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18622839 No.18622839 [Reply] [Original]

I'm unironically thinking about writing a self-help book.

>> No.18622873

>How to Write Another Worthless Self-Help Book
>By U. N. Kualafied

>> No.18622907

They should call them advice books really

>> No.18622939

Yes, write it. Is it about anons?

>> No.18622943

Will it help you?

>> No.18622949

Probably, I thought about writing one, so I can fix parts of my life and not forget what it worked and what didn't. That made me realize the importance of being able to write. People should be able to write their own self-help books.

>> No.18622975

Should probably fix the parts of your life you feel need fixing first and just take notes along the way. Nobody seeking help will listen to someone who doesn't at least appear to have their shit together (nor should they).

>> No.18622988

Who are you trying to help?

>> No.18623015

Not really, anon. That is where thinking cames in, FFS. Are you one of those sheep retards that follow those rich guys on youtube that have 'all their shit together' by scamming other people? I don't feel like helping any sheep. People have to think by themselves, every time you see something you should think if that seems good.

>> No.18623020

Also, by writing and putting it out there I can get feedback and maybe some input on the same problem by other people. So it is not like I wouldn't end up getting help either.

>> No.18623035
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It will probably be productivity and getting more done.
Yeah, basically it's what I've learned over the years.
My bank account really.
I'm not one of the retards. But I'm going to sell to them.
Go for it friend. Just stay in your lane and don't be my competition.

>> No.18623269

>Are you one of those sheep retards that follow those rich guys on youtube that have 'all their shit together' by scamming other people?
No, I don't follow anyone on youtube. I was merely advising anon that if they wanted to have any chance of being successful writing self help books they should have been able to help themselves first and people should be able to see that. Otherwise why would anyone buy it?

>> No.18623278

I'm not selling my book. I don't think it is noble to profit writing books to people in disgrace, specially considering that I don't know any anon and probably wouldn't be a lot of help. That would go against the Kantian ideal of a man.

>> No.18623283

Well if it'll help you and you think you have something to say (even if only to yourself) then go for it. Writing anything is always better than writing nothing.

>> No.18623942

I think if you want to do it you should, but wasting time making threads about it won't help you towards that goal

>> No.18624339

Maybe you'll be even more productive writing this shit, so go for it.

>> No.18624394

every book is a self-help book

>> No.18624667

get help

>> No.18624732

make it about trans drug addict pepe who turns to prostitution to pay rent, then learns about hermetic alchemy and sorcery and goes on to military greatness and invading several major foreign powers...while still having tons of gay lovers

>> No.18624744

good luck, post some bits here if you get anything written down

>> No.18624776

Seek help

>> No.18624794

seek help by looking at anon's new book

>> No.18625058

Go on /adv/ and just copy-paste anons answers from that the archive. Find the most useless and funny advice.

>> No.18625060

I'm beginning to hate /adv/: cause if you admit to fucking up anons love to criticize you. Like no shit, I fucked up and asked for advice on how to fix it: don't tell me how to solve an unrelated problem.