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[ERROR] No.18620762 [Reply] [Original]

Books which argue that women are inferior and shouldn’t be voting, driving, etc. written in the past 50 years?

>> No.18620767

We stopped writing those books to make way for progress

>> No.18620775

Most religious bs.

>> No.18620777

The progress of negrification, single motherhood, and herpes?

>> No.18620779

have sex

>> No.18620784

Probably some chud writing this but why do you want to think like a backward moron? Is not getting laid that angering to you?

>> No.18620798

If all women shouldn't vote, then most men shouldn't vote either. Only few select men would have a right to vote, logically.

>> No.18620802

Zadie a cute

>> No.18620814

she got stellar feet

>> No.18620827
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Nxivm stuff. But its probably easier and social acceptable to find a cunt who's into that kind of shit no?

>> No.18620835

My diary desu

>> No.18620838
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>> No.18620853

Wrong, at any rate. YWNBAW

>> No.18620871

Interesting how even discussion of race-related books and people like Charles Murray is permitted here, but the tranny brigade always storms in to stop discussions of women.

>> No.18620890


>> No.18620900

i despise you as a person, but maybe aristophane's "a parliament of women" could be of your liking

>> No.18620939


>> No.18621052

Wow trips batman

>> No.18621056

>i despise you as a person, but maybe aristophane's "a parliament of women" could be of your liking
Women shouldn't vote - this is obvious. They should be allowed to drive.

>> No.18621059

Take a time machine and go back to 1990s Saudi Arabia, Muhammad.

>> No.18621060


>> No.18621095

Why should women be allowed to vote?

>> No.18621102

Schopy's On women
shut the fuck up and dilate

>> No.18621105
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>> No.18621113

Kek, imagine writing a book like this

>> No.18621114

What, exactly, is the difference between a female commoner and a male commoner voting? Do you think that the right to vote, once extended to every Tom, Dick, and Harry, could reasonably have been withheld from their wives and daughters?

>> No.18621117

Would also like to know this.
Most anti-female authors seem to have died 100+ ago.

>> No.18621123

it was originally written as a parody on the theological stance that jesus was not divine so the author came up with an equally absurd argument to throw ridicule on it

>> No.18621125

This. Neither common men nor common women ought to be allowed to vote, or have any say in general. This includes myself, of course. Leaders should be raised from the cradle up to be leaders.

>> No.18621129

So it was a Renaissance (?) shitpost?

>> No.18621133

No, the people need to have a say in how the leaders are raised from the cradle.

>> No.18621139

pretty much

>> No.18621142
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return to nature

>> No.18621145

Based Plato poster

>> No.18621153

I know Plato talks about this in the Republic, but has anyone written anything on this topic in a more modern setting? It gets lampooned in BNW, but thats it

>> No.18621157

>it was originally written as a parody
this makes sense
>parody on the theological stance that jesus was not divine
kek, imagine believing jesus existed and was divine

>> No.18621161

Why, yes, I touch gigantic animals I'm not familiar with

>> No.18621172
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>The husband has by natural right the authority to govern his wife so that the family may attain its end.8 Since the souls of man and woman are in themselves by nature identical, the foundation for this authority lies in their bodily difference: since the woman gestates, bears and nourishes their children, the husband by his labour must defend and obtain the means to sustain the family, and so must be free to place it where he judges best, and to come and go in the knowledge that his children are under the supervision of their mother.9 Since his wife is a rational being,10 he ought in governing her to desire her counsel, and to explain the reasons for his decisions, as well as to recognise her right to accomplish her domestic tasks in the manner she judges best. If her domestic duties are not thereby harmed, the wife may by her husband’s consent labour outside the home, although in a well-ordered society, this will not be necessary for the maintenance of the family.11

>> No.18621202
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>> No.18621207

I hate women so much, it's unreal

>> No.18621218

can i get an unironic take on this? How good is it, is it worth reading or just meme trash?

>> No.18621231

It's rambling garbage, written (or dictated) in broken English, by a man who thinks Lovecraft is a great author. Need I say more?

>> No.18621234

yeah, are you a woman?

>> No.18621248

Look into the origins of the concept of popular sovereignty. The work of Leo Strauss contains hints.

>> No.18621249

Nope, white continental european male with a family lineage that can be traced back to around the year 1060. My grandfather had an Aryan certificate. NEED I SAY MORE?

>> No.18621268

>not even back to Charlemagne
lmao ngmi

>> No.18621269


>> No.18621279


>Not a true chad descendant of Ancient Greek boipussy conception.
ngmi, true chads are double yy. Just saying, anons.

>> No.18621295
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>t. """"""white"""""" amerimutt

>> No.18621306

Zadie's feet contain multitudes I heard

>> No.18621314

og cabk

>> No.18621417

Past 50 years? Just look for older books

>> No.18621945

>everyone in the world is a loving being; except men who ain't 10/10 chad billionaires pirate popstars

>> No.18621972

lmao triggered holes here. YOU WILL NEVER BE FERTILE AGAIN


anything that a woman has written. You instantly understand that they're inferior just by reading their own writings

>> No.18621978

Fully agree with this. Even if I am not among the few. As long as I trust their judgement. A state of any kind needs to win the faith of their subjects

>> No.18621979
