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File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18621687 [Reply] [Original]

What would he think about 4chan?

>> No.18621716

He'd say "BASED!"

>> No.18621725

Just insert your fan fiction already.

>> No.18621727

He'd recognize plenty of last men here

>> No.18621744

4chan isn't last men, but failed overmen. those who crossed the rope over the abyss but fell.

>> No.18621756

Nah, plenty of life deniers in here. There are lots of stuff that are on the same level of religious superstition being shilled like it is something.

>> No.18621761


>> No.18621783

He’d be rightfully disgusted

>> No.18621832

My dude, he'd be writing some of the most epic ironic shitposts.

I'd live to read his shitposts.

>> No.18621841

This place is full of lowlifers anon, maybe less in /lit/ than other boards but 90% of the posters here are all lowlives. This includes a lot of /fit/fags, they have a typical last man mentality
Nobody here is a failed overman because he never tried

>> No.18621855
File: 199 KB, 560x754, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something along these lines

>> No.18621859

A soup of ressentiment. Not even worth coming here

>> No.18621882

Such a retard take. Specially considering how vanity took over everything else. Who is that?

>> No.18621895

It's a completely accurate take, and it's not like it means Twitter is good.

>> No.18621900

Twitter? That's the ideal thing? Jesus, how old he was when he said that?

>> No.18621906

Are you retarded?

>> No.18621923

That is the reason why you are attracted to being anonymous, anon? I mean seriously? I literally talk a bunch of shit irl, it is not like igaf about other people. If anything I'm better behaved on 4chan.

>> No.18621931

I have no idea what you're saying, which makes me think you're a retard.

>I literally talk a bunch of shit irl
>I'm better behaved on 4chan
And I was right.

>> No.18621941

Plus, the main problem is not even being scared. It usually boils down to getting banned. Are you retarded? Never saw anyone 'edgy' irl?

>> No.18621957

Because there is no reason to be a jerk to anyone, there isn't anyone in here. It all boils down to anons. I'm exactly the opposite anon, there is no reason to dislike anyone besides post. You sucking this retard dick for no good reason is a good reason for me to call you out on your bs.

>> No.18621980

People who are "edgy," whether it's online or in person, are all awkward, pathetic retards. Being edgy isn't something to be proud of, it's a sign that you have no clue how to conduct yourself civilly, which is the absolute baseline for any higher sense of humanity. But I'm going to assume that you conflate "edgy" with "masculine" because you're a dipshit and that's how dipshits think, hence why you like "edginess" in the first place. This website is for dipshits.

>> No.18621988

Yes, anon. As if grandmothers aren't 'edgy'. People who use regular social media live in fucking bubbles. This shit used to be funny, but I'm sick of it.

>> No.18621991


4Chan is full of highly-intelligent, despondent men that only need an advisor to help them. Most learn how to fix their own lives, but the newfags don't. They are going to go through hell. I remember the first day I found 4chan. I thought it was a website I wasn't suppose to be on. There was a lot of freakish porn that I didn't want to look at.

8 years later and nothing scares me more than loneliness. The myriad of gore threads and existentialist swill doesn't bother me. Alienation scares me. I need someone to love. I need to help real people. My time on this website is ending.

I suppose that's why I'm on /lit/. This is the boundary between the old me and the new me.

Or just ignore this because I'm retarded.

>> No.18622379
File: 400 KB, 1416x2048, 20210618_230949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you anon

>> No.18622579

You are such a faggot

>> No.18622642

>As if grandmothers aren't 'edgy'.
I never thought of it in those terms lmao, my grandmother is edgy as fuck.
Edgy is such a weird slang, it's almost impossible to translate.

>> No.18622730
File: 173 KB, 600x814, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is bad to live on the image boards: there, there are too many of the lustful. Is it not better to fall into the hands of a murderer, than into the dreams of a lustful waifu? And just look at these men: their eye saith it--they know nothing better on earth than to masturbate to a 2D woman.

>> No.18622789

Yeah just don't come on here anymore. Take a hiatus for while, it doesn't have to be drastic. Seems like you need a girlfriend. Go to church and meet a nice girl. I wish you well bud.

>> No.18622872

He'd laugh and join the fun. 4chan is one of the few places in the west where christian valuations have been thrown down. There are many would-be priests here but collectively they are mocked like everyone else.

>I love those that know not how to live except as down-goers, for they are the over-goers.

If there are any higher men here they are still hidden. But there are many free spirits. Not on /lit/ only theorycel fags post here.

>> No.18623032

Yeah the type of problems you have aren't going to be fixed here. You're the type of person that shouldn't be on 4chan-- You clearly need to spend your time working on building face to face relationships with people

>> No.18623116

I agree with >>18621761. Nietzsche would simply view 4chan as a place where outcasts meet. The defining feature of this website isn't stupidity/intelligence, or strength/weakness, but instead the outcast nature of the content that's shared here. Outcasts can obviously have somewhat varied personalities which is why when asked questions on 4chan lots of people strongly disagree with each other, especially compared to a website like reddit where conforming to accepted views is practically the entire appeal of the website.

>> No.18623119
File: 233 KB, 563x542, pepemagx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he'd love it and he'd post frogs all day

>> No.18623148

>thinking 4chan us the lowest of the low
what an ignorant faggot

>> No.18623626

4chan is full of nihilists, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18623636
File: 187 KB, 1114x1600, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also trying to establish contact with the outer world and board culture is boring me. Nothing quite shocks me anymore. I felt the worst of the worst and came out alive. I guess you either become resilient or you take HRT and off yourself after exposing yourself in a playground.