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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18620170 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an open source alternative to Goodreads? I enjoy the utility of the site I just hate amazon.

>> No.18620188


>> No.18620205

Are you retarded? thanks for the bump tho

>> No.18620244

I use library thing

>> No.18620254

Why do you care about that? It is a social network? Are you unironically unable to keep track of your books using notes?

>> No.18620265

You can literally just use folders. Just make 3 folders: library, reading and finished.

>> No.18620272

Because I am a social being and enjoy social interaction with other people. It is not impossible for that to be the case and for one to care about privacy on the interwebs.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious you dunce, this is irrelevant.

>> No.18620285

thank u

>> No.18620298

What are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.18620318

>open source
I don't think you know what these words mean

>> No.18620328

Open source chans are a thing.

>> No.18620340

some retards shilling their product that is in beta showed a few days ago. https://nupub.xyz/ it looked pretty cool, ofcourse like every other alternative, they will sell user data.

>> No.18620349

LibraryThing is minority owned by Abebooks, i.e. Amazon