networks that instill irreversible, highly charged mental nodes with names of actresses and scenes. This web impels one to think on these and repeat the visits to them. It is good to never watch porn again because this will only expand and occupy more space in the brain which in reality is limited. I really suggest nofap and adderall and cultivating good hobbies and intellectually stimulating interests like reading and playing chess instead. Otherwise, you might as well kill yourself as you'll be in a state of hypersexuality eventually devoid of self control, motivations squandered for these inferior passions, leading to nothing but a physical mess and mental bondage. Several times a day orgasm and watching porn is worse than heroin use.

>> No.18631984

No, they were Arabian, and they were told to him by Hanna Diyab.

>> No.18632070

>Several times a day orgasm and watching porn is worse than heroin use.
It isn't
t. former heroin user
Also fuck off

>> No.18632936

I have the same issue, but it's usually fairly easy to find what is commonly agreed to be the best or at least a great translation when it comes to searching for translation into english. For any other language it's a nightmare.

>> No.18632948

>For any other language it's a nightmare.
Not true, it's also easy in French and Spanish.

>> No.18632967

There's a very simple answer to this. Stop reading translations and focus on your literature written in your own language. Hope that helps.

>> No.18633776

this is correct

>> No.18633838

You should go back to the heroin instead

>> No.18633946

This is cope. I've never used heroin but was on opioids (high dose, prescribed), enough to warrant withdrawals and continued even though I didn't need them. Doesn't compare to porn and sex which have absorbed and consume my life. Porn has been a far worsen influence. Sounds like you're a hedonist and don't want to fault yourself.

>> No.18634800

Lol no he fundamentally misunderstood not only the text but the language he was translating from.
If you can't handle it responsibly, speak for yourself. Some of us are fine just masturbating every few days, even given all the porn on the Internet.
Also depends on what it's a translation from. Easier to find good translations from Classical Chinese into Modern Chinese, Japanese etc than into English.
But wouldn't that make for an awfully narrow view of the world's literature?

>> No.18634929

>you'll be in a state of hypersexuality eventually devoid of self control, motivations squandered for these inferior passions
Why would I want hobbies when I can just cum

>> No.18634964

Stop being an Angloid about it. Chill and get whatever comes your way if it’s been published by a serious editing house.

>> No.18634993

It's not about handling it. You are instilling behaviors and subconscious influences into you that fundamentally change who you are. There are consequences to even healthy sexual activity, fatigue namely. It isn't ideal to let this occupy the memory on any stimulating way.

>> No.18634995

>Several times a day orgasm and watching porn is worse than heroin use
Fapping to porn several times a day is way less damaging than heroin use.
Coomers can still coom. Heroin addicts cant get hard for anything. Thats how heavily heroin fucks with their brain.
Coomers also dont experience physically and mentally torturous withdrawals.

Sounds like you are just an ignoramus.

>> No.18634997

>glowing this hard

>> No.18635001

>. Some of us are fine just masturbating every few days,

you are either low T or are on psychotropic drugs.

>> No.18635005

Every behavior and subconscious influence changes who you are. There is no constant essence of self.
As it happens I'm now on male-to-female hormone replacement therapy but even before I was, I was able to go a week or a month without masturbating without too much trouble, and did it every day or two mainly out of boredom. (I've been taking a year off from uni due to the pandemic so I've been pretty bored just sitting at home.)

>> No.18635022

>deep primal behavior doesn't affect you profoundly bro it's natural, trust me MOR agonists which aren't even that great are more addictive cause I'm too stupid to understand their prolactogenic effects are why you can't get hard and instead attribute it to brain damage
Reddit and non scientist. As for withdrawals, most drug addicts make it out worse than it is because they are drama queens attention addicts that want sympathy from everyone. They're not that bad even cold from 60mg of morphine a day. Their perceived addictiveness and influence are severely overrated and aren't even that euphoric even with initial use. Pornography and even sex capture the mind more, hold it more, affect dreams and behavior more and it becomes such second nature that going days, weeks or months without organs or sexual influence is viewed as an impossibility by most men. As Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do.

>> No.18635027

You can actually die from withdrawals from benzos and liquor

>> No.18635037

>that going days, weeks or months without organs or sexual influence is viewed as an impossibility by most men.
Orgasm not organs.

>> No.18635046

I've not masturbated for about a month a couple times(no privacy, or simply depressed) and I did not notice anything different. I am somewhat deranged though and the effect might just not be noticeable beneath my general mental shitshow

>> No.18635050

>deep primal behavior doesn't affect you profoundly bro it's natural
I never said that. Why are you misrepresenting my post?
I fully acknowledge how damaging porn is but it is NOTHING compared to heroin use. Not like you would have real knowledge about it though, considering you just sit in a basement chasing dopamine hits from arguing online.

The most simple point is that a porn addict can function in society. A heroin addict cant. End of discussion.

>> No.18635072

Those were not mentioned. The motivation for their use is for anxiolyosis not pleasure seeking. Opioids have pop-sci reputation as being incredibly euphoric and addictive which is an exaggeration. Meanwhile the influence of pornography goes unexamined because of its ubiquity. In experiencing both, the latter is worse and was invariably harder to quit behaviors it instilled (namely habitual masturbation). The influence is profound. I had one sexual release a week at best from 12 to 22. After video porn use, I averaged multiple times a day in my 20s. The mere act of being aroused disrupted my thoughts, acting on it left me fatigued. Sexual experience became main goal. This behavior is subject to reinforcement, and its cues and experiences have a unique effect on memory unlike anything else. As a google image search leads to dozens or hundreds of related images, same with how the brain organizes the names, positions, titles, and so on. Most people choose to dismiss any of its influence and cope around it but nothing else is so deeply seated in our processes for ensuring species survival.

>> No.18635080

Faggot your prescription pills are not heroin. Go actually shoot h into your vein and tell me that porn is more damaging.

>> No.18635121

It's only damaging because morons do not care about adulterants, impurities and have unsanitary injection methods. I've had intravenous morphine at the hospital a few times in high doses in absence of real pain so I'm aware of the sensation. When I am ready to defend this IRL in my capacity as a psychopharmacologist, perhaps to be released posthumerously, I would procure illicit heroin to prove my point concerning my theories of relative euphoria and influence of both. Sexual experience is far more complex, deep rooted and goes unexamined because it's universal and regarded as singularly good by all.

>> No.18635132

Physically torturous withdrawals. It is literal demonic possession and destruction of the mind, body and soul.
Porn is bad but it isnt heroin bad. I suggest you walk through the shady parts of your city and see who is worse off. The junkie or the coomer.

>> No.18635148

You should really only worry about it if you’re doing a serious academic study. Otherwise, shop around, compare and co trust, and, above all, find the one that suits you. You’ll have a much better time that way than reading spergy reproductions of Italian syntax or Mongolian alliteration or whatever.

>> No.18635150

>demonic possession
>just look at 80 IQ mentally ill hobos as a frame of reference

>> No.18635281

Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.18635296

No thanks lol, not planning on it. It's a great feeling knowing I make idiots like you mad just by continuing to exist.

>> No.18635339

How’s the transition going?

>> No.18635358

Not very far into it, but I think it's going alright so far. Nothing's really gone wrong at any rate.

>> No.18635398

Glad to hear that. Good luck to you anon

>> No.18635686

Damn, eva elfie look like THAT?

>> No.18636773
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Ah, coomers. Never knowing how sick they are.