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[ERROR] No.18624301 [Reply] [Original]

All I've ever wanted to do is study philosophy and literature in university, hopefully going on to do a PhD, but the whole of academia is so infested with far-left racial and gender ideology that I know I'd probably be lynched for sharing any of my real beliefs. How might someone with traditional inclincations survive in such an environment??

>> No.18624313
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You realize those traditional inclinations are absolutely retarded and nonetheless push forward, true to your spirit, but always open to corrections and new ideas.
In other words, you learn and grow. And begin to appreciate the fact you even have the opportunity to do so firsthand.

>> No.18624367

you can see who the teachers are and the curriculum at the places you plan on studying. You can also ask around. There are teachers and professors uploading vidoes on youtube for example and you could always ask them.

>> No.18624415

Understand that you don't really need academia to do anything.
Academia is just another arbitrary human construct and you don't need these conformist parasites to approve of your ideas because your ideas are more real than this made up system of mental chains. PhD is just a worthless title given to you, but behind this title is the real world work and knowledge that you will be putting into your episteme which you can do regardless of it

>> No.18624435

You don't need a PhD to go to a library and pick up books. You don't need a PhD to publish a book. There you go.

>> No.18624467

Have you gone to your university/college, or is this just your impression gathered from your media? For example, in Leafland, UoT is a fucking cultural/gender study hellhole, while that shit is gonna get you driven out of classes if you cross the border into Quebec and go go one of the more conservative universities like Laval.

>> No.18624473

Whilst I do agree with this, I'll still need a PhD if I want to do university teaching and research as a career

>> No.18624474

>i-i'd be lynched for sharing my beliefs!

>> No.18624491

You want to teach philosophy? Anon, that is a genuinely shitty job. Unless you have ABSOLUTELY BURNING PASSION for teaching, it's a job I wouldn't wish upon anybody. It's thankless and it sucks ass, and philosophy is one of the worst fields out there in terms of teaching. If you absolutely must insist on taking it up, do what >>18624467 says.

>> No.18624497

Realize that there are always two sides of the same coin. And that the pendulum always swings the other way.
The ball is in the court of the far-left right now, but in time it will go to the other side. The harder they hammer it, the faster that pendulum will swing.

Also, the best cure for wanting to work in academia is working in academia. Most people in there will make you hate yourself and humaity, regardless of the field.

>> No.18624502

Do you think teaching and research will be any different? You'll run into the exact same. You'll either have to water it down, find a very specific niche no one cares about, or say what you want to with the risk of being cancelled.

>> No.18624504

How else do you sustain yourself other that trough academia if you plan to spend your life on philosophy

>> No.18624513
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Christ man, shut the fuck up and go outside. Of course that's going to be your worldview if you just look at /pol/ twitter screencaps all day, in real life people don't care that much as long as you're not totally autistic about things. I sperged out in my first year and told everyone that Ted K is great, studying a humanities subject. Worst I got was a few arthoes calling me weird - people have their own shit to worry about. If you learn to not be a sperg, you'll even find that these "far-left" women you meet will comfortably agree with your right wing viewpoints so long as you're charismatic and humorous. Stop worrying about spooks and go do what you want, beelieve in yourself

>> No.18624523

You don't have to share any of your views. Just talk about the material in class and with your professors. You will spend the vast majority of your time alone in the library.

>> No.18624532

no they won't you silly milquetoast fag. You think that way because your opinions and views are not really radical or controversial. Most of the things discussed here would expel you and most likely put you on a list

>> No.18624542

>arthoes calling me weird
they love that, though

>> No.18624551

Maybe it's a cultural thing, but here in Quebec philosophy teaching is a pretty respectable job. CEGEP makes taking 3 classes mandatory for everyone, so phi courses master graduates places themselves at a 85% rate, iirc.
Having done it, it's a pretty cushy job, students don't give a shit about you except for one or two, pay is mediocre, but 2+ months of vacation a year plus literally no one can tell you how to teach your classes. You technically need to follow the provincial program, but once you've submitted your course plan, no one checks that shit out.
You used to get 6 months sabbatical for writing every 3 years too, but now they bumped it up to 1 year every 7.

>> No.18624556

I spent a year at a shitty small-town community college and another at one of the top schools in the US. Literally the only difference in education quality between the two was the prestigious school gave more work.
If you're looking for a technical degree for a career then college is a solid option. If you want an education look for the nontraditional schools (like Deep Springs or Minerva) if you're in the US. If you want to go into academia and don't like the far-left politics then you are fucking up and need to rethink your plans.

>> No.18624565

I hope you're right anon

And in a way I'm hoping the cure works on me too, I'm aware of how thankless academia can be

>> No.18624570

Anon I've had women tell me Hitler wasn't such a bad guy and had fine discussions about Mishima, what more do you want, to defend Pol Pot and get off scott free? Life isn't all about politics, most people recognise that, all you have to do is not constantly try to drop redpills or whatever it is you want to do

>> No.18624576

Any good books on alienation like this? I want to emphatize with anon I’ve just never put myself in a position like this.

>> No.18624602

You are obviously hanging out with the bottom of the barrel. Please don't try to mislead others.

>> No.18624625

>most poorly argued, poorly laid out schizo ramblings on completely ignorant topics would earn you a trip to the nearest mental care clinic
Yes, anon. That's how the world tends to work out.

>> No.18624630

Got any stories?

>> No.18624633

nice post

>> No.18624640

In a thread about srawmans, projections and more than anything fallacious assumptions, yes.
Fitting, don't you think?

>> No.18624645

yeah no, that's what you think

>> No.18624690

>''traditional'' inclinations
You're either a retarded cuckservative, down syndrome 'libertarian' or a nationalist, either way I do not weep for you.

>> No.18625232

Hence why you're proving his point.
Thank you for the valuable contribution, anon.

>> No.18625281

Lel, it sounds like you want to go into academia just to lecture people about how the Holocaust is a lie and why we should kill all the Jews.

Maybe stop being such a god damn sperg and realize there's more to life than politics you underage fucking retard.

>> No.18625338

Cope culture has been steadily moving leftward since at least the English civil war despite the occasional spasms of resistance. In ten years you will have conservatives defending the drag kids and CRT.

>> No.18625359

>another rightcuck in the gutter
Will the libs ever stop winning?

>> No.18625467

>The history of mankind spans hundreds of thousands of years
>he thinks the blimp that is the modern history is any indication of the future

The leftism you speak of cannot survive any kind of war or practical hardship. You think that when the lakes and rivers will start drying up in about a decade, people will be fighting for your right to take the pink pill?
The modern leftism you speak of is only allowed to flourish because this material abundance permits it. As soon as economic hardship start again and we move unto the next phase of the cycle, society will clean itself off all the parasites and unproductive rats that lived off the excess.

No empire lasts forever, anon, and this empire has lasted far too long for its own good.

>> No.18625492

HAHAHAHA wishful thinking HAHAHAHA!!!

>> No.18625499

>S-societies gonna collapse any day now!
>I-I'm finally gonna be able to kill the faggots and niggers like I always wanted to any day now!

>> No.18625501

Retard lmao you just don't realise we entered a new era of humanity it's like when agriculture happened. There is no way back mate.

>> No.18625564

OP, you will not be stifled as much as you think, rather the opposite, you will be able to find out your most passionate interests by doing (sharing worlds with each other) and learning to philosophise. Arguing philosophy in a classroom is different from activist students on campus putting up flyers of neoliberal ideology. And if you are not the idiot some other people here insult you to be, you will learn to see /pol/itics in new lights not previously imagined.

>> No.18625587

You won't be lynched unless you share your stupid beliefs, in which case you deserve it, not for holding them, but for sharing them. It's like crying that people hate you if you post fetish porn in front of their faces. Don't be stupid. If you have interesting ideas that have nothing to do with politics there will be resources in academia for you and you can get your PhD, there's some right-wing philosophers that at least are accomplished in their fields of work because the work is apolitical and most of philosophy is apolitical, politics is not that interesting anyway, go do metaphysics instead.

>> No.18625604
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>a single boat rocked by winds blocked half the world's trade for an entire week
>a man sneezed on the soup in a kitchen in china and single-handedly cost half of mankind their jobs and ruined the world economy for years
>a bunch of script kiddies blocked the fuel pipelines running across the entire country and were only dealt with because they bragged about it
>every single company out there is now already drawing plans to replace as many of their human workers with always-online machines without even having physical access to their servers
>said human workers who, at best, will receive a "you're totally not poor bro" UBI wage that will in no way allow them any form of freedom, or at worst will be left to fend for themselves while wealth is slowly but surely getting accumulated by a tiny elite
>all this while globalism and internet economy have only been at full speed for the last 10 years

By all means, tell me how the modern world is in a structurally sound state and is not literally readying for a massive collapse?
I do not blame you, though. Every dead culture made the same mistake we're witnessing now. They assumed that the good times will last forever.

>> No.18625873

>Going to a pozzed wasteland to learn about literature and philosophy instead of something that will put food on your table
Lmao have fun working as a shopping mall cashier