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18617568 No.18617568 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if I'm the only one that does this, but I constantly daydream about being this eccentric genius who produces extraordinary works. Like those complete autists sho lead a tragic life but will forever be remembered. Honestly it's even embarrassing to admit. How to get rid of those thoughts, they are detrimental to my mental health, and are affecting my writing.

>> No.18617627
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You need to murder an old pawnbroker woman and then find redemption and salvation through Christ after a tortuous crisis of conscience.

>> No.18617986

What does it matter? Maybe if you LARP hard enough your dreams will come true.

>> No.18617989

It's called "getting older" and have no fear it will come for you just as it comes for us all. The passage of time will wear you down like the rain washes away the soil. Eventually you shall observe that many facets of yourself wash away with the passage of time and you will mourn them, thinking yourself lost. But these are just superficial garments that you are shedding, the real version of yourself will be exposed once the detritus of life's early stages is washed away. Beneath the soil lies the stone of your soul, and only through pain can it be made bare. Each tragedy and heartbreak will tear the topsoil off of it like a pickaxe or shovel, exposing more of the valuable stuff that lies beneath. You will suffer greatly and in doing so you will curse the name of God and Earth and through your tears you shall break through and your voice shall smite the heavens in ash and agony. I know not what path may lead you, but pain will make you a better writer.

That or you'll muddle about in comfortable mediocrity without ever having tasted the wine of life.

>> No.18618065

yes, go for it OP, a mediocre life is not worth living anyway
also read up on bipolar disorder

>> No.18619238

Literally how?

>> No.18619276


>> No.18619290

have you lived this yourself? will you live this yourself?

>> No.18619798

>It's called "getting older" and have no fear it will come for you just as it comes for us all. The passage of time will wear you down like the rain washes away the soil. Eventually you shall observe that many facets of yourself wash away with the passage of time and you will mourn them, thinking yourself lost. But these are just superficial garments that you are shedding, the real version of yourself will be exposed once the detritus of life's early stages is washed away.

v. nice.

>> No.18620115

>affecting my writing.
It's over, anon. You'll never be a great writer. Probably not even a good one. Now get off my Facebook feed.

>> No.18621599

It will either reveal itself to you in a dream, or else you're ngmi

>> No.18621610

and i fantasize about being able to learn extremely difficult ancient languages fluently. get over it fag.

>> No.18621865
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People who are geniuses largely dont give a fuck they are intelligent. Its more about action and carrying out the will rather than dwelling on stupid bullshit.
Instead of constantly daydreaming execute what you want to do, just get started on it. Then stop analyze it then seriously plan it out if its worthwhile or start something else.

You have unlimited potential and you could be good at anything but you have to commit yourself to something or you will constantly jump from one topic to another driving yourself mad.

At the very least to ease your pain you should lift or do physical exercises, walk in the park feed the birds. Dont neglect the little things and dont be an obsessive workaholic.

>> No.18622329

I liked being compared to the guy in "A Beautiful Mind." I consider that a compliment. Thank you. You are a very nice woman.

>> No.18622333

Dunno, therapy?

>> No.18622341

Good post.

>> No.18622370

> and then you’ll wake up from your rhetorical fantasy and find that you’re 29 and stuck in an office job without the momentum to get yourself writing anything good, let alone publishing
Let’s face it. What you wrote here sounds nice, and especially so because it sure sounds like one of the life lessons from the school of hard knocks and all but it’s not even the reality. In fact, too many people can verify that it’s the opposite which is true. My greentext is closer to the reality than anything you wrote. What you described IS the path to mediocrity. These are the enemy as is “getting older”. Call me a miser if you want but I’m not going to lie.

>> No.18622373

>How to get rid of the desire to become a genius
you keep getting targeted by greedy idiots. the only winning move is to not play.

>> No.18622773

The idea of being an "eccentric genius" is dictated by others' perceptions. Poe, Bukowski, Nietzsche etc etc would be a bunch of fuckin local weirdos if their works didn't happen to fall into public favor. There have also been many writers and artists whose "genius" is only discovered/widely regarded after their death.

The idea of the eccentric genius is just bullshit based on nothing more than an arbitrary public consensus. Just do your thing and try to make your work better by your own standards; that's the only fulfilling path.

>> No.18622851

You don't need to be an eccentric autistic virginal recluse to write good stuff and be intelligent. That's a harmful /lit/ meme.
You just need commitment.

>> No.18623228

pain isnt proportional to good writing. pain caused by the grind of writing is better correlated, but its still not one to one

>> No.18623234

All interesting experience amounts to pain but not all pain amounts to interesting experience. And you can also write interestingly from comfort and contentment.

>> No.18624091
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Literally me.

>> No.18624113

The genius ("Renaissance Man") is basically a meme that was romantically invented looking back at the Renaissance. And that was mainly just because there were so many untilled intellectual fields which could be easily mastered and cultivated, at the time, by anyone with a decent degree of intellect and passion. This isn't to diminish some of the artistic ability of some of those Renaissance men, however, they were great in their own right.

>> No.18624149

A lot of effortfags coping in this thread.

>> No.18624158

People will say you are coping or naive or delusional and most likely they are correct. But "late bloomer genius" does exist and I have seen it myself. My cousin was always an obviously intelligent person, definity above midwit but there was nothing to prove "genius". He barely did anything all day. I would come check up on him every month or so and he was just living with his parents at age 23 working a dead end job.
His parents threatened him with being kicked out if he did nothing, so he enrolled in university. Turns out he was actually a genius and finished a math degree in two years top of his class, and then immediately enrolled in a top phd program on the east coast. He's now almost thirty and if you are in the "math world" niche(I'm not) you would have maybe heard of him. Everybody in the family is proud.
Just weird how that happens. I guess the "smart but lazy" can be real sometimes

>> No.18624189
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what if I'm enthusiastic but dumb?

>> No.18624202

become a political activist

>> No.18624205

>I constantly daydream about being this eccentric genius who produces extraordinary works.
You should not curb that. you should just redirect it in a way that doesn't hurt you. I have the same issue. I want to be appreciated. I'm in contact with a rather authoritative figure who appreciates my work. This state of being is inherently painful, there's nothing you can do about it. It's like aspiring for a perfect lover, or a perfect home. You will never have it, but if you get in the mindset where you can enjoy the degree of the ideal end goal you achieved so far it might give you a push to survive another year.
That's what I do.
I wish I had a sincere picture to post but I have none. I'm still working on sincerity. Fuck post-modernism.

>> No.18624905

Nice. I'm always afraid of trying something, because when I fail I wonder if it's because I'm stupid.

>> No.18626162
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Unironically meditate. After a few months of meditating seriously my self split into two or something. I’m not sure how to describe it, but every time some delusional thought would appear such as “I’m smarter than everyone” there would be something else within me that would be conscious of it and criticize it. Over time I began to become a much more humble person by letting go of these delusional thoughts. My theory is that the less mindful you are, the more of these sorts of thoughts are able to go undetected in your psyche. You can start off with free guided meditation on youtube. Cheers, brother.

>> No.18626192

based nietzscheposter
>"This one must be an agitator: whatever goes into him comes out dull and thick, heavy with the echo of a great emptiness."