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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 460x276, TravelReading_Corbis460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1861718 No.1861718 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I would like som suggestions please. I've taken a look at the sticky, but I just don't know what to make of it. I've never read a book because I've liked to, so all I see there is a bunch of covers.

So anyhow, I've been sort of wanting to read one of those books that people always talk about, but at the same time I consider it a huge waste of time. I'll be flying a lot this summer though, so what better time to read, right?

I don't really have any preferences, or at least I wouldn't like to tell you about it because I kinda want to get out of my comfort zone or whatever. I just want one of those "must reads" or whatever, whether it's new or old. I'd prefer it if it wasn't something like 1984 though, since I roughly know what that is about. I'd like the greatness of the book to sort of sneak up on me.

Anything you could suggest from this? Greatly appreciated, thank you!

>> No.1861728

white noise

>> No.1861731

Infinite Jest

>> No.1861732

Never heard of it. Seems appreciated enough. Thanks, I'll consider it!

>> No.1861735

This actually seems better, but wtf do I know. Thanks!

>> No.1861757
File: 51 KB, 432x288, 1298741355279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

House of Leaves

>> No.1861758
File: 10 KB, 334x319, 1301846123780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that, bud

>> No.1861759

This sounds interesting, but also like sensationalist bullshit. Which is it? Should I bother with it? Your reaction images, which are completely unfamiliar to me, tells me that I should not.

>> No.1861761

Hey man, I have a few suggestions:

War and Peace, gripping from the outset, not a dull moment
Being and Nothingness, brilliant and insightful, easy to get into
Divine Comedy, poetry makes for easy reading in comparison to long awkward prose! If your flight is only an hour or two I'd advise reading this instead of a novel

>> No.1861776
File: 7 KB, 300x440, House-of-Leaves-Cover.jpg (300×440).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very, very good book.
But it plays with the structure of narrative in a way that's completely insane to entry-level readers.

It's also intentionally uneven -
narrators have long nonsensical run-on passages not to convey any useful information,
but just to show that yes, they are kind of crazy.

Personally, it's one of the most rewarding literary experiences I've had.
In the same way that 'getting' 2001 and beating Demon's Souls are rewarding.

>> No.1861783

Well, I chucked Demon's Souls after an hour or two.. But I'm thinking I may give this book a try. War and Peace & Being and Nothingness seems alright as well.

>> No.1861786
File: 398 KB, 971x1354, Page-134-house-of-leaves-672677_971_1354.gif (971×1354).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The page structure also gets more and more bonkers as time goes on.
Starts out normal enough, but then footnotes just get weird.

>> No.1861791

White Noise - Don DeLillo. It's funny, accessible and serious as well. One of the most important books of its time, but actually a really enjoyable read.

>> No.1861795

lol, it sounds kinda hilarious though. Maybe it will keep me from losing interest somehow.. Not to be presumptuous, but I got a damn masters i CS, I'm not stupid. How badly could a novel hurt my self-esteem? Bring it on, I say!

Thanks, I'm probably going to look for this one tomorrow, unless someone has anything else to recommend.

>> No.1861797
File: 51 KB, 339x298, 1305069302715.png (339×298).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chucked Demon's Souls
disregard House of Leaves guy

your lack of commitment and dedication probably prevents you from enjoying any significant piece of literature.

>> No.1861799

>house of leaves
>significant literature

>> No.1861801
File: 14 KB, 120x122, kyuukyuu-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just couldn't afford it

>> No.1861805

Hey now, I got plenty of commitment and dedication when I choose to.. Deamon's Souls was completely an experiment for me. I've never really liked that sort of games and I simply couldn't stand the mechanics.

>> No.1861806
File: 121 KB, 400x300, 1300139540094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a House of Leaves thread to me.

>> No.1861812

don't you fucking dare read house of leaves op

>> No.1861833

How 'bout the adventures of Sherlock Holmes? It's good stuff, and the stories are short so you can quit any time.

I would also recommend The Plague Dogs or Watership Down by Richard Adams if you want stories that involve an adventure/journey of some kind (told by animals!), Slaughterhouse-Five if you would like to read something funny, somewhat dark, and unusual, Johnny Got His Gun if you'd like some straight up "war sucks" readin', "Notes From Undergound" if you want to read a short book about someone who is completely miserable and deplorable (and introduce yourself to Dostoevsky), or various short stories by Edgar Allan Poe; you already know what those are generally about, and they're pretty enjoyable. Those are some "must reads" that I imagine won't be boring for someone who isn't a habitual reader.

>> No.1861841

I can't stand Doyle's prose.
There's just something disgusting about the way he writes,
that late Victorian/Edwardian drivel.

The stories themselves don't help.
I was once... compelled to read Hound of the Baskervilles for a course and it bored me to tears.