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[ERROR] No.18617700 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we fear death now more than our ancestors ever did?

>> No.18617704

Because people have the ability to constantly distract themselves, thus never contemplating death to a point where they can accept it.
Also true for me, btw

>> No.18617795

Because we dont use our bodies to work. Read Uncle Ted.
Pre-modern man knew that his body could be destroyed in an instance by working or fighting. So he had to contemplate death more.

>> No.18617828

Because atheistic materialism is the religion of the 21st century

>> No.18617831
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>> No.18617832

There are two species of man, those that fear death and those that don't. Why u think soldiers often commit suicide once they are discharged, but not before?
Breakfast with the dirt cult

>> No.18617860

It's not a religion, and there is no reason to fear death if you view the world that way.

>> No.18617865

Rejoice death is not the end

>> No.18617881

It definitely is a religion

>> No.18617921

everything is a religion anon

>> No.18617933

Only christcucks and other pagans fear death

>> No.18617947

It's not barely around the corner anymore

>> No.18617951


Atheism is not a religion. Atheism is a metaphysical position about the world. Religion is another such position. FFS.

>> No.18617952

Utterly historically illiterate.

>> No.18617954

That's what I'm saying, nigga.

>> No.18617960


>> No.18617965


>> No.18617978

We don't
Talk to the average person they don't fear death more than enough bread and circuses to distract them from it
People now are afraid of different things

>> No.18617981

literally no

>> No.18617997

our ancestors also feared death. What you read when you read "your ancestors" are books written by highly educated aristocrats who were likely shielded by material misery and all kinds of general difficulties.
Any idea about the past being better than the present is a pure illusion only a child with no knowledge of history would believe. Life was always terrible, confusing, and absolutely full of pain. Some of our ancestors were more outspoken about this than others (e.g. the Greeks), but most of what you read in books is sophisticated escapism designed to keep your sanity in front of the meaninglessness of it all. This is what beauty is.

>> No.18618135

have u ever read a book?

>> No.18618163

Soldiers miss war

>> No.18618179

>there is no reason to fear death
If you love life then the though of non-existence for eternity never to be aware of anything ever again is the most terrifying thought that there is.

>> No.18618192

Their coping systems were good such as religion.
Our coping systems are bad such lack of literal believe in religion

>> No.18618199

only NPC hylics love life

>> No.18618217

luv me material representative of divinity
'ate the profane materials
simple as

>> No.18618466

How do you know they didn't fear death?

>> No.18618612

I don’t feel in a constant fear of death. I only realize I fear death when I’m on a evidently life threatening experience, like someone pointing a gun at me. And the time it has happened I didn’t face it with hysteria, just tried to take it calmly.
I feared more losing my wallet because of the work I would have to put into soliciting new cards and IDs.
I think the fear our ancestors had was bigger than the one we have nowadays. There being more life threatening things.

>> No.18618673

keep telling yourself that

>> No.18618729

The massive increase in narcissism. Mortality is an end to the image of the self: it ends beauty; it ends the consumer; it ends participation in interaction and signification.

>> No.18618746

Because we have nothing to live for. Ironically if you have something to live for it means you have something to die for, and if you're not willing to die for anything then death is utterly pointless and absurd which causes angst.

>> No.18618769

I can see how it’d help to a degree, but there are still plenty of religious writers like Montaigne who talk about fearing death. It is the great unknown. And even if you believe infinity awaits, infinity is just as incomprehensible and existentially terrifying as nothingness.

>> No.18618782

You don’t ever lay awake at night thinking about the inevitability of it all. How your life could end at any moment rendering everything you’ve built meaningless?

>> No.18618783

Our hunter-gatherer ancestors lived in the present always concerned with whether or not they could find food that day to go on living & would have had little time for leisure or contemplating death . When we switched to agricultural societies we had more leisure time & we learned to project onto the future 'will the crops bring a good yield this season or will we be ruined by drought?' for example. It seems that ironically the more further removed you are from death the more present it is in your mind. A man who faces death every day is alert to dangers in the moment but isn't threating over the idea of his abstract death in the future. A hypermodern man lives in a sterile environment with almost no immediate dangers & is constantly living in the abstract future, just think of the common interview question 'where do you see yourself in 5 years?', consequently his entire conception of himself is conceived around the idea of his death & what he must achieve before it's inevitability. Add to this a loss of belief in religion & the afterlife & maybe even the modern idea of free will instead of a fate already set out for you by the gods etc, etc.

>> No.18618847

I remember a youtube video where they interview some tribal, hunter gatherer people. When asked about what happen when they die, they said they will be thrown in some cave

>> No.18618851

I don't. Boomers do. Pussy

>> No.18618877

this is the star trek voyager episode where tuvok crashes on that planet where the benjamin button aliens go to die.

>> No.18618919

In the past death was a daily occurrence, it was not seen as an exception to life, but a regular part of it. Today the increasing length of life and the nuclearization of society into individuals has made death more like a mirage, something seen from afar and with curious eyes. Thus, modern man is fearful of death, and at the same time fascinated by it.

>> No.18618932


>> No.18618943

no. who cares

>> No.18619217

I do think about the meaninglessness of my life, but that’s not the same as fear of death.

>> No.18619230

Because they had rituals/drugs which would give a near death experience, and when you experience that you realize death isn't so bad.

>> No.18619328

because theres nothing to die for anymore

>> No.18619336

Atheism, that's literally it.

>> No.18619363

I doubt they feared death as much as is, purely by reason of having to deal with it more on a day to day than we ever do. People fear something more the less acquainted they are with it, not the more acquainted. It's why people in Third World countries aren't just depressed slugs doing nothing all day.

>> No.18619549

And yet they do

>> No.18619561

Deeper Fog.
Greater doubt.

>> No.18619586

>Montaigne who talk about fearing death. It is the great unknown.
That's because he was Montaigne and not your average fanatic christcuck, which most people were in his time. Your average believer has 100 percent faith to the point where he can kill in the name of it.

>> No.18620064



>> No.18620066


>> No.18620761

The actual reason is because infant and child mortality used rates o be so fucking high that pretty much everybody had siblings or close friends who died while they were growing up. That shit fucks with your attitude towards death. Or maybe the absence of it fucks with your attitude ... I don't know but suffice it to say death just isn't as common in first world countries or anywhere really.