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18626140 No.18626140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Women are garbage.
Any books discussing this?

>captcha was 2D DAT

>> No.18626150


>> No.18626158

Probably some retard wrote something on this. Don't you have a mom, anon?

>> No.18626164

Grow up. Most of the best, most consistent authors are women anyway

>> No.18626165

Women are amazing incel

>> No.18626167

What no pussy does to a mf.

>> No.18626173


>> No.18626175

I never hated women when I was a virgin. Getting experience made me hate them

>> No.18626213

Moms aren't women

>> No.18626236
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Same here. I had completely unrealistic idea of women (mostly based on movies) as a virgin but long-term relationship, casual flings and just general socialization with them taught me that women are simply evil. Shallow, narcissistic, primitively sexual, treacherous. Lying constantly and not hesitating to abuse whenever people if they can.

>> No.18626255

>Shallow, narcissistic, primitively sexual, treacherous. Lying constantly and not hesitating to abuse whenever people if they can
These traits describe 99% of all humanity.

>> No.18626275

Men are at least more honest about it desu

>> No.18626283

My hate for women is derived from my mother

>> No.18626284

>I had completely unrealistic idea of women
Me too, why didn't society warn us? Why are we even educated with them in school.

>> No.18626287

Kinda this, men will talk shit on your face or even punch it. Women are weaker and resort to treachery and manipulation. I wouldn't say that they are evil, but definitely as another thing that you have to deal.

>> No.18626288

I'd say 50% of men and 95% of women. The shocking realization of female vileness is in sharp contrast with how they're portrayed in media, no one prepares you for these whores unless you had a caring, experienced father figure in your life.

>> No.18626294

Machiavelli wrote THE text on manipulation

>> No.18626296

No they aren't. Men lie all the time and are just as disloyal and are also just as likely to pretend they're morally righteous assholes.

Also ironic how you condemn the girl in your pic for being a whore but not the guys friends for being backstabbers.

>> No.18626301
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>> No.18626302

The incel stuff is usually a cope from women. Any man that has experience with women knows the majority of women are retarded.

That being said, any man that has experience also knows there are a handful of exceptions.

>> No.18626304
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Holy shit this is embarrassing

>> No.18626308

It's like the true nature of women is the best kept secret in the world, honestly ridiculous. Most guys have to learn the hard way once they start dating and getting cucked.

>> No.18626314

Anon, please go outside.

>> No.18626317

I can tell you're a femanon. Every woman with a bone to pick always brings up men "lying"

>> No.18626324

You don't have to simp here, this isn't Twitter. If you don't agree that women are manipulative whores by nature, you just don't have enough experience with them.

>> No.18626330

Or you retarded, or worse, an actual woman? GOING OUTSIDE is precisely how you learn that they're all whores. Can't even count how many opportunities I've had to fuck college girls who were at the time dating some clueless simp.

>> No.18626333

Sorry but I have a penis and I'm not a tranny either.

If you can find some scientific study stating that women lie more than men I might believe you but otherwise you're just another moping incel that wants to live in his /r9k/ hugbox,

>> No.18626336

That concerns politics, anon. Politician are unironically human scum (with some exceptions). Women (most, not all) usually avoid confrontation and will resort to this kind of thing to get what they want. Feminism somewhat changed it, but it is not like you can undo certain patterns that easily, specially considering how rewarding it is for them.

>> No.18626337

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.18626343

I’ve been married for 3 years and in the same relationship for nealy a decade. Shut the fuck up, anon.

>> No.18626346

I used to hate women. I thought having sex with women was supposed to make me. Everyone on the internet said if you stop being an incel you will love women. So I started having tons of sex and hate them even more now...

>> No.18626347

I never said any gender lies more than another. I'm not the anon you were arguing with prior, just thought you were a femanon since women always bitch about lying.

>> No.18626369

imagine all the things she's been doing

>> No.18626371

You've been pussy-whipped properly then I see, whiteknighting on Indonesian incel forum.

>> No.18626376

>any man ... knows there are a handful of exceptions.
We call them cucks with their head in the sand.

>> No.18626382

Love, women and death

>> No.18626384
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>I’ve been married for 3 years and in the same relationship for nealy a decade
>m-my roastie wouldn't cheat on me!

>> No.18626388
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>So I started having tons of sex

>> No.18626389

Douglas Murray - The Madness of Crowds

>> No.18626391

To be fair there are rare expections, but it's hardly worth the trial and error of dealing with countless disingenuous sluts.

>> No.18626392

>not hating women is white knightting
you should honestly consider just calling your ISP and having your service disconnected because you are damaged nearly beyond repair from the internet at this point

>> No.18626399

These posts are so factory made, it’s hard to believe it isn’t a scriptbot

>> No.18626408

>t. comes to a site where the demographic hates women
Maybe you should just go to reddit and find some like-minded people. Not even using it as an insult. You'll find it more agreeable to your worldview.

>> No.18626414

Think of them as daily PSA's to keep you on track.

>> No.18626417

My opinions are based on (usually unpleasant) real life experience, they're not adapted internet narratives. Who knows, maybe you got extremely lucky and found yourself a decent woman. Or, as is usually the case, simply a used up slut who will never reaveal the things she's done in the past.

>> No.18626421

Believe it or not anon but 4chan isn't one person.

>> No.18626422

One can probably get lucky and marry someone who is ok. I wouldn't settle for anything less than that. Don't be stupid.

>> No.18626424

Believe me or not I don’t care, women are fucking annoying

>> No.18626425


I’ve been on this shithole site for a decade and watched it degenerate more and more and still stay, so no thanks, I’ll continue to try and inject whatever non mouthbreather thoughts I can.

>> No.18626426

Believe it or not, the majority does hate women. Just facts.

>> No.18626437

Of you make her think that you won’t judge her she might tell the truth. That’s what I always do. I pretend to be a man whore so they don’t feel judged and then I ghost if they’ve been with more than 5

>> No.18626438
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>Or, as is usually the case, simply a used up slut who will never reaveal the things she's done in the past.
jesus christ, you’re unironic gold

>> No.18626443

I don't hate more than I hate men. I'm just not a retard that lets hormones take over.

>> No.18626448

He finna straight up speakin facts doe fo real

>> No.18626460

Can't tell if you're wilfully ignorant or extremely naive. Untruthfulness is a major female trait and if there's one topic where it applies 100% it's their sexual past.

>> No.18626462

Women lie about their sexual history. Look up studies. Your wife has sucked more cock than you think

>> No.18626468

Might is Right by Redbeard

>> No.18626475

There's a chance of course, but rapidly decreasing one considering the state of dating market nowadays. With hookup culture and shameless simping, women don't have any social or economical incentive to stay decent.

>> No.18626483

I absolutely hate the new captcha but I'm very happy that we now occasionally get the ever-heart-warming "captcha was X" tacked onto a post

>> No.18626486
File: 58 KB, 750x640, FE839C45-028D-40FA-B3B5-0F500AFD3CEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>untruthfulness is a female trait
Keep going, please, my wife is losing it over this

>> No.18626499

I'm not the only thing she's losing over anon

>> No.18626504

Don't care whether your whore wife is entertained or not, but the fact she's controlling your 4chan posts tells a lot about your relationship. Some simps are beyond help.

>> No.18626507


>> No.18626508

This thread is a good example why society has turned to shit.

Simp beta cucks ruins society.

>> No.18626512

kek indeed

>> No.18626513

It’s hard to not share some of the absolute dumpster scum posts on here with her, desu

>> No.18626518

Careful with the misogyny, Anon's wife might cancel his weekly 4chan privileges.

>> No.18626524

now why would she do that, when she could just go see a better man why her "husband" browses this website

>> No.18626527

Women are to men what Jews are to humans.

>> No.18626531

KEK this has nothing to do with Jews, anon. Time for your meds.

>> No.18626544

Men can fight with fists. Women have to use lies and deception. Human civilization developed weapons and shit to fight dinosaurs. Jews have to trick humans to do their bidding. Simple as.

>> No.18626547

This shit is what has kept me here for over a decade. Beautiful, pathetic, feeble rage.

>> No.18626552


>> No.18626553

It's ok anon
I love you, even if your wife doesn't

>> No.18626554

Read the Bible.

>> No.18626556

Imagine spending a decade of your life on a forum where everyone thinks you're a fag

>> No.18626600

Imagine wanting to be liked by the users of 4chan. When you can generate this much seething, butthurt, cope, beta, pleb energy, you’re doing something correct in your own life

>> No.18626640

>seething, butthurt, cope, beta, pleb energy
You say you've been here for a decade, yet you keep parroting post-2016 buzzwords. Either way, everyone thinking you're a fag isn't consuming much time or energy.

>> No.18626646

>post 2016
I shiggy diggy

>> No.18626648
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This book is about gay men trying to seduce each other.

>> No.18626659

But you've done none of that, you've simped under your wife supervision for a while, got ridiculed and referred to Reddit. If you think any of this made you look good it's hardly surprising you've learnt nothing about women after 3 years of marriage.

>> No.18626675

Different anon but you really really need to grow up. Honestly hope you're no older than 23.

>> No.18626678
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>deliberately ignoring all the prior words

>> No.18626689
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>Different anon

>> No.18626694

Anon pretends to be expert on relationships

>> No.18626702

>Different anon but
Kek sure. Anyway I believe it's your pegging time, be a good husband or else...

>> No.18626745


>> No.18626805
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I started this thread because my copy of 'The Kreutzer Sonata' by Tolstoy arrived today. Reading the story is exactly like reading this thread, where the anons are the quiet bright eyed character on the train and simp anon and his wife is the lawyer and the lawyer's travelling companion.

>> No.18626818

ayo dis nigga be simpin for da puss lmaaoooooo OP real dat real troof my nigga only da real ones know ikyky

>> No.18626940
File: 24 KB, 474x235, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about based Otto Weininger

>> No.18627217

Didn't this dude rope himself

>> No.18627296


>> No.18627723

Well, technically he shot himself

>> No.18627804

read The Pussy by Delicious Tacos
I read it right after my girlfriend broke up with me over my political views. it cheered me up a lot.