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File: 500 KB, 605x903, Scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18621852 No.18621852 [Reply] [Original]

>Look at how popular the Lord of the Rings is and the film version of it, which is full of a kind of degenerate version of the Wagnerian approach to things. But Wagner is the real artist, and Tolkien a kind of second-rate populariser and yet Tolkien is happily accepted by the mass of mankind today.

>> No.18621860

What a giga boomer thing to say.

>> No.18621868

Scruton was a Thatcherite faggot who loathed anyone genuinely hostile to liberalism.

>> No.18621870

Didn't he also say that anything that pervaded the popular imagination as much as Harry Potter had to have some kind of quality?

>> No.18622502

He was right.

>> No.18622512
File: 37 KB, 750x937, FB_IMG_1625645402902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner is such shit lmao
Romanticism was a mistake

>> No.18622523

Based Bong

>> No.18622528

Wagner didn't write the Kalevala

>> No.18622662

Beware of elevator music and enthusiastic cunnigulis, those are the two worst nightmares for real conservatives.

>> No.18622690

The books are completely different from the movies, and saying the novels are Wagnerian trash because the film trilogy, which have been shot 28 years after the author's death, are bombastic is disingenuous. God, why do people listen to limp-wristed neocons?

>> No.18622718

So uninteresting to flex on the masses. Yeah the peasants don't get the high brow things like meee WOW what a revelation. I would hope you have a more sophisticated taste if you get paid to get that opportunity, rather then someone laboring 9 to 5 for example who has never had any deeper cultural exposure.

>> No.18622809

regardless of if he was right about that, doesn't that directly contradict what OP quoted?

>> No.18622891


This Scrotum dude is a pseud. Stop bringing him up

>> No.18622894

Exact same bait thread posted yesterday. Why?

>> No.18622954

Where did he say Lord of the Rings didn't have quality?

>> No.18623212
File: 14 KB, 474x297, viggo mortensen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a dream where I was in a forest with a grey dog. It was missing its lower jaw. I take some dirt from the ground and I model it roughly and I fix the dog's mouth. When I look up, the dog is now Viggo Mortensen, and by Viggo Mortensen I really mean Aragorn. He smiles a bit and I hug him and I start crying and I say "dad".
I woke up crying, too. I'm still crying actually. That shit wrecked me. I hated my father and I always anted a real one.

>> No.18623302
File: 6 KB, 201x256, lord-of-the-rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Mom, can I go to see a performance of Der Ring des Nibelungen at the city opera?"
>"No, Timmy, We have Der Ring des Nibelungen at home."
>Der Ring des Nibelungen at home

>> No.18623315

just looks like a complete virgin

>> No.18623319

women/tranny insult

>> No.18623329

virgins are the women of the male gender

>> No.18623347
File: 809 KB, 1096x649, Scruton with second wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18623868

>Scruton was a Thatcherite

>> No.18623981

I'd argue the film version of it was what popularized it and made it more easily and passivly consumed. Not that it was inhenrently degenerate. Still an interesting observation made by him.
He wasn't. He in fact opposed most of her policies. I nonetheless disagree with Scruton on most economic issues.
Wagner is a Modernist.
>admiting that democritazition of literature is bad
is this the power of lefties...?

>> No.18624179

what the fuck does this mean? it felt so biblical
was Aragorn actually Jesus?

>> No.18624240

>which is full of a kind of degenerate version of the Wagnerian approach to things
Remove the adjectives from this sentence, and you get: >which is full of a kind of version of an approach to things.
I don't think this Scruton fellow should be criticizing anyone else's writing.

>> No.18624254

I wouldn't trust the writing of anyone whose name sounds like Scrotum, desu

>> No.18624258

Wagner isn't a Romanticist twittertranny.

>> No.18624262

It's a quote from a video, and he's not criticising Tolkien's writing style.

>> No.18624269

>N-No I swear the ring was coincidental!!!!

>> No.18624272


>> No.18624345
File: 136 KB, 1093x425, Wagner poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about Tolkien's writing, what do you guys think of Wagner's? Does it live up to the equality of word and music espoused in the Gesamtkunstwerk?

Pic related is from Nietzsche.

>> No.18624458


Are you joking?

>> No.18624872

The problem with judging Wagner's poetry is that you never know whether it's good or it's just good within the musical and visual context. Especially more literary moments like the following:
